aqbanking  5.7.8
banking_imex.h File Reference
#include <aqbanking/imexporter.h>
#include <aqbanking/account.h>
#include <aqbanking/transaction.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


Plugin Handling
AB_IMEXPORTERAB_Banking_GetImExporter (AB_BANKING *ab, const char *name)
GWEN_DB_NODE * AB_Banking_GetImExporterProfiles (AB_BANKING *ab, const char *imExporterName)
GWEN_DB_NODE * AB_Banking_GetImExporterProfile (AB_BANKING *ab, const char *imExporterName, const char *profileName)
int AB_Banking_SaveLocalImExporterProfile (AB_BANKING *ab, const char *imexporterName, GWEN_DB_NODE *dbProfile, const char *fname)
Convenience Functions for Import/Export

For import and exports the following objects are generally needed:

  • im/exporter module (e.g. "csv", "ofx", "swift")
  • im/export profile with the settings for the im/exporter module (e.g. "SWIFT-MT940" for the "swift" importer)
  • im/export context (needed on import to store imported data, on export to hold the data to export)
  • source/destination for the data to import/export (e.g. a CSV-file, OFX file etc)

To make it easier for applications to import/export data this group contains some convenience functions which automatically load the appropriate im/exporter plugin and a selected im/exporter settings profile.

The raw im/export API of AqBanking works with GWEN_SYNCIO objects as source/destination for the formatted data. Such a GWEN_SYNCIO object can be a file or a buffer in memory. However, the functions in this group allow you just to specify the file to import from/export to and leave the gory details of setting up a GWEN_SYNCIO to AqBanking.

There are functions to:

  • import from a file
  • import from a memory buffer
  • export to a file
  • export to a memory buffer
int AB_Banking_FillGapsInImExporterContext (AB_BANKING *ab, AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT *iec)
void AB_Banking_FillGapsInTransaction (AB_BANKING *ab, AB_ACCOUNT *localAccount, AB_TRANSACTION *t)
int AB_Banking_ExportToBuffer (AB_BANKING *ab, AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *exporterName, const char *profileName, GWEN_BUFFER *buf)
int AB_Banking_ExportToFile (AB_BANKING *ab, AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *exporterName, const char *profileName, const char *fileName)
int AB_Banking_ExportToFileWithProfile (AB_BANKING *ab, const char *exporterName, AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *profileName, const char *profileFile, const char *outputFileName)
int AB_Banking_ExportWithProfile (AB_BANKING *ab, const char *exporterName, AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *profileName, const char *profileFile, GWEN_SYNCIO *sio)
int AB_Banking_ImportBuffer (AB_BANKING *ab, AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *exporterName, const char *profileName, GWEN_BUFFER *buf)
int AB_Banking_ImportFileWithProfile (AB_BANKING *ab, const char *importerName, AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *profileName, const char *profileFile, const char *inputFileName)
int AB_Banking_ImportWithProfile (AB_BANKING *ab, const char *importerName, AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *profileName, const char *profileFile, GWEN_SYNCIO *sio)