Module Xquery_common_ast

module Xquery_common_ast: sig .. end

type tname = Namespace_names.uqname 
type gname = Namespace_names.uqname 
type ename = Namespace_names.uqname 
type aname = Namespace_names.uqname 
type sname = Namespace_names.uqname 
type vname = Namespace_names.uqname 
type fname = Namespace_names.uqname 
type fname_arity = Namespace_names.uqname * int 
type ctname = Namespace_names.rqname 
type cename = Namespace_names.rqname 
type caname = Namespace_names.rqname 
type cvname = Namespace_names.rqname 
type cfname = Namespace_names.rqname 
type cfname_arity = Namespace_names.rqname * int 
type crname = cvname 
type namespace_declaration = Namespace_names.ncname * Namespace_names.uri 
type nillable = 
| Nillable
| NonNillable
type mixed = 
| Mixed
| NonMixed
type principal = 
| PrincipalElement
| PrincipalAttribute
type unaryop = 
| UEPlus
| UEMinus
type binop = 
| BEIntersect
| BEUnion
| BEExcept
| BEBar
| BEAnd
| BEOr
| BEPrecedes
| BEFollows
| BEEq
| BELtOp
| BELte
| BEGtOp
| BEGte
| BEEqual
| BENEqual
| BEIs
| BELt
| BEGt
| BELteq
| BEGteq
| BEPlus
| BEMinus
| BEMult
| BEDiv
| BEIDiv
| BEMod
type axis = 
| Ancestor
| Ancestor_or_self
| Attribute
| Child
| Descendant
| Descendant_or_self
| Following_sibling
| Preceding_sibling
| Parent
| Self
| Following
| Preceding
type literal = 
| IntegerLiteral of Decimal._integer
| DecimalLiteral of Decimal._decimal
| DoubleLiteral of float
| StringLiteral of string
| BooleanLiteral of bool
| URILiteral of AnyURI._uri
val delimited_string_of_literal : string -> literal -> string
val string_of_literal : literal -> string
val literal_of_string : Datatypes.atomic_type -> string -> literal
val atomic_type_of_literal : literal -> Datatypes.atomic_type
type validation_mode = 
| Lax
| Strict
type sortkind = 
| Ascending
| Descending
type emptysortkind = 
| EmptyGreatest
| EmptyLeast
type stablekind = 
| Stable
| NonStable
type value_of_flag = 
| Normal_Replace
| Value_Of_Replace
type snap_modifier = 
| Snap_Ordered_Deterministic
| Snap_Unordered_Deterministic
| Snap_Nondeterministic
type updating_modifier = 
| Updating
| NonUpdating
type strip_or_preserve = 
| Strip
| Preserve
type ordered_or_unordered = 
| Ordered
| Unordered
type preserve_or_no_preserve = 
| NSPreserve
| NSNoPreserve
type inherit_or_no_inherit = 
| NSInherit
| NSNoInherit
val fs_dot : cvname
val fs_sequence : cvname
val fs_position : cvname
val fs_last : cvname