GeographicLib 2.1.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * \file EllipticFunction.hpp
3 * \brief Header for GeographicLib::EllipticFunction class
4 *
5 * Copyright (c) Charles Karney (2008-2022) <> and licensed
6 * under the MIT/X11 License. For more information, see
7 *
8 **********************************************************************/
15namespace GeographicLib {
17 /**
18 * \brief Elliptic integrals and functions
19 *
20 * This provides the elliptic functions and integrals needed for Ellipsoid,
21 * GeodesicExact, and TransverseMercatorExact. Two categories of function
22 * are provided:
23 * - \e static functions to compute symmetric elliptic integrals
24 * (
25 * - \e member functions to compute Legrendre's elliptic
26 * integrals ( and the
27 * Jacobi elliptic functions (
28 * .
29 * In the latter case, an object is constructed giving the modulus \e k (and
30 * optionally the parameter &alpha;<sup>2</sup>). The modulus is always
31 * passed as its square <i>k</i><sup>2</sup> which allows \e k to be pure
32 * imaginary (<i>k</i><sup>2</sup> &lt; 0). (Confusingly, Abramowitz and
33 * Stegun call \e m = <i>k</i><sup>2</sup> the "parameter" and \e n =
34 * &alpha;<sup>2</sup> the "characteristic".)
35 *
36 * In geodesic applications, it is convenient to separate the incomplete
37 * integrals into secular and periodic components, e.g.,
38 * \f[
39 * E(\phi, k) = (2 E(k) / \pi) [ \phi + \delta E(\phi, k) ]
40 * \f]
41 * where &delta;\e E(&phi;, \e k) is an odd periodic function with period
42 * &pi;.
43 *
44 * The computation of the elliptic integrals uses the algorithms given in
45 * - B. C. Carlson,
46 * <a href=""> Computation of real or
47 * complex elliptic integrals</a>, Numerical Algorithms 10, 13--26 (1995);
48 * <a href="">preprint</a>.
49 * .
50 * with the additional optimizations given in
51 * The computation of the Jacobi elliptic functions uses the algorithm given
52 * in
53 * - R. Bulirsch,
54 * <a href=""> Numerical Calculation of
55 * Elliptic Integrals and Elliptic Functions</a>, Numericshe Mathematik 7,
56 * 78--90 (1965).
57 * .
58 * The notation follows and
59 *
60 * Example of use:
61 * \include example-EllipticFunction.cpp
62 **********************************************************************/
64 private:
65 typedef Math::real real;
67 enum { num_ = 13 }; // Max depth required for sncndn; probably 5 is enough.
68 real _k2, _kp2, _alpha2, _alphap2, _eps;
69 real _kKc, _eEc, _dDc, _pPic, _gGc, _hHc;
70 public:
71 /** \name Constructor
72 **********************************************************************/
73 ///@{
74 /**
75 * Constructor specifying the modulus and parameter.
76 *
77 * @param[in] k2 the square of the modulus <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>.
78 * <i>k</i><sup>2</sup> must lie in (&minus;&infin;, 1].
79 * @param[in] alpha2 the parameter &alpha;<sup>2</sup>.
80 * &alpha;<sup>2</sup> must lie in (&minus;&infin;, 1].
81 * @exception GeographicErr if \e k2 or \e alpha2 is out of its legal
82 * range.
83 *
84 * If only elliptic integrals of the first and second kinds are needed,
85 * then set &alpha;<sup>2</sup> = 0 (the default value); in this case, we
86 * have &Pi;(&phi;, 0, \e k) = \e F(&phi;, \e k), \e G(&phi;, 0, \e k) = \e
87 * E(&phi;, \e k), and \e H(&phi;, 0, \e k) = \e F(&phi;, \e k) - \e
88 * D(&phi;, \e k).
89 **********************************************************************/
90 EllipticFunction(real k2 = 0, real alpha2 = 0)
91 { Reset(k2, alpha2); }
93 /**
94 * Constructor specifying the modulus and parameter and their complements.
95 *
96 * @param[in] k2 the square of the modulus <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>.
97 * <i>k</i><sup>2</sup> must lie in (&minus;&infin;, 1].
98 * @param[in] alpha2 the parameter &alpha;<sup>2</sup>.
99 * &alpha;<sup>2</sup> must lie in (&minus;&infin;, 1].
