************** Locations View ************** From `Call Graph Browser`, select the contextual menu `Goto declaration of View`, this will open the file :file:`stack.ads` at line 32. Then from the source editor (file :file:`stack.ads`), select the contextual menu `References->Find all references to View`: this highlights the `Locations` tree which now contains all the references for `View`, grouped by files (:file:`stack.ads` and :file:`stack.adb`). The first location is highlighted automatically: this is the spec of the procedure `View`. Now click in the tree on the triangle at the left of :file:`stack.adb`: two locations are listed, at line 90 and 97. Click on each of these locations: they correspond to the procedure body. The `Find all references` capability is another way to list all the uses of an entity, and it confirms that `View` isn't called in our project. Remove *View* body by e.g selecting it, and pressing the :kbd:`Delete` key, then save the file (:kbd:`Ctrl-S`). Do the same for the spec, save the file. Close the :file:`stack.ads` and :file:`stack.adb` files (menu File->Close, or using the shortcut :kbd:`Ctrl-W`). Rebuild by pressing the :kbd:`F4` key. Let's now see how to create a project corresponding to the *sdc* project we've used in this tutorial.