Functor Regexp.MakeRegexpType

module MakeRegexpType: 
functor (Letter : Set.OrderedType) -> RegexpType with type letter = Letter.t
Letter : Set.OrderedType

type position = int 
module Position: Set.OrderedType  with type t = position
module PositionSet: Set.S  with type elt = position
type letter 
type regexp = 
| RSym of (letter * position)
| RSeq of (regexp * regexp)
| REmpty
| RChoice of (regexp * regexp)
| RNone
| RPlus of regexp
| RStar of regexp
| RAmp of (regexp * regexp)
val nullable : regexp -> bool
val pos : regexp -> PositionSet.t
val first : regexp -> PositionSet.t
val last : regexp -> PositionSet.t
val follow : regexp ->
position -> PositionSet.t
val chi : regexp ->
position -> letter
val star_normalize_aux : regexp -> regexp
val star_normalize : regexp -> regexp