100 * @param[in] kp2 the complementary modulus squared <i>k'</i><sup>2</sup> =
101 * 1 &minus; <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>. This must lie in [0, &infin;).
102 * @param[in] alphap2 the complementary parameter &alpha;'<sup>2</sup> = 1
103 * &minus; &alpha;<sup>2</sup>. This must lie in [0, &infin;).
104 * @exception GeographicErr if \e k2, \e alpha2, \e kp2, or \e alphap2 is
105 * out of its legal range.
106 *
107 * The arguments must satisfy \e k2 + \e kp2 = 1 and \e alpha2 + \e alphap2
108 * = 1. (No checking is done that these conditions are met.) This
109 * constructor is provided to enable accuracy to be maintained, e.g., when
110 * \e k is very close to unity.
111 **********************************************************************/
112 EllipticFunction(real k2, real alpha2, real kp2, real alphap2)
113 { Reset(k2, alpha2, kp2, alphap2); }
115 /**
116 * Reset the modulus and parameter.
117 *
118 * @param[in] k2 the new value of square of the modulus
119 * <i>k</i><sup>2</sup> which must lie in (&minus;&infin;, ].
120 * done.)
121 * @param[in] alpha2 the new value of parameter &alpha;<sup>2</sup>.
122 * &alpha;<sup>2</sup> must lie in (&minus;&infin;, 1].
123 * @exception GeographicErr if \e k2 or \e alpha2 is out of its legal
124 * range.
125 **********************************************************************/
126 void Reset(real k2 = 0, real alpha2 = 0)
127 { Reset(k2, alpha2, 1 - k2, 1 - alpha2); }
129 /**
130 * Reset the modulus and parameter supplying also their complements.
131 *
132 * @param[in] k2 the square of the modulus <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>.
133 * <i>k</i><sup>2</sup> must lie in (&minus;&infin;, 1].
134 * @param[in] alpha2 the parameter &alpha;<sup>2</sup>.
135 * &alpha;<sup>2</sup> must lie in (&minus;&infin;, 1].
136 * @param[in] kp2 the complementary modulus squared <i>k'</i><sup>2</sup> =
137 * 1 &minus; <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>. This must lie in [0, &infin;).
138 * @param[in] alphap2 the complementary parameter &alpha;'<sup>2</sup> = 1
139 * &minus; &alpha;<sup>2</sup>. This must lie in [0, &infin;).
140 * @exception GeographicErr if \e k2, \e alpha2, \e kp2, or \e alphap2 is
141 * out of its legal range.
142 *
143 * The arguments must satisfy \e k2 + \e kp2 = 1 and \e alpha2 + \e alphap2
144 * = 1. (No checking is done that these conditions are met.) This
145 * constructor is provided to enable accuracy to be maintained, e.g., when
146 * is very small.
147 **********************************************************************/
148 void Reset(real k2, real alpha2, real kp2, real alphap2);
150 ///@}
152 /** \name Inspector functions.
153 **********************************************************************/
154 ///@{
155 /**
156 * @return the square of the modulus <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>.
157 **********************************************************************/
158 Math::real k2() const { return _k2; }
160 /**
161 * @return the square of the complementary modulus <i>k'</i><sup>2</sup> =
162 * 1 &minus; <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>.
163 **********************************************************************/
164 Math::real kp2() const { return _kp2; }
166 /**
167 * @return the parameter &alpha;<sup>2</sup>.
168 **********************************************************************/
169 Math::real alpha2() const { return _alpha2; }
171 /**
172 * @return the complementary parameter &alpha;'<sup>2</sup> = 1 &minus;
173 * &alpha;<sup>2</sup>.
174 **********************************************************************/
175 Math::real alphap2() const { return _alphap2; }
176 ///@}
178 /** \name Complete elliptic integrals.
179 **********************************************************************/
180 ///@{
181 /**
182 * The complete integral of the first kind.
183 *
184 * @return \e K(\e k).
185 *
186 * \e K(\e k) is defined in
187 * \f[
188 * K(k) = \int_0^{\pi/2} \frac1{\sqrt{1-k^2\sin^2\phi}}\,d\phi.
189 * \f]
190 **********************************************************************/
191 Math::real K() const { return _kKc; }
193 /**
194 * The complete integral of the second kind.
195 *
196 * @return \e E(\e k).
