Class X509v2AttributeCertificateBuilder

  • public class X509v2AttributeCertificateBuilder
    extends java.lang.Object
    class to produce an X.509 Version 2 AttributeCertificate.
    • Constructor Detail

      • X509v2AttributeCertificateBuilder

        public X509v2AttributeCertificateBuilder​(AttributeCertificateHolder holder,
                                                 AttributeCertificateIssuer issuer,
                                                 java.math.BigInteger serialNumber,
                                                 java.util.Date notBefore,
                                                 java.util.Date notAfter)
        Base constructor.
        holder - holder certificate details
        issuer - issuer of this attribute certificate.
        serialNumber - serial number of this attribute certificate.
        notBefore - the date before which the certificate is not valid.
        notAfter - the date after which the certificate is not valid.
      • X509v2AttributeCertificateBuilder

        public X509v2AttributeCertificateBuilder​(AttributeCertificateHolder holder,
                                                 AttributeCertificateIssuer issuer,
                                                 java.math.BigInteger serialNumber,
                                                 java.util.Date notBefore,
                                                 java.util.Date notAfter,
                                                 java.util.Locale dateLocale)
        Base constructor with locale for interpreting dates. You may need to use this constructor if the default locale doesn't use a Gregorian calender so that the GeneralizedTime produced is compatible with other ASN.1 implementations.
        holder - holder certificate details
        issuer - issuer of this attribute certificate.
        serialNumber - serial number of this attribute certificate.
        notBefore - the date before which the certificate is not valid.
        notAfter - the date after which the certificate is not valid.
        dateLocale - locale to be used for date interpretation.
      • X509v2AttributeCertificateBuilder

        public X509v2AttributeCertificateBuilder​(X509AttributeCertificateHolder template)
        Create a builder for a version 2 attribute certificate, initialised with another certificate.
        template - template certificate to base the new one on.
    • Method Detail

      • hasExtension

        public boolean hasExtension​(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid)
        Return if the extension indicated by OID is present.
        oid - the OID for the extension of interest.
        the Extension, or null if it is not present.
      • getExtension

        public org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Extension getExtension​(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid)
        Return the current value of the extension for OID.
        oid - the OID for the extension we want to fetch.
        true if a matching extension is present, false otherwise.
      • addAttribute

        public X509v2AttributeCertificateBuilder addAttribute​(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier attrType,
                                                              org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable attrValue)
        Add an attribute to the certification request we are building.
        attrType - the OID giving the type of the attribute.
        attrValue - the ASN.1 structure that forms the value of the attribute.
        this builder object.
      • addAttribute

        public X509v2AttributeCertificateBuilder addAttribute​(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier attrType,
                                                              org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable[] attrValues)
        Add an attribute with multiple values to the certification request we are building.
        attrType - the OID giving the type of the attribute.
        attrValues - an array of ASN.1 structures that form the value of the attribute.
        this builder object.
      • setIssuerUniqueId

        public void setIssuerUniqueId​(boolean[] iui)
      • addExtension

        public X509v2AttributeCertificateBuilder addExtension​(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid,
                                                              boolean isCritical,
                                                              org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable value)
                                                       throws CertIOException
        Add a given extension field for the standard extensions tag made up of the passed in parameters.
        oid - the OID defining the extension type.
        isCritical - true if the extension is critical, false otherwise.
        value - the ASN.1 structure that forms the extension's value.
        this builder object.
      • addExtension

        public X509v2AttributeCertificateBuilder addExtension​(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid,
                                                              boolean isCritical,
                                                              byte[] encodedValue)
                                                       throws CertIOException
        Add a given extension field for the standard extensions using a byte encoding of the extension value.
        oid - the OID defining the extension type.
        isCritical - true if the extension is critical, false otherwise.
        encodedValue - a byte array representing the encoding of the extension value.
        this builder object.
      • replaceExtension

        public X509v2AttributeCertificateBuilder replaceExtension​(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid,
                                                                  boolean isCritical,
                                                                  org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable value)
                                                           throws CertIOException
        Replace the extension field for the passed in extension's extension ID with a new version.
        oid - the OID defining the extension type.
        isCritical - true if the extension is critical, false otherwise.
        value - the ASN.1 structure that forms the extension's value.
        this builder object.
        CertIOException - if there is an issue with the new extension value.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the extension to be replaced is not present.
      • replaceExtension

        public X509v2AttributeCertificateBuilder replaceExtension​(org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Extension extension)
                                                           throws CertIOException
        Replace the extension field for the passed in extension's extension ID with a new version.
        extension - the full extension value.
        this builder object.
        CertIOException - if there is an issue with the new extension value.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the extension to be replaced is not present.
      • replaceExtension

        public X509v2AttributeCertificateBuilder replaceExtension​(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid,
                                                                  boolean isCritical,
                                                                  byte[] encodedValue)
                                                           throws CertIOException
        Replace a given extension field for the standard extensions tag (tag 3) with the passed in byte encoded extension value.
        oid - the OID defining the extension type.
        isCritical - true if the extension is critical, false otherwise.
        encodedValue - a byte array representing the encoding of the extension value.
        this builder object.
        CertIOException - if there is an issue with the new extension value.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the extension to be replaced is not present.
      • removeExtension

        public X509v2AttributeCertificateBuilder removeExtension​(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid)
        Remove the extension indicated by OID.
        oid - the OID of the extension to be removed.
        this builder object.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the extension to be removed is not present.
      • build

        public X509AttributeCertificateHolder build​(ContentSigner signer)
        Generate an X509 certificate, based on the current issuer and subject using the passed in signer.
        signer - the content signer to be used to generate the signature validating the certificate.
        a holder containing the resulting signed certificate.