Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
Eet.h File Reference

The file that provides the eet functions. More...

Data Structures

struct  _Eet_Version
struct  _Eet_Entry
struct  _Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class
 Instructs Eet about memory management for different needs under serialization and parse process. More...
struct  _Eet_Node_Data
 Contains an union that can fit any kind of node. More...
struct  _Eet_Node_Walk
 Describes how to walk trees of Eet_Node. More...


#define EAPI
 The major number of eet version.
 The minor number of eet version.
#define EET_T_UNKNOW   0
 Unknown data encoding type.
#define EET_T_CHAR   1
 Data type: char.
#define EET_T_SHORT   2
 Data type: short.
#define EET_T_INT   3
 Data type: int.
#define EET_T_LONG_LONG   4
 Data type: long long.
#define EET_T_FLOAT   5
 Data type: float.
#define EET_T_DOUBLE   6
 Data type: double.
#define EET_T_UCHAR   7
 Data type: unsigned char.
#define EET_T_USHORT   8
 Data type: unsigned short.
#define EET_T_UINT   9
 Data type: unsigned int.
#define EET_T_ULONG_LONG   10
 Data type: unsigned long long.
#define EET_T_STRING   11
 Data type: char *.
 Data type: char * (but compressed inside the resulting eet)
#define EET_T_NULL   13
 Data type: (void *) (only use it if you know why)
#define EET_T_F32P32   14
 Data type: fixed point 32.32.
#define EET_T_F16P16   15
 Data type: fixed point 16.16.
#define EET_T_F8P24   16
 Data type: fixed point 8.24.
#define EET_T_VALUE   17
 Data type: pointer to Eina_Value. More...
#define EET_T_LAST   18
 Last data type.
#define EET_G_UNKNOWN   100
 Unknown group data encoding type.
#define EET_G_ARRAY   101
 Fixed size array group type.
#define EET_G_VAR_ARRAY   102
 Variable size array group type.
#define EET_G_LIST   103
 Linked list group type.
#define EET_G_HASH   104
 Hash table group type.
#define EET_G_UNION   105
 Union group type.
#define EET_G_VARIANT   106
 Selectable subtype group.
#define EET_G_UNKNOWN_NESTED   107
 Unknown nested group type. More...
#define EET_G_LAST   108
 Last group type.
#define EET_I_LIMIT   128
 Other type exist but are reserved for internal purpose.
 The version of Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class at the time of the distribution of the sources. More...
#define EET_EINA_STREAM_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(clas, type)    (eet_eina_stream_data_descriptor_class_set(clas, sizeof (*(clas)), # type, sizeof(type)))
 This macro is an helper that set all the parameter of an Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class correctly when you use Eina data type with stream. More...
#define EET_EINA_FILE_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(clas, type)    (eet_eina_file_data_descriptor_class_set(clas, sizeof (*(clas)), # type, sizeof(type)))
 This macro is an helper that set all the parameter of an Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class correctly when you use Eina data type with file. More...
#define EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(edd, struct_type, name, member, type)
 Adds a basic data element to a data descriptor. More...
#define EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_SUB(edd, struct_type, name, member, subtype)
 Adds a sub-element type to a data descriptor. More...
#define EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_SUB_NESTED(edd, struct_type, name, member, subtype)
 Adds a nested sub-element type to a data descriptor. More...
#define EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_LIST(edd, struct_type, name, member, subtype)
 Adds a linked list type to a data descriptor. More...
#define EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_LIST_STRING(edd, struct_type, name, member)
 Adds a linked list of string to a data descriptor. More...
#define EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_LIST_UINT(edd, struct_type, name, member)
 Adds a linked list of unsigned integers to a data descriptor. More...
#define EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_HASH(edd, struct_type, name, member, subtype)
 Adds a hash type to a data descriptor. More...
#define EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_HASH_STRING(edd, struct_type, name, member)
 Adds a hash of string to a data descriptor. More...
#define EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_HASH_VALUE(edd, struct_type, name, member)
 Adds a hash of generic value storage to a data descriptor. More...
#define EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC_ARRAY(edd, struct_type, name, member, type)
 Adds an array of basic data elements to a data descriptor. More...
#define EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC_VAR_ARRAY(edd, struct_type, name, member, type)
 Adds a variable array of basic data elements to a data descriptor. More...