197 *
198 * \e E(\e k) is defined in
199 * \f[
200 * E(k) = \int_0^{\pi/2} \sqrt{1-k^2\sin^2\phi}\,d\phi.
201 * \f]
202 **********************************************************************/
203 Math::real E() const { return _eEc; }
205 /**
206 * Jahnke's complete integral.
207 *
208 * @return \e D(\e k).
209 *
210 * \e D(\e k) is defined in
211 * \f[
212 * D(k) =
213 * \int_0^{\pi/2} \frac{\sin^2\phi}{\sqrt{1-k^2\sin^2\phi}}\,d\phi.
214 * \f]
215 **********************************************************************/
216 Math::real D() const { return _dDc; }
218 /**
219 * The difference between the complete integrals of the first and second
220 * kinds.
221 *
222 * @return \e K(\e k) &minus; \e E(\e k).
223 **********************************************************************/
224 Math::real KE() const { return _k2 * _dDc; }
226 /**
227 * The complete integral of the third kind.
228 *
229 * @return &Pi;(&alpha;<sup>2</sup>, \e k).
230 *
231 * &Pi;(&alpha;<sup>2</sup>, \e k) is defined in
232 *
233 * \f[
234 * \Pi(\alpha^2, k) = \int_0^{\pi/2}
235 * \frac1{\sqrt{1-k^2\sin^2\phi}(1 - \alpha^2\sin^2\phi)}\,d\phi.
236 * \f]
237 **********************************************************************/
238 Math::real Pi() const { return _pPic; }
240 /**
241 * Legendre's complete geodesic longitude integral.
242 *
243 * @return \e G(&alpha;<sup>2</sup>, \e k).
244 *
245 * \e G(&alpha;<sup>2</sup>, \e k) is given by
246 * \f[
247 * G(\alpha^2, k) = \int_0^{\pi/2}
248 * \frac{\sqrt{1-k^2\sin^2\phi}}{1 - \alpha^2\sin^2\phi}\,d\phi.
249 * \f]
250 **********************************************************************/
251 Math::real G() const { return _gGc; }
253 /**
254 * Cayley's complete geodesic longitude difference integral.
255 *
256 * @return \e H(&alpha;<sup>2</sup>, \e k).
257 *
258 * \e H(&alpha;<sup>2</sup>, \e k) is given by
259 * \f[
260 * H(\alpha^2, k) = \int_0^{\pi/2}
261 * \frac{\cos^2\phi}{(1-\alpha^2\sin^2\phi)\sqrt{1-k^2\sin^2\phi}}
262 * \,d\phi.
263 * \f]
264 **********************************************************************/
265 Math::real H() const { return _hHc; }
266 ///@}
268 /** \name Incomplete elliptic integrals.
269 **********************************************************************/
270 ///@{
271 /**
272 * The incomplete integral of the first kind.
273 *
274 * @param[in] phi
275 * @return \e F(&phi;, \e k).
276 *
277 * \e F(&phi;, \e k) is defined in
278 * \f[
279 * F(\phi, k) = \int_0^\phi \frac1{\sqrt{1-k^2\sin^2\theta}}\,d\theta.
280 * \f]
281 **********************************************************************/
282 Math::real F(real phi) const;
284 /**
285 * The incomplete integral of the second kind.
286 *
287 * @param[in] phi
288 * @return \e E(&phi;, \e k).
289 *
290 * \e E(&phi;, \e k) is defined in
291 * \f[
292 * E(\phi, k) = \int_0^\phi \sqrt{1-k^2\sin^2\theta}\,d\theta.
293 * \f]
294 **********************************************************************/
295 Math::real E(real phi) const;
297 /**
298 * The incomplete integral of the second kind with the argument given in
299 * degrees.
300 *
301 * @param[in] ang in <i>degrees</i>.
302 * @return \e E(&pi; <i>ang</i>/180, \e k).
303 **********************************************************************/
304 Math::real Ed(real ang) const;
306 /**
307 * The inverse of the incomplete integral of the second kind.
308 *
309 * @param[in] x
310 * @return &phi; = <i>E</i><sup>&minus;1</sup>(\e x, \e k); i.e., the
311 * solution of such that \e E(&phi;, \e k) = \e x.
312 **********************************************************************/
313 Math::real Einv(real x) const;
315 /**
316 * The incomplete integral of the third kind.
