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CenterOfRotation: stores the center of rotation as an index.
example: (CenterOfRotation 128 128 90)
deprecated! From elastix version 3.402 this is changed to CenterOfRotationPoint!
CenterOfRotationPoint: stores the center of rotation, expressed in world coordinates.
example: (CenterOfRotationPoint 10.555 6.666 12.345)
GridSize: stores the size of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridSize 16 16 16)
GridIndex: stores the index of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridIndex 0 0 0)
GridSpacing: stores the spacing of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridSpacing 16.0 16.0 16.0)
GridOrigin: stores the origin of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridOrigin 0.0 0.0 0.0)
GridDirection: stores the direction cosines of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridDirection 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1)
BSplineTransformSplineOrder: stores the B-spline order 1,2, or 3.
example: (BSplineTransformSplineOrder 3)
Default value: 3 (cubic B-splines).
UseCyclicTransform: use the cyclic version of the B-spline transform which ensures that the B-spline polynomials wrap around in the slowest varying dimension. This is useful for dynamic imaging data in which the motion is assumed to be cyclic, for example in ECG-gated or respiratory gated CTA. For more information see the paper: Nonrigid registration of dynamic medical imaging data using nD+t B-splines and a groupwise optimization approach, C.T. Metz, S. Klein, M. Schaap, T. van Walsum and W.J. Niessen, Medical Image Analysis, in press.
CenterOfRotation: stores the center of rotation as an index.
example: (CenterOfRotation 128 128 90)
depecrated! From elastix version 3.402 this is changed to CenterOfRotationPoint!
CenterOfRotationPoint: stores the center of rotation, expressed in world coordinates.
example: (CenterOfRotationPoint 10.555 6.666 12.345)
MatrixTranslation: the parameters as matrix and translation, so written in the same way as the parameters of the normal AffineTransform.
example: (MatrixTranslation 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.2)
This parameter is just for convenience, so that the user can compare the results between the AffineTransform and AffineDTITransform. It is not a mandatory parameter.
(FinalBSplineInterpolationOrder 3)
(FinalBSplineInterpolationOrder 3)
GridSize: stores the size of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridSize 16 16 16)
GridIndex: stores the index of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridIndex 0 0 0)
GridSpacing: stores the spacing of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridSpacing 16.0 16.0 16.0)
GridOrigin: stores the origin of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridOrigin 0.0 0.0 0.0)
GridDirection: stores the direction cosines of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridDirection 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1)
BSplineTransformSplineOrder: stores the B-spline order 1,2, or 3.
example: (BSplineTransformSplineOrder 3)
Default value: 3 (cubic B-splines).
StackSpacing: stores the spacing between the sub transforms.
exanoke: (StackSpacing 1.0)
StackOrigin: stores the origin of the first sub transform.
exanoke: (StackOrigin 0.0)
NumberOfSubTransforms: stores the number of sub transforms.
exanoke: (NumberOfSubTransforms 10)
DeformationFieldFileName: stores the name of the deformation field.
example: (DeformationFieldFileName "defField.mhd")
GridSize: stores the size of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridSize 16 16 16)
GridIndex: stores the index of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridIndex 0 0 0)
GridSpacing: stores the spacing of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridSpacing 16.0 16.0 16.0)
GridOrigin: stores the origin of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridOrigin 0.0 0.0 0.0)
DeformationFieldFileName: stores the name of the deformation field.
example: (DeformationFieldFileName "defField.mhd")
DeformationFieldInterpolationOrder: The interpolation order used for interpolating the deformation field:
example: (DeformationFieldInterpolationOrder 0)
The default value is 0. Choose from the allowed values 0 or 1.
FixedImageDimension: the dimension of the fixed image.
example: (FixedImageDimension 2)
MovingImageDimension: the dimension of the fixed image.
example: (MovingImageDimension 2)
FixedInternalImagePixelType: the pixel type of the internal fixed image representation. The fixed image is automatically converted to this type.
example: (FixedInternalImagePixelType "float")
Default/recommended: "float"
MovingInternalImagePixelType: the pixel type of the internal moving image representation. The moving image is automatically converted to this type.
example: (MovingInternalImagePixelType "float")
Default/recommended: "float"
CenterOfRotation: stores the center of rotation as an index.
example: (CenterOfRotation 128 128)
deprecated! From elastix version 3.402 this is changed to CenterOfRotationPoint!
CenterOfRotationPoint: stores the center of rotation, expressed in world coordinates.
example: (CenterOfRotationPoint 10.555 6.666)
StackSpacing: stores the spacing between the sub transforms.
exanoke: (StackSpacing 1.0)
StackOrigin: stores the origin of the first sub transform.
exanoke: (StackOrigin 0.0)
NumberOfSubTransforms: stores the number of sub transforms.
exanoke: (NumberOfSubTransforms 10)
CenterOfRotation: stores the center of rotation as an index.
example: (CenterOfRotation 128 128 90)
depecrated! From elastix version 3.402 this is changed to CenterOfRotationPoint!
CenterOfRotationPoint: stores the center of rotation, expressed in world coordinates.
example: (CenterOfRotationPoint 10.555 6.666 12.345)
GridSize: stores the size of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridSize 16 16 16)
GridIndex: stores the index of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridIndex 0 0 0)
GridSpacing: stores the spacing of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridSpacing 16.0 16.0 16.0)
GridOrigin: stores the origin of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridOrigin 0.0 0.0 0.0)
GridDirection: stores the direction cosines of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridDirection 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1)
BSplineTransformSplineOrder: stores the B-spline order 1,2, or 3.
example: (BSplineTransformSplineOrder 3)
Default value: 3 (cubic B-splines).
