Because each spider plot corresponds to a row of data rather than a column,
it would make no sense to generate key entry titles in the normal way.
Instead, if a plot component contains a title the text is used to label the
corresponding axis. This overrides any previous set paxis n label "Foo".
To place a title in the key, you can either use a separate keyentry command
or extract text from a column in the input file with the key(column)
using specifier. See keyentry (p. ), using key (p.
In this figure a spiderplot with 5 axes is used to compare multiple entities that are each characterized by five scores. Each line (row) in $DATA generates a new polygon on the plot.
set spiderplot set style spiderplot fs transparent solid 0.2 border set for [p=1:5] paxis p range [0:100] set for [p=2:5] paxis p tics format "" set paxis 1 tics font ",9" set for [p=1:5] paxis p label sprintf("Score %d",p) set grid spiderplot plot for [i=1:5] $DATA using i:key(1)