#define EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_ARRAY(edd, struct_type, name, member, subtype)
 Adds a fixed size array type to a data descriptor. More...
#define EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_VAR_ARRAY(edd, struct_type, name, member, subtype)
 Adds a variable size array type to a data descriptor. More...
#define EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_VAR_ARRAY_STRING(edd, struct_type, name, member)
 Adds a variable size array type to a data descriptor. More...
#define EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_UNION(edd, struct_type, name, member, type_member, unified_type)
 Adds an union type to a data descriptor. More...
#define EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_VARIANT(edd, struct_type, name, member, type_member, unified_type)
 Adds a automatically selectable type to a data descriptor. More...
#define EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_MAPPING(unified_type, name, subtype)
 Adds a mapping to a data descriptor that will be used by union, variant or inherited type. More...
#define EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_MAPPING_BASIC(unified_type, name, basic_type)
 Adds a mapping of a basic type to a data descriptor that will be used by a union type. More...
#define EAPI


typedef struct _Eet_Version Eet_Version
 This is the Eet version information structure that can be used at runtime to detect which version of eet is being used and adapt appropriately as follows for example: More...
typedef enum _Eet_Error Eet_Error
 Eet error identifiers.
typedef enum _Eet_Compression Eet_Compression
 Eet compression modes. More...
typedef enum _Eet_File_Mode Eet_File_Mode
 Modes that a file can be opened.
typedef Emile_Image_Encoding Eet_Image_Encoding
 Specify lossy encoding for image. More...
typedef Emile_Colorspace Eet_Colorspace
 Specify colorspace for image. More...
typedef struct _Eet_File Eet_File
 Opaque handle that defines an Eet file (or memory). More...
typedef struct _Eet_Dictionary Eet_Dictionary
 Opaque handle that defines a file-backed (mmaped) dictionary of strings.
typedef struct _Eet_Entry Eet_Entry
 Eet files may contains multiple Entries per file, this handle describe them. More...
typedef struct _Eet_Key Eet_Key
 Opaque handle that defines an identity (also known as key) in Eet's cipher system.
typedef int(* Eet_Key_Password_Callback) (char *buffer, int size, int rwflag, void *data)
 Callback used to request if needed the password of a private key. More...
typedef struct _Eet_Data_Descriptor Eet_Data_Descriptor
 Opaque handle that have information on a type members. More...
typedef struct _Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class
 Instructs Eet about memory management for different needs under serialization and parse process. More...
typedef int(* Eet_Descriptor_Hash_Foreach_Callback_Callback) (void *h, const char *k, void *dt, void *fdt)
 Callback prototype for Eet_Descriptor_Hash_Foreach_Callback. More...
typedef void *(* Eet_Descriptor_Mem_Alloc_Callback) (size_t size)
 Callback prototype for Eet_Descriptor_Mem_Alloc. More...
typedef void(* Eet_Descriptor_Mem_Free_Callback) (void *mem)
 Callback prototype for Eet_Descriptor_Mem_Alloc. More...
typedef char *(* Eet_Descriptor_Str_Alloc_Callback) (const char *str)
 Callback prototype for Eet_Descriptor_Str_Alloc. More...
typedef void(* Eet_Descriptor_Str_Free_Callback) (const char *str)
 Callback prototype for Eet_Descriptor_Str_Free. More...
typedef void *(* Eet_Descriptor_List_Next_Callback) (void *l)
 Callback prototype for Eet_Descriptor_List_Next. More...
typedef void *(* Eet_Descriptor_List_Append_Callback) (void *l, void *d)
 Callback prototype for Eet_Descriptor_List_Append. More...
typedef void *(* Eet_Descriptor_List_Data_Callback) (void *l)
 Callback prototype for Eet_Descriptor_List_Data. More...
typedef void *(* Eet_Descriptor_List_Free_Callback) (void *l)
 Callback prototype for Eet_Descriptor_List_Free. More...
typedef void(* Eet_Descriptor_Hash_Foreach_Callback) (void *h, Eet_Descriptor_Hash_Foreach_Callback_Callback func, void *fdt)
 Callback for Eet_Descriptor_Hash_Foreach. More...
