GeographicLib 2.1.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * \file Utility.hpp
3 * \brief Header for GeographicLib::Utility class
4 *
5 * Copyright (c) Charles Karney (2011-2022) <> and licensed
6 * under the MIT/X11 License. For more information, see
7 *
8 **********************************************************************/
14#include <iomanip>
15#include <vector>
16#include <sstream>
17#include <cctype>
18#include <ctime>
19#include <cstring>
21#if defined(_MSC_VER)
22// Squelch warnings about constant conditional expressions and unsafe gmtime
23# pragma warning (push)
24# pragma warning (disable: 4127 4996)
27namespace GeographicLib {
29 /**
30 * \brief Some utility routines for %GeographicLib
31 *
32 * Example of use:
33 * \include example-Utility.cpp
34 **********************************************************************/
36 private:
37 static bool gregorian(int y, int m, int d) {
38 // The original cut over to the Gregorian calendar in Pope Gregory XIII's
39 // time had 1582-10-04 followed by 1582-10-15. Here we implement the
40 // switch over used by the English-speaking world where 1752-09-02 was
41 // followed by 1752-09-14. We also assume that the year always begins
42 // with January 1, whereas in reality it often was reckoned to begin in
43 // March.
44 return 100 * (100 * y + m) + d >= 17520914; // or 15821015
45 }
46 static bool gregorian(int s) {
47 return s >= 639799; // 1752-09-14
48 }
49 public:
51 /**
52 * Convert a date to the day numbering sequentially starting with
53 * 0001-01-01 as day 1.
54 *
55 * @param[in] y the year (must be positive).
56 * @param[in] m the month, Jan = 1, etc. (must be positive). Default = 1.
57 * @param[in] d the day of the month (must be positive). Default = 1.
58 * @return the sequential day number.
59 **********************************************************************/
60 static int day(int y, int m = 1, int d = 1);
62 /**
63 * Convert a date to the day numbering sequentially starting with
64 * 0001-01-01 as day 1.
65 *
66 * @param[in] y the year (must be positive).
67 * @param[in] m the month, Jan = 1, etc. (must be positive). Default = 1.
68 * @param[in] d the day of the month (must be positive). Default = 1.
69 * @param[in] check whether to check the date.
70 * @exception GeographicErr if the date is invalid and \e check is true.
71 * @return the sequential day number.
72 **********************************************************************/
73 static int day(int y, int m, int d, bool check);
75 /**
76 * Given a day (counting from 0001-01-01 as day 1), return the date.
77 *
78 * @param[in] s the sequential day number (must be positive)
79 * @param[out] y the year.
80 * @param[out] m the month, Jan = 1, etc.
81 * @param[out] d the day of the month.
82 **********************************************************************/
83 static void date(int s, int& y, int& m, int& d);
85 /**
86 * Given a date as a string in the format yyyy, yyyy-mm, or yyyy-mm-dd,
87 * return the numeric values for the year, month, and day. No checking is
88 * done on these values. The string "now" is interpreted as the present
89 * date (in UTC).
90 *
91 * @param[in] s the date in string format.
92 * @param[out] y the year.
93 * @param[out] m the month, Jan = 1, etc.
94 * @param[out] d the day of the month.
95 * @exception GeographicErr is \e s is malformed.
96 **********************************************************************/
97 static void date(const std::string& s, int& y, int& m, int& d);
99 /**
100 * Given the date, return the day of the week.
101 *
102 * @param[in] y the year (must be positive).
103 * @param[in] m the month, Jan = 1, etc. (must be positive).
104 * @param[in] d the day of the month (must be positive).
105 * @return the day of the week with Sunday, Monday--Saturday = 0,
106 * 1--6.
107 **********************************************************************/
108 static int dow(int y, int m, int d) { return dow(day(y, m, d)); }
110 /**
111 * Given the sequential day, return the day of the week.
112 *
113 * @param[in] s the sequential day (must be positive).
114 * @return the day of the week with Sunday, Monday--Saturday = 0,
115 * 1--6.
