Module Xquery_type_ast_map

module Xquery_type_ast_map: sig .. end
Maps a WSDL type reference to a sequence type.
Returns the type associated by the WSDL/XQuery binding or None, if no mapping is possible

val anytype : Xquery_ast.sequencetype
val make_sequencetype : Xquery_ast.itemtype -> Xquery_ast.sequencetype
val create_new_var : string list -> string -> string
val xquery_type_from_wsdl_type : Namespace_names.rqname ->
Xquery_type_ast.xschema -> Xquery_ast.sequencetype option
Maps a WSDL type reference to a sequence type.
Returns the type associated by the WSDL/XQuery binding or None, if no mapping is possible
val xquery_element_from_wsdl_element : Namespace_names.rqname ->
Xquery_type_ast.xschema -> Xquery_ast.sequencetype option
Maps a WSDL element reference to a sequence type. If the prefix is not found, then it returns None.

other functions
val lookup_prefix_for_uri : Xquery_type_ast.xschema -> Namespace_names.uri -> Namespace_names.prefix
find the corresponding namespace declaration in the schema or raises Not_found
val lookup_type_in_xschema : Xquery_type_ast.xschema ->
Xquery_common_ast.tname -> Xquery_type_ast.xtype_derivation
find the corresponding type declaration in the schema or raises Not_found
val get_wsdl_type_for_xquery_type : Xquery_ast.sequencetype option ->
Wsdl_ast.wsdl_module -> Wsdl_ast.part_type_decl
find/create a WSDL type for a given type from an XQuery module