GridSize: stores the size of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridSize 16 16 16)
GridIndex: stores the index of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridIndex 0 0 0)
GridSpacing: stores the spacing of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridSpacing 16.0 16.0 16.0)
GridOrigin: stores the origin of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridOrigin 0.0 0.0 0.0)
GridDirection: stores the direction cosines of the B-spline grid.
example: (GridDirection 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1)
BSplineTransformSplineOrder: stores the B-spline order 1,2, or 3.
example: (BSplineTransformSplineOrder 3)
Default value: 3 (cubic B-splines).
UseCyclicTransform: use the cyclic version of the B-spline transform which ensures that the B-spline polynomials wrap around in the slowest varying dimension. This is useful for dynamic imaging data in which the motion is assumed to be cyclic, for example in ECG-gated or respiratory gated CTA. For more information see the paper: Nonrigid registration of dynamic medical imaging data using nD+t B-splines and a groupwise optimization approach, C.T. Metz, S. Klein, M. Schaap, T. van Walsum and W.J. Niessen, Medical Image Analysis, in press.
(FinalReducedDimensionBSplineInterpolationOrder 3)
CenterOfRotation: stores the center of rotation as an index.
example: (CenterOfRotation 128 128 90)
depecrated! From elastix version 3.402 this is changed to CenterOfRotationPoint!
CenterOfRotationPoint: stores the center of rotation, expressed in world coordinates.
example: (CenterOfRotationPoint 10.555 6.666 12.345)
Transform: Select this transform as follows:
(Transform "SplineKernelTransform")
SplineKernelType: Select the deformation model, which must be one of { ThinPlateSpline, ThinPlateR2LogRSpline, VolumeSpline, ElasticBodySpline, ElasticBodyReciprocalSpline). In 2D this option is ignored and a ThinPlateSpline will always be used.
example: (SplineKernelType "ElasticBodySpline")
SplineRelaxationFactor: make the spline interpolating or approximating. A value of 0.0 gives an interpolating transform. Higher values result in approximating splines.
example: (SplineRelaxationFactor 0.01 )
SplinePoissonRatio: Set the Poisson ratio for the ElasticBodySpline and the ElastixBodyReciprocalSpline. For other SplineKernelTypes this parameters is ignored.
example: (SplinePoissonRatio 0.3 )
Valid values are withing -1.0 and 0.5. 0.5 means incompressible. Negative values are a bit odd, but possible. See Wikipedia on PoissonRatio.
FixedImageLandmarks: The landmark positions in the fixed image, in world coordinates. Positions written as x1 y1 [z1] x2 y2 [z2] etc.
example: (FixedImageLandmarks 10.0 11.0 12.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 )
UseDirectionCosines: Controls whether to use or ignore the direction cosines (world matrix, transform matrix) set in the images. Voxel spacing and image origin are always taken into account, regardless the setting of this parameter.
example: (UseDirectionCosines "true")
Default: true. Setting it to false means that you choose to ignore important information from the image, which relates voxel coordinates to world coordinates. Ignoring it may easily lead to left/right swaps for example, which could skrew up a (medical) analysis.
HowToCombineTransforms: Indicates how to use the initial transform (given by the command-line argument -t0, or, if using multiple parameter files, by the result of registration using the previous parameter file). Possible options are "Add" and "Compose".
"Add" combines the initial transform and the current transform
(which is currently optimized) by addition:
"Compose" by composition: .
example: (HowToCombineTransforms "Add")
Default: "Compose".
Size: The size (number of voxels in each dimension) of the fixed image that was used during registration, and which is used for resampling the deformed moving image.
example: (Size 100 90 90)
Mandatory parameter.
Index: The starting index of the fixed image region that was used during registration, and which is used for resampling the deformed moving image.
example: (Index 0 0 0)
Currently always zero.
Spacing: The voxel spacing of the fixed image that was used during registration, and which is used for resampling the deformed moving image.
example: (Spacing 1.0 1.0 1.0)
Default: 1.0 for each dimension.
Origin: The origin (location of the first voxel in world coordinate) of the fixed image that was used during registration, and which is used for resampling the deformed moving image.
example: (Origin 5.0 10.0 11.0)
Default: 0.0 for each dimension.
Direction: The direction cosines matrix of the fixed image that was used during registration, and which is used for resampling the deformed moving image if the UseDirectionCosines parameter is set to "true".
example: (Direction -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1)
Default: identity matrix. Elements are sorted as follows: [ d11 d21 d31 d12 d22 d32 d13 d23 d33] (in 3D).
TransformParameters: the transform parameter vector that defines the transformation.
example (TransformParameters 0.03 1.0 0.2 ...)
The number of entries is stored the NumberOfParameters entry.
NumberOfParameters: the length of the transform parameter vector.
example (NumberOfParameters 722)
InitialTransformParametersFileName: The location/name of an initial transform that will be loaded when loading the current transform parameter file. Note that transform parameter file can also contain an initial transform. Recursively all transforms are thus automatically loaded when loading the last transform parameter file.
example (InitialTransformParametersFileName "./res/TransformParameters.0.txt")
The location is relative to the path from where elastix/transformix is started!
Default: "NoInitialTransform", which (obviously) means that there is no initial transform to be loaded.
NormalizeCombinationWeights: use the normalized expression .
(NormalizeCombinationWeights "true" )
Default value: "false". Different values in each resolution are not supported.
SubTransforms: a list of transform parameter filenames that will serve as subtransforms .
(SubTransforms "tp0.txt" "TransformParameters.1.txt" "tpbspline.txt" )
StackSpacing: stores the spacing between the sub transforms.
exanoke: (StackSpacing 1.0)
StackOrigin: stores the origin of the first sub transform.
exanoke: (StackOrigin 0.0)
NumberOfSubTransforms: stores the number of sub transforms.
exanoke: (NumberOfSubTransforms 10)
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