set terminal svg {size <x>,<y> {|fixed|dynamic}} {mouse} {standalone | jsdir <dirname>} {name <plotname>} {font "<fontname>{,<fontsize>}"} {{no}enhanced} {fontscale <multiplier>} {rounded|butt|square} {solid|dashed} {linewidth <lw>} {background <rgb_color>}
where 4#4x5#5 and 4#4y5#5 are the size of the SVG plot to generate, dynamic allows a svg-viewer to resize plot, whereas the default setting, fixed, will request an absolute size.
linewidth 4#4w5#5 increases the width of all lines used in the figure by a factor of 4#4w5#5.
4#4font5#5 is the name of the default font to use (default Arial) and 4#4fontsize5#5 is the font size (in points, default 12). SVG viewing programs may substitute other fonts when the file is displayed.
The enhanced text mode syntax is shared with other gnuplot terminal types.
See enhanced (p. ) for more details.
The mouse option tells gnuplot to add support for mouse tracking and for toggling individual plots on/off by clicking on the corresponding key entry. By default this is done by including a link that points to a script in a local directory, usually /usr/local/share/gnuplot/4#4version5#5/js. You can change this by using the jsdir option to specify either a different local directory or a general URL. The latter is usually appropriate if you are embedding the svg into a web page. Alternatively, the standalone option embeds the mousing code in the svg document itself rather than linking to an external resource.
When an SVG file will be used in conjunction with external files, e.g. if it is referenced by javascript code in a web page or parent document, then a unique name is required to avoid potential conflicting references to other SVG plots. Use the name option to ensure uniqueness.