/* -*- Mode: Javascript; indent-tabs-mode:nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /************************************************************* * * MathJax/jax/output/CommonHTML/jax.js * * Implements the CommonHTML OutputJax that displays mathematics * using HTML and CSS to position the characters from math fonts * in their proper locations. Unlike the HTML-CSS output jax, * this HTML is browser and OS independent. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 The MathJax Consortium * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function (AJAX,HUB,HTML,CHTML) { var MML; var isArray = MathJax.Object.isArray; var EVENT, TOUCH, HOVER; // filled in later var STRUTHEIGHT = 1, EFUZZ = .1, // overlap needed for stretchy delimiters HFUZZ = .025, DFUZZ = .025; // adjustments to bounding box of character boxes var STYLES = { ".mjx-chtml": { display: "inline-block", "line-height": 0, "text-indent": 0, "text-align": "left", "text-transform": "none", "font-style": "normal", "font-weight": "normal", "font-size": "100%", "font-size-adjust":"none", "letter-spacing": "normal", "word-wrap": "normal", "word-spacing": "normal", "white-space": "nowrap", "float": "none", "direction": "ltr", "max-width": "none", "max-height": "none", "min-width": 0, "min-height": 0, border: 0, margin: 0, padding: "1px 0" }, ".MJXc-display": { display: "block", "text-align": "center", "margin": "1em 0", padding: 0 }, ".mjx-chtml[tabindex]:focus, body :focus .mjx-chtml[tabindex]": { display: "inline-table" // see issues #1282 and #1338 }, ".mjx-full-width": { "text-align": "center", display: "table-cell!important", width: "10000em" }, ".mjx-math": { "display": "inline-block", "border-collapse": "separate", "border-spacing": 0 }, ".mjx-math *": { display:"inline-block", "-webkit-box-sizing": "content-box!important", "-moz-box-sizing": "content-box!important", "box-sizing": "content-box!important", // override bootstrap settings "text-align":"left" }, ".mjx-numerator": {display:"block", "text-align":"center"}, ".mjx-denominator": {display:"block", "text-align":"center"}, ".MJXc-stacked": {height:0, position:"relative"}, ".MJXc-stacked > *": {position: "absolute"}, ".MJXc-bevelled > *": {display:"inline-block"}, ".mjx-stack": {display:"inline-block"}, ".mjx-op": {display:"block"}, ".mjx-under": {display:"table-cell"}, ".mjx-over": {display:"block"}, ".mjx-over > *": {"padding-left":"0px!important", "padding-right":"0px!important"}, ".mjx-under > *": {"padding-left":"0px!important", "padding-right":"0px!important"}, ".mjx-stack > .mjx-sup": {display:"block"}, ".mjx-stack > .mjx-sub": {display:"block"}, ".mjx-prestack > .mjx-presup": {display:"block"}, ".mjx-prestack > .mjx-presub": {display:"block"}, ".mjx-delim-h > .mjx-char": {display:"inline-block"}, ".mjx-surd": {"vertical-align":"top"}, ".mjx-surd + .mjx-box": {display:"inline-flex"}, ".mjx-mphantom *": {visibility:"hidden"}, ".mjx-merror": { "background-color":"#FFFF88", color: "#CC0000", border: "1px solid #CC0000", padding: "2px 3px", "font-style": "normal", "font-size": "90%" }, ".mjx-annotation-xml": {"line-height":"normal"}, ".mjx-menclose > svg": {fill:"none", stroke:"currentColor", overflow:"visible"}, ".mjx-mtr": {display:"table-row"}, ".mjx-mlabeledtr": {display:"table-row"}, ".mjx-mtd": {display:"table-cell", "text-align":"center"}, ".mjx-label": {display:"table-row"}, ".mjx-box": {display:"inline-block"}, ".mjx-block": {display:"block"}, ".mjx-span": {display:"inline"}, ".mjx-char": {display:"block", "white-space":"pre"}, ".mjx-itable": {display:"inline-table", width:"auto"}, ".mjx-row": {display:"table-row"}, ".mjx-cell": {display:"table-cell"}, ".mjx-table": {display:"table", width:"100%"}, ".mjx-line": {display:"block", height:0}, ".mjx-strut": {width:0, "padding-top":STRUTHEIGHT+"em"}, ".mjx-vsize": {width:0}, ".MJXc-space1": {"margin-left":".167em"}, ".MJXc-space2": {"margin-left":".222em"}, ".MJXc-space3": {"margin-left":".278em"}, ".mjx-chartest": { display:"block", visibility: "hidden", position:"absolute", top:0, "line-height":"normal", "font-size":"500%" }, ".mjx-chartest .mjx-char": {display:"inline"}, ".mjx-chartest .mjx-box": {"padding-top": "1000px"}, ".MJXc-processing": { visibility: "hidden", position:"fixed", width: 0, height: 0, overflow:"hidden" }, ".MJXc-processed": {display:"none"}, ".mjx-test": { "font-style": "normal", "font-weight": "normal", "font-size": "100%", "font-size-adjust":"none", "text-indent": 0, "text-transform": "none", "letter-spacing": "normal", "word-spacing": "normal", overflow: "hidden", height: "1px" }, ".mjx-test.mjx-test-display": { display: "table!important" }, ".mjx-test.mjx-test-inline": { display: "inline!important", "margin-right": "-1px" }, ".mjx-test.mjx-test-default": { display: "block!important", clear: "both" }, ".mjx-ex-box": { display: "inline-block!important", position: "absolute", overflow: "hidden", "min-height": 0, "max-height":"none", padding:0, border: 0, margin: 0, width:"1px", height:"60ex" }, ".mjx-test-inline .mjx-left-box": { display: "inline-block", width: 0, "float":"left" }, ".mjx-test-inline .mjx-right-box": { display: "inline-block", width: 0, "float":"right" }, ".mjx-test-display .mjx-right-box": { display: "table-cell!important", width: "10000em!important", "min-width":0, "max-width":"none", padding:0, border:0, margin:0 }, "#MathJax_CHTML_Tooltip": { "background-color": "InfoBackground", color: "InfoText", border: "1px solid black", "box-shadow": "2px 2px 5px #AAAAAA", // Opera 10.5 "-webkit-box-shadow": "2px 2px 5px #AAAAAA", // Safari 3 and Chrome "-moz-box-shadow": "2px 2px 5px #AAAAAA", // Firefox 3.5 "-khtml-box-shadow": "2px 2px 5px #AAAAAA", // Konqueror padding: "3px 4px", "z-index": 401, position: "absolute", left: 0, top: 0, width: "auto", height: "auto", display: "none" } }; /************************************************************/ var BIGDIMEN = 1000000; var MAXREMAP = 5; var LINEBREAKS = {}, CONFIG = MathJax.Hub.config; CHTML.Augment({ settings: HUB.config.menuSettings, config: {styles: STYLES}, /********************************************/ Config: function () { if (!this.require) {this.require = []} this.SUPER(arguments).Config.call(this); var settings = this.settings; if (settings.scale) {this.config.scale = settings.scale} this.require.push(this.fontDir+"/TeX/fontdata.js"); this.require.push(MathJax.OutputJax.extensionDir+"/MathEvents.js"); LINEBREAKS = this.config.linebreaks; }, Startup: function () { // // Set up event handling // EVENT = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Event; TOUCH = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Touch; HOVER = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Hover; this.ContextMenu = EVENT.ContextMenu; this.Mousedown = EVENT.AltContextMenu; this.Mouseover = HOVER.Mouseover; this.Mouseout = HOVER.Mouseout; this.Mousemove = HOVER.Mousemove; // // Determine pixels per inch // var div = CHTML.addElement(document.body,"mjx-block",{style:{display:"block",width:"5in"}}); this.pxPerInch = div.offsetWidth/5; div.parentNode.removeChild(div); // // Used in preTranslate to get scaling factors and line width // this.TestSpan = CHTML.Element("mjx-test",{style:{left:"1em"}}, [["mjx-left-box"],["mjx-ex-box"],["mjx-right-box"]]); // // Set up styles and preload web fonts // return AJAX.Styles(this.config.styles,["InitializeCHTML",this]); }, InitializeCHTML: function () { this.getDefaultExEm(); // // If the defaultEm size is zero, it might be that a web font hasn't // arrived yet, so try to wait for it, but don't wait too long. // if (this.defaultEm) return; var ready = MathJax.Callback(); AJAX.timer.start(AJAX,function (check) { if (check.time(ready)) {HUB.signal.Post(["CommonHTML Jax - no default em size"]); return} CHTML.getDefaultExEm(); if (CHTML.defaultEm) {ready()} else {setTimeout(check,check.delay)} },this.defaultEmDelay,this.defaultEmTimeout); return ready; }, defaultEmDelay: 100, // initial delay when checking for defaultEm defaultEmTimeout: 1000, // when to stop looking for defaultEm getDefaultExEm: function () { // // Get the default sizes (need styles in place to do this) // var test = document.body.appendChild(this.TestSpan.cloneNode(true)); test.className += " mjx-test-inline mjx-test-default"; this.defaultEm = this.getFontSize(test); this.defaultEx = test.childNodes[1].offsetHeight/60; this.defaultWidth = Math.max(0,test.lastChild.offsetLeft-test.firstChild.offsetLeft-2); document.body.removeChild(test); }, getFontSize: (window.getComputedStyle ? function (node) { var style = window.getComputedStyle(node); return parseFloat(style.fontSize); } : // // IE 8 doesn't do getComputedStyle, so use // an alternative approach // function (node) { return node.style.pixelLeft; } ), getMaxWidth: (window.getComputedStyle ? function (node) { var style = window.getComputedStyle(node); if (style.maxWidth !== "none") return parseFloat(style.maxWidth); return 0; } : // // IE 8 doesn't do getComputedStyle, so use // currentStyle, and a hack to get the pixels for // a non-px max-width // function (node) { var max = node.currentStyle.maxWidth; if (max !== "none") { if (max.match(/\d*px/)) return parseFloat(max); var left = node.style.left; node.style.left = max; max = node.style.pixelLeft; node.style.left = left; return max; } return 0; } ), // // Load data for a font // loadFont: function (font) { HUB.RestartAfter(AJAX.Require(this.fontDir+"/"+font)); }, // // Signal that the font data are loaded // fontLoaded: function (font) { if (!font.match(/-|fontdata/)) font += "-Regular"; if (!font.match(/\.js$/)) font += ".js" MathJax.Callback.Queue( ["Post",HUB.Startup.signal,"CommonHTML - font data loaded for " + font], ["loadComplete",AJAX,this.fontDir+"/"+font] ); }, Element: function (type,def,content) { if (type.substr(0,4) === "mjx-") { if (!def) def = {}; if (def.isMathJax == null) def.isMathJax = true; if (def.className) def.className = type+" "+def.className; else def.className = type; type = "span"; } return this.HTMLElement(type,def,content); }, addElement: function (node,type,def,content) { return node.appendChild(this.Element(type,def,content)); }, HTMLElement: HTML.Element, ucMatch: HTML.ucMatch, setScript: HTML.setScript, // // Look through the direct children of a node for one with the given // type (but if the node has intervening containers for its children, // step into them; note that elements corresponding to MathML nodes // will have id's so we don't step into them). // // This is used by munderover and msubsup to locate their child elements // when they are part of an embellished operator that is being stretched. // We don't use querySelector because we want to find only the direct child // nodes, not nodes that might be nested deeper in the tree (see issue #1447). // getNode: function (node,type) { var name = RegExp("\\b"+type+"\\b"); var nodes = []; while (node) { for (var i = 0, m = node.childNodes.length; i < m; i++) { var child = node.childNodes[i]; if (child) { if (name.test(child.className)) return child; if (child.id === "") nodes.push(child); } } node = nodes.shift(); } return null; }, /********************************************/ preTranslate: function (state) { var scripts = state.jax[this.id], i, m = scripts.length, script, prev, node, test, jax, ex, em, scale; // // Get linebreaking information // var maxwidth = 100000, relwidth = false, cwidth = 0, linebreak = LINEBREAKS.automatic, width = LINEBREAKS.width; if (linebreak) { relwidth = !!width.match(/^\s*(\d+(\.\d*)?