116 **********************************************************************/
117 static int dow(int s) {
118 return (s + 5) % 7; // The 5 offset makes day 1 (0001-01-01) a Saturday.
119 }
121 /**
122 * Convert a string representing a date to a fractional year.
123 *
124 * @tparam T the type of the argument.
125 * @param[in] s the string to be converted.
126 * @exception GeographicErr if \e s can't be interpreted as a date.
127 * @return the fractional year.
128 *
129 * The string is first read as an ordinary number (e.g., 2010 or 2012.5);
130 * if this is successful, the value is returned. Otherwise the string
131 * should be of the form yyyy-mm or yyyy-mm-dd and this is converted to a
132 * number with 2010-01-01 giving 2010.0 and 2012-07-03 giving 2012.5. The
133 * string "now" is interpreted as the present date.
134 **********************************************************************/
135 template<typename T> static T fractionalyear(const std::string& s) {
136 try {
137 return val<T>(s);
138 }
139 catch (const std::exception&) {}
140 int y, m, d;
141 date(s, y, m, d);
142 int t = day(y, m, d, true);
143 return T(y) + T(t - day(y)) / T(day(y + 1) - day(y));
144 }
146 /**
147 * Convert a object of type T to a string.
148 *
149 * @tparam T the type of the argument.
150 * @param[in] x the value to be converted.
151 * @param[in] p the precision used (default &minus;1).
152 * @exception std::bad_alloc if memory for the string can't be allocated.
153 * @return the string representation.
154 *
155 * If \e p &ge; 0, then the number fixed format is used with \e p bits of
156 * precision. With \e p < 0, there is no manipulation of the format,
157 * except that <code>boolalpha</code> is used to represent bools as "true"
158 * and "false". There is an overload of this function if T is Math::real;
159 * this deals with inf and nan.
160 **********************************************************************/
161 template<typename T> static std::string str(T x, int p = -1) {
162 std::ostringstream s;
163 if (p >= 0) s << std::fixed << std::setprecision(p);
164 s << std::boolalpha << x; return s.str();
165 }
167 /**
168 * Trim the white space from the beginning and end of a string.
169 *
170 * @param[in] s the string to be trimmed
171 * @return the trimmed string
172 **********************************************************************/
173 static std::string trim(const std::string& s);
175 /**
176 * Lookup up a character in a string.
177 *
178 * @param[in] s the string to be searched.
179 * @param[in] c the character to look for.
180 * @return the index of the first occurrence character in the string or
181 * &minus;1 is the character is not present.
182 *
183 * \e c is converted to upper case before search \e s. Therefore, it is
184 * intended that \e s should not contain any lower case letters.
185 **********************************************************************/
186 static int lookup(const std::string& s, char c);
188 /**
189 * Lookup up a character in a char*.
190 *
191 * @param[in] s the char* string to be searched.
192 * @param[in] c the character to look for.
193 * @return the index of the first occurrence character in the string or
194 * &minus;1 is the character is not present.
195 *
196 * \e c is converted to upper case before search \e s. Therefore, it is
197 * intended that \e s should not contain any lower case letters.
198 **********************************************************************/
199 static int lookup(const char* s, char c);
201 /**
202 * Convert a string to type T.
203 *
204 * @tparam T the type of the return value.
205 * @param[in] s the string to be converted.
206 * @exception GeographicErr is \e s is not readable as a T.
207 * @return object of type T.
208 *
209 * White space at the beginning and end of \e s is ignored.
210 *
211 * Special handling is provided for some types.
212 *
213 * If T is a floating point type, then inf and nan are recognized.
214 *
215 * If T is bool, then \e s should either be string a representing 0 (false)
216 * or 1 (true) or one of the strings
217 * - "false", "f", "nil", "no", "n", "off", or "" meaning false,
218 * - "true", "t", "yes", "y", or "on" meaning true;
219 * .
220 * case is ignored.
221 *
222 * If T is std::string, then \e s is returned (with the white space at the
223 * beginning and end removed).