typedef void *(* Eet_Descriptor_Hash_Add_Callback) (void *h, const char *k, void *d)
 Callback prototype for Eet_Descriptor_Hash_Add. More...
typedef void(* Eet_Descriptor_Hash_Free_Callback) (void *h)
 Callback prototype for Eet_Descriptor_Hash_Free. More...
typedef char *(* Eet_Descriptor_Str_Direct_Alloc_Callback) (const char *str)
typedef void(* Eet_Descriptor_Str_Direct_Free_Callback) (const char *str)
typedef const char *(* Eet_Descriptor_Type_Get_Callback) (const void *data, Eina_Bool *unknow)
 Callback prototype for Eet_Descriptor_Type_Get. More...
typedef Eina_Bool(* Eet_Descriptor_Type_Set_Callback) (const char *type, void *data, Eina_Bool unknow)
 Callback prototype for Eet_Descriptor_Type_Set. More...
typedef void *(* Eet_Descriptor_Array_Alloc_Callback) (size_t size)
 Callback prototype for Eet_Descriptor_Array_Alloc. More...
typedef void(* Eet_Descriptor_Array_Free_Callback) (void *mem)
 Callback prototype for Eet_Descriptor_Array_Free. More...
typedef void(* Eet_Dump_Callback) (void *data, const char *str)
typedef struct _Eet_Node Eet_Node
 Opaque handle to manage serialization node.
typedef struct _Eet_Node_Data Eet_Node_Data
 Contains an union that can fit any kind of node.
typedef struct _Eet_Node_Walk Eet_Node_Walk
 Describes how to walk trees of Eet_Node.
typedef void *(* Eet_Node_Walk_Struct_Alloc_Callback) (const char *type, void *user_data)
 Callback prototype for Eet_Node_Walk_Struct_Alloc. More...
typedef void(* Eet_Node_Walk_Struct_Add_Callback) (void *parent, const char *name, void *child, void *user_data)
 Callback prototype for Eet_Node_Walk_Struct_Add. More...
typedef void *(* Eet_Node_Walk_Array_Callback) (Eina_Bool variable, const char *name, int count, void *user_data)
 Callback prototype for Eet_Node_Walk_Array. More...
typedef void(* Eet_Node_Walk_Insert_Callback) (void *array, int index, void *child, void *user_data)
typedef void *(* Eet_Node_Walk_List_Callback) (const char *name, void *user_data)
typedef void(* Eet_Node_Walk_Append_Callback) (void *list, void *child, void *user_data)
typedef void *(* Eet_Node_Walk_Hash_Callback) (void *parent, const char *name, const char *key, void *value, void *user_data)
typedef void *(* Eet_Node_Walk_Simple_Callback) (int type, Eet_Node_Data *data, void *user_data)
typedef struct _Eet_Connection Eet_Connection
 Opaque handle to track paquet for a specific connection.
typedef Eina_Bool Eet_Read_Cb(const void *eet_data, size_t size, void *user_data)
 Called back when an Eet Data Serialization has been received completely and could be used.
typedef Eina_Bool Eet_Write_Cb(const void *data, size_t size, void *user_data)
 Called back when a packet containing Eet Data Serialization data is ready to be send.


enum  _Eet_Error {
 All the error identifiers known by Eet. More...
enum  _Eet_Compression {
 All the compression modes known by Eet. More...
enum  _Eet_File_Mode {
 Modes that a file can be opened. More...


EAPI int eet_init (void)
 Initializes the EET library. More...
EAPI int eet_shutdown (void)
 Shuts down the EET library. More...
EAPI void eet_clearcache (void)
 Clears eet cache. More...
EAPI Eet_Fileeet_open (const char *file, Eet_File_Mode mode)
 Opens an eet file on disk, and returns a handle to it. More...
EAPI Eet_Fileeet_mmap (const Eina_File *file)
 Opens an eet file on disk from an Eina_File handle, and returns a handle to it. More...
EAPI Eet_Fileeet_memopen_read (const void *data, size_t size)
 Opens an eet file directly from a memory location. More...
EAPI Eet_File_Mode eet_mode_get (Eet_File *ef)
 Gets the mode an Eet_File was opened with. More...
EAPI Eet_Error eet_close (Eet_File *ef)
 Closes an eet file handle and flush pending writes. More...