317 *
318 * @param[in] phi
319 * @return &Pi;(&phi;, &alpha;<sup>2</sup>, \e k).
320 *
321 * &Pi;(&phi;, &alpha;<sup>2</sup>, \e k) is defined in
322 *
323 * \f[
324 * \Pi(\phi, \alpha^2, k) = \int_0^\phi
325 * \frac1{\sqrt{1-k^2\sin^2\theta}(1 - \alpha^2\sin^2\theta)}\,d\theta.
326 * \f]
327 **********************************************************************/
328 Math::real Pi(real phi) const;
330 /**
331 * Jahnke's incomplete elliptic integral.
332 *
333 * @param[in] phi
334 * @return \e D(&phi;, \e k).
335 *
336 * \e D(&phi;, \e k) is defined in
337 * \f[
338 * D(\phi, k) = \int_0^\phi
339 * \frac{\sin^2\theta}{\sqrt{1-k^2\sin^2\theta}}\,d\theta.
340 * \f]
341 **********************************************************************/
342 Math::real D(real phi) const;
344 /**
345 * Legendre's geodesic longitude integral.
346 *
347 * @param[in] phi
348 * @return \e G(&phi;, &alpha;<sup>2</sup>, \e k).
349 *
350 * \e G(&phi;, &alpha;<sup>2</sup>, \e k) is defined by
351 * \f[
352 * \begin{align}
353 * G(\phi, \alpha^2, k) &=
354 * \frac{k^2}{\alpha^2} F(\phi, k) +
355 * \biggl(1 - \frac{k^2}{\alpha^2}\biggr) \Pi(\phi, \alpha^2, k) \\
356 * &= \int_0^\phi
357 * \frac{\sqrt{1-k^2\sin^2\theta}}{1 - \alpha^2\sin^2\theta}\,d\theta.
358 * \end{align}
359 * \f]
360 *
361 * Legendre expresses the longitude of a point on the geodesic in terms of
362 * this combination of elliptic integrals in Exercices de Calcul
363 * Int&eacute;gral, Vol. 1 (1811), p. 181,
364 *
365 *
366 * See \ref geodellip for the expression for the longitude in terms of this
367 * function.
368 **********************************************************************/
369 Math::real G(real phi) const;
371 /**
372 * Cayley's geodesic longitude difference integral.
373 *
374 * @param[in] phi
375 * @return \e H(&phi;, &alpha;<sup>2</sup>, \e k).
376 *
377 * \e H(&phi;, &alpha;<sup>2</sup>, \e k) is defined by
378 * \f[
379 * \begin{align}
380 * H(\phi, \alpha^2, k) &=
381 * \frac1{\alpha^2} F(\phi, k) +
382 * \biggl(1 - \frac1{\alpha^2}\biggr) \Pi(\phi, \alpha^2, k) \\
383 * &= \int_0^\phi
384 * \frac{\cos^2\theta}
385 * {(1-\alpha^2\sin^2\theta)\sqrt{1-k^2\sin^2\theta}}
386 * \,d\theta.
387 * \end{align}
388 * \f]
389 *
390 * Cayley expresses the longitude difference of a point on the geodesic in
391 * terms of this combination of elliptic integrals in Phil. Mag. <b>40</b>
392 * (1870), p. 333,
393 *
394 * See \ref geodellip for the expression for the longitude in terms of this
395 * function.
396 **********************************************************************/
397 Math::real H(real phi) const;
398 ///@}
400 /** \name Incomplete integrals in terms of Jacobi elliptic functions.
401 **********************************************************************/
402 ///@{
403 /**
404 * The incomplete integral of the first kind in terms of Jacobi elliptic
405 * functions.
406 *
407 * @param[in] sn = sin&phi;.
408 * @param[in] cn = cos&phi;.
409 * @param[in] dn = sqrt(1 &minus; <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>
410 * sin<sup>2</sup>&phi;).
411 * @return \e F(&phi;, \e k) as though &phi; &isin; (&minus;&pi;, &pi;].
412 **********************************************************************/
413 Math::real F(real sn, real cn, real dn) const;
415 /**
416 * The incomplete integral of the second kind in terms of Jacobi elliptic
417 * functions.
418 *
419 * @param[in] sn = sin&phi;.
420 * @param[in] cn = cos&phi;.
