The fig terminal was significantly revised in gnuplot version 5.3. Currently only version 3.2 of the fig file format is supported. Use of dash patterns may require Xfig 3.2.6 or newer.
set terminal fig {monochrome | color} {small | big | size <xsize>{in|cm},<ysize>{in|cm}} {landscape | portrait} {pointsmax <max_points>} {font "<fontname>{,<fontsize>}"} {fontsize <size>} {textnormal | {textspecial texthidden textrigid}} {{linewidth|lw} <multiplier>}
The default settings are
set term fig color small landscape font "Times Roman,10" lw 1.0
size sets the size of the drawing area to 4#4xsize5#5*4#4ysize5#5 in units of inches (default) or centimeters. The default is size 5in,3in. small is shorthand for size 5in,3in (3in,5in in portrait mode). big is shorthand for size 8in,5in.
pointsmax sets the maximum number of vertices in a polyline; longer polylines will be broken into segments. (Note: this option was not present in versions 5.2.7 through 5.4.3).
font sets the text font face to 4#4fontname5#5 and its size to 4#4fontsize5#5 points. Choice is limited to the 35 standard PostScript fonts. textnormal resets the text flags and selects postscript fonts, textspecial sets the text flags for LaTeX specials, texthidden sets the hidden flag and textrigid the rigid flag.
linewidth is a multiplier for the linewidth property of all lines.
Additional point-plot symbols are also available in the fig driver. The symbols can be used through pointtype values % 100 above 50, with different fill intensities controlled by 4#4pointtype5#5 % 5 and outlines in black (for 4#4pointtype5#5 % 10 4#4 5) or in the current color. Available symbols are
50 - 59: circles 60 - 69: squares 70 - 79: diamonds 80 - 89: upwards triangles 90 - 99: downwards trianglesThe size of these symbols scales with the font size.
RGB colors will be replaced with gray unless they have been defined in a
linetype prior to plotting or match a known named color or palette value.
See colornames (p. ).
set linetype 999 lc rgb '#aabbcc' plot $data with fillecurve fillcolor rgb '#aabbcc'