
This allows enabling the BIOS setup option for UEFI capsule updates without manually going into BIOS setup.

GUID Generation

These device uses a hardcoded GUID of 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e.

Vendor ID Security

The vendor ID is hardcoded to PCI:0x1028.

Build Requirements

For Dell support you will need libsmbios_c version 2.4.0 or later.

If you don’t want or need this functionality you can use the -Dplugin_dell=disabled option.

Devices powered by the Dell Plugin

The Dell ESRT plugin allows the user to enable the UpdateCapsule functionality at runtime. A reboot will be required and the BIOS administrator password must not be set.

Machines that offer this functionality will display an extra device in fwupdmgr get-devices output.


UEFI dummy device
  Guid:                 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e
  Plugin:               dell-esrt
  Flags:                internal|updatable|locked
  Version:              0
  Created:              2018-06-25

External Interface Access

This plugin requires:

  • read/write access to /dev/wmi/dell-smbios and /sys/bus/platform/devices/dcdbas.
  • read access to /sys/firmware/efi/esrt.