421 * @param[in] dn = sqrt(1 &minus; <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>
422 * sin<sup>2</sup>&phi;).
423 * @return \e E(&phi;, \e k) as though &phi; &isin; (&minus;&pi;, &pi;].
424 **********************************************************************/
425 Math::real E(real sn, real cn, real dn) const;
427 /**
428 * The incomplete integral of the third kind in terms of Jacobi elliptic
429 * functions.
430 *
431 * @param[in] sn = sin&phi;.
432 * @param[in] cn = cos&phi;.
433 * @param[in] dn = sqrt(1 &minus; <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>
434 * sin<sup>2</sup>&phi;).
435 * @return &Pi;(&phi;, &alpha;<sup>2</sup>, \e k) as though &phi; &isin;
436 * (&minus;&pi;, &pi;].
437 **********************************************************************/
438 Math::real Pi(real sn, real cn, real dn) const;
440 /**
441 * Jahnke's incomplete elliptic integral in terms of Jacobi elliptic
442 * functions.
443 *
444 * @param[in] sn = sin&phi;.
445 * @param[in] cn = cos&phi;.
446 * @param[in] dn = sqrt(1 &minus; <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>
447 * sin<sup>2</sup>&phi;).
448 * @return \e D(&phi;, \e k) as though &phi; &isin; (&minus;&pi;, &pi;].
449 **********************************************************************/
450 Math::real D(real sn, real cn, real dn) const;
452 /**
453 * Legendre's geodesic longitude integral in terms of Jacobi elliptic
454 * functions.
455 *
456 * @param[in] sn = sin&phi;.
457 * @param[in] cn = cos&phi;.
458 * @param[in] dn = sqrt(1 &minus; <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>
459 * sin<sup>2</sup>&phi;).
460 * @return \e G(&phi;, &alpha;<sup>2</sup>, \e k) as though &phi; &isin;
461 * (&minus;&pi;, &pi;].
462 **********************************************************************/
463 Math::real G(real sn, real cn, real dn) const;
465 /**
466 * Cayley's geodesic longitude difference integral in terms of Jacobi
467 * elliptic functions.
468 *
469 * @param[in] sn = sin&phi;.
470 * @param[in] cn = cos&phi;.
471 * @param[in] dn = sqrt(1 &minus; <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>
472 * sin<sup>2</sup>&phi;).
473 * @return \e H(&phi;, &alpha;<sup>2</sup>, \e k) as though &phi; &isin;
474 * (&minus;&pi;, &pi;].
475 **********************************************************************/
476 Math::real H(real sn, real cn, real dn) const;
477 ///@}
479 /** \name Periodic versions of incomplete elliptic integrals.
480 **********************************************************************/
481 ///@{
482 /**
483 * The periodic incomplete integral of the first kind.
484 *
485 * @param[in] sn = sin&phi;.
486 * @param[in] cn = cos&phi;.
487 * @param[in] dn = sqrt(1 &minus; <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>
488 * sin<sup>2</sup>&phi;).
489 * @return the periodic function &pi; \e F(&phi;, \e k) / (2 \e K(\e k)) -
490 * &phi;.
491 **********************************************************************/
492 Math::real deltaF(real sn, real cn, real dn) const;
494 /**
495 * The periodic incomplete integral of the second kind.
496 *
497 * @param[in] sn = sin&phi;.
498 * @param[in] cn = cos&phi;.
499 * @param[in] dn = sqrt(1 &minus; <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>
500 * sin<sup>2</sup>&phi;).
501 * @return the periodic function &pi; \e E(&phi;, \e k) / (2 \e E(\e k)) -
502 * &phi;.
503 **********************************************************************/
504 Math::real deltaE(real sn, real cn, real dn) const;
506 /**
507 * The periodic inverse of the incomplete integral of the second kind.
508 *
509 * @param[in] stau = sin&tau;.
510 * @param[in] ctau = sin&tau;.
511 * @return the periodic function <i>E</i><sup>&minus;1</sup>(&tau; (2 \e
512 * E(\e k)/&pi;), \e k) - &tau;.
513 **********************************************************************/
514 Math::real deltaEinv(real stau, real ctau) const;
516 /**
517 * The periodic incomplete integral of the third kind.
518 *
519 * @param[in] sn = sin&phi;.
520 * @param[in] cn = cos&phi;.