EAPI Eet_Error eet_sync (Eet_File *ef)
 Syncs content of an eet file handle, flushing pending writes. More...
EAPI Eet_Dictionaryeet_dictionary_get (Eet_File *ef)
 Returns a handle to the shared string dictionary of the Eet file. More...
EAPI int eet_dictionary_string_check (Eet_Dictionary *ed, const char *string)
 Checks if a given string comes from a given dictionary. More...
EAPI int eet_dictionary_count (const Eet_Dictionary *ed)
 Returns the number of strings inside a dictionary. More...
EAPI void * eet_read (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, int *size_ret)
 Reads a specified entry from an eet file and return data. More...
EAPI const void * eet_read_direct (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, int *size_ret)
 Reads a specified entry from an eet file and return data. More...
EAPI int eet_write (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, const void *data, int size, int compress)
 Write a specified entry to an eet file handle. More...
EAPI int eet_delete (Eet_File *ef, const char *name)
 Deletes a specified entry from an Eet file being written or re-written. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool eet_alias (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, const char *destination, int compress)
 Alias a specific section to another one. More...
EAPI const char * eet_file_get (Eet_File *ef)
 Retrieves the filename of an Eet_File. More...
EAPI const char * eet_alias_get (Eet_File *ef, const char *name)
 Retrieves the destination name of an alias. More...
EAPI char ** eet_list (Eet_File *ef, const char *glob, int *count_ret)
 Lists all entries in eet file matching shell glob. More...
EAPI Eina_Iteratoreet_list_entries (Eet_File *ef)
 Returns an iterator that will describe each entry of an Eet_File. More...
EAPI int eet_num_entries (Eet_File *ef)
 Returns the number of entries in the specified eet file. More...
EAPI void * eet_read_cipher (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, int *size_ret, const char *cipher_key)
 Reads a specified entry from an eet file and return data using a cipher. More...
EAPI int eet_write_cipher (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, const void *data, int size, int compress, const char *cipher_key)
 Writes a specified entry to an eet file handle using a cipher. More...
EAPI int eet_data_image_header_read (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, unsigned int *w, unsigned int *h, int *alpha, int *compress, int *quality, Eet_Image_Encoding *lossy)
 Reads just the header data for an image and dont decode the pixels. More...
EAPI void * eet_data_image_read (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, unsigned int *w, unsigned int *h, int *alpha, int *compress, int *quality, Eet_Image_Encoding *lossy)
 Reads image data from the named key in the eet file. More...
EAPI int eet_data_image_read_to_surface (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, unsigned int src_x, unsigned int src_y, unsigned int *d, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int row_stride, int *alpha, int *compress, int *quality, Eet_Image_Encoding *lossy)
 Reads image data from the named key in the eet file and store it in the given buffer. More...
EAPI int eet_data_image_write (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, const void *data, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int alpha, int compress, int quality, Eet_Image_Encoding lossy)
 Writes image data to the named key in an eet file. More...
EAPI int eet_data_image_header_decode (const void *data, int size, unsigned int *w, unsigned int *h, int *alpha, int *compress, int *quality, Eet_Image_Encoding *lossy)
 Decodes Image data header only to get information. More...
EAPI void * eet_data_image_decode (const void *data, int size, unsigned int *w, unsigned int *h, int *alpha, int *compress, int *quality, Eet_Image_Encoding *lossy)
 Decodes Image data into pixel data. More...
EAPI int eet_data_image_decode_to_surface (const void *data, int size, unsigned int src_x, unsigned int src_y, unsigned int *d, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int row_stride, int *alpha, int *compress, int *quality, Eet_Image_Encoding *lossy)
 Decodes Image data into pixel data and stores in the given buffer. More...
EAPI void * eet_data_image_encode (const void *data, int *size_ret, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int alpha, int compress, int quality, Eet_Image_Encoding lossy)
 Encodes image data for storage or transmission. More...
EAPI int eet_data_image_header_read_cipher (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, const char *cipher_key, unsigned int *w, unsigned int *h, int *alpha, int *compress, int *quality, Eet_Image_Encoding *lossy)
 Reads just the header data for an image and dont decode the pixels using a cipher. More...
EAPI int eet_data_image_colorspace_get (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, const char *cipher_key, const Eet_Colorspace **cspaces)
 Gets the colorspace Eet can decode into of a given eet image resource. More...
