Bond Create


Controls how the bond is shown: with cylinders in solid mode and with simple lines in wired mode. By default, the wired mode is used. To change the default read Help->Topics->Formats->Bond->Config.
Example: <bond ... style="wired"/> (default)
Allowed values: wired, solid (optional)


In solid mode, controls the size of the bond cylinders. Combining bond size with atom variancy and size, it is possible to obtain a wide range of styles to represent atomic structures. The default is to represent atoms slightly larger than bonds:
<atom ... variancy="0.0" size="0.8"/><bond ... size="0.5"/>
An elegant style is to represent bonds with the same size as atoms:
<atom ... variancy="0.0" size="0.5"/><bond ... size="0.5"/>
To guarantee that bond cylinders are closed by atom spheres, bond size should not be larger than atom size.
Example: <bond ... size="0.5"/> (default)
Allowed values: positive real (optional)


Controls whether bonds have their own, independent, color, or inherit the colors from the parent atoms. By default colors are inherited.
Example: <bond ... color="no"/> (default)
Allowed values: yes, no (optional)

red, green, blue

Set the bond color, when the bond is rendered with its own, independent, color.
Example: <bond ... red="0.0" green="0.8" blue="0.0"/> (default)
Allowed values: 0.0 - 1.0 (optional, coupled)


Change the bond size, including its child objects. Bond objects are scaled around the bond line. The visual representation of an object is always scaled by its own scale factor multiplied by the scale factor of all its parent objects until layer, inclusive.

Line widths in GAMGI are not affected by scale attributes, so bonds represented in wired mode remain unchanged by scale (but not its child).

Example: <bond ... scale="1.0"/> (default)
(defined in GAMGI_MESA_SCALE)
Allowed values: positive real (optional)