File Formats
Files can be imported in .xyz and .xml native format, selected automatically by the file extension. Files can be exported in .ps, .ppm, .jp[e]g, .png, .tif[f], .x3d and native .xml formats, selected automatically by the file extension. Formats .jp[e]g, .png and .tif[f] require pnmtojpeg, pnmtopng, pnmtotiff, widely available and usually installed by default in most systems.

Files can be exported using File->Export. Only the object and config data regarding the currently selected object is actually exported! To select an object, choose Object->Select and press over the object. Or choose the object class on the menu above, with the middle button, before pressing on the object. Or press twice Layer, Window or Gamgi on the menu above. When the object has no visual representation, press the mouse over the graphic area, to pop up a menu. The statusbar shows the selected object (left) and layer (right).

Files can be imported using File->Import or adding filenames to the command line, when starting Gamgi:

gamgi file_1.xml ... file_n.xml
where file_n.xml is a fullname such as:


Object and config data can be mixed, so file_1.xml might be a preferences file, loaded before the other object files. To automate the procedure, just add a line as this to .bashrc:

alias gamgi='gamgi ~/gamgi/my_defaults.xml'

Detailed explanations of valid formats, are available at, doc/formats/formats.html or Help->Topic->Formats.
