aqbanking  5.7.8
AB_BankInfoService (public)

This page describes the properties of AB_BANKINFO_SERVICE


The following types have been registered with AqBanking:

Set this property with AB_BankInfoService_SetType, get it with AB_BankInfoService_GetType


For most services this is the URL or hostname of the server.

Set this property with AB_BankInfoService_SetAddress, get it with AB_BankInfoService_GetAddress


For IP based services this is the port to be used (if omitted a default value suitable for the service is chosen).

Set this property with AB_BankInfoService_SetSuffix, get it with AB_BankInfoService_GetSuffix


The content of this field depends on the service type. For HBCI this is the protocol version to be used:

For EBICS this is also the protocol version:

Set this property with AB_BankInfoService_SetPversion, get it with AB_BankInfoService_GetPversion


The content of this field depends on the service type. For HBCI the following values are used:

Set this property with AB_BankInfoService_SetMode, get it with AB_BankInfoService_GetMode


This field contains some service-dependent user flags. For HBCI these are the flags of AH_USER (e.g. forceSslv3 etc).

Set this property with AB_BankInfoService_SetUserFlags, get it with AB_BankInfoService_GetUserFlags


For HTTP-based protocols this is the HTTP version to be used:

Set this property with AB_BankInfoService_SetHversion, get it with AB_BankInfoService_GetHversion


This is a multi purpose field to be used by a bankinfo plugin as it sees fit. OFX uses this to store the FID from the bankinfo file. EBICS stores the HOSTID here.

Set this property with AB_BankInfoService_SetAux1, get it with AB_BankInfoService_GetAux1


This is a multi purpose field to be used by a bankinfo plugin as it sees fit. OFX uses this to store the ORG field from the bankinfo file.

Set this property with AB_BankInfoService_SetAux2, get it with AB_BankInfoService_GetAux2


This is a multi purpose field to be used by a bankinfo plugin as it sees fit. OFX uses this to store the APPID field from the bankinfo file.

Set this property with AB_BankInfoService_SetAux3, get it with AB_BankInfoService_GetAux3


This is a multi purpose field to be used by a bankinfo plugin as it sees fit. OFX uses this to store the APPVER field from the bankinfo file.

Set this property with AB_BankInfoService_SetAux4, get it with AB_BankInfoService_GetAux4