521 * @param[in] dn = sqrt(1 &minus; <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>
522 * sin<sup>2</sup>&phi;).
523 * @return the periodic function &pi; &Pi;(&phi;, &alpha;<sup>2</sup>,
524 * \e k) / (2 &Pi;(&alpha;<sup>2</sup>, \e k)) - &phi;.
525 **********************************************************************/
526 Math::real deltaPi(real sn, real cn, real dn) const;
528 /**
529 * The periodic Jahnke's incomplete elliptic integral.
530 *
531 * @param[in] sn = sin&phi;.
532 * @param[in] cn = cos&phi;.
533 * @param[in] dn = sqrt(1 &minus; <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>
534 * sin<sup>2</sup>&phi;).
535 * @return the periodic function &pi; \e D(&phi;, \e k) / (2 \e D(\e k)) -
536 * &phi;.
537 **********************************************************************/
538 Math::real deltaD(real sn, real cn, real dn) const;
540 /**
541 * Legendre's periodic geodesic longitude integral.
542 *
543 * @param[in] sn = sin&phi;.
544 * @param[in] cn = cos&phi;.
545 * @param[in] dn = sqrt(1 &minus; <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>
546 * sin<sup>2</sup>&phi;).
547 * @return the periodic function &pi; \e G(&phi;, \e k) / (2 \e G(\e k)) -
548 * &phi;.
549 **********************************************************************/
550 Math::real deltaG(real sn, real cn, real dn) const;
552 /**
553 * Cayley's periodic geodesic longitude difference integral.
554 *
555 * @param[in] sn = sin&phi;.
556 * @param[in] cn = cos&phi;.
557 * @param[in] dn = sqrt(1 &minus; <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>
558 * sin<sup>2</sup>&phi;).
559 * @return the periodic function &pi; \e H(&phi;, \e k) / (2 \e H(\e k)) -
560 * &phi;.
561 **********************************************************************/
562 Math::real deltaH(real sn, real cn, real dn) const;
563 ///@}
565 /** \name Elliptic functions.
566 **********************************************************************/
567 ///@{
568 /**
569 * The Jacobi elliptic functions.
570 *
571 * @param[in] x the argument.
572 * @param[out] sn sn(\e x, \e k).
573 * @param[out] cn cn(\e x, \e k).
574 * @param[out] dn dn(\e x, \e k).
575 **********************************************************************/
576 void sncndn(real x, real& sn, real& cn, real& dn) const;
578 /**
579 * The &Delta; amplitude function.
580 *
581 * @param[in] sn sin&phi;.
582 * @param[in] cn cos&phi;.
583 * @return &Delta; = sqrt(1 &minus; <i>k</i><sup>2</sup>
584 * sin<sup>2</sup>&phi;).
585 **********************************************************************/
586 Math::real Delta(real sn, real cn) const {
587 using std::sqrt;
588 return sqrt(_k2 < 0 ? 1 - _k2 * sn*sn : _kp2 + _k2 * cn*cn);
589 }
590 ///@}
592 /** \name Symmetric elliptic integrals.
593 **********************************************************************/
594 ///@{
595 /**
596 * Symmetric integral of the first kind <i>R</i><sub><i>F</i></sub>.
597 *
598 * @param[in] x
599 * @param[in] y
600 * @param[in] z
601 * @return <i>R</i><sub><i>F</i></sub>(\e x, \e y, \e z).
602 *
603 * <i>R</i><sub><i>F</i></sub> is defined in
604 * \f[ R_F(x, y, z) = \frac12
605 * \int_0^\infty\frac1{\sqrt{(t + x) (t + y) (t + z)}}\, dt, \f]
606 * where at most one of arguments, \e x, \e y, \e z, can be zero and those
607 * arguments that are nonzero must be positive. If one of the arguments is
608 * zero, it is more efficient to call the two-argument version of this
609 * function with the non-zero arguments.
610 **********************************************************************/
611 static real RF(real x, real y, real z);
613 /**
614 * Complete symmetric integral of the first kind,
615 * <i>R</i><sub><i>F</i></sub> with one argument zero.
616 *
617 * @param[in] x
618 * @param[in] y
619 * @return <i>R</i><sub><i>F</i></sub>(\e x, \e y, 0).
620 *
621 * The arguments \e x and \e y must be positive.
