Class SigningExtension


public class SigningExtension extends Object
The global signing configuration for a project.
  • Field Details


      public static final String DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_NAME
      The name of the configuration that all signature artifacts will be placed into ("signatures")
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SigningExtension

      public SigningExtension(Project project)
      Configures the signing settings for the given project.
  • Method Details

    • getProject

      public final Project getProject()
    • setRequired

      public void setRequired(boolean required)
      Whether or not this task should fail if no signatory or signature type are configured at generation time.
    • setRequired

      public void setRequired(Object required)
      Whether or not this task should fail if no signatory or signature type are configured at generation time. If required is a Callable, it will be stored and "called" on demand (i.e. when isRequired() is called) and the return value will be interpreting according to the Groovy Truth. For example:
       signing {
         required = { gradle.taskGraph.hasTask("uploadArchives") }
      Because the task graph is not known until Gradle starts executing, we must use defer the decision. We can do this via using a Closure (which is a Callable). For any other type, the value will be stored and evaluated on demand according to the Groovy Truth.
       signing {
         required = false
    • isRequired

      public boolean isRequired()
      Whether or not this task should fail if no signatory or signature type are configured at generation time.

      Defaults to true.

      See Also:
    • getDefaultConfiguration

      protected Configuration getDefaultConfiguration()
      Provides the configuration that signature artifacts are added to. Called once during construction.
    • createSignatureTypeProvider

      protected SignatureTypeProvider createSignatureTypeProvider()
      Provides the signature type provider. Called once during construction.
    • createSignatoryProvider

      protected SignatoryProvider createSignatoryProvider()
      Provides the signatory provider. Called once during construction.
    • signatories

      public SignatoryProvider signatories(Closure closure)
      Configures the signatory provider (delegating to its configure method).
      closure - the signatory provider configuration DSL
      the configured signatory provider
    • getSignatory

      public Signatory getSignatory()
      The signatory that will be used for signing when an explicit signatory has not been specified.

      Delegates to the signatory provider's default signatory.

    • getSignatureType

      public SignatureType getSignatureType()
      The signature type that will be used for signing files when an explicit signature type has not been specified.

      Delegates to the signature type provider's default type.

    • setSignatureTypes

      public void setSignatureTypes(SignatureTypeProvider signatureTypes)
    • getSignatureTypes

      public SignatureTypeProvider getSignatureTypes()
    • setSignatories

      public void setSignatories(SignatoryProvider signatories)
    • setConfiguration

      public void setConfiguration(Configuration configuration)
    • getConfiguration

      public Configuration getConfiguration()
      The configuration that signature artifacts are added to.
    • addSignatureSpecConventions

      protected void addSignatureSpecConventions(SignatureSpec spec)
      Adds conventions to the given spec, using this settings object's default signatory and signature type as the default signatory and signature type for the spec.
    • sign

      public List<Sign> sign(Task... tasks)
      Creates signing tasks that depend on and sign the "archive" produced by the given tasks.

      The created tasks will be named "sign<input task name capitalized>". That is, given a task with the name "jar" the created task will be named "signJar".

      If the task is not an AbstractArchiveTask, an InvalidUserDataException will be thrown.

      The signature artifact for the created task is added to the for this settings object.

      tasks - The tasks whose archives are to be signed
      the created tasks.
    • sign

      public List<Sign> sign(Configuration... configurations)
      Creates signing tasks that sign all of the artifacts of the given configurations.

      The created tasks will be named "sign<configuration name capitalized>". That is, given a configuration with the name "archives" the created task will be named "signArchives". The signature artifact for the created task is added to the for this settings object.

      configurations - The configurations whose archives are to be signed
      the created tasks.
    • addSignaturesToConfiguration

      protected Object addSignaturesToConfiguration(Sign task, Configuration configuration)
    • sign

      public SignOperation sign(PublishArtifact... publishArtifacts)
      Digitally signs the publish artifacts, generating signature files alongside them.

      The project's default signatory and default signature type from the signing settings will be used to generate the signature. The returned sign operation gives access to the created signature files.

      If there is no configured default signatory available, the sign operation will fail.

      publishArtifacts - The publish artifacts to sign
      The executed sign operation
    • sign

      public SignOperation sign(File... files)
      Digitally signs the files, generating signature files alongside them.

      The project's default signatory and default signature type from the signing settings will be used to generate the signature. The returned sign operation gives access to the created signature files.

      If there is no configured default signatory available, the sign operation will fail.

      files - The files to sign.
      The executed sign operation.
    • sign

      public SignOperation sign(String classifier, File... files)
      Digitally signs the files, generating signature files alongside them.

      The project's default signatory and default signature type from the signing settings will be used to generate the signature. The returned sign operation gives access to the created signature files.

      If there is no configured default signatory available, the sign operation will fail.

      classifier - The classifier to assign to the created signature artifacts.
      files - The publish artifacts to sign.
      The executed sign operation.
    • sign

      public SignOperation sign(Closure closure)
      Creates a new sign operation using the given closure to configure it before executing it.

      The project's default signatory and default signature type from the signing settings will be used to generate the signature. The returned sign operation gives access to the created signature files.

      If there is no configured default signatory available (and one is not explicitly specified in this operation's configuration), the sign operation will fail.

      closure - The configuration of the sign operation.
      The executed sign operation.
    • signPom

      public Signature signPom(MavenDeployment mavenDeployment, Closure closure)
      Signs the POM artifact for the given Maven deployment.

      You can use this method to sign the generated POM when publishing to a Maven repository with the Maven plugin.

       uploadArchives {
         repositories {
           mavenDeployer {
             beforeDeployment { MavenDeployment deployment ->

      You can optionally provide a configuration closure to fine tune the sign operation for the POM.

      If isRequired() is false and the signature cannot be generated (e.g. no configured signatory), this method will silently do nothing. That is, a signature for the POM file will not be uploaded.

      Note: Signing the generated POM file generated by the Maven Publishing plugin is currently not supported. Future versions of Gradle might add this functionality.

      mavenDeployment - The deployment to sign the POM of
      closure - the configuration of the underlying sign operation for the POM (optional)
      the generated signature artifact
    • signPom

      public Signature signPom(MavenDeployment mavenDeployment)
      Signs the POM artifact for the given Maven deployment.

      You can use this method to sign the generated POM when publishing to a Maven repository with the Maven plugin.

       uploadArchives {
         repositories {
           mavenDeployer {
             beforeDeployment { MavenDeployment deployment ->

      You can optionally provide a configuration closure to fine tune the sign operation for the POM.

      If isRequired() is false and the signature cannot be generated (e.g. no configured signatory), this method will silently do nothing. That is, a signature for the POM file will not be uploaded.

      Note: Signing the generated POM file generated by the Maven Publishing plugin is currently not supported. Future versions of Gradle might add this functionality.

      mavenDeployment - The deployment to sign the POM of
      the generated signature artifact
    • doSignOperation

      protected SignOperation doSignOperation(Closure setup)
    • doSignOperation

      protected SignOperation doSignOperation(Action<SignOperation> setup)
    • getSignatories

      public SignatoryProvider getSignatories()