Cell Measure

Select here the parameters to build the reciprocal lattice of the Cell lattice.

The reciprocal lattice for the selected cell is calculated and attributed to a new cell object, in a new layer. The primitive vectors for the old and new lattices, a1,a2,a3 and b1,b2,b3 respectively, are related by the equations:

b1 = K (a2 x a3) / (a1 . a2 x a3)
b2 = K (a3 x a1) / (a1 . a2 x a3)
b3 = K (a1 x a2) / (a1 . a2 x a3)

The new layer has the default layer properties (except no visibility to outside) and the new cell has the initial cell properties (except those related with the reciprocal lattice transformation). Space group information is discarded for the new cell.

For all Bravais lattices, the reciprocal lattice transformation follows these rules: 1) the crystalographic system remains the same; 2) P, C, R lattices are transformed into P, C, R lattices, while I, F lattices are transformed into F, I lattices, respectively; 3) the reciprocal lattice of the reciprocal lattice is the initial lattice.

When Cubic, Tetragonal, Orthorhombic or Hexagonal R lattices are transformed, the orientation of the conventional cell vectors is preserved.

The reciprocal lattice of a Tetragonal I lattice is a Tetragonal F lattice, which is usually not represented, because it is equivalent to a Tetragonal I lattice, rotated 45 degrees and scaled by (1/sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2), 0). GAMGI represents the reciprocal lattice of a Tetragonal I lattice as a new Tetragonal I lattice, rotated and scaled by those values, so orientation and lengths are fully preserved. In particular, the reciprocal of the reciprocal of a Tetragonal I lattice is represented as the initial cell rotated by 90 degrees around the origin, which still represents the same lattice, due to the rotation symmetry of the Tetragonal system.

Hexagonal P lattices are rotated 30 degrees, so the reciprocal of the reciprocal of a Hexagonal P lattice is represented as the initial lattice rotated by 60 degrees around the origin, which still represents the same lattice, due to the rotation symmetry of the Hexagonal system.

For Monoclinic P, C lattices, the first conventional vector (aligned along the x axis) becomes a vector on the plane xz, the second vector (aligned along the y axis) continues aligned along the y axis, and the third vector (a vector on the xz plane) becomes aligned along the z axis. For the reciprocal of the reciprocal lattice, the conventional vectors become exactly the same as for the initial lattice.

For Triclinic P lattices, the first conventional vector (aligned along the x axis) becomes a generic vector pointing down, the second vector (aligned on the xy plane) becomes aligned on the yz plane, and the third vector (a generic vector pointing up) becomes aligned along the z axis. For the reciprocal of the reciprocal lattice, the conventional vectors become exactly the same as for the initial lattice.


Select here if the reciprocal lattice of the primitive lattice related with the Cell lattice should also be constucted.


Select here if Plane objects (described by cross patterns, as in stereographic projections) should be added to the reciprocal lattice nodes.


The reciprocal lattice constant K is often set to 1.0 in crystallography, while in solid state physics the value commonly used is 2 PI, the default used here (it is easier to change it to 1 than the other way).


Users can also choose the so-called Bravais polar lattice, where the constant K is made equal to V**2/3, where V is the primitive cell volume, so direct and reciprocal lattices have exactly the same volume per node.