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27.4 Evolution

The evolution function combines the results of a stepping function and control function to reliably advance the solution forward one step using an acceptable step-size.

Function: gsl_odeiv2_evolve * gsl_odeiv2_evolve_alloc (size_t dim)

This function returns a pointer to a newly allocated instance of an evolution function for a system of dim dimensions.

Function: int gsl_odeiv2_evolve_apply (gsl_odeiv2_evolve * e, gsl_odeiv2_control * con, gsl_odeiv2_step * step, const gsl_odeiv2_system * sys, double * t, double t1, double * h, double y[])

This function advances the system (e, sys) from time t and position y using the stepping function step. The new time and position are stored in t and y on output.

The initial step-size is taken as h. The control function con is applied to check whether the local error estimated by the stepping function step using step-size h exceeds the required error tolerance. If the error is too high, the step is retried by calling step with a decreased step-size. This process is continued until an acceptable step-size is found. An estimate of the local error for the step can be obtained from the components of the array e->yerr[].

If the user-supplied functions defined in the system sys returns GSL_EBADFUNC, the function returns immediately with the same return code. In this case the user must call gsl_odeiv2_step_reset and gsl_odeiv2_evolve_reset before calling this function again.

Otherwise, if the user-supplied functions defined in the system sys or the stepping function step return a status other than GSL_SUCCESS, the step is retried with a decreased step-size. If the step-size decreases below machine precision, a status of GSL_FAILURE is returned if the user functions returned GSL_SUCCESS. Otherwise the value returned by user function is returned. If no acceptable step can be made, t and y will be restored to their pre-step values and h contains the final attempted step-size.

If the step is successful the function returns a suggested step-size for the next step in h. The maximum time t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of t will be set to t1 exactly.

Function: int gsl_odeiv2_evolve_apply_fixed_step (gsl_odeiv2_evolve * e, gsl_odeiv2_control * con, gsl_odeiv2_step * step, const gsl_odeiv2_system * sys, double * t, const double h, double y[])

This function advances the ODE-system (e, sys, con) from time t and position y using the stepping function step by a specified step size h. If the local error estimated by the stepping function exceeds the desired error level, the step is not taken and the function returns GSL_FAILURE. Otherwise the value returned by user function is returned.

Function: int gsl_odeiv2_evolve_reset (gsl_odeiv2_evolve * e)

This function resets the evolution function e. It should be used whenever the next use of e will not be a continuation of a previous step.

Function: void gsl_odeiv2_evolve_free (gsl_odeiv2_evolve * e)

This function frees all the memory associated with the evolution function e.

Function: int gsl_odeiv2_evolve_set_driver (gsl_odeiv2_evolve * e, const gsl_odeiv2_driver * d)

This function sets a pointer of the driver object d for evolve object e.

If a system has discontinuous changes in the derivatives at known points, it is advisable to evolve the system between each discontinuity in sequence. For example, if a step-change in an external driving force occurs at times t_a, t_b and t_c then evolution should be carried out over the ranges (t_0,t_a), (t_a,t_b), (t_b,t_c), and (t_c,t_1) separately and not directly over the range (t_0,t_1).

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