Module Physical_value

module Physical_value: sig .. end

type 'a sequence = 
| CSeq of 'a Cursor.cursor
| LSeq of 'a list
type item = 
| Item_Atomic of Dm_atomic.atomicValue
| Item_Node of Dm.node
type _ItemKind = 
| AtomicValueKind
| NodeKind
type dom_value = item sequence 
type sax_value = Streaming_types.typed_xml_stream 
type xml_value = 
| DomValue of dom_value
| SaxValue of sax_value
type tuple_unit = unit 
val empty_tuple : tuple_unit
type tuple = xml_value array 
type dom_tuple = dom_value array 
type table_unit = tuple_unit Cursor.cursor 
type table = tuple array 
type dom_table = dom_tuple array 
type physical_value = 
| PXMLValue of xml_value
| PTable of table_unit