Interface DependenciesMetadata

All Superinterfaces:
Collection<DependencyMetadata>, Iterable<DependencyMetadata>

@Incubating public interface DependenciesMetadata extends Collection<DependencyMetadata>
Describes the dependencies of a variant declared in a resolved component's metadata, which typically originate from a component descriptor (Gradle metadata file, Ivy file, Maven POM). This interface can be used to adjust the dependencies of a published component via metadata rules (see ComponentMetadataHandler.
  • Method Details

    • add

      void add(String dependencyNotation)
      Add a dependency using the string notation: group:name:version.
      dependencyNotation - the dependency
    • add

      void add(Map<String,String> dependencyNotation)
      Add a dependency using the map notation: group: group, name: name, version: version.
      dependencyNotation - the dependency
    • add

      void add(String dependencyNotation, Action<DependencyMetadata> configureAction)
      Add a dependency using the string notation: group:name:version.
      dependencyNotation - the dependency
      configureAction - action to configure details of the dependency - see DependencyMetadata
    • add

      void add(Map<String,String> dependencyNotation, Action<DependencyMetadata> configureAction)
      Add a dependency using the map notation: group: group, name: name, version: version.
      dependencyNotation - the dependency
      configureAction - action to configure details of the dependency - see DependencyMetadata