%\s*)?container\s*$/); if (relwidth) {width = width.replace(/\s*container\s*/,"")} else {maxwidth = this.defaultWidth} if (width === "") {width = "100%"} } // // Loop through the scripts // for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { script = scripts[i]; if (!script.parentNode) continue; // // Remove any existing output // prev = script.previousSibling; if (prev && prev.className && String(prev.className).substr(0,9) === "mjx-chtml") prev.parentNode.removeChild(prev); if (script.MathJax.preview) script.MathJax.preview.style.display = "none"; // // Add the node for the math and mark it as being processed // jax = script.MathJax.elementJax; if (!jax) continue; jax.CHTML = { display: (jax.root.Get("display") === "block"), preview: (jax.CHTML||{}).preview // in case typeset calls are interleaved }; node = CHTML.Element("mjx-chtml",{ id:jax.inputID+"-Frame", className:"MathJax_CHTML", isMathJax:true, jaxID:this.id, oncontextmenu:EVENT.Menu, onmousedown: EVENT.Mousedown, onmouseover:EVENT.Mouseover, onmouseout:EVENT.Mouseout, onmousemove:EVENT.Mousemove, onclick:EVENT.Click, ondblclick:EVENT.DblClick, // Added for keyboard accessible menu. onkeydown: EVENT.Keydown, tabIndex: HUB.getTabOrder(jax) }); if (jax.CHTML.display) { // // Zoom box requires an outer container to get the positioning right. // var NODE = CHTML.Element("mjx-chtml",{className:"MJXc-display",isMathJax:false}); NODE.appendChild(node); node = NODE; } if (HUB.Browser.noContextMenu) { node.ontouchstart = TOUCH.start; node.ontouchend = TOUCH.end; } // node.className += " MJXc-processing"; script.parentNode.insertBefore(node,script); // // Add test nodes for determining scales and linebreak widths // test = this.TestSpan.cloneNode(true); test.className += " mjx-test-" + (jax.CHTML.display ? "display" : "inline"); script.parentNode.insertBefore(test,script); } // // Determine the scaling factors for each script // (this only requires one reflow rather than a reflow for each equation) // for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { script = scripts[i]; if (!script.parentNode) continue; test = script.previousSibling; jax = script.MathJax.elementJax; if (!jax) continue; em = CHTML.getFontSize(test); ex = test.childNodes[1].offsetHeight/60; cwidth = Math.max(0, jax.CHTML.display ? test.lastChild.offsetWidth - 1: test.lastChild.offsetLeft - test.firstChild.offsetLeft - 2); if (ex === 0 || ex === "NaN") { ex = this.defaultEx; cwidth = this.defaultWidth; } if (cwidth === 0 && !jax.CHTML.display) cwidth = this.defaultWidth; if (relwidth) maxwidth = cwidth; scale = (this.config.matchFontHeight ? ex/this.TEX.x_height/em : 1); scale = Math.floor(Math.max(this.config.minScaleAdjust/100,scale)*this.config.scale); jax.CHTML.scale = scale/100; jax.CHTML.fontSize = scale+"%"; jax.CHTML.outerEm = em; jax.CHTML.em = this.em = em * scale/100; jax.CHTML.ex = ex; jax.CHTML.cwidth = cwidth/this.em; jax.CHTML.lineWidth = (linebreak ? this.length2em(width,maxwidth/this.em,1) : maxwidth); } // // Remove the test spans used for determining scales and linebreak widths // for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { script = scripts[i]; if (!script.parentNode) continue; jax = script.MathJax.elementJax; if (!jax) continue; script.parentNode.removeChild(script.previousSibling); if (script.MathJax.preview) script.MathJax.preview.style.display = ""; } state.CHTMLeqn = state.CHTMLlast = 0; state.CHTMLi = -1; state.CHTMLchunk = this.config.EqnChunk; state.CHTMLdelay = false; }, /********************************************/ Translate: function (script,state) { if (!script.parentNode) return; // // If we are supposed to do a chunk delay, do it // if (state.CHTMLdelay) { state.CHTMLdelay = false; HUB.RestartAfter(MathJax.Callback.Delay(this.config.EqnChunkDelay)); } // // Get the data about the math // var jax = script.MathJax.elementJax, math = jax.root, node = document.getElementById(jax.inputID+"-Frame"); if (!node) return; this.getMetrics(jax); if (this.scale !== 1) node.style.fontSize = jax.CHTML.fontSize; // // Typeset the math // this.initCHTML(math,node); this.savePreview(script); this.CHTMLnode = node; try { math.setTeXclass(); math.toCommonHTML(node); } catch (err) { while (node.firstChild) node.removeChild(node.firstChild); delete this.CHTMLnode; this.restorePreview(script); throw err; } delete this.CHTMLnode; this.restorePreview(script); // // Put it in place, and remove the processing marker // if (jax.CHTML.display) node = node.parentNode; node.className = node.className.replace(/ [^ ]+$/,""); // // Hide the math and don't let its preview be removed // node.className += " MJXc-processed"; if (script.MathJax.preview) { jax.CHTML.preview = script.MathJax.preview; delete script.MathJax.preview; } // // Check if we should show this chunk of equations // state.CHTMLeqn += (state.i - state.CHTMLi); state.CHTMLi = state.i; if (state.CHTMLeqn >= state.CHTMLlast + state.CHTMLchunk) { this.postTranslate(state); state.CHTMLchunk = Math.floor(state.CHTMLchunk*this.config.EqnChunkFactor); state.CHTMLdelay = true; // delay if there are more scripts } }, initCHTML: function (math,node) {}, // // MathML previews can contain the same ID's as the HTML output, // which confuses CHTMLnodeElement(), so remove the preview temporarily // and restore it after typesetting the math. // savePreview: function (script) { var preview = script.MathJax.preview; if (preview && preview.parentNode) { script.MathJax.tmpPreview = document.createElement("span"); preview.parentNode.replaceChild(script.MathJax.tmpPreview,preview); } }, restorePreview: function (script) { var tmpPreview = script.MathJax.tmpPreview; if (tmpPreview) { tmpPreview.parentNode.replaceChild(script.MathJax.preview,tmpPreview); delete script.MathJax.tmpPreview; } }, // // Get the jax metric information // getMetrics: function(jax) { var data = jax.CHTML; this.jax = jax; this.em = data.em; this.outerEm = data.outerEm; this.scale = data.scale; this.cwidth = data.cwidth; this.linebreakWidth = data.lineWidth; }, /********************************************/ postTranslate: function (state) { var scripts = state.jax[this.id]; // // Reveal this chunk of math // for (var i = state.CHTMLlast, m = state.CHTMLeqn; i < m; i++) { var script = scripts[i]; if (script && script.MathJax.elementJax) { // // Remove the processed marker // script.previousSibling.className = script.previousSibling.className.replace(/ [^ ]+$/,""); var data = script.MathJax.elementJax.CHTML; // // Remove the preview, if any // if (data.preview) { data.preview.innerHTML = ""; script.MathJax.preview = data.preview; delete data.preview; } } } // // Save our place so we know what is revealed // state.CHTMLlast = state.CHTMLeqn; }, /********************************************/ getJaxFromMath: function (math) { if (math.parentNode.className.match(/MJXc-display/)) math = math.parentNode; do {math = math.nextSibling} while (math && math.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "script"); return HUB.getJaxFor(math); }, getHoverSpan: function (jax,math) {return jax.root.CHTMLnodeElement()}, getHoverBBox: function (jax,span,math) { var bbox = jax.root.CHTML, em = jax.CHTML.outerEm; var BBOX = {w:bbox.w*em, h:bbox.h*em, d:bbox.d*em}; if (bbox.width) {BBOX.width = bbox.width} return BBOX; }, Zoom: function (jax,span,math,Mw,Mh) { // // Re-render at larger size // this.getMetrics(jax); var node = CHTML.addElement(span,"mjx-chtml",{style:{"font-size":Math.floor(CHTML.scale*100)+"%"},isMathJax:false}); CHTML.CHTMLnode = node; this.idPostfix = "-zoom"; jax.root.toCommonHTML(node); this.idPostfix = ""; // // Adjust margins to prevent overlaps at the edges // var style = node.style, bbox = jax.root.CHTML; if (bbox.t > bbox.h) style.marginTop = CHTML.Em(bbox.t-bbox.h); if (bbox.b > bbox.d) style.marginBottom = CHTML.Em(bbox.b-bbox.d); if (bbox.l < 0) style.paddingLeft = CHTML.Em(-bbox.l); if (bbox.r > bbox.w) style.marginRight = CHTML.Em(bbox.r-bbox.w); // // Get height and width of zoomed math and original math // style.position = "absolute"; var zW = node.offsetWidth, zH = node.offsetHeight, mH = math.firstChild.offsetHeight, mW = math.firstChild.offsetWidth; node.style.position = ""; // return {Y:-EVENT.getBBox(span).h, mW:mW, mH:mH, zW:zW, zH:zH}; }, Remove: function (jax) { var node = document.getElementById(jax.inputID+"-Frame"); if (node && jax.CHTML.display) node = node.parentNode; if (node) node.parentNode.removeChild(node); delete jax.CHTML; }, /********************************************/ ID: 0, idPostfix: "", GetID: function () {this.ID++; return this.ID}, /********************************************/ MATHSPACE: { veryverythinmathspace: 1/18, verythinmathspace: 2/18, thinmathspace: 3/18, mediummathspace: 4/18, thickmathspace: 5/18, verythickmathspace: 6/18, veryverythickmathspace: 7/18, negativeveryverythinmathspace: -1/18, negativeverythinmathspace: -2/18, negativethinmathspace: -3/18, negativemediummathspace: -4/18, negativethickmathspace: -5/18, negativeverythickmathspace: -6/18, negativeveryverythickmathspace: -7/18, thin: .04, medium: .06, thick: .1, infinity: BIGDIMEN }, SPACECLASS: { thinmathspace: "MJXc-space1", mediummathspace: "MJXc-space2", thickmathspace: "MJXc-space3" }, pxPerInch: 96, em: 16, maxStretchyParts: 1000, // limit the number of parts allowed for // stretchy operators. See issue 366. FONTDEF: {}, TEXDEF: { x_height: .442, quad: 1, num1: .676508, num2: .393732, num3: .44373, denom1: .685951, denom2: .344841, sup1: .412892, sup2: .362892, sup3: .288888, sub1: .15, sub2: .247217, sup_drop: .386108, sub_drop: .05, delim1: 2.39, delim2: 1.0, axis_height: .25, rule_thickness: .06, big_op_spacing1: .111111, big_op_spacing2: .166666, big_op_spacing3: .2, big_op_spacing4: .45, //.6, // better spacing for under arrows and braces big_op_spacing5: .1, surd_height: .075, scriptspace: .05, nulldelimiterspace: .12, delimiterfactor: 901, delimitershortfall: .3, min_rule_thickness: 1.25 // in pixels }, /********************************************************/ // // True if text holds a single (unicode) glyph // isChar: function (text) { if (text.length === 1) return true; if (text.length !== 2) return false; var n = text.charCodeAt(0); return (n >= 0xD800 && n < 0xDBFF); }, // // Get a unicode character by number (even when it takes two character) // unicodeChar: function (n) { if (n < 0xFFFF) return String.fromCharCode(n); n -= 0x10000; return String.fromCharCode((n>>10)+0xD800) + String.fromCharCode((n&0x3FF)+0xDC00); }, // // Get the unicode number of a (possibly multi-character) string // getUnicode: function (string) { var n = string.text.charCodeAt(string.i); string.i++; if (n >= 0xD800 && n < 0xDBFF) { n = (((n-0xD800)<<10)+(string.text.charCodeAt(string.i)-0xDC00))+0x10000; string.i++; } return n; }, // // Get the list of actions for a given character in a given variant // (processing remaps, multi-character results, and so on). Results are // cached so that future lookups for the same variant/n pair will not // require looking through the data again. // getCharList: function (variant,n) { var id, M, cache = variant.cache, nn = n; if (cache[n]) return cache[n]; if (n > 0xFFFF && this.FONTDATA.RemapPlane1) { var nv = this.FONTDATA.RemapPlane1(n,variant); n = nv.n; variant = nv.variant; } var RANGES = this.FONTDATA.RANGES, VARIANT = this.FONTDATA.VARIANT; if (n >= RANGES[0].low && n <= RANGES[RANGES.length-1].high) { for (id = 0, M = RANGES.length; id < M; id++) { if (RANGES[id].name === "alpha" && variant.noLowerCase) continue; var N = variant["offset"+RANGES[id].offset]; if (N && n >= RANGES[id].low && n <= RANGES[id].high) { if (RANGES[id].remap && RANGES[id].remap[n]) { n = N + RANGES[id].remap[n]; } else { n = n - RANGES[id].low + N; if (RANGES[id].add) {n += RANGES[id].add} } if (variant["variant"+RANGES[id].offset]) variant = VARIANT[variant["variant"+RANGES[id].offset]]; break; } } } cache[nn] = this.remapChar(variant,n,0); return