Module DateTime

module DateTime: sig .. end
Relative offset of the timezone to UTC

type _TZrel 
type _timezone 
Internal Representation of a timezone
type xs_time 
xs:time datatype
type xs_date 
xs:date datatypes
type xs_dateTime 
xs:dateTime datatype consisting of a date value and a time value
type xs_duration 
xs:duration datatype consisting of a year,month,day,hour,minute, and second
type xs_gYearMonth 
xs:gYearMonth datatype consisting of a year value and a month value
type xs_gYear 
xs:gYear datatype consisting of a year value
type xs_gMonthDay 
xs:gMonthDay datatype consisting of a month value and a day value
type xs_gDay 
xs:gDay datatype consisting of a day value
type xs_gMonth 
xs:gMonth datatype consisting of a month value
type xs_yearMonthDuration 
xs:yearMonthDuration datatype
type xs_dayTimeDuration 
xs:dayTimeDuration datatype

string_of_ functions
val string_of_date : xs_date -> string
Gives the string value of an xs_date
Returns the string representation of a date
val string_of_duration : xs_duration -> string
val string_of_gYearMonth : xs_gYearMonth -> string
val string_of_gYear : xs_gYear -> string
val string_of_gMonthDay : xs_gMonthDay -> string
val string_of_gDay : xs_gDay -> string
val string_of_gMonth : xs_gMonth -> string
val string_of_time : xs_time -> string
Gives the string value of an xs_time
Returns the string representation of a time
val string_of_dateTime : xs_dateTime -> string
Gives the string value of an xs_dateTime
Returns the string representation of a dateTime
val string_of_yearMonthDuration : xs_yearMonthDuration -> string
Gives the string representation of a yearMonthDuration
Returns the string representation of a yearMonthDuration
val canonical_of_yearMonthDuration : xs_yearMonthDuration -> string
val string_of_dayTimeDuration : xs_dayTimeDuration -> string
Gives the string representation of a dayTimeDuration
Returns the string representation of a dayTimeDuration
val canonical_of_dayTimeDuration : xs_dayTimeDuration -> string

Constructors for the date/time datatypes
val mkdate : int option * int * int * xs_dayTimeDuration option ->
Takes a year, month, day, and timezone as a duration and returns an xs_date datatype.
Returns an xs_date
val mktime : int * int * Decimal._decimal * xs_dayTimeDuration option ->
Takes an hour, minute, second and timezone as a duration and returns an xs_time datatype.

Takes an hour, minute, second and timezone as a duration and returns an xs_time datatype.
Returns an xs_time

an xs_time and dayTimeDuration, if time rolls over into a day

val mktime_dtd : int * int * Decimal._decimal * xs_dayTimeDuration option ->
xs_dayTimeDuration * xs_time
val mkdateTime : xs_date * xs_time * xs_dayTimeDuration option ->
Takes a date, a time, and a timezone as a duration and returns an xs_dateTime
Returns an xs_dateTime
val mkgYearMonth : int * int * xs_dayTimeDuration option -> xs_gYearMonth
val mkgYear : int * xs_dayTimeDuration option -> xs_gYear
val mkgMonthDay : int * int * xs_dayTimeDuration option -> xs_gMonthDay
val mkgDay : int * xs_dayTimeDuration option -> xs_gDay
val mkgMonth : int * xs_dayTimeDuration option -> xs_gMonth
val mkyearMonthDuration : int * int -> xs_yearMonthDuration
Takes a number of years and a number of months and returns a yearMonthDuration
Returns an xs_yearMonthDuration
val zero_yearMonthDuration : xs_yearMonthDuration
val mkdayTimeDuration : int * int * int * Decimal._decimal -> xs_dayTimeDuration
Takes a number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds and returns a dayTimeDuration
Returns an xs_dayTimeDuration
val zero_dayTimeDuration : xs_dayTimeDuration
val mkduration : bool ->
xs_yearMonthDuration * xs_dayTimeDuration ->

