Interface PlayApplicationSpec

All Superinterfaces:
ApplicationSpec, ComponentSpec, GeneralComponentSpec, ModelElement, Named, PlatformAwareComponentSpec, PlayPlatformAwareComponentSpec, SourceComponentSpec, VariantComponent, VariantComponentSpec

@Incubating public interface PlayApplicationSpec extends ApplicationSpec, PlayPlatformAwareComponentSpec
Definition of a Play Framework software component that is built by Gradle.
  • Method Details

    • platform

      void platform(Object platformRequirements)
      Specifies a PlayPlatform with a given set of requirements that this component should be built be for. Can accept a map of play, scala and/or java requirements or a string representation of the desired play platform.
           model {
                components {
                    play {
                        platform 'play-2.3.9'
                        platform play: '2.3.2'
                        platform play: '2.3.6', scala: '2.10'
                        platform play: '2.3.7', scala: '2.11', java: '1.8'
      Specified by:
      platform in interface PlayPlatformAwareComponentSpec
      platformRequirements - Map of Play requirements or the name of an Play platform.
    • setInjectedRoutesGenerator

      void setInjectedRoutesGenerator(boolean injectedRoutesGenerator)
      Configures the style of router to use with this application.

      By default, a static routes generator is used to generate a singleton router. This requires that all the actions that the router invokes on the application's controllers are either Scala singleton objects, or Java static methods.

      In Play 2.4+, a injected routes generator is recommended. This requires that the router declares its dependencies to the application's controllers in its constructor. The controllers methods need to be instance methods.

      injectedRoutesGenerator - false if a static router should be generated (default). true if an injected router should be generated.
    • getInjectedRoutesGenerator

      boolean getInjectedRoutesGenerator()
      Will an injected router be generated for this application?
      false if a static router will be generated for the application, true if an injected router will be generated.