gazebo::math Namespace Reference

Math namespace. More...


class  Angle
 An angle and related functions. More...
class  BiQuad
 Bi-quad filter base class. More...
class  BiQuadVector3
 BiQuad vector3 filter. More...
class  Box
 Mathematical representation of a box and related functions. More...
class  Filter
 Filter base class. More...
class  Kmeans
 K-Means clustering algorithm. More...
class  Matrix3
 A 3x3 matrix class. More...
class  Matrix4
 A 3x3 matrix class. More...
class  OnePole
 A one-pole DSP filter. More...
class  OnePoleQuaternion
 One-pole quaternion filter. More...
class  OnePoleVector3
 One-pole vector3 filter. More...
class  Plane
 A plane and related functions. More...
class  Pose
 Encapsulates a position and rotation in three space. More...
class  Quaternion
 A quaternion class. More...
class  Rand
 Random number generator class. More...
class  RotationSpline
 Spline for rotations. More...
class  SignalMaxAbsoluteValue
 Computing the maximum of the absolute value of a discretely sampled signal. More...
class  SignalMean
 Computing the mean value of a discretely sampled signal. More...
class  SignalRootMeanSquare
 Computing the square root of the mean squared value of a discretely sampled signal. More...
class  SignalStatistic
 Statistical properties of a discrete time scalar signal. More...
class  SignalStats
 Collection of statistics for a scalar signal. More...
class  Spline
 Splines. More...
class  Vector2d
 Generic double x, y vector. More...
class  Vector2i
 Generic integer x, y vector. More...
class  Vector3
 The Vector3 class represents the generic vector containing 3 elements. More...
class  Vector3Stats
 Collection of statistics for a Vector3 signal. More...
class  Vector4
 double Generic x, y, z, w vector More...


typedef boost::mt19937 GeneratorType
typedef boost::normal_distribution< double > NormalRealDist
typedef boost::variate_generator< GeneratorType &, NormalRealDistNRealGen
typedef boost::variate_generator< GeneratorType &, UniformIntDistUIntGen
typedef boost::uniform_int< int > UniformIntDist
typedef boost::uniform_real< double > UniformRealDist
typedef boost::variate_generator< GeneratorType &, UniformRealDistURealGen


template<typename T >
clamp (T _v, T _min, T _max)
 Simple clamping function. More...
template<typename T >
bool equal (const T &_a, const T &_b, const T &_epsilon=1e-6)
 check if two values are equal, within a tolerance More...
float fixnan (float _v)
 Fix a nan value. More...
double fixnan (double _v)
 Fix a nan value. More...
bool isnan (float _v)
 check if a float is NaN More...
bool isnan (double _v)
 check if a double is NaN More...
bool isPowerOfTwo (unsigned int _x)
 is this a power of 2? More...
template<typename T >
max (const std::vector< T > &_values)
 get the maximum value of vector of values More...
template<typename T >
mean (const std::vector< T > &_values)
 get mean of vector of values More...
template<typename T >
min (const std::vector< T > &_values)
 get the minimum value of vector of values More...
double parseFloat (const std::string &_input)
 parse string into float More...
int parseInt (const std::string &_input)
 parse string into an integer More...
template<typename T >
precision (const T &_a, const unsigned int &_precision)
 get value at a specified precision More...
unsigned int roundUpPowerOfTwo (unsigned int _x)
 Get the smallest power of two that is greater or equal to a given value. More...
template<typename T >
variance (const std::vector< T > &_values)
 get variance of vector of values More...


static const double NAN_D = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
 Returns the representation of a quiet not a number (NAN) More...
static const int NAN_I = std::numeric_limits<int>::quiet_NaN()
 Returns the representation of a quiet not a number (NAN) More...

Detailed Description

Math namespace.

Typedef Documentation

§ GeneratorType

typedef boost::mt19937 GeneratorType

§ NormalRealDist

typedef boost::normal_distribution<double> NormalRealDist

§ NRealGen

typedef boost::variate_generator<GeneratorType&, NormalRealDist > NRealGen

§ UIntGen

typedef boost::variate_generator<GeneratorType&, UniformIntDist > UIntGen

§ UniformIntDist

typedef boost::uniform_int<int> UniformIntDist

§ UniformRealDist

typedef boost::uniform_real<double> UniformRealDist

§ URealGen

typedef boost::variate_generator<GeneratorType&, UniformRealDist > URealGen