Operations Comparisons and Arithmetic operations
val date_compare : xs_dayTimeDuration option ->
xs_date -> xs_date -> int
Compares two dates. The dayTimeDuration option is the timezone used if one of the dates does not contain a timezone.
Returns -1 if the first is earlier than the second, 1 if it is later, and 0 if it is the same
val duration_compare : xs_duration -> xs_duration -> int
val gYearMonth_compare : xs_dayTimeDuration option ->
xs_gYearMonth -> xs_gYearMonth -> int
val gYear_compare : xs_dayTimeDuration option ->
xs_gYear -> xs_gYear -> int
val gMonthDay_compare : xs_dayTimeDuration option ->
xs_gMonthDay -> xs_gMonthDay -> int
val gDay_compare : xs_dayTimeDuration option ->
xs_gDay -> xs_gDay -> int
val gMonth_compare : xs_dayTimeDuration option ->
xs_gMonth -> xs_gMonth -> int
val add_yearMonthDuration_to_date : xs_date -> xs_yearMonthDuration -> xs_date
Add a yearMonthDuration to a date yielding the new date
Returns The given duration added to the date
val add_dayTimeDuration_to_date : xs_date -> xs_dayTimeDuration -> xs_date
Returns The date resulting from adding the given duration to the date given
val subtract_dates : xs_date -> xs_date -> xs_dayTimeDuration
Returns The yearMonthDuration representing the difference in time between the first date and the second date
val subtract_yearMonthDuration_from_date : xs_date -> xs_yearMonthDuration -> xs_date
Returns The date resulting from subtracting the given yearMonthDuration from the given date
val subtract_dayTimeDuration_from_date : xs_date -> xs_dayTimeDuration -> xs_date
Returns The date resulting from subtracting the given dayTimeDuration from the given date
val time_compare : xs_dayTimeDuration option ->
xs_time -> xs_time -> int
Returns 1 if the first time is later than the second, -1 if it is earlier, and 0 if they are the same The dayTimeDuration option is the timezone used if one of the times has a timezone and one does not
val add_dayTimeDuration_to_time : xs_time -> xs_dayTimeDuration -> xs_time
Returns The time resulting from adding the given duration to the given time
val subtract_dateTimes : xs_dateTime -> xs_dateTime -> xs_dayTimeDuration
Returns The duration of time between the first time and the second time
val subtract_dates : xs_date -> xs_date -> xs_dayTimeDuration
Returns The duration of time between the first time and the second time
val subtract_times : xs_time -> xs_time -> xs_dayTimeDuration
Returns The duration of time between the first time and the second time
val subtract_dayTimeDuration_from_time : xs_time -> xs_dayTimeDuration -> xs_time
Returns The time resulting from subtracting the dayTimeDuration from the given time
val dateTime_compare : xs_dayTimeDuration option ->
xs_dateTime -> xs_dateTime -> int
Returns 1 if the first dateTime occurs after the second, -1 if it occurs before and 0 otherwise. The dayTimeDuration option is the timezone used if one of the dateTimes is given with a timezone and the other is not
val add_yearMonthDuration_to_dateTime : xs_dateTime -> xs_yearMonthDuration -> xs_dateTime
Returns The dateTime resulting from adding the given duration to the given dateTime
val add_yearMonthDuration_to_dateTime2 : xs_yearMonthDuration -> xs_dateTime -> xs_dateTime
val add_dayTimeDuration_to_dateTime : xs_dateTime -> xs_dayTimeDuration -> xs_dateTime
Returns The dateTime resulting from adding the given duration to the given dateTime
val subtract_dateTimes : xs_dateTime -> xs_dateTime -> xs_dayTimeDuration
Returns The duration of time in days, hours, minutes... between the first dateTime and the second dateTime
val subtract_yearMonthDuration_from_dateTime : xs_dateTime -> xs_yearMonthDuration -> xs_dateTime
Returns The dateTime resulting from subtracting the given duration from the given dateTime
val subtract_dayTimeDuration_from_dateTime : xs_dateTime -> xs_dayTimeDuration -> xs_dateTime
Returns The dateTime resulting from subtracting the given duration from the given dateTime
val dateTime_from_date_and_time : xs_date -> xs_time -> xs_dateTime
val yearMonthDuration_compare : xs_yearMonthDuration -> xs_yearMonthDuration -> int
Returns 1 if the first duration is longer than the second, -1 if it is less, 0 if they are the same
val add_yearMonthDurations : xs_yearMonthDuration ->
xs_yearMonthDuration -> xs_yearMonthDuration
Returns The duration of time resultant from adding the first duration to the second
val subtract_yearMonthDurations : xs_yearMonthDuration ->
xs_yearMonthDuration -> xs_yearMonthDuration
Returns The duration of time resultant from subtracting the second duration from the first
val multiply_yearMonthDuration : xs_yearMonthDuration -> float -> xs_yearMonthDuration
Returns The resultant duration from multiplying the given duration by the given floating point number
val multiply_yearMonthDuration2 : float -> xs_yearMonthDuration -> xs_yearMonthDuration
val divide_yearMonthDuration : xs_yearMonthDuration -> float -> xs_yearMonthDuration
Returns The resultant duration from dividing the given duration by the given floating point number
val divide_yearMonthDuration_by_yearMonthDuration : xs_yearMonthDuration ->
xs_yearMonthDuration -> Decimal._decimal
Returns The decimal representing the results of dividing one yearMonthDuration by a second yearMonthDuration
val dayTimeDuration_compare : xs_dayTimeDuration -> xs_dayTimeDuration -> int
Returns 1 if the first duration is longer than the second, -1 if it is less, and 0 if they are the same
val add_dayTimeDurations : xs_dayTimeDuration ->
xs_dayTimeDuration -> xs_dayTimeDuration
Returns The duration of time resultant from adding the first duration to the second
val subtract_dayTimeDurations : xs_dayTimeDuration ->
xs_dayTimeDuration -> xs_dayTimeDuration
Returns The duration of time resultant from subtracting the second duration from the first
val multiply_dayTimeDuration : xs_dayTimeDuration -> float -> xs_dayTimeDuration
Returns The duration of time resultant from multiplying the given duration by the given floating point number
val multiply_dayTimeDuration2 : float -> xs_dayTimeDuration -> xs_dayTimeDuration
val divide_dayTimeDuration : xs_dayTimeDuration -> float -> xs_dayTimeDuration
Returns The duration of time resultant from dividing the given duration by the given floating point number
val divide_dayTimeDuration_by_dayTimeDuration : xs_dayTimeDuration ->
xs_dayTimeDuration -> Decimal._decimal
Returns The decimal resulting from the division of two dayTimeDurations