cache[nn]; }, remapChar: function (variant,n,N) { var list = [], VARIANT = this.FONTDATA.VARIANT; if (variant.remap && variant.remap[n]) { n = variant.remap[n]; if (variant.remap.variant) {variant = VARIANT[variant.remap.variant]} } else if (this.FONTDATA.REMAP[n] && !variant.noRemap) { n = this.FONTDATA.REMAP[n]; } if (isArray(n)) { if (n[2]) N = MAXREMAP; // stop remapping variant = VARIANT[n[1]]; n = n[0]; } if (typeof(n) === "string") { var string = {text:n, i:0, length:n.length}; while (string.i < string.length) { n = this.getUnicode(string); var chars = this.getCharList(variant,n); if (chars) list.push.apply(list,chars); } } else { if (variant.cache[n]) {list = variant.cache[n]} else {variant.cache[n] = list = this.lookupChar(variant,n,N)} } return list; }, // // After all remapping has been done, look up a character // in the fonts for a given variant, chaining to other // variants as needed. Return an undefined character if // it isn't found in the given variant. // lookupChar: function (variant,n,N) { var VARIANT = variant; while (variant) { for (var i = 0, m = variant.fonts.length; i < m; i++) { var font = this.FONTDATA.FONTS[variant.fonts[i]]; if (typeof(font) === "string") this.loadFont(font); var C = font[n]; if (C) { this.fixChar(C,n); if (C[5].space) return [{type:"space", w:C[2], font:font}]; return [{type:"char", font:font, n:n}]; } else if (font.Extra) { this.findBlock(font,n); } } variant = this.FONTDATA.VARIANT[variant.chain]; if (variant && variant.remap && variant.remap[n] && N++ < MAXREMAP) { return this.remapChar(variant,n,N); } } return [this.unknownChar(VARIANT,n)]; }, fixChar: function (C,n) { if (C.length === 5) C[5] = {}; if (C.c == null) { C[0] /= 1000; C[1] /= 1000; C[2] /= 1000; C[3] /= 1000; C[4] /= 1000; C.c = this.unicodeChar(n); } return C; }, findBlock: function (font,n) { var extra = font.Extra, name = font.file, file; for (var i = 0, m = extra.length; i < m; i++) { if (typeof(extra[i]) === "number") { if (n === extra[i]) {file = name; break} } else { if (n < extra[i][0]) return; if (n <= extra[i][1]) {file = name; break} } } // // Currently this only loads one extra file, but that // might need to be expanded in the future. // if (file) {delete font.Extra; this.loadFont(name)} }, // // Create a fake font entry for an unknown character. // unknownChar: function (variant,n) { HUB.signal.Post(["CommonHTML Jax - unknown char",n,variant]); var id = ""; if (variant.bold) id += "B"; if (variant.italic) id += "I"; var unknown = this.FONTDATA.UNKNOWN[id||"R"]; // cache of previously measured characters if (!unknown[n]) this.getUnknownChar(unknown,n); return {type:"unknown", n:n, font:unknown}; }, getUnknownChar: function (unknown,n) { var c = this.unicodeChar(n); var HDW = this.getHDW(c,unknown.className); // ### FIXME: provide a means of setting the height and depth for individual characters unknown[n] = [.8,.2,HDW.w,0,HDW.w,{a:Math.max(0,(HDW.h-HDW.d)/2), h:HDW.h, d:HDW.d}]; unknown[n].c = c; }, styledText: function (variant,text) { HUB.signal.Post(["CommonHTML Jax - styled text",text,variant]); var style = variant.style; var id = "_"+(style["font-family"]||variant.className||""); if (style["font-weight"]) id += "_"+style["font-weight"]; if (style["font-style"]) id += "_"+style["font-style"]; if (!this.STYLEDTEXT) this.STYLEDTEXT = {}; if (!this.STYLEDTEXT[id]) this.STYLEDTEXT[id] = {className:variant.className||""}; var unknown = this.STYLEDTEXT[id]; if (!unknown["_"+text]) { var HDW = this.getHDW(text,variant.className||"",style); unknown["_"+text] = [.8,.2,HDW.w,0,HDW.w,{a:Math.max(0,(HDW.h-HDW.d)/2), h:HDW.h, d:HDW.d}]; unknown["_"+text].c = text; } return {type:"unknown", n:"_"+text, font:unknown, style:style, rscale:variant.rscale}; }, // // Get the height, depth, and width of a character // (height and depth are of the font, not the character). // WARNING: causes reflow of the page! // getHDW: function (c,name,styles) { var test1 = CHTML.addElement(CHTML.CHTMLnode,"mjx-chartest",{className:name},[["mjx-char",{style:styles},[c]]]); var test2 = CHTML.addElement(CHTML.CHTMLnode,"mjx-chartest",{className:name},[["mjx-char",{style:styles},[c,["mjx-box"]]]]); test1.firstChild.style.fontSize = test2.firstChild.style.fontSize = ""; var em = 5*CHTML.em; var H1 = test1.offsetHeight, H2 = test2.offsetHeight, W = test1.offsetWidth; CHTML.CHTMLnode.removeChild(test1); CHTML.CHTMLnode.removeChild(test2); if (H2 === 0) { em = 5*CHTML.defaultEm; var test = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); test.appendChild(test1); test.appendChild(test2); H1 = test1.offsetHeight, H2 = test2.offsetHeight, W = test1.offsetWidth; document.body.removeChild(test); } var d = (H2-1000)/em, w = W/em, h = H1/em - d; return {h:h, d:d, w:w} }, /********************************************************/ // // Process a character list into a given node and return // the updated bounding box. // addCharList: function (node,list,bbox) { var state = {text:"", className:null, a:0}; for (var i = 0, m = list.length; i < m; i++) { var item = list[i]; if (this.charList[item.type]) (this.charList[item.type])(item,node,bbox,state,m); } if (state.text !== "") { if (node.childNodes.length) { this.charList.flushText(node,state); } else { HTML.addText(node,state.text); if (node.className) node.className += " "+state.className; else node.className = state.className; } } bbox.b = (state.flushed ? 0 : bbox.a); }, // // The various item types are processed by these // functions. // charList: { // // Character from the known fonts // "char": function (item,node,bbox,state,m) { var font = item.font, remap = (font.remapCombining||{})[item.n]; if (font.className === state.className) { remap = null; } else if (state.className || (remap && state.text !== "")) { this.flushText(node,state); } if (!state.a) state.a = font.centerline/1000; if (state.a > (bbox.a||0)) bbox.a = state.a; state.className = font.className; var C = font[item.n]; if (remap) { var FONT = font; if (isArray(remap)) { FONT = CHTML.FONTDATA.FONTS[remap[1]]; remap = remap[0]; if (typeof(FONT) === 'string') CHTML.loadFont(FONT); } if (FONT[item.n]) CHTML.fixChar(FONT[item.n],item.n); C = CHTML.fixChar(FONT[remap],remap); state.className = FONT.className; } state.text += C.c; if (bbox.h < C[0]+HFUZZ) bbox.t = bbox.h = C[0]+HFUZZ; if (bbox.d < C[1]+DFUZZ) bbox.b = bbox.d = C[1]+DFUZZ; if (bbox.l > bbox.w+C[3]) bbox.l = bbox.w+C[3]; if (bbox.r < bbox.w+C[4]) bbox.r = bbox.w+C[4]; bbox.w += C[2] * (item.rscale||1); if (m == 1 && font.skew && font.skew[item.n]) bbox.skew = font.skew[item.n]; if (C[5] && C[5].rfix) this.flushText(node,state).style.marginRight = CHTML.Em(C[5].rfix/1000); if (remap) { // // Remap combining characters to non-combining versions since Safari // handles them differently from everyone else. (#1709) // var chr = this.flushText(node,state); var r = (FONT[item.n]||font[item.n])[4] - (C[4] - C[2]); chr.style.marginLeft = CHTML.Em(-C[2]-r); if (r < 0) chr.style.marginRight = CHTML.Em(-r); } }, // // Space characters (not actually in the fonts) // space: function (item,node,bbox,state) { if (item.w) { if (state.text === "") state.className = item.font.className; this.flushText(node,state).style.marginRight = CHTML.Em(item.w); bbox.w += item.w; } }, // // An unknown character (one not in the font data) // unknown: function (item,node,bbox,state) { (this["char"])(item,node,bbox,state,0); var C = item.font[item.n]; if (C[5].a) { state.a = C[5].a; if (bbox.a == null || state.a > bbox.a) bbox.a = state.a; } node = this.flushText(node,state,item.style); if (C[2] < 3) node.style.width = CHTML.Em(C[2]); // only force width if not too large (#1718) }, // // Put the pending text into a box of the class, and // reset the data about the text. // flushText: function (node,state,style) { node = CHTML.addElement(node,"mjx-charbox", {className:state.className,style:style},[state.text]); if (state.a) node.style.paddingBottom = CHTML.Em(state.a); state.text = ""; state.className = null; state.a = 0; state.flushed = true; return node; } }, // // Add the given text (in the given variant) into the given node, and // update the bounding box of the result. Make sure the node's DOM // bounding box matches the contents. // handleText: function (node,text,variant,bbox) { if (node.childNodes.length === 0) { CHTML.addElement(node,"mjx-char"); bbox = CHTML.BBOX.empty(bbox); } if (typeof(variant) === "string") variant = this.FONTDATA.VARIANT[variant]; if (!variant) variant = this.FONTDATA.VARIANT[MML.VARIANT.NORMAL]; var string = {text:text, i:0, length:text.length}, list = []; if (variant.style && string.length) { list.push(this.styledText(variant,text)); } else { while (string.i < string.length) { var n = this.getUnicode(string); list.push.apply(list,this.getCharList(variant,n)); } } if (list.length) this.addCharList(node.firstChild,list,bbox); bbox.clean(); if (bbox.d < 0) {bbox.D = bbox.d; bbox.d = 0} if (bbox.h - bbox.a) node.firstChild.style[bbox.h - bbox.a < 0 ? "marginTop" : "paddingTop"] = this.EmRounded(bbox.h-bbox.a); if (bbox.d > -bbox.b) node.firstChild.style.paddingBottom = this.EmRounded(bbox.d+bbox.b); return bbox; }, /********************************************************/ createDelimiter: function (node,code,HW,BBOX,font) { if (!code) { var bbox = this.BBOX.zero(); bbox.w = bbox.r = this.TEX.nulldelimiterspace; CHTML.addElement(node,"mjx-box",{style:{width:bbox.w}}); return bbox; } if (!(HW instanceof Array)) HW = [HW,HW]; var hw = HW[1]; HW = HW[0]; var delim = {alias: code}; while (delim.alias) { code = delim.alias; delim = this.FONTDATA.DELIMITERS[code]; if (!delim) {delim = {HW: [0,this.FONTDATA.VARIANT[MML.VARIANT.NORMAL]]}} } if (delim.load) HUB.RestartAfter(AJAX.Require(this.fontDir+"/TeX/fontdata-"+delim.load+".js")); for (var i = 0, m = delim.HW.length; i < m; i++) { if (delim.HW[i][0] >= HW-.01 || (i == m-1 && !delim.stretch)) { if (delim.HW[i][3]) code = delim.HW[i][3]; bbox = this.createChar(node,[code,delim.HW[i][1]],(delim.HW[i][2]||1),font); bbox.offset = .6 * bbox.w; if (BBOX) {bbox.scale = BBOX.scale; BBOX.rscale = BBOX.rscale} return bbox; } } if (!delim.stretch) return bbox; return this["extendDelimiter"+delim.dir](node,hw,delim.stretch,BBOX,font); }, extendDelimiterV: function (node,H,delim,BBOX,font) { node = CHTML.addElement(node,"mjx-delim-v"); var tmp = CHTML.Element("span"); var top, bot, mid, ext, tbox, bbox, mbox, ebox, k = 1, c; tbox = this.createChar(tmp,(delim.top||delim.ext),1,font); top = tmp.removeChild(tmp.firstChild); bbox = this.createChar(tmp,(delim.bot||delim.ext),1,font); bot = tmp.removeChild(tmp.firstChild); mbox = ebox = CHTML.BBOX.zero(); var h = tbox.h + tbox.d + bbox.h + bbox.d - EFUZZ; node.appendChild(top); if (delim.mid) { mbox = this.createChar(tmp,delim.mid,1,font); mid = tmp.removeChild(tmp.firstChild); h += mbox.h + mbox.d; k = 2; } if (delim.min && H < h*delim.min) H = h*delim.min; if (H > h) { ebox = this.createChar(tmp,delim.ext,1,font); ext = tmp.removeChild(tmp.firstChild); var eH = ebox.h + ebox.d, eh = eH - EFUZZ; var n = Math.min(Math.ceil((H-h)/(k*eh)),this.maxStretchyParts); if (delim.fullExtenders) H = n*k*eh + h; else eh = (H-h)/(k*n); c = ebox.d + ebox.a - eH/2; // for centering of extenders ext.style.margin = ext.style.padding = ""; ext.style.lineHeight = CHTML.Em(eh); ext.style.marginBottom = CHTML.Em(c-EFUZZ/2/k); ext.style.marginTop = CHTML.Em(-c-EFUZZ/2/k); var TEXT = ext.textContent, text = "\n"+TEXT; while (--n > 0) TEXT += text; ext.textContent = TEXT; node.appendChild(ext); if (delim.mid) { node.appendChild(mid); node.appendChild(ext.cloneNode(true)); } } else { c = (H-h-EFUZZ) / k; top.style.marginBottom = CHTML.Em(c+parseFloat(top.style.marginBottom||"0")); if (delim.mid) node.appendChild(mid); bot.style.marginTop = CHTML.Em(c+parseFloat(bot.style.marginTop||"0")); } node.appendChild(bot); var vbox = CHTML.BBOX({ w: Math.max(tbox.w,ebox.w,bbox.w,mbox.w), l: Math.min(tbox.l,ebox.l,bbox.l,mbox.l), r: Math.max(tbox.r,ebox.r,bbox.r,mbox.r), h: H-bbox.d, d: bbox.d, t: H-bbox.d, b: bbox.d }); vbox.offset = .5 * vbox.w; if (BBOX) {vbox.scale = BBOX.scale; vbox.rscale = BBOX.rscale} return vbox; }, extendDelimiterH: function (node,W,delim,BBOX,font) { node = CHTML.addElement(node,"mjx-delim-h"); var tmp = CHTML.Element("span"); var left, right, mid, ext, ext2, lbox, rbox, mbox, ebox, k = 1; lbox = this.createChar(tmp,(delim.left||delim.rep),1,font); left = tmp.removeChild(tmp.firstChild); rbox = this.createChar(tmp,(delim.right||delim.rep),1,font); right = tmp.removeChild(tmp.firstChild); ebox = this.createChar(tmp,delim.rep,1,font); ext = tmp.removeChild(tmp.firstChild); left.style.marginLeft = CHTML.Em(-lbox.l); right.style.marginRight = CHTML.Em(rbox.r-rbox.w); node.appendChild(left); var hbox = CHTML.BBOX.zero(); hbox.h = Math.max(lbox.h,rbox.h,ebox.h); hbox.d = Math.max(lbox.D||lbox.d,rbox.D||rbox.d,ebox.D||ebox.d); var w = (lbox.r - lbox.l) + (rbox.r - rbox.l) - EFUZZ; if (delim.mid) { mbox = this.createChar(tmp,delim.mid,1,font); mid = tmp.removeChild(tmp.firstChild); mid.style.marginleft = CHTML.Em(-mbox.l); mid.style.marginRight = CHTML.Em(mbox.r-mbox.w); w += mbox.r - mbox.l + EFUZZ; k = 2; if (mbox.h > hbox.h) hbox.h = mbox.h; if (mbox.d > hbox.d) hbox.d = mbox.d; } if (delim.min && W < w*delim.min) W = w*delim.min; hbox.w = hbox.r = W; if (W > w) { var eW = ebox.r-ebox.l, ew = eW - EFUZZ; var n = Math.min(Math.ceil((W-w)/(k*ew)),this.maxStretchyParts); if (delim.fullExtenders) W = n*k*ew + w; else ew = (W-w)/(k*n); var c = (eW - ew + EFUZZ/k) / 2; // for centering of extenders ext.style.marginLeft = CHTML.Em(-ebox.l-c); ext.style.marginRight = CHTML.Em(ebox.r-ebox.w+c); ext.style.letterSpacing = CHTML.Em(-(ebox.w-ew)); left.style.marginRight = CHTML.Em(lbox.r-lbox.w); right.style.marginleft = CHTML.Em(-rbox.l); var TEXT = ext.textContent, text = TEXT; while (--n > 0) TEXT += text; ext.textContent = TEXT; node.appendChild(ext); if (delim.mid) { node.appendChild(mid); ext2 = node.appendChild(ext.cloneNode(true)); } } else { c = (W-w-EFUZZ/k) / 2; left.style.marginRight = CHTML.Em(lbox.r-lbox.w+c); if (delim.mid) node.appendChild(mid); right.style.marginLeft = CHTML.Em(-rbox.l+c); } node.appendChild(right); this.adjustHeights([left,ext,mid,ext2,right],[lbox,ebox,mbox,ebox,rbox],hbox); if (BBOX) {hbox.scale = BBOX.scale; hbox.rscale = BBOX.rscale} return hbox; }, adjustHeights: function (nodes,box,bbox) { // // To get alignment right in horizontal delimiters, we force all // the elements to the same height and depth // var T = bbox.h, B = bbox.d; if (bbox.d < 0) {B = -bbox.d; bbox.D = bbox.d; bbox.d = 0} for (var i = 0, m = nodes.length; i < m; i++) if (nodes[i]) { nodes[i].style.paddingTop = CHTML.Em(T-box[i].a); nodes[i].style.paddingBottom = CHTML.Em(B+box[i].a); nodes[i].style.marginTop = nodes[i].style.marginBottom = 0; } }, createChar: function (node,data,scale,font) { // ### FIXME: handle cache better (by data[1] and font) var text = "", variant = {fonts: [data[1]], noRemap:true, cache:{}}; if (font && font === MML.VARIANT.BOLD && this.FONTDATA.FONTS[data[1]+"-Bold"]) variant.fonts = [data[1]+"-Bold",data[1]]; if (typeof(data[1]) !== "string") variant = data[1]; if (data[0] instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0, m = data[0].length; i < m; i++) text += String.fromCharCode(data[0][i]); } else text = String.fromCharCode(data[0]); if (data[4]) scale *= data[4]; var bbox = this.handleText(node,text,variant), style = node.firstChild.style; if (scale !== 1) style.fontSize = this.Percent(scale); if (data[2]) { // x offset style.paddingLeft = this.Em(data[2]); bbox.w += data[2]; bbox.r += data[2]; } if (data[3]) { // y offset style.verticalAlign = this.Em(data[3]); bbox.h += data[3]; if (bbox.h < 0) bbox.h = 0; } if (data[5]) { // extra height style.marginTop = this.Em(data[5]); bbox.h += data[5]; bbox.t += data[5]; } if (data[6]) { // extra depth style.marginBottom = this.Em(data[6]); bbox.d += data[6]; bbox.b += data[6]; } return bbox; }, /********************************************************/ // // ### FIXME: Handle mu's // length2em: function (length,size,scale) { if (typeof(length) !== "string") length = length.toString(); if (length === "") return ""; if (length === MML.SIZE.NORMAL) return 1; if (length === MML.SIZE.BIG) return 2; if (length === MML.SIZE.SMALL) return .71; if (this.MATHSPACE[length]) return this.MATHSPACE[length]; var match = length.match(/^\s*([-+]?(?:\.\d+|\d+(?:\.\d*)?))?(pt|em|ex|mu|px|pc|in|mm|cm|%)?/); var m = parseFloat(match[1]||"1"), unit = match[2]; if (size == null) size = 1; if (!scale) scale = 1; scale = 1 /this.em / scale; if (unit === "em") return m; if (unit === "ex") return m * this.TEX.x_height; if (unit === "%") return m / 100 * size; if (unit === "px") return m * scale; if (unit === "pt") return m / 10; // 10 pt to an em if (unit === "pc") return m * 1.2; // 12 pt to a pc scale *= this.pxPerInch; if (unit === "in") return m * scale; if (unit === "cm") return m * scale / 2.54; // 2.54 cm to an inch if (unit === "mm") return m * scale / 25.4; // 10 mm to a cm if (unit === "mu") return m / 18; // 18mu to an em for the scriptlevel return m*size; // relative to given size (or 1em as default) }, thickness2em: function (length,scale) { var thick = CHTML.TEX.rule_thickness/(scale||1); if (length === MML.LINETHICKNESS.MEDIUM) return thick; if (length === MML.LINETHICKNESS.THIN) return .67*thick; if (length === MML.LINETHICKNESS.THICK) return 1.67*thick; return this.length2em(length,thick,scale); }, Em: function (m) { if (Math.abs(m) < .001) return "0"; return (m.toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/,""))+"em"; }, EmRounded: function (m) { m = (Math.round(m*CHTML.em)+.05)/CHTML.em; if (Math.abs(m) < .0006) {return "0em"} return m.toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/,"") + "em"; }, unEm: function (m) { return parseFloat(m); }, Px: function (m,M) { m *= this.em; if (M && m < M) m = M; if (Math.abs(m) < .1) return "0"; return m.toFixed(1).replace(/\.0$/,"")+"px"; }, Percent: function (m) { return (100*m).toFixed(1).replace(/\.?0+$/,"") + "%"; }, Transform: function (node,trans,origin) { var style = node.style; style.transform = style.WebkitTransform = style.MozTransform = style["-ms-transform"] = trans; if (origin) style.transformOrigin = style.WebkitTransformOrigin = style.MozTransformOrigin = style["-ms-transform-origin"] = origin; }, /********************************************************/ arrayEntry: function (a,i) {return a[Math.max(0,Math.min(i,a.length-1))]}, // // Styles to be removed from style="..." attributes // removeStyles: ["fontSize","fontFamily","fontWeight","fontStyle","fontVariant","font"] }); /**********************************************************/ CHTML.BBOX = MathJax.Object.Subclass({ Init: function (def) { for (var id in def) { if (def.hasOwnProperty(id)) this[id] = def[id]; } }, clean: function () { if (this.h === -BIGDIMEN) this.h = 0; if (this.d === -BIGDIMEN) this.d = 0; if (this.l === BIGDIMEN) this.l = 0; if (this.r === -BIGDIMEN) this.r = 0; if (this.t === -BIGDIMEN) this.t = 0; if (this.b === -BIGDIMEN) this.b = 0; if (this.D && this.d > 0) delete this.D; }, rescale: function (scale) { this.w *= scale; this.h *= scale; this.d *= scale; this.l *= scale; this.r *= scale; this.t *= scale; this.b *= scale; if (this.L) this.L *= scale; if (this.R) this.R *= scale; if (this.D) this.D *= scale; }, combine: function (cbox,x,y) { cbox.X = x; cbox.Y = y; // save for use with line breaking var scale = cbox.rscale; if (x + scale*cbox.r > this.r) this.r = x + scale*cbox.r; if (x + scale*cbox.l < this.l) this.l = x + scale*cbox.l; if (x + scale*(cbox.w+(cbox.L||0)+(cbox.R||0)) > this.w) this.w = x + scale*(cbox.w + (cbox.L||0) + (cbox.R||0)); if (y + scale*cbox.h > this.h) this.h = y + scale*cbox.h; if (cbox.D && (this.D == null || scale*cbox.D - y > this.D) && scale*cbox.D > this.d) this.D = scale*cbox.D - y; else if (cbox.D == null && this.D) delete this.D; if (scale*cbox.d - y > this.d) this.d = scale*cbox.d - y; if (y + scale*cbox.t > this.t) this.t = y + scale*cbox.t; if (scale*cbox.b - y > this.b) this.b = scale*cbox.b - y; }, append: function (cbox) { var scale = cbox.rscale; var x = this.w; if (x + scale*cbox.r > this.r) this.r = x + scale*cbox.r; if (x + scale*cbox.l < this.l) this.l = x + scale*cbox.l; this.w += scale*(cbox.w+(cbox.L||0)+(cbox.R||0)) ; if (scale*cbox.h > this.h) this.h = scale*cbox.h; if (cbox.D && (this.D == null || scale*cbox.D > this.D) && scale*cbox.D > this.d) this.D = scale*cbox.D; else if (cbox.D == null && this.D) delete this.D; if (scale*cbox.d > this.d) this.d = scale*cbox.d; if (scale*cbox.t > this.t) this.t = scale*cbox.t; if (scale*cbox.b > this.b) this.b = scale*cbox.b; }, updateFrom: function (cbox) { this.h = cbox.h; this.d = cbox.d; this.w = cbox.w; this.r = cbox.r; this.l = cbox.l; this.t = cbox.t; this.b = cbox.b; if (cbox.pwidth) this.pwidth = cbox.pwidth; if (cbox.D) this.D = cbox.D; else delete this.D; }, adjust: function (m,x,X,M) { this[x] += CHTML.length2em(m,1,this.scale); if (M == null) { if (this[x] > this[X]) this[X] = this[x]; } else { if (this[X] < M) this[X] = M; } } },{ zero: function () { return CHTML.BBOX({h:0, d:0, w:0, l:0, r:0, t:0, b:0, scale:1, rscale:1}); }, empty: function (bbox) { if (!bbox) bbox = CHTML.BBOX.zero(); bbox.h = bbox.d = bbox.r = bbox.t = bbox.b = -BIGDIMEN; bbox.w = 0; bbox.l = BIGDIMEN; delete bbox.pwidth; return bbox; }, // // CSS styles that affect BBOXes // styleAdjust: [ ["borderTopWidth","h","t"], ["borderRightWidth","w","r"], ["borderBottomWidth","d","b"], ["borderLeftWidth","w","l",0], ["paddingTop","h","t"], ["paddingRight","w","r"], ["paddingBottom","d","b"], ["paddingLeft","w","l",0], ] }); /**********************************************************/ MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("mml Jax Ready",function () { MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml; /********************************************************/ MML.mbase.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node,options) { return this.CHTMLdefaultNode(node,options); }, CHTMLmultiline: function () {MML.mbase.CHTMLautoloadFile("multiline")}, CHTMLdefaultNode: function (node,options) { if (!options) options = {}; node = this.CHTMLcreateNode(node); this.CHTML = CHTML.BBOX.empty(); this.CHTMLhandleStyle(node); if (this.isToken) this.CHTMLgetVariant(); this.CHTMLhandleScale(node); var m = Math.max((options.minChildren||0),this.data.length); for (var i = 0; i < m; i++) this.CHTMLaddChild(node,i,options); if (!options.noBBox) this.CHTML.clean(); this.CHTMLhandleSpace(node); this.CHTMLhandleBBox(node); this.CHTMLhandleColor(node); return node; }, CHTMLaddChild: function (node,i,options) { var child = this.data[i], cnode; var type = options.childNodes; if (type instanceof Array) type = type[i]||"span"; if (child) { if (type) node = CHTML.addElement(node,type); cnode = child.toCommonHTML(node,options.childOptions); if (type && child.CHTML.rscale !