224 **********************************************************************/
225 template<typename T> static T val(const std::string& s) {
226 // If T is bool, then the specialization val<bool>() defined below is
227 // used.
228 T x;
229 std::string errmsg, t(trim(s));
230 do { // Executed once (provides the ability to break)
231 std::istringstream is(t);
232 if (!(is >> x)) {
233 errmsg = "Cannot decode " + t;
234 break;
235 }
236 int pos = int(is.tellg()); // Returns -1 at end of string?
237 if (!(pos < 0 || pos == int(t.size()))) {
238 errmsg = "Extra text " + t.substr(pos) + " at end of " + t;
239 break;
240 }
241 return x;
242 } while (false);
243 x = std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer ? 0 : nummatch<T>(t);
244 if (x == 0)
245 throw GeographicErr(errmsg);
246 return x;
247 }
249 /**
250 * Match "nan" and "inf" (and variants thereof) in a string.
251 *
252 * @tparam T the type of the return value (this should be a floating point
253 * type).
254 * @param[in] s the string to be matched.
255 * @return appropriate special value (&plusmn;&infin;, nan) or 0 if none is
256 * found.
257 *
258 * White space is not allowed at the beginning or end of \e s.
259 **********************************************************************/
260 template<typename T> static T nummatch(const std::string& s) {
261 if (s.length() < 3)
262 return 0;
263 std::string t(s);
264 for (std::string::iterator p = t.begin(); p != t.end(); ++p)
265 *p = char(std::toupper(*p));
266 for (size_t i = s.length(); i--;)
267 t[i] = char(std::toupper(s[i]));
268 int sign = t[0] == '-' ? -1 : 1;
269 std::string::size_type p0 = t[0] == '-' || t[0] == '+' ? 1 : 0;
270 std::string::size_type p1 = t.find_last_not_of('0');
271 if (p1 == std::string::npos || p1 + 1 < p0 + 3)
272 return 0;
273 // Strip off sign and trailing 0s
274 t = t.substr(p0, p1 + 1 - p0); // Length at least 3
275 if (t == "NAN" || t == "1.#QNAN" || t == "1.#SNAN" || t == "1.#IND" ||
276 t == "1.#R")
277 return Math::NaN<T>();
278 else if (t == "INF" || t == "1.#INF" || t == "INFINITY")
279 return sign * Math::infinity<T>();
280 return 0;
281 }
283 /**
284 * Read a simple fraction, e.g., 3/4, from a string to an object of type T.
285 *
286 * @tparam T the type of the return value.
287 * @param[in] s the string to be converted.
288 * @exception GeographicErr is \e s is not readable as a fraction of type
289 * T.
290 * @return object of type T
291 *
292 * \note The msys shell under Windows converts arguments which look like
293 * pathnames into their Windows equivalents. As a result the argument
294 * "-1/300" gets mangled into something unrecognizable. A workaround is to
295 * use a floating point number in the numerator, i.e., "-1.0/300". (Recent
296 * versions of the msys shell appear \e not to have this problem.)
297 **********************************************************************/
298 template<typename T> static T fract(const std::string& s) {
299 std::string::size_type delim = s.find('/');
300 return
301 !(delim != std::string::npos && delim >= 1 && delim + 2 <= s.size()) ?
302 val<T>(s) :
303 // delim in [1, size() - 2]
304 val<T>(s.substr(0, delim)) / val<T>(s.substr(delim + 1));
305 }
307 /**
308 * Read data of type ExtT from a binary stream to an array of type IntT.
309 * The data in the file is in (bigendp ? big : little)-endian format.
310 *
311 * @tparam ExtT the type of the objects in the binary stream (external).
312 * @tparam IntT the type of the objects in the array (internal).
313 * @tparam bigendp true if the external storage format is big-endian.
314 * @param[in] str the input stream containing the data of type ExtT
315 * (external).
316 * @param[out] array the output array of type IntT (internal).
317 * @param[in] num the size of the array.
318 * @exception GeographicErr if the data cannot be read.