Extraction functions on dates, times, and durations
val years_from_duration : xs_yearMonthDuration -> int
Returns The years in the duration
val months_from_duration : xs_yearMonthDuration -> int
Returns The months in the duration
val days_from_duration : xs_dayTimeDuration -> int
Returns The days in the duration
val hours_from_duration : xs_dayTimeDuration -> int
Returns The hours in the duration
val minutes_from_duration : xs_dayTimeDuration -> int
Returns The minutes in the duration
val seconds_from_duration : xs_dayTimeDuration -> Decimal._decimal
Returns The seconds in the duration
val hours_from_time : xs_time -> int
Returns The hours in the time
val minutes_from_time : xs_time -> int
Returns The minutes in the time
val seconds_from_time : xs_time -> Decimal._decimal
Returns The seconds in the time
val timezone_from_time : xs_time -> xs_dayTimeDuration
Returns The timezone in the time
val opt_timezone_from_time : xs_time -> xs_dayTimeDuration option
val year_from_date : xs_date -> int
Returns The year in the date
val month_from_date : xs_date -> int
Returns The month in the date
val day_from_date : xs_date -> int
Returns The day in the date
val timezone_from_date : xs_date -> xs_dayTimeDuration
Returns The timezone in the date
val opt_timezone_from_date : xs_date -> xs_dayTimeDuration option
val year_from_dateTime : xs_dateTime -> int
Returns The year in the dateTime
val month_from_dateTime : xs_dateTime -> int
Returns The month in the dateTime
val day_from_dateTime : xs_dateTime -> int
Returns The day in the dateTime
val hours_from_dateTime : xs_dateTime -> int
Returns The hours in the dateTime
val minutes_from_dateTime : xs_dateTime -> int
Returns The minutes in the dateTime
val seconds_from_dateTime : xs_dateTime -> Decimal._decimal
Returns The seconds in the dateTime
val timezone_from_dateTime : xs_dateTime -> xs_dayTimeDuration
Returns The timezone in the dateTime
val opt_timezone_from_dateTime : xs_dateTime -> xs_dayTimeDuration option
val date_from_dateTime : xs_dateTime -> xs_date
Returns The date in the dateTime
val time_from_dateTime : xs_dateTime -> xs_time
Returns The time in the dateTime

Context functions
val current_dateTime : unit -> xs_dateTime
Gives the current dateTime based upon the Unix system time set by the user for the operating system
Returns The current dateTime
val local_timezone : unit -> xs_dayTimeDuration
Gives the local timezone based upon the Unix system timezone set by the user.
Returns The local timezone
val default_dateTime : unit -> xs_dateTime
Gives the dateTime corresponding the January 1st, 1970 at midnight. This is put in place to correspond to the Unix system calls which judge time based upon time elapsed since this default time
Returns The dateTime 1970-01-01T00:00:00
val default_UTC : unit -> xs_dayTimeDuration
Gives the dayTimeDuration corresponding to 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds to represent the timezone offset at UTC
Returns The dayTimeDuration P0DT0H0M0S
val adjust_time_to_timezone : xs_time -> xs_dayTimeDuration option -> xs_time
Adjusts the given time to the given timezone, or appends the timezone if there is no timezone attached to the given time
Returns The time adjusted to the given timezone
val adjust_date_to_timezone : xs_date -> xs_dayTimeDuration option -> xs_date
Adjusts the given date to the given timezone, or appends the timezone if there is no timezone attached to the given date
Returns The date adjusted to the given timezone
val adjust_dateTime_to_timezone : xs_dateTime ->
xs_dayTimeDuration option -> xs_dateTime
Adjusts the given dateTime to the given timezone, or appends the timezone if there is no timezone attached to the given dateTime
Returns The dateTime adjusted to the given timezone
val yearMonthDuration_of_duration : xs_duration -> xs_yearMonthDuration
val dayTimeDuration_of_duration : xs_duration -> xs_dayTimeDuration
val duration_of_yearMonthDuration : xs_yearMonthDuration -> xs_duration
val duration_of_dayTimeDuration : xs_dayTimeDuration -> xs_duration
val negate_time : xs_time -> xs_time
val negate_date : xs_date -> xs_date
val negate_dateTime : xs_dateTime -> xs_dateTime
val negate_gYear : xs_gYear -> xs_gYear
val negate_gYearMonth : xs_gYearMonth -> xs_gYearMonth