.. _example_22: (22) World-wide seismicity the last 7 days ------------------------------------------ The next example uses the command-line tool **wget** to obtain a data file from a specified URL [1]_. In the example script this line is commented out so the example will run even if you do not have **wget** (we use the supplied ``neic_quakes.d`` which normally would be created by **wget**); remove the comment to get the actual current seismicity plot using the live data. The main purpose of this script is not to show how to plot a map background and a few circles, but rather demonstrate how a map legend may be composed using the new tool :doc:`pslegend `. Some scripting is used to pull out information from the data file that is later used in the legend. The legend will normally have the email address of the script owner; here that command is commented out and the user is hardwired to "GMT guru". The USGS logo, taken from their web page and converted to a Sun raster file, is used to spice up the legend. The script produces the plot in Figure, giving the URL where these and similar data can be obtained. .. literalinclude:: /_verbatim/example_22.txt :language: bash .. figure:: /_images/example_22.* :width: 500 px :align: center World-wide seismicity the last 7 days. .. [1] You can also use the utility **curl**