319 **********************************************************************/
320 template<typename ExtT, typename IntT, bool bigendp>
321 static void readarray(std::istream& str, IntT array[], size_t num) {
323 if (sizeof(IntT) == sizeof(ExtT) &&
324 std::numeric_limits<IntT>::is_integer ==
325 std::numeric_limits<ExtT>::is_integer)
326 {
327 // Data is compatible (aside from the issue of endian-ness).
328<char*>(array), num * sizeof(ExtT));
329 if (!str.good())
330 throw GeographicErr("Failure reading data");
331 if (bigendp != Math::bigendian) { // endian mismatch -> swap bytes
332 for (size_t i = num; i--;)
333 array[i] = Math::swab<IntT>(array[i]);
334 }
335 }
336 else
338 {
339 const int bufsize = 1024; // read this many values at a time
340 ExtT buffer[bufsize]; // temporary buffer
341 int k = int(num); // data values left to read
342 int i = 0; // index into output array
343 while (k) {
344 int n = (std::min)(k, bufsize);
345<char*>(buffer), n * sizeof(ExtT));
346 if (!str.good())
347 throw GeographicErr("Failure reading data");
348 for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
349 // fix endian-ness and cast to IntT
350 array[i++] = IntT(bigendp == Math::bigendian ? buffer[j] :
351 Math::swab<ExtT>(buffer[j]));
352 k -= n;
353 }
354 }
355 return;
356 }
358 /**
359 * Read data of type ExtT from a binary stream to a vector array of type
360 * IntT. The data in the file is in (bigendp ? big : little)-endian
361 * format.
362 *
363 * @tparam ExtT the type of the objects in the binary stream (external).
364 * @tparam IntT the type of the objects in the array (internal).
365 * @tparam bigendp true if the external storage format is big-endian.
366 * @param[in] str the input stream containing the data of type ExtT
367 * (external).
368 * @param[out] array the output vector of type IntT (internal).
369 * @exception GeographicErr if the data cannot be read.
370 **********************************************************************/
371 template<typename ExtT, typename IntT, bool bigendp>
372 static void readarray(std::istream& str, std::vector<IntT>& array) {
373 if (array.size() > 0)
374 readarray<ExtT, IntT, bigendp>(str, &array[0], array.size());
375 }
377 /**
378 * Write data in an array of type IntT as type ExtT to a binary stream.
379 * The data in the file is in (bigendp ? big : little)-endian format.
380 *
381 * @tparam ExtT the type of the objects in the binary stream (external).
382 * @tparam IntT the type of the objects in the array (internal).
383 * @tparam bigendp true if the external storage format is big-endian.
384 * @param[out] str the output stream for the data of type ExtT (external).
385 * @param[in] array the input array of type IntT (internal).
386 * @param[in] num the size of the array.
387 * @exception GeographicErr if the data cannot be written.
388 **********************************************************************/
389 template<typename ExtT, typename IntT, bool bigendp>
390 static void writearray(std::ostream& str, const IntT array[], size_t num)
391 {
393 if (sizeof(IntT) == sizeof(ExtT) &&
394 std::numeric_limits<IntT>::is_integer ==
395 std::numeric_limits<ExtT>::is_integer &&
396 bigendp == Math::bigendian)
397 {
398 // Data is compatible (including endian-ness).
399 str.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(array), num * sizeof(ExtT));
400 if (!str.good())
401 throw GeographicErr("Failure writing data");
402 }
403 else
405 {
406 const int bufsize = 1024; // write this many values at a time
407 ExtT buffer[bufsize]; // temporary buffer
408 int k = int(num); // data values left to write
409 int i = 0; // index into output array
410 while (k) {
411 int n = (std::min)(k, bufsize);
412 for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
413 // cast to ExtT and fix endian-ness
414 buffer[j] = bigendp == Math::bigendian ? ExtT(array[i++]) :
415 Math::swab<ExtT>(ExtT(array[i++]));
416 str.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buffer), n * sizeof(ExtT));
417 if (!str.good())
418 throw GeographicErr("Failure writing data");
419 k -= n;
420 }
421 }
422 return;
423 }
425 /**
426 * Write data in an array of type IntT as type ExtT to a binary stream.
