import logging import sys from shapely.geometry import mapping, shape import fiona logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.INFO) with'docs/data/test_uk.shp', 'r') as source: # **source.meta is a shortcut to get the crs, driver, and schema # keyword arguments from the source Collection. with 'with-shapely.shp', 'w', **source.meta) as sink: for f in source: try: geom = shape(f['geometry']) if not geom.is_valid: clean = geom.buffer(0.0) assert clean.is_valid assert clean.geom_type == 'Polygon' geom = clean f['geometry'] = mapping(geom) sink.write(f) except Exception, e: # Writing uncleanable features to a different shapefile # is another option. logging.exception("Error cleaning feature %s:", f['id'])