Orbital Link

Link an orbital or a list of orbitals to other objects.


Orbitals can be linked to objects above or below, in the Gamgi hierarchy. Pressing the button Below (the default), the class menu shows the classes of objects that can be owned by orbitals. Pressing the button Above, the same menu shows the classes of objects that can own orbitals.

Gamgi expects users to identify first the orbital or list of orbitals and then the object to link. When the Orbital entry is active and empty, clicking the mouse over an orbital, on the current layer (local selection), its identification is transported to the Orbital entry. Pressing the List button, the current list of orbitals is selected instead.

Gamgi is now expecting users to click on a object of the class currently selected in the class menu. This object can be in a different layer or window (global selection).

To select a visible object, just press the mouse over the object, in its window. To select objects without visual representation, such as layers and lights, press the mouse over the graphic area in the window, to create a menu with all the objects of that class in the window, which can then be selected.


Gamgi suppports only one method to link orbitals: Object.

The Object method links an orbital or a list of orbitals to a single object, Above or Below.

When linking an orbital and the Hierarchy is Above, the orbital is unlinked from its current parent and linked to the new object. When the Hierarchy is Below, the child object is unlinked from its current parent and linked to the orbital. An error is issued when the parent already owned the child object.

After the linking operation, Gamgi always puts on top the window and layer containing the linked objects.

When linking a list of orbitals Above, all orbitals in the list are unlinked and linked to the parent object. When linking a list of orbitals Below, the child object is replicated as many times as necessary to link each orbital in the list to a different replica.
