Interface ModelBuilder<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of model to build
All Superinterfaces:
ConfigurableLauncher<ModelBuilder<T>>, LongRunningOperation

public interface ModelBuilder<T> extends ConfigurableLauncher<ModelBuilder<T>>
A ModelBuilder allows you to fetch a snapshot of some model for a project or a build. Instances of ModelBuilder are not thread-safe.

You use a ModelBuilder as follows:

 ProjectConnection connection = GradleConnector.newConnector()
    .forProjectDirectory(new File("someFolder"))

 try {
    ModelBuilder<GradleProject> builder = connection.model(GradleProject.class);

    //if you use a different than usual build file name:
    builder.withArguments("--build-file", "theBuild.gradle");

    //configure the standard input in case your build is interactive:
    builder.setStandardInput(new ByteArrayInputStream("consume this!".getBytes()));

    //if you want to listen to the progress events:
    ProgressListener listener = null; // use your implementation

    //get the model:
    GradleProject project = builder.get();

    //query the model for information:
    System.out.println("Available tasks: " + project.getTasks());
 } finally {