== 1) { // move scale factor to outer container (which seems to be more accurate) node.style.fontSize = node.firstChild.style.fontSize; node.firstChild.style.fontSize = ""; } if (!options.noBBox) { var bbox = this.CHTML, cbox = child.CHTML; bbox.append(cbox); if (this.data.length === 1) { if (cbox.ic) bbox.ic = cbox.ic; if (cbox.skew) bbox.skew = cbox.skew; } else { delete bbox.ic; delete bbox.skew; } if (cbox.pwidth) bbox.pwidth = cbox.pwidth; } } else if (options.forceChild) { cnode = CHTML.addElement(node,(type||"mjx-box")); } return cnode; }, CHTMLchildNode: function (node,i) { node = node.childNodes[i]; if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "a") node = node.firstChild; return node; }, CHTMLcoreNode: function (node) { if (this.inferRow && this.data[0]) return this.data[0].CHTMLcoreNode(node.firstChild); return this.CHTMLchildNode(node,this.CoreIndex()); }, CHTMLstretchChildV: function (i,H,D) { var data = this.data[i]; if (data) { var bbox = this.CHTML, dbox = data.CHTML; if (dbox.stretch || (dbox.stretch == null && data.CHTMLcanStretch("Vertical",H,D))) { var w = dbox.w; dbox = data.CHTMLstretchV(H,D); bbox.w += dbox.w - w; if (bbox.w > bbox.r) bbox.r = bbox.w; if (dbox.h > bbox.h) bbox.h = dbox.h; if (dbox.d > bbox.d) bbox.d = dbox.d; if (dbox.t > bbox.t) bbox.t = dbox.t; if (dbox.b > bbox.b) bbox.b = dbox.b; } } }, CHTMLstretchChildH: function (i,W,node) { var data = this.data[i]; if (data) { var bbox = this.CHTML, dbox = data.CHTML; if (dbox.stretch || (dbox.stretch == null && data.CHTMLcanStretch("Horizontal",W))) { var w = dbox.w; dbox = data.CHTMLstretchH(this.CHTMLchildNode(node,i),W); bbox.w += dbox.w - w; if (bbox.w > bbox.r) bbox.r = bbox.w; if (dbox.h > bbox.h) bbox.h = dbox.h; if (dbox.d > bbox.d) bbox.d = dbox.d; if (dbox.t > bbox.t) bbox.t = dbox.t; if (dbox.b > bbox.b) bbox.b = dbox.b; } } }, CHTMLupdateFrom: function (bbox) { this.CHTML.updateFrom(bbox); if (this.inferRow) this.data[0].CHTML.updateFrom(bbox); }, CHTMLcanStretch: function (direction,H,D) { var stretch = false; if (this.isEmbellished()) { var core = this.Core(); if (core && core !== this) stretch = core.CHTMLcanStretch(direction,H,D); } this.CHTML.stretch = stretch; return stretch; }, CHTMLstretchV: function (h,d) { this.CHTMLupdateFrom(this.Core().CHTMLstretchV(h,d)); return this.CHTML; }, CHTMLstretchH: function (node,w) { this.CHTMLupdateFrom(this.CHTMLstretchCoreH(node,w)); return this.CHTML; }, CHTMLstretchCoreH: function (node,w) { return this.Core().CHTMLstretchH(this.CHTMLcoreNode(node),w); }, CHTMLcreateNode: function (node) { if (!this.CHTML) this.CHTML = {}; this.CHTML = CHTML.BBOX.zero(); if (this.href) node = CHTML.addElement(node,"a",{href:this.href, isMathJax:true}); if (!this.CHTMLnodeID) this.CHTMLnodeID = CHTML.GetID(); var id = (this.id || "MJXc-Node-"+this.CHTMLnodeID)+CHTML.idPostfix; return this.CHTMLhandleAttributes(CHTML.addElement(node,"mjx-"+this.type,{id:id})); }, CHTMLnodeElement: function () { if (!this.CHTMLnodeID) {return null} return document.getElementById((this.id||"MJXc-Node-"+this.CHTMLnodeID)+CHTML.idPostfix); }, CHTMLlength2em: function (length,size) { return CHTML.length2em(length,size,this.CHTML.scale); }, CHTMLhandleAttributes: function (node) { if (this["class"]) { if (node.className) node.className += " "+this["class"]; else node.className = this["class"]; } // // Copy RDFa, aria, and other tags from the MathML to the CHTML // output nodes. Don't copy those in the MML.nocopyAttributes list, // the ignoreMMLattributes configuration list, or anything that // already exists as a property of the node (e.g., no "onlick", etc.) // If a name in the ignoreMMLattributes object is set to false, then // the attribute WILL be copied. // if (this.attrNames) { var copy = this.attrNames, skip = MML.nocopyAttributes, ignore = HUB.config.ignoreMMLattributes; var defaults = (this.type === "mstyle" ? MML.math.prototype.defaults : this.defaults); for (var i = 0, m = copy.length; i < m; i++) { var id = copy[i]; if (ignore[id] == false || (!skip[id] && !ignore[id] && defaults[id] == null && typeof(node[id]) === "undefined")) { node.setAttribute(id,this.attr[id]) } } } return node; }, CHTMLhandleScale: function (node) { var scale = 1, parent = this.parent, pscale = (parent ? parent.CHTML.scale : 1); var values = this.getValues("scriptlevel","fontsize"); values.mathsize = this.Get("mathsize",null,!this.isToken); if (values.scriptlevel !== 0) { if (values.scriptlevel > 2) values.scriptlevel = 2; scale = Math.pow(this.Get("scriptsizemultiplier"),values.scriptlevel); values.scriptminsize = CHTML.length2em(this.Get("scriptminsize"),.8,1); if (scale < values.scriptminsize) scale = values.scriptminsize; } if (this.removedStyles && this.removedStyles.fontSize && !values.fontsize) values.fontsize = this.removedStyles.fontSize; if (values.fontsize && !this.mathsize) values.mathsize = values.fontsize; if (values.mathsize !== 1) scale *= CHTML.length2em(values.mathsize,1,1); var variant = this.CHTMLvariant; if (variant && variant.style && variant.style["font-family"]) scale *= (CHTML.config.scale/100)/CHTML.scale; this.CHTML.scale = scale; pscale = this.CHTML.rscale = scale/pscale; if (Math.abs(pscale-1) < .001) pscale = 1; if (node && pscale !== 1) node.style.fontSize = CHTML.Percent(pscale); return scale; }, CHTMLhandleStyle: function (node) { if (!this.style) return; var style = node.style; style.cssText = this.style; this.removedStyles = {}; for (var i = 0, m = CHTML.removeStyles.length; i < m; i++) { var id = CHTML.removeStyles[i]; if (style[id]) { this.removedStyles[id] = style[id]; style[id] = ""; } } }, CHTMLhandleBBox: function (node) { var BBOX = this.CHTML, style = node.style; if (this.data.length === 1 && (this.data[0].CHTML||{}).pwidth) { BBOX.pwidth = this.data[0].CHTML.pwidth; BBOX.mwidth = this.data[0].CHTML.mwidth; style.width = "100%"; } else if (BBOX.pwidth) { BBOX.mwidth = CHTML.Em(BBOX.w); style.width = "100%"; } else if (BBOX.w < 0) { style.width = "0px"; style.marginRight = CHTML.Em(BBOX.w); } if (!this.style) return; // ### FIXME: adjust for width, height, vertical-align? for (var i = 0, m = CHTML.BBOX.styleAdjust.length; i < m; i++) { var data = CHTML.BBOX.styleAdjust[i]; if (data && style[data[0]]) BBOX.adjust(style[data[0]],data[1],data[2],data[3]); } }, CHTMLhandleColor: function (node) { if (this.mathcolor) {node.style.color = this.mathcolor} else if (this.color) {node.style.color = this.color} if (this.mathbackground) {node.style.backgroundColor = this.mathbackground} else if (this.background) {node.style.backgroundColor = this.background} }, CHTMLhandleSpace: function (node) { if (!this.useMMLspacing) { var space = this.texSpacing(); if (space !== "") { this.CHTML.L = this.CHTMLlength2em(space); node.className += " "+CHTML.SPACECLASS[space]; } } }, CHTMLhandleText: function (node,text,variant) { if (node.firstChild && !this.CHTML) this.CHTML = CHTML.BBOX.empty(); this.CHTML = CHTML.handleText(node,text,variant,this.CHTML); }, CHTMLgetVariant: function () { var values = this.getValues("mathvariant","fontfamily","fontweight","fontstyle"), style; values.hasVariant = this.Get("mathvariant",true); // null if not explicitly specified if (this.removedStyles) { style = this.removedStyles; if (style.fontFamily) values.family = style.fontFamily; if (style.fontWeight) values.weight = style.fontWeight; if (style.fontStyle) values.style = style.fontStyle; } if (!values.hasVariant) { if (values.fontfamily) values.family = values.fontfamily; if (values.fontweight) values.weight = values.fontweight; if (values.fontstyle) values.style = values.fontstyle; } if (values.weight && values.weight.match(/^\d+$/)) values.weight = (parseInt(values.weight) > 600 ? "bold" : "normal"); var variant = values.mathvariant; if (this.variantForm) variant = "-TeX-variant"; if (values.family && !values.hasVariant) { if (!values.weight && values.mathvariant.match(/bold/)) values.weight = "bold"; if (!values.style && values.mathvariant.match(/italic/)) values.style = "italic"; this.CHTMLvariant = {fonts:[], noRemap:true, cache:{}, style: { "font-family":values.family, "font-weight":values.weight||"normal", "font-style":values.style||"normal" }}; return; } if (values.weight === "bold") { variant = { normal:MML.VARIANT.BOLD, italic:MML.VARIANT.BOLDITALIC, fraktur:MML.VARIANT.BOLDFRAKTUR, script:MML.VARIANT.BOLDSCRIPT, "sans-serif":MML.VARIANT.BOLDSANSSERIF, "sans-serif-italic":MML.VARIANT.SANSSERIFBOLDITALIC }[variant]||variant; } else if (values.weight === "normal") { variant = { bold:MML.VARIANT.normal, "bold-italic":MML.VARIANT.ITALIC, "bold-fraktur":MML.VARIANT.FRAKTUR, "bold-script":MML.VARIANT.SCRIPT, "bold-sans-serif":MML.VARIANT.SANSSERIF, "sans-serif-bold-italic":MML.VARIANT.SANSSERIFITALIC }[variant]||variant; } if (values.style === "italic") { variant = { normal:MML.VARIANT.ITALIC, bold:MML.VARIANT.BOLDITALIC, "sans-serif":MML.VARIANT.SANSSERIFITALIC, "bold-sans-serif":MML.VARIANT.SANSSERIFBOLDITALIC }[variant]||variant; } else if (values.style === "normal") { variant = { italic:MML.VARIANT.NORMAL, "bold-italic":MML.VARIANT.BOLD, "sans-serif-italic":MML.VARIANT.SANSSERIF, "sans-serif-bold-italic":MML.VARIANT.BOLDSANSSERIF }[variant]||variant; } this.CHTMLvariant = CHTML.FONTDATA.VARIANT[variant] || CHTML.FONTDATA.VARIANT[MML.VARIANT.NORMAL]; }, CHTMLbboxFor: function (n) { if (this.data[n] && this.data[n].CHTML) return this.data[n].CHTML; return CHTML.BBOX.zero(); }, // // Debugging function to see if internal BBox matches actual bbox // CHTMLdrawBBox: function (node,bbox) { if (!bbox) bbox = this.CHTML; var box = CHTML.Element("mjx-box", {style:{opacity:.25,"margin-left":CHTML.Em(-(bbox.w+(bbox.R||0)))}},[ ["mjx-box",{style:{ height:CHTML.Em(bbox.h),width:CHTML.Em(bbox.w), "background-color":"red" }}], ["mjx-box",{style:{ height:CHTML.Em(bbox.d),width:CHTML.Em(bbox.w), "margin-left":CHTML.Em(-bbox.w),"vertical-align":CHTML.Em(-bbox.d), "background-color":"green" }}] ]); if (node.nextSibling) {node.parentNode.insertBefore(box,node.nextSibling)} else {node.parentNode.appendChild(box)} }, CHTMLnotEmpty: function (mml) { while (mml && mml.data.length < 2 && (mml.type === "mrow" || mml.type === "texatom")) mml = mml.data[0]; return !!mml; } },{ // // Autoload files based on node type or file name // CHTMLautoload: function () { this.constructor.Augment({toCommonHTML: MML.mbase.CHTMLautoloadFail}); var file = CHTML.autoloadDir+"/"+this.type+".js"; HUB.RestartAfter(AJAX.Require(file)); }, CHTMLautoloadFail: function () { throw Error("CommonHTML can't autoload '"+ this.type + "'"); }, CHTMLautoloadList: {}, CHTMLautoloadFile: function (name) { if (MML.mbase.CHTMLautoloadList.hasOwnProperty(name)) { throw Error("CommonHTML can't autoload file '"+name+"'"); } MML.mbase.CHTMLautoloadList[name] = true; var file = CHTML.autoloadDir+"/"+name+".js"; HUB.RestartAfter(AJAX.Require(file)); }, // // For use with embellished operators // CHTMLstretchV: function (h,d) { this.Core().CHTMLstretchV(h,d); this.toCommonHTML(this.CHTMLnodeElement(),{stretch:true}); return this.CHTML; }, CHTMLstretchH: function (node,w) { this.CHTMLupdateFrom(this.CHTMLstretchCoreH(node,w)); this.toCommonHTML(node,{stretch:true}); return this.CHTML; } }); /********************************************************/ MML.chars.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node,options) { this.CHTML = null; if (options == null) options = {}; var text = this.toString(); if (options.remap) text = options.remap(text,options.remapchars); this.CHTMLhandleText(node,text,options.variant||this.parent.CHTMLvariant); } }); MML.entity.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node,options) { if (options == null) options = {}; var text = this.toString(); if (options.remapchars) text = options.remap(text,options.remapchars); this.CHTMLhandleText(node,text,options.variant||this.parent.CHTMLvariant); } }); /********************************************************/ MML.math.