Module Galax_io

module Galax_io: sig .. end

type input_spec = 
| File_Input of string
| String_Input of string
| Buffer_Input of Netbuffer.t
| Http_Input of string
| Channel_Input of Pervasives.in_channel
type output_spec = 
| File_Output of string
| Buffer_Output of Buffer.t
| Channel_Output of Pervasives.out_channel
| Formatter_Output of Format.formatter
type pull_handle 
type entity_kind = 
| Document_entity
| Document_fragment
type pxp_stream = (unit -> Pxp_types.event option) * pull_handle 
val pull_parser_from_input_spec : input_spec -> entity_kind -> pxp_stream
val close_pull_parser : pull_handle -> unit
val dtd_from_input_spec : input_spec -> Pxp_dtd.dtd
val uri_string_of_gio : input_spec -> string option
val string_of_gio : input_spec -> string