FLTK 1.3.8
2// "$Id$"
4// Browser header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
6// Copyright 1998-2016 by Bill Spitzak and others.
8// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
9// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
10// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
12// http://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
14// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
16// http://www.fltk.org/str.php
19/* \file
20 Fl_Browser widget . */
22// Forms-compatible browser. Probably useful for other
23// lists of textual data. Notice that the line numbers
24// start from 1, and 0 means "no line".
26#ifndef Fl_Browser_H
27#define Fl_Browser_H
29#include "Fl_Browser_.H"
30#include "Fl_Image.H"
32struct FL_BLINE;
80class FL_EXPORT Fl_Browser : public Fl_Browser_ {
82 FL_BLINE *first; // the array of lines
83 FL_BLINE *last;
84 FL_BLINE *cache;
85 int cacheline; // line number of cache
86 int lines; // Number of lines
87 int full_height_;
88 const int* column_widths_;
89 char format_char_; // alternative to @-sign
90 char column_char_; // alternative to tab
94 // required routines for Fl_Browser_ subclass:
95 void* item_first() const ;
96 void* item_next(void* item) const ;
97 void* item_prev(void* item) const ;
98 void* item_last()const ;
99 int item_selected(void* item) const ;
100 void item_select(void* item, int val);
101 int item_height(void* item) const ;
102 int item_width(void* item) const ;
103 void item_draw(void* item, int X, int Y, int W, int H) const ;
104 int full_height() const ;
105 int incr_height() const ;
106 const char *item_text(void *item) const;
112 void item_swap(void *a, void *b) { swap((FL_BLINE*)a, (FL_BLINE*)b); }
118 void *item_at(int line) const { return (void*)find_line(line); }
120 FL_BLINE* find_line(int line) const ;
121 FL_BLINE* _remove(int line) ;
122 void insert(int line, FL_BLINE* item);
123 int lineno(void *item) const ;
124 void swap(FL_BLINE *a, FL_BLINE *b);
128 void remove(int line);
129 void add(const char* newtext, void* d = 0);
130 void insert(int line, const char* newtext, void* d = 0);
131 void move(int to, int from);
132 int load(const char* filename);
133 void swap(int a, int b);
134 void clear();
141 int size() const { return lines; }
142 void size(int W, int H) { Fl_Widget::size(W, H); }
149 /*
150 Sets the default text size for the lines in the browser to newSize.
151 Defined and documented in Fl_Browser.cxx
152 */
153 void textsize(Fl_Fontsize newSize);
155 int topline() const ;
157 enum Fl_Line_Position { TOP, BOTTOM, MIDDLE };
158 void lineposition(int line, Fl_Line_Position pos);
165 void topline(int line) { lineposition(line, TOP); }
172 void bottomline(int line) { lineposition(line, BOTTOM); }
179 void middleline(int line) { lineposition(line, MIDDLE); }
181 int select(int line, int val=1);
182 int selected(int line) const ;
183 void show(int line);
185 void show() { Fl_Widget::show(); }
186 void hide(int line);
188 void hide() { Fl_Widget::hide(); }
189 int visible(int line) const ;
191 int value() const ;
197 void value(int line) { select(line); }
198 const char* text(int line) const ;
199 void text(int line, const char* newtext);
200 void* data(int line) const ;
201 void data(int line, void* d);
203 Fl_Browser(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L = 0);
238 char format_char() const { return format_char_; }
244 void format_char(char c) { format_char_ = c; }
250 char column_char() const { return column_char_; }
257 void column_char(char c) { column_char_ = c; }
281 const int* column_widths() const { return column_widths_; }
286 void column_widths(const int* arr) { column_widths_ = arr; }
297 int displayed(int line) const { return Fl_Browser_::displayed(find_line(line)); }
306 void make_visible(int line) {
307 if (line < 1) Fl_Browser_::display(find_line(1));
308 else if (line > lines) Fl_Browser_::display(find_line(lines));
309 else Fl_Browser_::display(find_line(line));
310 }
312 // icon support
313 void icon(int line, Fl_Image* icon);
314 Fl_Image* icon(int line) const;
315 void remove_icon(int line);
318 void replace(int a, const char* b) { text(a, b); }
319 void display(int line, int val=1);
325// End of "$Id$".
int Fl_Fontsize
Size of a font in pixels.
Definition: Enumerations.H:904
Fl_Image, Fl_RGB_Image classes.
This is the base class for browsers.
Definition: Fl_Browser_.H:77
virtual int item_selected(void *item) const
This method must be implemented by the subclass if it supports multiple selections; returns the selec...
