Module Schema_import

module Schema_import: sig .. end
Schema import accepts an optional prefix suggestion for the target namespace. This prefix is only suggestive; if the schema associates its own prefixe(s) to the target namespace, then one of those is used instead; if this prefix conflicts with prefixes in the schema, or None is passed, then the target namespace prefix is invented.

val import_schema : Processing_context.processing_context ->
Namespace_names.prefix option ->
string -> string option -> Xquery_type_ast.xschema
Import a schema at the given target URI using the optional location hint, or if that fails, the location hints in the processing context.
val import_schema_document : Processing_context.processing_context ->
Namespace_names.prefix option ->
Streaming_types.resolved_xml_stream -> Xquery_type_ast.xschema
The stream corresponds to an opened document, i.e. the document root node is still present. The root element must be <schema>.
val import_schema_element : Processing_context.processing_context ->
Namespace_names.prefix option ->
Streaming_types.resolved_xml_stream -> Xquery_type_ast.xschema
The stream is supposed to start with <schema> element, i.e. the document root or parent elements have already been removed. This is intended for importing embedded schemas.