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AllIsomorphisms 6.1-1
AllIsomorphismsIterator 6.1-1
AllIsomorphismsNumber 6.1-1
AllProducts 4.1-2
AllSmoothIntegers 4.1-1 4.1-1
AllSubgroupsIterator 6.1-2
AssignGlobals 7.1-1
BlankFreeString 3.3-1
CartesianIterator 6.2-1
CentralProduct 5.3-3
CentralProductInfo 5.3-3
Comm 5.1-1
CommonRepresentatives 3.2-1
CommonTransversal 3.2-1
ConvertToMagmaInputString 9.3-1
CreateDirIfMissing 10.1
DifferencesList 3.1-1
DirectProductOfAutomorphismGroups 5.3-6
DirectProductOfFunctions 5.3-5
distinct and common representatives 3.2
DistinctRepresentatives 3.2-1
Download 8.1-1
DownloadVerifyCertificate 8.1-2
EpimorphismByGenerators 5.3-1
ExponentOfPrime 10.3-2
FindMatchingFiles 10.1
Fitting series 5.1-5
FittingLength 5.1-5
FloatQuotientsList 3.1-2
GeneratorsAndInverses 5.1-4
GetSuffix 10.1
GitHub repository 1.
IdempotentEndomorphisms 5.3-4
IdempotentEndomorphismsData 5.3-4
IdempotentEndomorphismsWithImage 5.3-4
IntOrOnfinityToLaTeX 9.2-1
IsCommonTransversal 3.2-1
IsCommuting 5.1-2
Iterators 6.1
LaTeXStringFactorsInt 9.2-2
LeftCoset 5.2-1
ListOfPowers 5.1-3
Log2HTML 9.1-1
LowerFittingSeries 5.1-5
MatrixGroupToMagmaFormat 9.3-1
NextProbablyPrimeInt 4.1-4
OKtoReadFromUtils 11.
OptionRecordWithDefaults 7.2-1
PcGroupToMagmaFormat 9.3-1
PermGroupToMagmaFormat 9.3-1
PrimeNumbersIterator 4.1-5
PrintApplicableMethod 10.3-1
PrintOneItemPerLine 10.2
PrintSelection 2.1-1 2.1-1
Pullback 5.3-2
PullbackInfo 5.3-2
QuotientsList 3.1-2
RandomCombination 3.1-4
RestrictedPartitionsWithoutRepetitions 4.1-3
SearchCycle 3.1-3
SetIfMissing 10.1
smooth integer 4.1-1
StringDotSuffix 10.1
UnorderedPairsIterator 6.2-2
UpperFittingSeries 5.1-5

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