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node) { node = this.CHTMLdefaultNode(node); if (this.CHTML.w < 0) { node.parentNode.style.width = "0px"; node.parentNode.style.marginRight = CHTML.Em(this.CHTML.w); } var alttext = this.Get("alttext"); if (alttext && !node.getAttribute("aria-label")) node.setAttribute("aria-label",alttext); if (this.CHTML.pwidth) { node.parentNode.style.minWidth = this.CHTML.mwidth||CHTML.Em(this.CHTML.w); node.parentNode.className = "mjx-full-width "+node.parentNode.className; node.style.width = this.CHTML.pwidth; } else if (!this.isMultiline && this.Get("display") === "block") { var values = this.getValues("indentalignfirst","indentshiftfirst","indentalign","indentshift"); if (values.indentalignfirst !== MML.INDENTALIGN.INDENTALIGN) values.indentalign = values.indentalignfirst; if (values.indentalign === MML.INDENTALIGN.AUTO) values.indentalign = CONFIG.displayAlign; if (values.indentshiftfirst !== MML.INDENTSHIFT.INDENTSHIFT) values.indentshift = values.indentshiftfirst; if (values.indentshift === "auto") values.indentshift = "0"; var shift = this.CHTMLlength2em(values.indentshift,CHTML.cwidth); if (CONFIG.displayIndent !== "0") { var indent = this.CHTMLlength2em(CONFIG.displayIndent,CHTML.cwidth); shift += (values.indentalign === MML.INDENTALIGN.RIGHT ? -indent : indent); } var styles = node.parentNode.parentNode.style; node.parentNode.style.textAlign = styles.textAlign = values.indentalign; // ### FIXME: make percentage widths respond to changes in container if (shift) { if (values.indentalign === 'right') node.style.marginRight = CHTML.Em(-shift); shift *= CHTML.em/CHTML.outerEm; HUB.Insert(styles,({ left: {textIndent: CHTML.Em(shift)}, right: {display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'row-reverse'}, center: {textIndent: CHTML.Em(2*shift)} })[values.indentalign]); } } return node; } }); /********************************************************/ MML.mi.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node) { node = this.CHTMLdefaultNode(node); var bbox = this.CHTML, text = this.data.join(""); if (bbox.skew != null && !CHTML.isChar(text)) delete bbox.skew; if (bbox.r > bbox.w && CHTML.isChar(text) && !this.CHTMLvariant.noIC) { bbox.ic = bbox.r - bbox.w; bbox.w = bbox.r; node.lastChild.style.paddingRight = CHTML.Em(bbox.ic); } return node; } }); /********************************************************/ MML.mn.Augment({ CHTMLremapMinus: function (text) {return text.replace(/^-/,"\u2212")}, toCommonHTML: function (node) { node = this.CHTMLdefaultNode(node,{childOptions:{remap:this.CHTMLremapMinus}}); var bbox = this.CHTML, text = this.data.join(""); if (bbox.skew != null && !CHTML.isChar(text)) delete bbox.skew; if (bbox.r > bbox.w && CHTML.isChar(text) && !this.CHTMLvariant.noIC) { bbox.ic = bbox.r - bbox.w; bbox.w = bbox.r; node.lastChild.style.paddingRight = CHTML.Em(bbox.ic); } return node; } }); /********************************************************/ MML.mo.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node) { node = this.CHTMLcreateNode(node); this.CHTMLhandleStyle(node); this.CHTMLgetVariant(); this.CHTMLhandleScale(node); CHTML.BBOX.empty(this.CHTML); var values = this.getValues("displaystyle","largeop"); values.variant = this.CHTMLvariant; values.text = this.data.join(""); if (values.text == "") { if (this.fence) node.style.width = CHTML.Em(CHTML.TEX.nulldelimiterspace); } else { this.CHTMLadjustAccent(values); this.CHTMLadjustVariant(values); for (var i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) { this.CHTMLaddChild(node,i,{childOptions:{ variant: values.mathvariant, remap: this.remap, remapchars: values.remapchars }}); } if (!CHTML.isChar(values.text)) delete this.CHTML.skew; else if (this.CHTML.w === 0 && this.CHTML.l < 0) this.CHTMLfixCombiningChar(node); if (values.largeop) this.CHTMLcenterOp(node); } this.CHTML.clean(); this.CHTMLhandleBBox(node); this.CHTMLhandleSpace(node); this.CHTMLhandleColor(node); return node; }, CHTMLhandleSpace: function (node) { if (this.hasMMLspacing()) { var values = this.getValues("scriptlevel","lspace","rspace"); values.lspace = Math.max(0,this.CHTMLlength2em(values.lspace)); values.rspace = Math.max(0,this.CHTMLlength2em(values.rspace)); if (values.scriptlevel > 0) { if (!this.hasValue("lspace")) values.lspace = .15; if (!this.hasValue("rspace")) values.rspace = .15; } var core = this, parent = this.Parent(); while (parent && parent.isEmbellished() && parent.Core() === core) {core = parent; parent = parent.Parent(); node = core.CHTMLnodeElement()} if (values.lspace) node.style.paddingLeft = CHTML.Em(values.lspace); if (values.rspace) node.style.paddingRight = CHTML.Em(values.rspace); this.CHTML.L = values.lspace; this.CHTML.R = values.rspace; } else { this.SUPER(arguments).CHTMLhandleSpace.apply(this,arguments); } }, CHTMLadjustAccent: function (data) { var parent = this.CoreParent(); data.parent = parent; if (CHTML.isChar(data.text) && parent && parent.isa(MML.munderover)) { var over = parent.data[parent.over], under = parent.data[parent.under]; if (over && this === over.CoreMO() && parent.Get("accent")) { data.remapchars = CHTML.FONTDATA.REMAPACCENT; } else if (under && this === under.CoreMO() && parent.Get("accentunder")) { data.remapchars = CHTML.FONTDATA.REMAPACCENTUNDER; } } }, CHTMLadjustVariant: function (data) { var parent = data.parent, isScript = (parent && parent.isa(MML.msubsup) && this !== parent.data[parent.base]); if (data.largeop) data.mathvariant = (data.displaystyle ? "-largeOp" : "-smallOp"); if (isScript) { data.remapchars = this.remapChars; if (data.text.match(/['`"\u00B4\u2032-\u2037\u2057]/)) data.mathvariant = "-TeX-variant"; // ### FIXME: handle other fonts } }, CHTMLfixCombiningChar: function (node) { // // IE doesn't display combining chararacters unless they combine with // something, so put them over a space and remove the space's width // node = node.firstChild; var space = CHTML.Element("mjx-box",{style:{width:".25em","margin-left":"-.25em"}}); node.insertBefore(space,node.firstChild); }, CHTMLcenterOp: function (node) { var bbox = this.CHTML; var p = (bbox.h - bbox.d)/2 - CHTML.TEX.axis_height; if (Math.abs(p) > .001) node.style.verticalAlign = CHTML.Em(-p); bbox.h -= p; bbox.d += p; if (bbox.r > bbox.w) { bbox.ic = bbox.r - bbox.w; bbox.w = bbox.r; node.style.paddingRight = CHTML.Em(bbox.ic); } }, CHTMLcanStretch: function (direction,H,D) { if (!this.Get("stretchy")) return false; var c = this.data.join(""); if (!CHTML.isChar(c)) return false; var values = {text: c}; this.CHTMLadjustAccent(values); if (values.remapchars) c = values.remapchars[c]||c; c = CHTML.FONTDATA.DELIMITERS[c.charCodeAt(0)]; var stretch = (c && c.dir === direction.substr(0,1)); if (stretch) { stretch = (this.CHTML.h !== H || this.CHTML.d !== D || !!this.Get("minsize",true) || !!this.Get("maxsize",true)); if (stretch) this.CHTML.stretch = true; } return stretch; }, CHTMLstretchV: function (h,d) { var node = this.CHTMLnodeElement(), bbox = this.CHTML; var values = this.getValues("symmetric","maxsize","minsize"); // // Determine the height needed // var H, a = CHTML.TEX.axis_height; if (values.symmetric) {H = 2*Math.max(h-a,d+a)} else {H = h + d} values.maxsize = this.CHTMLlength2em(values.maxsize,bbox.h+bbox.d); values.minsize = this.CHTMLlength2em(values.minsize,bbox.h+bbox.d); H = Math.max(values.minsize,Math.min(values.maxsize,H)); // // If we are not already stretched to this height // if (H !== bbox.sH) { // // Get a delimiter of the proper height and save the height // if (H != values.minsize) {H = [Math.max(H*CHTML.TEX.delimiterfactor/1000,H-CHTML.TEX.delimitershortfall),H]} while (node.firstChild) node.removeChild(node.firstChild); this.CHTML = bbox = CHTML.createDelimiter(node,this.data.join("").charCodeAt(0),H,bbox); bbox.sH = (H instanceof Array ? H[1] : H); // // Reposition as needed // if (values.symmetric) {H = (bbox.h + bbox.d)/2 + a} else {H = (bbox.h + bbox.d) * h/(h + d)} H -= bbox.h; if (Math.abs(H) > .05) { node.style.verticalAlign = CHTML.Em(H); bbox.h += H; bbox.d -= H; bbox.t += H; bbox.b -= H; } } return this.CHTML; }, CHTMLstretchH: function (node,W) { var bbox = this.CHTML; var values = this.getValues("maxsize","minsize","mathvariant","fontweight"); if ((values.fontweight === "bold" || (this.removedStyles||{}).fontWeight === "bold" || parseInt(values.fontweight) >= 600) && !this.Get("mathvariant",true)) values.mathvariant = MML.VARIANT.BOLD; values.maxsize = this.CHTMLlength2em(values.maxsize,bbox.w); values.minsize = this.CHTMLlength2em(values.minsize,bbox.w); W = Math.max(values.minsize,Math.min(values.maxsize,W)); if (W !== bbox.sW) { while (node.firstChild) node.removeChild(node.firstChild); this.CHTML = bbox = CHTML.createDelimiter(node,this.data.join("").charCodeAt(0),W,bbox,values.mathvariant); bbox.sW = W; } return this.CHTML; } }); /********************************************************/ MML.mtext.Augment({ CHTMLgetVariant: function () { if (CHTML.config.mtextFontInherit || this.Parent().type === "merror") { var scale = (CHTML.config.scale/100)/CHTML.scale; var variant = {cache:{}, fonts:[], className:"MJXc-font-inherit", rscale:scale, style:{"font-size":CHTML.Percent(scale)}}; var name = this.Get("mathvariant"); if (name.match(/bold/)) variant.style["font-weight"] = "bold"; if (name.match(/italic|-tex-mathit/)) variant.style["font-style"] = "italic"; if (name === "monospace") variant.className += " MJXc-monospace-font"; if (name === "double-struck") variant.className += " MJXc-double-struck-font"; if (name.match(/fraktur/)) variant.className += " MJXc-fraktur-font"; if (name.match(/sans-serif/)) variant.className += " MJXc-sans-serif-font"; if (name.match(/script/)) variant.className += " MJXc-script-font"; this.CHTMLvariant = variant; } else { this.SUPER(arguments).CHTMLgetVariant.call(this); } } }); /********************************************************/ MML.merror.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node) { node = this.CHTMLdefaultNode(node); var bbox = this.CHTML; // // Adjust for font-size: 90% // bbox.rescale(.9); // // Adjust for padding and border // bbox.h += 3/CHTML.em; if (bbox.h > bbox.t) bbox.t = bbox.h; bbox.d += 3/CHTML.em; if (bbox.d > bbox.b) bbox.b = bbox.d; bbox.w += 8/CHTML.em; bbox.r = bbox.w; bbox.l = 0; return node; } }); /********************************************************/ MML.mspace.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node) { node = this.CHTMLcreateNode(node); this.CHTMLhandleStyle(node); this.CHTMLhandleScale(node); var values = this.getValues("height","depth","width"); var w = this.CHTMLlength2em(values.width), h = this.CHTMLlength2em(values.height), d = this.CHTMLlength2em(values.depth); var bbox = this.CHTML; bbox.w = bbox.r = w; bbox.h = bbox.t = h; bbox.d = bbox.b = d; bbox.l = 0; if (w < 0) {node.style.marginRight = CHTML.Em(w); w = 0} node.style.width = CHTML.Em(w); node.style.height = CHTML.Em(Math.max(0,h+d)); if (d) node.style.verticalAlign = CHTML.Em(-d); this.CHTMLhandleBBox(node); this.CHTMLhandleColor(node); return node; } }); /********************************************************/ MML.mpadded.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node,options) { var child; if (options && options.stretch) { node = node.firstChild; child = node.firstChild; } else { node = this.CHTMLdefaultNode(node,{childNodes:"mjx-box", forceChild:true}); child = node.firstChild; node = CHTML.addElement(node,"mjx-block"); node.appendChild(child); CHTML.addElement(node,"mjx-strut"); // force proper alignment of short heights } var cbox = this.CHTMLbboxFor(0); var values = this.getValues("width","height","depth","lspace","voffset"); var x = 0, y = 0, w = cbox.w, h = cbox.h, d = cbox.d; child.style.width = 0; child.style.margin = CHTML.Em(-h)+" 0 "+CHTML.Em(-d); if (values.width !== "") w = this.CHTMLdimen(values.width,"w",w,0); if (values.height !