Module Shredded_main_memory_basetypes.Main_Memory_Basetypes

module Main_Memory_Basetypes: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Basetypes 

val implemid : Nodeid.implemid
val implem_name : string
val is_persistent : unit -> bool
type store_id 
type docorder = Nodeid.docorder 
type preorder = Nodeid.large_preorder 
module Preorder_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_OrderedType  with type t = preorder
type nodeid = Nodeid.nodeid 
type stored_nodeid = int 
module Stored_Nodeid_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_OrderedType  with type t = stored_nodeid
type stored_preorder_nodeid_pair = preorder *
module Stored_Preorder_Nodeid_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_OrderedType  with type t = stored_preorder_nodeid_pair
module Stored_Preorder_Nodeid_Record_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Record_Type  with type record = stored_preorder_nodeid_pair
type textid = int 
module Textid_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_OrderedType  with type t = textid
type namespaceid = int 
module Namespaceid_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Type  with type t = namespaceid
type binding = namespaceid *
module Binding_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Type  with type t = binding
type comment = string 
module Comment_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Type  with type t = comment
type eqnameid = int 
module Eqnameid_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Type  with type t = eqnameid
type eqname = Namespace_names.uri * Namespace_names.ncname 
module Eqname_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Type  with type t = eqname
type prefixid = int 
module Prefixid_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Type  with type t = prefixid
type prefix = string 
module Prefix_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Type  with type t = prefix
type stored_atomic_value_list = namespaceid *
(Datatypes.atomic_type * string) list
module Stored_Atomic_Value_List_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Type  with type t = stored_atomic_value_list
type stored_atomic_value_list_with_nilled = bool * stored_atomic_value_list 
module Stored_Atomic_Value_List_With_Nilled_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Type  with type t = stored_atomic_value_list_with_nilled
type commentid = int 
module Commentid_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Type  with type t = commentid
type processing = Namespace_names.ncname * Datatypes.xs_untyped 
module Processing_Instruction_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Type  with type t = processing
type processingid = int 
module Processingid_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Type  with type t = processingid
type text 
module Text_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_OrderedType  with type t = text
type metadata_key = string 
module Metadata_Key_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Type  with type t = metadata_key
type metadata_value = string 
module Metadata_Value_Module: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Type  with type t = metadata_value
type cell_id 
module Cell_Id: Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Cell_Type 
val string_of_text : text -> string
val text_of_xml_attribute : string -> text
val xml_attribute_of_text : text -> string
val text_of_text_desc : string -> text
val text_desc_of_text : text -> string
val xs_untyped_of_text : text -> Datatypes.xs_untyped
val text_of_xs_untyped : Datatypes.xs_untyped -> text
type elem_eqnameid = eqnameid 
type attr_eqnameid = eqnameid 
type type_eqnameid = eqnameid 
type elem_symbol = prefixid *
type attr_symbol = prefixid *
type type_symbol = prefixid *
type record_specific = 
| ElementRecord of (elem_symbol *
namespaceid *
type_symbol option)
| AttributeRecord of (attr_symbol *
textid *
type_symbol option)
| TextRecord of textid
| PIRecord of processingid
| CommentRecord of commentid
| DocumentRecord
type record_kind = 
| ElementRecordKind
| AttributeRecordKind
| TextRecordKind
| PIRecordKind
| CommentRecordKind
| DocumentRecordKind
type nsenv_hash_table_type = (namespaceid, Namespace_context.nsenv)
module Stored_Nodeid_Generator: Shredded_store_sigs.Generator  with type t = stored_nodeid
module Textid_Generator: Shredded_store_sigs.Generator  with type t = textid
module Namespaceid_Generator: Shredded_store_sigs.Generator  with type t = namespaceid
module Commentid_Generator: Shredded_store_sigs.Generator  with type t = commentid
module Processingid_Generator: Shredded_store_sigs.Generator  with type t = processingid
module Prefixid_Generator: Shredded_store_sigs.Generator  with type t = prefixid
module Eqnameid_Generator: Shredded_store_sigs.Generator  with type t = eqnameid