Geogrid-Viewer ascii overlay file (.ovl) (ggv_ovl)

This format can...

Overlay files used by Geogrid™-Viewer has to be in ASCII format. Make sure you save the files correctly.

Lines or polygons within the Geogrid™-Viewer (type 3 and 4) will be converted to tracks, except they are grouped. In this case GPSBabel creates routes.

During the creation of an overlay file, a circle will be added to each position of a waypoint or a route.

Sample layout of the ASCII overlay file

    [Symbol <number # >]
    Typ=<1=picture,2=Text, 3=line, 4=area, 5=rectangle, 6=circle, 7=triangle>
    Group=<1=no group, number > 1=group number>
    Col=<number of the line color>
    Zoom=<1=no zoom, 2=zoom>
    Size=<size can be between 101 and 118>
    Punkte=<number of XKoord>
    XKoord0=<decimal X coordinate (Longitude) of the waypoint>
    YKoord0=<decimal Y coordinate (Latitude) of the waypoint>
    MapName=Top. Karte 1:50.000 Nieders.
    ZoomFc=<zoom level of the map>
    CenterLat=<map center in decimal Y coordinates>
    CenterLong=<map center in decimal X coordinates of >