427 * The data in the file is in (bigendp ? big : little)-endian format.
428 *
429 * @tparam ExtT the type of the objects in the binary stream (external).
430 * @tparam IntT the type of the objects in the array (internal).
431 * @tparam bigendp true if the external storage format is big-endian.
432 * @param[out] str the output stream for the data of type ExtT (external).
433 * @param[in] array the input vector of type IntT (internal).
434 * @exception GeographicErr if the data cannot be written.
435 **********************************************************************/
436 template<typename ExtT, typename IntT, bool bigendp>
437 static void writearray(std::ostream& str, std::vector<IntT>& array) {
438 if (array.size() > 0)
439 writearray<ExtT, IntT, bigendp>(str, &array[0], array.size());
440 }
442 /**
443 * Parse a KEY [=] VALUE line.
444 *
445 * @param[in] line the input line.
446 * @param[out] key the KEY.
447 * @param[out] value the VALUE.
448 * @param[in] equals character representing "equals" to separate KEY and
449 * VALUE, if NULL (the default) use first space character.
450 * @param[in] comment character to use as the comment character; if
451 * non-NULL, this character and everything after it is discarded; default
452 * is '#'.
453 * @exception std::bad_alloc if memory for the internal strings can't be
454 * allocated.
455 * @return whether a key was found.
456 *
457 * The \e comment character (default is '#') and everything after it are
458 * discarded and the result trimmed of leading and trailing white space.
459 * Use the \e equals delimiter character (or, if it is NULL -- the default,
460 * the first white space) to separate \e key and \e value. \e key and \e
461 * value are trimmed of leading and trailing white space. If \e key is
462 * empty, then \e value is set to "" and false is returned.
463 **********************************************************************/
464 static bool ParseLine(const std::string& line,
465 std::string& key, std::string& value,
466 char equals = '\0', char comment = '#');
468 /**
469 * Set the binary precision of a real number.
470 *
471 * @param[in] ndigits the number of bits of precision. If ndigits is 0
472 * (the default), then determine the precision from the environment
473 * variable GEOGRAPHICLIB_DIGITS. If this is undefined, use ndigits =
474 * 256 (i.e., about 77 decimal digits).
475 * @return the resulting number of bits of precision.
476 *
477 * This only has an effect when GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION = 5. The
478 * precision should only be set once and before calls to any other
479 * GeographicLib functions. (Several functions, for example Math::pi(),
480 * cache the return value in a static local variable. The precision needs
481 * to be set before a call to any such functions.) In multi-threaded
482 * applications, it is necessary also to set the precision in each thread
483 * (see the example GeoidToGTX.cpp).
484 *
485 * \note Use Math::digits() to return the current precision in bits.
486 **********************************************************************/
487 static int set_digits(int ndigits = 0);
489 };
491 /**
492 * The specialization of Utility::val<T>() for strings.
493 *
494 * @param[in] s the string to be converted.
495 * @exception GeographicErr is \e s is not readable as a T.
496 * @return the string trimmed of its whitespace.
497 **********************************************************************/
498 template<> inline std::string Utility::val<std::string>(const std::string& s)
499 { return trim(s); }
501 /**
502 * The specialization of Utility::val<T>() for bools.
503 *
504 * @param[in] s the string to be converted.
505 * @exception GeographicErr is \e s is not readable as a T.
506 * @return boolean value.
507 *
508 * \e s should either be string a representing 0 (false)
509 * or 1 (true) or one of the strings
510 * - "false", "f", "nil", "no", "n", "off", or "" meaning false,
511 * - "true", "t", "yes", "y", or "on" meaning true;
512 * .
513 * case is ignored.
514 **********************************************************************/
515 template<> inline bool Utility::val<bool>(const std::string& s) {
516 std::string t(trim(s));
517 if (t.empty()) return false;
518 bool x;
519 {
520 std::istringstream is(t);
521 if (is >> x) {
522 int pos = int(is.tellg()); // Returns -1 at end of string?