== "") h = this.CHTMLdimen(values.height,"h",h,0); if (values.depth !== "") d = this.CHTMLdimen(values.depth,"d",d,0); if (values.voffset !== "") { y = this.CHTMLdimen(values.voffset); if (y) { child.style.position = "relative"; child.style.top = CHTML.Em(-y); } } if (values.lspace !== "") { x = this.CHTMLdimen(values.lspace); if (x) { child.style.position = "relative"; child.style.left = CHTML.Em(x); } } node.style.width = 0; node.style.marginTop = CHTML.Em(h-STRUTHEIGHT); node.style.padding = "0 "+CHTML.Em(w)+" "+CHTML.Em(d)+" 0"; var bbox = CHTML.BBOX({w:w, h:h, d:d, l:0, r:w, t:h, b:d, scale:this.CHTML.scale, rscale:this.CHTML.rscale}); bbox.combine(cbox,x,y); bbox.w = w; bbox.h = h; bbox.d = d; this.CHTML = bbox; return node.parentNode; }, CHTMLstretchV: MML.mbase.CHTMLstretchV, CHTMLstretchH: MML.mbase.CHTMLstretchH, CHTMLdimen: function (length,d,D,m) { if (m == null) {m = -BIGDIMEN} length = String(length); var match = length.match(/width|height|depth/); var size = (match ? this.CHTML[match[0].charAt(0)] : (d ? this.CHTML[d] : 0)); var dimen = (this.CHTMLlength2em(length,size)||0); if (length.match(/^[-+]/) && D != null) dimen += D; if (m != null) dimen = Math.max(m,dimen); return dimen; } }); /********************************************************/ MML.munderover.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node,options) { var values = this.getValues("displaystyle","accent","accentunder","align"); var base = this.data[this.base]; if (!values.displaystyle && base != null && (base.movablelimits || base.CoreMO().Get("movablelimits"))) return MML.msubsup.prototype.toCommonHTML.call(this,node,stretch); // // Get the nodes for base and limits // var under, over, nodes = [], stretch = false; if (options && options.stretch) { if (this.data[this.base]) base = CHTML.getNode(node,"mjx-op"); if (this.data[this.under]) under = CHTML.getNode(node,"mjx-under"); if (this.data[this.over]) over = CHTML.getNode(node,"mjx-over"); nodes[0] = base; nodes[1] = under||over; nodes[2] = over; stretch = true; } else { var types = ["mjx-op","mjx-under","mjx-over"]; if (this.over === 1) types[1] = types[2]; node = this.CHTMLdefaultNode(node,{ childNodes:types, noBBox:true, forceChild:true, minChildren: 2 }); nodes[0] = base = node.removeChild(node.firstChild); nodes[1] = under = over = node.removeChild(node.firstChild); if (node.firstChild) nodes[2] = over = node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } // // Get the bounding boxes and the maximum width // var boxes = [], W = this.CHTMLgetBBoxes(boxes,nodes,values); var bbox = boxes[this.base], BBOX = this.CHTML; BBOX.w = W; BBOX.h = bbox.h; BBOX.d = bbox.d; // modified below // // Adjust for bases shorter than the center line (#1657) // (the center line really depends on the surrounding font, so // it should be measured along with ems and exs, but currently isn't. // so this value is an approximation that is reasonable for most fonts.) // if (bbox.h < .35) base.style.marginTop = CHTML.Em(bbox.h - .35); // // Use a minimum height for accents (#1706) // (same issues with the center line as above) // if (values.accent && bbox.h < CHTML.TEX.x_height) { BBOX.h += CHTML.TEX.x_height - bbox.h; base.style.marginTop = CHTML.Em(CHTML.TEX.x_height - Math.max(bbox.h,.35)); bbox.h = CHTML.TEX.x_height; } // // Add over- and under-scripts // var stack = base, delta = 0; if (bbox.ic) {delta = 1.3*bbox.ic + .05} // make faked IC be closer to expeted results if (this.data[this.over]) stack = this.CHTMLaddOverscript(over,boxes,values,delta,base,stretch); if (this.data[this.under]) this.CHTMLaddUnderscript(under,boxes,values,delta,node,stack,stretch); else if (!stretch) node.appendChild(stack); // // Handle horizontal positions // this.CHTMLplaceBoxes(base,under,over,values,boxes); return node; }, // // Get the bounding boxes for the children, stretch // any stretchable elements, and compute the maximum width // CHTMLgetBBoxes: function (bbox,nodes,values) { var i, m = this.data.length, scale, w = -BIGDIMEN, // maximum width of non-stretchy items W = w; // maximum width of all items // // Get the maximum width // for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { bbox[i] = this.CHTMLbboxFor(i); bbox[i].x = bbox[i].y = 0; if (this.data[i]) bbox[i].stretch = this.data[i].CHTMLcanStretch("Horizontal"); scale = (i === this.base ? 1 : bbox[i].rscale); if (i !== this.base) {delete bbox[i].L; delete bbox[i].R} // these are overridden by CSS W = Math.max(W,scale*(bbox[i].w + (bbox[i].L||0) + (bbox[i].R||0))); if (!bbox[i].stretch && W > w) w = W; } if (w === -BIGDIMEN) w = W; // // Stretch those parts that need it // for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { if (bbox[i].stretch) { scale = (i === this.base ? 1 : bbox[i].rscale); bbox[i] = this.data[i].CHTMLstretchH(nodes[i].firstChild,w/scale); bbox[i].x = bbox[i].y = 0; W = Math.max(W,scale*(bbox[i].w + (bbox[i].L||0) + (bbox[i].R||0))); } } if (!bbox[this.base]) bbox[this.base] = CHTML.BBOX.empty(); return W; }, // // Add an overscript // CHTMLaddOverscript: function (over,boxes,values,delta,base,stretch) { var BBOX = this.CHTML; var z1, z2, z3 = CHTML.TEX.big_op_spacing5, k; var obox = boxes[this.over], bbox = boxes[this.base], scale = obox.rscale; // // Put the base and script into a stack // if (!stretch) { var stack = CHTML.Element("mjx-stack"); stack.appendChild(over); stack.appendChild(base); } if (obox.D) obox.d = obox.D; if (obox.d < 0) { // // For negative depths, set the height and align to top // in order to avoid extra baseline space // over.firstChild.style.verticalAlign = "top"; over.style.height = CHTML.Em(obox.h+obox.d); } // // Determine the spacing // obox.x = 0; if (values.accent) { if (obox.w < .001) obox.x += (obox.r - obox.l)/2; // center combining accents k = CHTML.TEX.rule_thickness; z3 = 0; if (bbox.skew) { obox.x += scale*bbox.skew; BBOX.skew = scale*bbox.skew; if (obox.x+scale*obox.w > BBOX.w) BBOX.skew += (BBOX.w - (obox.x+scale*obox.w))/2; } } else { z1 = CHTML.TEX.big_op_spacing1; z2 = CHTML.TEX.big_op_spacing3; k = Math.max(z1,z2-Math.max(0,scale*obox.d)); } obox.x += delta/2; obox.y = BBOX.h + k + z3 + scale*obox.d; // // Position the overscript // if (k) over.style.paddingBottom = CHTML.Em(k/scale); if (z3) over.style.paddingTop = CHTML.Em(z3/scale); return stack; }, // // Add an underscript // CHTMLaddUnderscript: function (under,boxes,values,delta,node,stack,stretch) { var BBOX = this.CHTML; var z1, z2, z3 = CHTML.TEX.big_op_spacing5, k; var ubox = boxes[this.under], scale = ubox.rscale; // // Create a table for the underscript // if (!stretch) { CHTML.addElement(node,"mjx-itable",{},[ ["mjx-row",{},[["mjx-cell"]]], ["mjx-row"] ]); node.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.appendChild(stack); node.firstChild.lastChild.appendChild(under); } if (ubox.D) ubox.d = ubox.D; if (ubox.d < 0) { // // For negative depths, set the height and align to top // in order to avoid extra baseline space // under.firstChild.style.verticalAlign = "top"; node.firstChild.style.marginBottom = CHTML.Em(ubox.d); } // // determine the spacing // if (values.accentunder) { k = 2*CHTML.TEX.rule_thickness; z3 = 0; } else { z1 = CHTML.TEX.big_op_spacing2; z2 = CHTML.TEX.big_op_spacing4; k = Math.max(z1,z2-scale*ubox.h); } ubox.x = -delta/2; ubox.y = -(BBOX.d + k + z3 + scale*ubox.h); // // Position the underscript // if (k) under.style.paddingTop = CHTML.Em(k/scale); if (z3) under.style.paddingBottom = CHTML.Em(z3/scale); }, // // Center boxes horizontally, taking offsets into account // CHTMLplaceBoxes: function (base,under,over,values,boxes) { var W = this.CHTML.w, i, m = boxes.length, scale; var BBOX = CHTML.BBOX.zero(); BBOX.scale = this.CHTML.scale; BBOX.rscale = this.CHTML.rscale; boxes[this.base].x = boxes[this.base].y = 0; var dx = BIGDIMEN; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { scale = (i === this.base ? 1 : boxes[i].rscale); var w = scale*(boxes[i].w + (boxes[i].L||0) + (boxes[i].R||0)); boxes[i].x += {left:0, center:(W-w)/2, right:W-w}[values.align]; if (boxes[i].x < dx) dx = boxes[i].x; } for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { if (this.data[i]) { scale = (i === this.base ? 1 : boxes[i].rscale); if (boxes[i].x - dx) { var node = (i === this.base ? base : i === this.over ? over : under); node.style.paddingLeft = CHTML.Em((boxes[i].x-dx)/scale); } BBOX.combine(boxes[i],boxes[i].x-dx,boxes[i].y); } } this.CHTML = BBOX; }, CHTMLstretchV: MML.mbase.CHTMLstretchV, CHTMLstretchH: MML.mbase.CHTMLstretchH, CHTMLchildNode: function (node,i) { var types = ["mjx-op","mjx-under","mjx-over"]; if (this.over === 1) types[1] = types[2]; return CHTML.getNode(node,types[i]); } }); /********************************************************/ MML.msubsup.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node,options) { var values = this.getValues( "displaystyle","subscriptshift","superscriptshift","texprimestyle" ); // // Get the nodes for base and limits // var base, sub, sup; if (options && options.stretch) { if (this.data[this.base]) base = CHTML.getNode(node,"mjx-base"); if (this.data[this.sub]) sub = CHTML.getNode(node,"mjx-sub"); if (this.data[this.sup]) sup = CHTML.getNode(node,"mjx-sup"); stack = CHTML.getNode(node,"mjx-stack"); } else { var types = ["mjx-base","mjx-sub","mjx-sup"]; if (this.sup === 1) types[1] = types[2]; node = this.CHTMLdefaultNode(node,{ childNodes:types, noBBox:true, forceChild:true, minChildren: 3 }); base = node.childNodes[this.base]; sub = node.childNodes[this.sub]; sup = node.childNodes[this.sup]; if (!this.CHTMLnotEmpty(this.data[this.sub])) {node.removeChild(sub); sub = null} if (!this.CHTMLnotEmpty(this.data[this.sup])) {node.removeChild(sup); sup = null} if (node.childNodes.length === 3) { var stack = CHTML.addElement(node,"mjx-stack"); stack.appendChild(sup); stack.appendChild(sub); } } // // Get the bounding boxes and maximum width of scripts // var boxes = [], BBOX = CHTML.BBOX.empty(this.CHTML); for (var i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) boxes[i] = this.CHTMLbboxFor(i); var bbox = boxes[this.base] || CHTML.BBOX.empty(), sbox = boxes[this.sub], Sbox = boxes[this.sup]; var sscale = (sub ? sbox.rscale : 1), Sscale = (sup ? Sbox.rscale : 1); BBOX.combine(bbox,0,0); // // Get initial values for parameters // var ex = CHTML.TEX.x_height, s = CHTML.TEX.scriptspace; var q = CHTML.TEX.sup_drop * Sscale, r = CHTML.TEX.sub_drop * sscale; var u = bbox.h - q, v = bbox.d + r, delta = 0, p; if (bbox.ic) { BBOX.w -= bbox.ic; // remove IC (added by mo and mi) base.style.marginRight = CHTML.Em(-bbox.ic); delta = 1.3*bbox.ic + .05; // make faked IC be closer to expeted results } var bmml = this.data[this.base]; if (bmml) { if ((bmml.type === "mrow" || bmml.type === "mstyle") && bmml.data.length === 1) bmml = bmml.data[0]; if (bmml.type === "mi" || bmml.type === "mo") { if (CHTML.isChar(bmml.data.join("")) && bbox.rscale === 1 && !bbox.sH && !bmml.Get("largeop")) {u = v = 0} } } values.subscriptshift = (values.subscriptshift === "" ? 0 : this.CHTMLlength2em(values.subscriptshift)); values.superscriptshift = (values.superscriptshift === "" ? 