(46) Day-light terminators and other sunlight parameters

In this example show how the module pssolar is used to plot several terminator lines that depend on the location of the sun with respect to Earth. We also show how an EPS illustration can serve as a custom symbol to be plotted with psxy.

#               GMT EXAMPLE 46
#               $Id$
# Purpose:      Illustrate use of pssolar to plot day/night terminators
# GMT modules:  pssolar, pscoast, psxy

gmt pscoast -Rd -JKs0/10i -Dl -A5000 -W0.5p -N1/0.5p,gray -S175/210/255 -Bafg --MAP_FRAME_TYPE=plain -K -Xc > $ps
gmt pssolar -R  -J -Td+d2016-02-09T16:00:00 -Gnavy@95 -K -O >> $ps
gmt pssolar -R  -J -Tc+d2016-02-09T16:00:00 -Gnavy@85 -K -O >> $ps
gmt pssolar -R  -J -Tn+d2016-02-09T16:00:00 -Gnavy@80 -K -O >> $ps
gmt pssolar -R  -J -Ta+d2016-02-09T16:00:00 -Gnavy@80 -K -O >> $ps
gmt pssolar -I+d2016-02-09T16:00:00 -C | gmt psxy -R -J -Sk"${src:-.}"/sunglasses/1.5c -O >> $ps

Day-light terminators.