All PostScript printers or viewers should know about the standard set of Adobe fonts Times-Roman, Helvetica, Courier, and Symbol. It is likely that many additional fonts are also available, but the specific set depends on your system or printer configuration. Gnuplot does not know or care about this; the output *.ps or *.eps files that it creates will simply refer to whatever font names you request.
set term postscript eps font "Times-Roman,12"will produce output that is suitable for all printers and viewers.
On the other hand
set term postscript eps font "Garamond-Premier-Pro-Italic"will produce an output file that contains valid PostScript, but since it refers to a specialized font, only some printers or viewers will be able to display the specific font that was requested. Most will substitute a different font.
However, it is possible to embed a specific font in the output file so that
all printers will be able to use it. This requires that the a suitable font
description file is available on your system. Note that some font files require
specific licensing if they are to be embedded in this way.
See postscript fontfile (p. ) for more detailed description and examples.