0 : this.CHTMLlength2em(values.superscriptshift)); // // Add the super- and subscripts // var x = BBOX.w; if (sub) sbox.w += s; if (sup) Sbox.w += s; if (!sup) { if (sub) { v = Math.max(v,CHTML.TEX.sub1,sscale*sbox.h-(4/5)*ex,values.subscriptshift); sub.style.verticalAlign = CHTML.Em(-v/sscale); sub.style.paddingRight = CHTML.Em(s/sscale); BBOX.combine(sbox,x,-v); } } else { if (!sub) { p = CHTML.TEX[(values.displaystyle ? "sup1" : (values.texprimestyle ? "sup3" : "sup2"))]; u = Math.max(u,p,Sscale*Sbox.d+(1/4)*ex,values.superscriptshift); sup.style.verticalAlign = CHTML.Em(u/Sscale); sup.style.paddingLeft = CHTML.Em(delta/Sscale); sup.style.paddingRight = CHTML.Em(s/Sscale); BBOX.combine(Sbox,x+delta,u); } else { v = Math.max(v,CHTML.TEX.sub2); var t = CHTML.TEX.rule_thickness; if ((u - Sscale*Sbox.d) - (sscale*sbox.h - v) < 3*t) { v = 3*t - u + Sscale*Sbox.d + sscale*sbox.h; q = (4/5)*ex - (u - Sscale*Sbox.d); if (q > 0) {u += q; v -= q} } u = Math.max(u,values.superscriptshift); v = Math.max(v,values.subscriptshift); sub.style.paddingRight = CHTML.Em(s/sscale); sup.style.paddingBottom = CHTML.Em(u/Sscale+v/sscale-Sbox.d-sbox.h/sscale*Sscale); sup.style.paddingLeft = CHTML.Em(delta/Sscale); sup.style.paddingRight = CHTML.Em(s/Sscale); stack.style.verticalAlign = CHTML.Em(-v); BBOX.combine(Sbox,x+delta,u); BBOX.combine(sbox,x,-v); } } BBOX.clean(); return node; }, CHTMLstretchV: MML.mbase.CHTMLstretchV, CHTMLstretchH: MML.mbase.CHTMLstretchH, CHTMLchildNode: function (node,i) { var types = ["mjx-base","mjx-sub","mjx-sup"]; if (this.over === 1) types[1] = types[2]; return CHTML.getNode(node,types[i]); } }); /********************************************************/ MML.mfrac.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node) { node = this.CHTMLdefaultNode(node,{ childNodes:["mjx-numerator","mjx-denominator"], childOptions: {autowidth: true}, forceChild:true, noBBox:true, minChildren:2 }); var values = this.getValues("linethickness","displaystyle", "numalign","denomalign","bevelled"); var isDisplay = values.displaystyle; // // Create the table for the fraction and set the alignment // var num = node.firstChild, denom = node.lastChild; var frac = CHTML.addElement(node,"mjx-box"); frac.appendChild(num); frac.appendChild(denom); node.appendChild(frac); if (values.numalign !== "center") num.style.textAlign = values.numalign; if (values.denomalign !== "center") denom.style.textAlign = values.denomalign; // // Get the bounding boxes for the parts, and determine the placement // of the numerator and denominator // var nbox = this.CHTMLbboxFor(0), dbox = this.CHTMLbboxFor(1), BBOX = CHTML.BBOX.empty(this.CHTML), nscale = nbox.rscale, dscale = dbox.rscale; values.linethickness = Math.max(0,CHTML.thickness2em(values.linethickness||"0",BBOX.scale)); var mt = CHTML.TEX.min_rule_thickness/CHTML.em, a = CHTML.TEX.axis_height; var t = values.linethickness, p,q, u,v; if (values.bevelled) { frac.className += " MJXc-bevelled"; var delta = (isDisplay ? .4 : .15); var H = Math.max(nscale*(nbox.h+nbox.d),dscale*(dbox.h+dbox.d)) + 2*delta; var bevel = CHTML.Element("mjx-bevel"); frac.insertBefore(bevel,denom); var bbox = CHTML.createDelimiter(bevel,0x2F,H); u = nscale*(nbox.d-nbox.h)/2+a+delta; v = dscale*(dbox.d-dbox.h)/2+a-delta; if (u) num.style.verticalAlign = CHTML.Em(u/nscale); if (v) denom.style.verticalAlign = CHTML.Em(v/dscale); bevel.style.marginLeft = bevel.style.marginRight = CHTML.Em(-delta/2); BBOX.combine(nbox,0,u); BBOX.combine(bbox,nscale*nbox.w-delta/2,0); BBOX.combine(dbox,nscale*nbox.w+bbox.w-delta,v); BBOX.clean(); } else { frac.className += " MJXc-stacked"; if (isDisplay) {u = CHTML.TEX.num1; v = CHTML.TEX.denom1} else {u = (t === 0 ? CHTML.TEX.num3 : CHTML.TEX.num2); v = CHTML.TEX.denom2} if (t === 0) { // \atop p = Math.max((isDisplay ? 7 : 3) * CHTML.TEX.rule_thickness, 2*mt); // force to at least 2 px q = (u - nbox.d*nscale) - (dbox.h*dscale - v); if (q < p) {u += (p - q)/2; v += (p - q)/2} } else { // \over p = Math.max((isDisplay ? 2 : 0) * mt + t, t/2 + 1.5*mt); t = Math.max(t,mt); q = (u - nbox.d*nscale) - (a + t/2); if (q < p) u += (p - q); q = (a - t/2) - (dbox.h*dscale - v); if (q < p) v += (p - q); nbox.L = nbox.R = dbox.L = dbox.R = .1; // account for padding in BBOX width var rule = CHTML.addElement(frac,"mjx-line",{style: { "border-bottom":CHTML.Px(t*BBOX.scale,1)+" solid", top: CHTML.Em(-t/2-a) }}); } // // Determine the new bounding box and place the parts // BBOX.combine(nbox,0,u); BBOX.combine(dbox,0,-v); BBOX.clean(); // // Force elements to the correct width // frac.style.width = CHTML.Em(BBOX.w); num.style.width = CHTML.Em(BBOX.w/nscale); denom.style.width = CHTML.Em(BBOX.w/dscale); if (rule) rule.style.width = frac.style.width; // // Place the numerator and denominator in relation to the baseline // num.style.top = CHTML.Em(-BBOX.h/nscale); denom.style.bottom = CHTML.Em(-BBOX.d/dscale); // // Force the size of the surrounding box, since everything is absolutely positioned // CHTML.addElement(node,"mjx-vsize",{style: { height: CHTML.Em(BBOX.h+BBOX.d), verticalAlign: CHTML.Em(-BBOX.d) }}); } // // Add nulldelimiterspace around the fraction // (TeXBook pg 150 and Appendix G rule 15e) // if (!this.texWithDelims) { var space = CHTML.TEX.nulldelimiterspace; frac.style.padding = "0 "+CHTML.Em(space); BBOX.l += space; BBOX.r += space; BBOX.w += 2*space; } // // Return the completed fraction // return node; }, CHTMLcanStretch: function (direction) {return false} }); /********************************************************/ MML.msqrt.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node) { node = this.CHTMLdefaultNode(node,{ childNodes:["mjx-box","mjx-root"], forceChild:true, noBBox:true }); var base = node.firstChild || CHTML.Element("mjx-box"); var sqrt = CHTML.addElement(node,"mjx-box"); sqrt.appendChild(base); var bbox = this.CHTMLbboxFor(0), BBOX = CHTML.BBOX.empty(this.CHTML); var t = CHTML.TEX.rule_thickness, T = CHTML.TEX.surd_height, p = t, q, H; if (this.Get("displaystyle")) p = CHTML.TEX.x_height; q = t + p/4; H = bbox.h + bbox.d + q + t; var surd = CHTML.Element("mjx-surd"); sqrt.insertBefore(surd,base); var sbox = CHTML.createDelimiter(surd,0x221A,[H-.04,H]); if (sbox.h + sbox.d > H) q = ((sbox.h+sbox.d) - (H-t))/2; H = bbox.h + q + t; var x = this.CHTMLaddRoot(node,sbox,sbox.h+sbox.d-H); base.style.paddingTop = CHTML.Em(q); base.style.borderTop = CHTML.Px(T*bbox.scale,1)+" solid"; sqrt.style.paddingTop = CHTML.Em(2*t-T); // use wider line, but don't affect height bbox.h += q + 2*t; BBOX.combine(sbox,x,H-sbox.h); BBOX.combine(bbox,x+sbox.w,0); BBOX.clean(); return node; }, CHTMLaddRoot: function () {return 0}, CHTMLhandleBBox: function (node) { var bbox = this.CHTMLbboxFor(0); delete bbox.pwidth; this.SUPER(arguments).CHTMLhandleBBox.apply(this,arguments); } }); /********************************************************/ MML.mroot.Augment({ toCommonHTML: MML.msqrt.prototype.toCommonHTML, CHTMLhandleBBox: MML.msqrt.prototype.CHTMLhandleBBox, CHTMLaddRoot: function (sqrt,sbox,d) { if (!this.data[1]) return; var BBOX = this.CHTML, bbox = this.data[1].CHTML, root = sqrt.firstChild; var scale = bbox.rscale; var h = this.CHTMLrootHeight(bbox,sbox,BBOX.scale)-d; var w = Math.min(bbox.w,bbox.r); // remove extra right-hand padding, if any var dx = Math.max(w,sbox.offset/scale); if (h) root.style.verticalAlign = CHTML.Em(h/scale); if (dx > w) root.firstChild.style.paddingLeft = CHTML.Em(dx-w); dx -= sbox.offset/scale; root.style.width = CHTML.Em(dx); BBOX.combine(bbox,0,h); return dx*scale; }, CHTMLrootHeight: function (bbox,sbox,scale) { return .45*(sbox.h+sbox.d-.9*scale) + .6*scale + Math.max(0,bbox.d*bbox.scale-.075); } }); /********************************************************/ MML.mfenced.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node) { node = this.CHTMLcreateNode(node); this.CHTMLhandleStyle(node); this.CHTMLhandleScale(node); // // Make row of open, data, sep, ... data, close // this.CHTMLaddChild(node,"open",{}); for (var i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) { this.CHTMLaddChild(node,"sep"+i,{}); this.CHTMLaddChild(node,i,{}); } this.CHTMLaddChild(node,"close",{}); // // Check for stretching the elements // var H = this.CHTML.h, D = this.CHTML.d; this.CHTMLstretchChildV("open",H,D); for (i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) { this.CHTMLstretchChildV("sep"+i,H,D); this.CHTMLstretchChildV(i,H,D); } this.CHTMLstretchChildV("close",H,D); this.CHTMLhandleSpace(node); this.CHTMLhandleBBox(node); this.CHTMLhandleColor(node); return node; } }); /********************************************************/ MML.mrow.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node,options) { options = options || {}; node = this.CHTMLdefaultNode(node); var bbox = this.CHTML, H = bbox.h, D = bbox.d, hasNegative; for (var i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) { this.CHTMLstretchChildV(i,H,D); if (this.data[i] && this.data[i].CHTML && this.data[i].CHTML.w < 0) hasNegative = true; } if (this.CHTMLlineBreaks()) { this.CHTMLmultiline(node); if (options.autowidth) node.style.width = ""; } else { if (hasNegative && bbox.w) node.style.width = CHTML.Em(Math.max(0,bbox.w)); if (bbox.w < 0) node.style.marginRight = CHTML.Em(bbox.w); } return node; }, CHTMLlineBreaks: function () { if (!this.parent.linebreakContainer) return false; return (LINEBREAKS.automatic && this.CHTML.w > CHTML.linebreakWidth) || this.hasNewline(); }, CHTMLstretchV: function (h,d) { this.CHTMLstretchChildV(this.CoreIndex(),h,d); return this.CHTML; }, CHTMLstretchH: function (node,w) { this.CHTMLstretchChildH(this.CoreIndex(),w,node); return this.CHTML; } }); /********************************************************/ MML.TeXAtom.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node,options) { if (!options || !options.stretch) node = this.CHTMLdefaultNode(node); if (this.texClass === MML.TEXCLASS.VCENTER) { var a = CHTML.TEX.axis_height, BBOX = this.CHTML; var v = a-(BBOX.h+BBOX.d)/2+BBOX.d; if (Math.abs(v) > .001) { node.style.verticalAlign = CHTML.Em(v); BBOX.h += v; BBOX.t += v; BBOX.d -= v; BBOX.b -= v; } } return node; }, CHTMLstretchV: function (h,d) { this.CHTMLupdateFrom(this.Core().CHTMLstretchV(h,d)); this.toCommonHTML(this.CHTMLnodeElement(),{stretch:true}); return this.CHTML; }, CHTMLstretchH: function (node,w) { this.CHTMLupdateFrom(this.CHTMLstretchCoreH(node,w)); this.toCommonHTML(node,{stretch:true}); return this.CHTML; } }); /********************************************************/ MML.semantics.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node) { node = this.CHTMLcreateNode(node); if (this.data[0]) { this.data[0].toCommonHTML(node); this.CHTMLupdateFrom(this.data[0].CHTML); this.CHTMLhandleBBox(node); } return node; } }); MML.annotation.Augment({toCommonHTML: function(node) {return this.CHTMLcreateNode(node)}}); MML["annotation-xml"].Augment({toCommonHTML: MML.mbase.CHTMLautoload}); /********************************************************/ MML.ms.Augment({toCommonHTML: MML.mbase.CHTMLautoload}); MML.mglyph.Augment({toCommonHTML: MML.mbase.CHTMLautoload}); MML.menclose.Augment({toCommonHTML: MML.mbase.CHTMLautoload}); MML.maction.Augment({toCommonHTML: MML.mbase.CHTMLautoload}); MML.mmultiscripts.Augment({toCommonHTML: MML.mbase.CHTMLautoload}); MML.mtable.Augment({toCommonHTML: MML.mbase.CHTMLautoload}); /********************************************************/ // // Loading isn't complete until the element jax is modified, // but can't call loadComplete within the callback for "mml Jax Ready" // (it would call CommonHTML's Require routine, asking for the mml jax again) // so wait until after the mml jax has finished processing. // // We also need to wait for the onload handler to run, since the loadComplete // will call Config and Startup, which need to modify the body. // MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("onLoad",function () { setTimeout(MathJax.Callback(["loadComplete",CHTML,"jax.js"]),0); }); }); MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("End Cookie", function () { if (HUB.config.menuSettings.zoom !== "None") {AJAX.Require("[MathJax]/extensions/MathZoom.js")} }); })(MathJax.Ajax,MathJax.Hub,MathJax.HTML,MathJax.OutputJax.CommonHTML);