Definition: Fl_Browser_.cxx:1098
virtual void * item_next(void *item) const =0
This method must be provided by the subclass to return the item in the list after item.
virtual void * item_last() const
This method must be provided by the subclass to return the last item in the list.
Definition: Fl_Browser_.H:122
virtual int incr_height() const
This method may be provided to return the average height of all items to be used for scrolling.
Definition: Fl_Browser_.cxx:1053
virtual int item_width(void *item) const =0
This method must be provided by the subclass to return the width of the item in pixels.
void display(void *item)
Displays the item, scrolling the list as necessary.
Definition: Fl_Browser_.cxx:245
Fl_Fontsize textsize() const
Gets the default text size (in pixels) for the lines in the browser.
Definition: Fl_Browser_.H:301
virtual int item_height(void *item) const =0
This method must be provided by the subclass to return the height of item in pixels.
virtual void * item_prev(void *item) const =0
This method must be provided by the subclass to return the item in the list before item.
virtual void * item_first() const =0
This method must be provided by the subclass to return the first item in the list.
virtual void item_select(void *item, int val=1)
This method must be implemented by the subclass if it supports multiple selections; sets the selectio...
Definition: Fl_Browser_.cxx:1090
virtual int full_height() const
This method may be provided by the subclass to indicate the full height of the item list,...
Definition: Fl_Browser_.cxx:1064
virtual void item_draw(void *item, int X, int Y, int W, int H) const =0
This method must be provided by the subclass to draw the item in the area indicated by X,...
int select(void *item, int val=1, int docallbacks=0)
Sets the selection state of item to val, and returns 1 if the state changed or 0 if it did not.
Definition: Fl_Browser_.cxx:608
virtual const char * item_text(void *item) const
This optional method returns a string (label) that may be used for sorting.
Definition: Fl_Browser_.H:151
int displayed(void *item) const
Returns non-zero if item has been scrolled to a position where it is being displayed.
Definition: Fl_Browser_.cxx:228
The Fl_Browser widget displays a scrolling list of text lines, and manages all the storage for the te...
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:80
char format_char() const
Gets the current format code prefix character, which by default is '@'.
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:238
For internal use only?
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:157
void hide()
Hides the entire Fl_Browser widget – opposite of show().
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:188
void format_char(char c)
Sets the current format code prefix character to c.
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:244
Fl_Fontsize textsize() const
Gets the default text size (in pixels) for the lines in the browser.
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:147
void show()
Shows the entire Fl_Browser widget – opposite of hide().
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:185
void column_widths(const int *arr)
Sets the current array to arr.
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:286
void column_char(char c)
Sets the column separator to c.
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:257
int size() const
Returns how many lines are in the browser.
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:141
void value(int line)
Sets the browser's value(), which selects the specified line.
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:197
int displayed(int line) const
Returns non-zero if line has been scrolled to a position where it is being displayed.
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:297
void make_visible(int line)
Make the item at the specified line visible().
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:306
char column_char() const
Gets the current column separator character.
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:250
The destructor deletes all list items and destroys the browser.
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:207
const int * column_widths() const
Gets the current column width array.
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:281
void topline(int line)
Scrolls the browser so the top item in the browser is showing the specified line.
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:165
void item_swap(void *a, void *b)
Swap the items a and b.
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:112
void bottomline(int line)
Scrolls the browser so the bottom item in the browser is showing the specified line.
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:172
void replace(int a, const char *b)
For back compatibility only.
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:318
void middleline(int line)
Scrolls the browser so the middle item in the browser is showing the specified line.
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:179
void * item_at(int line) const
Return the item at specified line.
Definition: Fl_Browser.H:118
void add(Fl_Widget &)
The widget is removed from its current group (if any) and then added to the end of this group.
Definition: Fl_Group.cxx:491
void insert(Fl_Widget &, int i)
The widget is removed from its current group (if any) and then inserted into this group.
Definition: Fl_Group.cxx:458
void clear()
Deletes all child widgets from memory recursively.
Definition: Fl_Group.cxx:383
void remove(int index)
Removes the widget at index from the group but does not delete it.
Definition: Fl_Group.cxx:503
Base class for image caching and drawing.
Definition: Fl_Image.H:55
virtual void hide()
Makes a widget invisible.
Definition: Fl_Widget.cxx:283
virtual void show()
Makes a widget visible.
Definition: Fl_Widget.cxx:271
unsigned int visible() const
Returns whether a widget is visible.
Definition: Fl_Widget.H:660
void size(int W, int H)
Changes the size of the widget.
Definition: Fl_Widget.H:341