/* * /MathJax/jax/output/SVG/fonts/TeX/Main/Italic/GeneralPunctuation.js * * Copyright (c) 2009-2018 The MathJax Consortium * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ MathJax.Hub.Insert(MathJax.OutputJax.SVG.FONTDATA.FONTS["MathJax_Main-italic"],{8211:[285,-248,511,91,554,"98 248Q91 252 91 259Q91 279 100 284Q102 285 324 285H442H500Q536 285 545 283T554 274Q554 260 548 254Q546 250 538 249Q520 248 319 248H98"],8212:[285,-248,1022,117,1038,"124 248Q117 252 117 259Q117 279 126 284Q128 285 579 285T1033 284Q1037 280 1037 278Q1038 276 1038 274Q1038 253 1029 250Q1026 248 575 248H124"],8216:[694,-379,307,197,362,"249 379Q228 379 213 396T197 448Q197 533 271 627L278 635Q286 643 295 652T314 671T332 687T344 694Q349 694 355 685T362 671Q362 668 345 654T301 608T256 537Q238 493 240 491Q241 491 245 493T258 498T275 500Q296 500 311 488T326 454Q326 426 304 403T249 379"],8217:[694,-378,307,212,377,"250 620Q250 647 272 670T325 694Q348 694 362 677T377 633V624Q377 566 343 506T275 412T231 379Q226 379 220 388T213 401T232 421T279 472T323 547Q335 573 335 582L331 580Q327 578 318 576T300 573Q277 573 264 585T250 620"],8220:[694,-379,514,243,606,"295 379Q274 379 259 396T243 448Q243 533 317 627Q326 638 354 666T391 694Q395 694 402 686T409 673Q409 668 392 654T348 608T302 537Q284 493 286 491Q287 491 291 493T304 498T321 500Q342 500 357 488T372 454Q372 426 350 403T295 379ZM492 379Q471 379 456 396T440 448Q440 533 514 627Q523 638 551 666T588 694Q592 694 599 685T606 672T589 654T544 608T499 537Q481 493 483 491Q484 491 488 493T501 498T518 500Q539 500 554 488T569 454Q569 426 547 403T492 379"],8221:[694,-379,514,176,538,"214 620Q214 647 236 670T289 694Q312 694 326 677T341 633V624Q341 588 327 550T294 482T253 428T216 392T196 379Q191 379 184 388T176 401Q176 404 195 421T243 472T287 547Q299 576 299 582L295 580Q291 578 282 576T264 573Q241 573 228 585T214 620ZM411 620Q411 647 433 670T486 694Q509 694 523 677T538 633V624Q538 588 524 550T491 482T450 428T413 392T393 379Q388 379 381 388T373 401Q373 404 392 421T440 472T484 547Q496 576 496 582L492 580Q488 578 479 576T461 573Q438 573 425 585T411 620"]});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax.SVG.fontDir+"/Main/Italic/GeneralPunctuation.js");