aqbanking  5.7.8
Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
aqbanking/account.h File Reference
#include <gwenhywfar/misc.h>
#include <gwenhywfar/list2.h>
#include <gwenhywfar/inherit.h>
#include <gwenhywfar/types.h>
#include <gwenhywfar/db.h>
#include <gwenhywfar/stringlist.h>
#include <aqbanking/error.h>
#include <aqbanking/banking.h>
#include <aqbanking/provider.h>
#include <aqbanking/job.h>
#include <aqbanking/user.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


typedef struct AB_ACCOUNT AB_ACCOUNT


  AB_AccountType_Unknown =0, AB_AccountType_Bank, AB_AccountType_CreditCard, AB_AccountType_Checking,
  AB_AccountType_Savings, AB_AccountType_Investment, AB_AccountType_Cash, AB_AccountType_MoneyMarket,
  AB_AccountType_Credit, AB_AccountType_Last


void AB_Account_List2_FreeAll (AB_ACCOUNT_LIST2 *al)
AB_ACCOUNTAB_Account_List2_GetAccountByUniqueId (const AB_ACCOUNT_LIST2 *al, uint32_t aid)
void AB_Account_free (AB_ACCOUNT *acc)
AB_BANKINGAB_Account_GetBanking (const AB_ACCOUNT *acc)
AB_ACCOUNT_TYPE AB_Account_GetAccountType (const AB_ACCOUNT *acc)
void AB_Account_SetAccountType (AB_ACCOUNT *acc, AB_ACCOUNT_TYPE t)
uint32_t AB_Account_GetUniqueId (const AB_ACCOUNT *acc)
void AB_Account_SetUniqueId (AB_ACCOUNT *acc, uint32_t id)
const char * AB_Account_GetBackendName (const AB_ACCOUNT *acc)
AB_PROVIDERAB_Account_GetProvider (const AB_ACCOUNT *acc)
const char * AB_Account_GetAccountNumber (const AB_ACCOUNT *acc)
void AB_Account_SetAccountNumber (AB_ACCOUNT *acc, const char *s)
const char * AB_Account_GetSubAccountId (const AB_ACCOUNT *acc)
void AB_Account_SetSubAccountId (AB_ACCOUNT *acc, const char *s)
const char * AB_Account_GetBankCode (const AB_ACCOUNT *acc)
void AB_Account_SetBankCode (AB_ACCOUNT *acc, const char *s)
const char * AB_Account_GetAccountName (const AB_ACCOUNT *acc)
void AB_Account_SetAccountName (AB_ACCOUNT *acc, const char *s)
const char * AB_Account_GetBankName (const AB_ACCOUNT *acc)
void AB_Account_SetBankName (AB_ACCOUNT *acc, const char *s)
const char * AB_Account_GetIBAN (const AB_ACCOUNT *a)
void AB_Account_SetIBAN (AB_ACCOUNT *a, const char *s)
const char * AB_Account_GetBIC (const AB_ACCOUNT *a)
void AB_Account_SetBIC (AB_ACCOUNT *a, const char *s)
const char * AB_Account_GetOwnerName (const AB_ACCOUNT *acc)
void AB_Account_SetOwnerName (AB_ACCOUNT *acc, const char *s)
const char * AB_Account_GetCurrency (const AB_ACCOUNT *acc)
void AB_Account_SetCurrency (AB_ACCOUNT *acc, const char *s)
const char * AB_Account_GetCountry (const AB_ACCOUNT *acc)
void AB_Account_SetCountry (AB_ACCOUNT *acc, const char *s)
AB_USER_LIST2AB_Account_GetUsers (const AB_ACCOUNT *acc)
AB_USERAB_Account_GetFirstUser (const AB_ACCOUNT *acc)
int AB_Account_HasUser (const AB_ACCOUNT *a, uint32_t uid)
void AB_Account_SetUsers (AB_ACCOUNT *acc, const AB_USER_LIST2 *ul)
void AB_Account_SetUser (AB_ACCOUNT *acc, const AB_USER *u)
AB_USER_LIST2AB_Account_GetSelectedUsers (const AB_ACCOUNT *acc)
AB_USERAB_Account_GetFirstSelectedUser (const AB_ACCOUNT *acc)
int AB_Account_HasSelectedUser (const AB_ACCOUNT *a, uint32_t uid)
void AB_Account_SetSelectedUsers (AB_ACCOUNT *acc, const AB_USER_LIST2 *ul)
void AB_Account_SetSelectedUser (AB_ACCOUNT *a, const AB_USER *u)