523 if (!(pos < 0 || pos == int(t.size())))
524 throw GeographicErr("Extra text " + t.substr(pos) +
525 " at end of " + t);
526 return x;
527 }
528 }
529 for (std::string::iterator p = t.begin(); p != t.end(); ++p)
530 *p = char(std::tolower(*p));
531 switch (t[0]) { // already checked that t isn't empty
532 case 'f':
533 if (t == "f" || t == "false") return false;
534 break;
535 case 'n':
536 if (t == "n" || t == "nil" || t == "no") return false;
537 break;
538 case 'o':
539 if (t == "off") return false;
540 else if (t == "on") return true;
541 break;
542 case 't':
543 if (t == "t" || t == "true") return true;
544 break;
545 case 'y':
546 if (t == "y" || t == "yes") return true;
547 break;
548 default:
549 break;
550 }
551 throw GeographicErr("Cannot decode " + t + " as a bool");
552 }
554 /**
555 * Convert a Math::real object to a string.
556 *
557 * @param[in] x the value to be converted.
558 * @param[in] p the precision used (default &minus;1).
559 * @exception std::bad_alloc if memory for the string can't be allocated.
560 * @return the string representation.
561 *
562 * If \e p &ge; 0, then the number fixed format is used with p bits of
563 * precision. With p < 0, there is no manipulation of the format. This is
564 * an overload of str<T> which deals with inf and nan.
565 **********************************************************************/
566 template<> inline std::string Utility::str<Math::real>(Math::real x, int p) {
567 using std::isfinite;
568 if (!isfinite(x))
569 return x < 0 ? std::string("-inf") :
570 (x > 0 ? std::string("inf") : std::string("nan"));
571 std::ostringstream s;
573 // boost-quadmath treats precision == 0 as "use as many digits as
574 // necessary" (see and
575 //
576 // Fixed by
577 if (p == 0) {
578 using std::signbit; using std::fabs;
579 using std::round; using std::fmod;
580 int n = signbit(x) ? -1 : 1; x = fabs(x);
581 Math::real ix = round(x); // Rounds ties away from zero (up for positive)
582 // Implement the "round ties to even" rule
583 if (2 * (ix - x) == 1 && fmod(ix, Math::real(2)) == 1) --ix;
584 s << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << n*ix;
585 std::string r(s.str());
586 // strip off trailing ".0"
587 return r.substr(0, (std::max)(int(r.size()) - 2, 0));
588 }
590 if (p >= 0) s << std::fixed << std::setprecision(p);
591 s << x; return s.str();
592 }
594} // namespace GeographicLib
596#if defined(_MSC_VER)
597# pragma warning (pop)
Header for GeographicLib::Constants class.
Definition: Constants.hpp:67
Exception handling for GeographicLib.
Definition: Constants.hpp:316
static const bool bigendian
Definition: Math.hpp:184
Some utility routines for GeographicLib.
Definition: Utility.hpp:35
static void readarray(std::istream &str, std::vector< IntT > &array)
Definition: Utility.hpp:372
static void writearray(std::ostream &str, std::vector< IntT > &array)
Definition: Utility.hpp:437
static T fractionalyear(const std::string &s)
Definition: Utility.hpp:135
static void readarray(std::istream &str, IntT array[], size_t num)
Definition: Utility.hpp:321
static void writearray(std::ostream &str, const IntT array[], size_t num)
Definition: Utility.hpp:390
static int dow(int y, int m, int d)
Definition: Utility.hpp:108
static int dow(int s)
Definition: Utility.hpp:117
static T fract(const std::string &s)
Definition: Utility.hpp:298
static T val(const std::string &s)
Definition: Utility.hpp:225
static T nummatch(const std::string &s)
Definition: Utility.hpp:260
static std::string trim(const std::string &s)
Definition: Utility.cpp:149
static std::string str(T x, int p=-1)
Definition: Utility.hpp:161
Namespace for GeographicLib.
Definition: Accumulator.cpp:12