622 **********************************************************************/
623 static real RF(real x, real y);
625 /**
626 * Degenerate symmetric integral of the first kind
627 * <i>R</i><sub><i>C</i></sub>.
628 *
629 * @param[in] x
630 * @param[in] y
631 * @return <i>R</i><sub><i>C</i></sub>(\e x, \e y) =
632 * <i>R</i><sub><i>F</i></sub>(\e x, \e y, \e y).
633 *
634 * <i>R</i><sub><i>C</i></sub> is defined in
635 * \f[ R_C(x, y) = \frac12
636 * \int_0^\infty\frac1{\sqrt{t + x}(t + y)}\,dt, \f]
637 * where \e x &ge; 0 and \e y > 0.
638 **********************************************************************/
639 static real RC(real x, real y);
641 /**
642 * Symmetric integral of the second kind <i>R</i><sub><i>G</i></sub>.
643 *
644 * @param[in] x
645 * @param[in] y
646 * @param[in] z
647 * @return <i>R</i><sub><i>G</i></sub>(\e x, \e y, \e z).
648 *
649 * <i>R</i><sub><i>G</i></sub> is defined in Carlson, eq 1.5
650 * \f[ R_G(x, y, z) = \frac14
651 * \int_0^\infty[(t + x) (t + y) (t + z)]^{-1/2}
652 * \biggl(
653 * \frac x{t + x} + \frac y{t + y} + \frac z{t + z}
654 * \biggr)t\,dt, \f]
655 * where at most one of arguments, \e x, \e y, \e z, can be zero and those
656 * arguments that are nonzero must be positive. See also
657 * If one of the arguments is zero, it
658 * is more efficient to call the two-argument version of this function with
659 * the non-zero arguments.
660 **********************************************************************/
661 static real RG(real x, real y, real z);
663 /**
664 * Complete symmetric integral of the second kind,
665 * <i>R</i><sub><i>G</i></sub> with one argument zero.
666 *
667 * @param[in] x
668 * @param[in] y
669 * @return <i>R</i><sub><i>G</i></sub>(\e x, \e y, 0).
670 *
671 * The arguments \e x and \e y must be positive.
672 **********************************************************************/
673 static real RG(real x, real y);
675 /**
676 * Symmetric integral of the third kind <i>R</i><sub><i>J</i></sub>.
677 *
678 * @param[in] x
679 * @param[in] y
680 * @param[in] z
681 * @param[in] p
682 * @return <i>R</i><sub><i>J</i></sub>(\e x, \e y, \e z, \e p).
683 *
684 * <i>R</i><sub><i>J</i></sub> is defined in
685 * \f[ R_J(x, y, z, p) = \frac32
686 * \int_0^\infty
687 * [(t + x) (t + y) (t + z)]^{-1/2} (t + p)^{-1}\, dt, \f]
688 * where \e p > 0, and \e x, \e y, \e z are nonnegative with at most one of
689 * them being 0.
690 **********************************************************************/
691 static real RJ(real x, real y, real z, real p);
693 /**
694 * Degenerate symmetric integral of the third kind
695 * <i>R</i><sub><i>D</i></sub>.
696 *
697 * @param[in] x
698 * @param[in] y
699 * @param[in] z
700 * @return <i>R</i><sub><i>D</i></sub>(\e x, \e y, \e z) =
701 * <i>R</i><sub><i>J</i></sub>(\e x, \e y, \e z, \e z).
702 *
703 * <i>R</i><sub><i>D</i></sub> is defined in
704 * \f[ R_D(x, y, z) = \frac32
705 * \int_0^\infty[(t + x) (t + y)]^{-1/2} (t + z)^{-3/2}\, dt, \f]
706 * where \e x, \e y, \e z are positive except that at most one of \e x and
707 * \e y can be 0.
708 **********************************************************************/
709 static real RD(real x, real y, real z);
710 ///@}
712 };
714} // namespace GeographicLib
Header for GeographicLib::Constants class.
Definition: Constants.hpp:67
GeographicLib::Math::real real
Definition: GeodSolve.cpp:31
Elliptic integrals and functions.
EllipticFunction(real k2=0, real alpha2=0)
void Reset(real k2=0, real alpha2=0)
Math::real Delta(real sn, real cn) const
EllipticFunction(real k2, real alpha2, real kp2, real alphap2)
Namespace for GeographicLib.
Definition: Accumulator.cpp:12