Interface DependencySubstitution

@Incubating public interface DependencySubstitution
Provides means to substitute a different dependency during resolution.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The requested dependency, before it is resolved.
    useTarget(Object notation)
    This method can be used to replace a dependency before it is resolved, e.g.
  • Method Details

    • getRequested

      ComponentSelector getRequested()
      The requested dependency, before it is resolved. The requested dependency does not change even if there are multiple dependency substitution rules that manipulate the dependency metadata.
    • useTarget

      void useTarget(Object notation)
      This method can be used to replace a dependency before it is resolved, e.g. change group, name or version (or all three of them), or replace it with a project dependency. Accepted notations are:
      • Strings encoding group:module:version, like 'org.gradle:gradle-core:2.4'
      • Maps like [group: 'org.gradle', name: 'gradle-core', version: '2.4']
      • Project instances like project(":api")
      • Any instance of ModuleComponentSelector or ProjectComponentSelector
      notation - the notation that gets parsed into an instance of ComponentSelector.