EAPI void * eet_data_image_read_cipher (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, const char *cipher_key, unsigned int *w, unsigned int *h, int *alpha, int *compress, int *quality, Eet_Image_Encoding *lossy)
 Reads image data from the named key in the eet file using a cipher. More...
EAPI int eet_data_image_read_to_surface_cipher (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, const char *cipher_key, unsigned int src_x, unsigned int src_y, unsigned int *d, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int row_stride, int *alpha, int *compress, int *quality, Eet_Image_Encoding *lossy)
 Reads image data from the named key in the eet file using a cipher. More...
EAPI int eet_data_image_read_to_cspace_surface_cipher (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, const char *cipher_key, unsigned int src_x, unsigned int src_y, unsigned int *d, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int row_stride, Eet_Colorspace cspace, int *alpha, int *comp, int *quality, Eet_Image_Encoding *lossy)
 Reads image data from the named key in the eet file using a cipher. More...
EAPI int eet_data_image_decode_to_cspace_surface_cipher (const void *data, const char *cipher_key, int size, unsigned int src_x, unsigned int src_y, unsigned int *d, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int row_stride, Eet_Colorspace cspace, int *alpha, int *comp, int *quality, Eet_Image_Encoding *lossy)
 Reads image data from the named key in the eet file using a cipher. More...
EAPI int eet_data_image_write_cipher (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, const char *cipher_key, const void *data, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int alpha, int compress, int quality, Eet_Image_Encoding lossy)
 Writes image data to the named key in an eet file using a cipher. More...
EAPI int eet_data_image_header_decode_cipher (const void *data, const char *cipher_key, int size, unsigned int *w, unsigned int *h, int *alpha, int *compress, int *quality, Eet_Image_Encoding *lossy)
 Decodes Image data header only to get information using a cipher. More...
EAPI void * eet_data_image_decode_cipher (const void *data, const char *cipher_key, int size, unsigned int *w, unsigned int *h, int *alpha, int *compress, int *quality, Eet_Image_Encoding *lossy)
 Decodes Image data into pixel data using a cipher. More...
EAPI int eet_data_image_decode_to_surface_cipher (const void *data, const char *cipher_key, int size, unsigned int src_x, unsigned int src_y, unsigned int *d, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int row_stride, int *alpha, int *compress, int *quality, Eet_Image_Encoding *lossy)
 Decodes Image data into pixel data using a cipher. More...
EAPI void * eet_data_image_encode_cipher (const void *data, const char *cipher_key, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int alpha, int compress, int quality, Eet_Image_Encoding lossy, int *size_ret)
 Encodes image data for storage or transmission using a cipher. More...
EAPI Eet_Keyeet_identity_open (const char *certificate_file, const char *private_key_file, Eet_Key_Password_Callback cb)
 Creates an Eet_Key needed for signing an eet file. More...
EAPI void eet_identity_close (Eet_Key *key)
 Close and release all resource used by an Eet_Key. More...
EAPI Eet_Error eet_identity_set (Eet_File *ef, Eet_Key *key)
 Sets a key to sign a file. More...
EAPI void eet_identity_print (Eet_Key *key, FILE *out)
 Displays both private and public key of an Eet_Key. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool eet_identity_verify (Eet_File *ef, const char *certificate_file)
 Compares the identify certificate of an eet file against a stored one. More...
EAPI const void * eet_identity_x509 (Eet_File *ef, int *der_length)
 Gets the x509 der certificate associated with an Eet_File. More...
EAPI const void * eet_identity_signature (Eet_File *ef, int *signature_length)
 Gets the raw signature associated with an Eet_File. More...
EAPI const void * eet_identity_sha1 (Eet_File *ef, int *sha1_length)
 Gets the SHA1 associated with a file. More...
EAPI void eet_identity_certificate_print (const unsigned char *certificate, int der_length, FILE *out)
 Displays the x509 der certificate to out. More...
EINA_DEPRECATED EAPI Eet_Data_Descriptoreet_data_descriptor_new (const char *name, int size, Eet_Descriptor_List_Next_Callback func_list_next, Eet_Descriptor_List_Append_Callback func_list_append, Eet_Descriptor_List_Data_Callback func_list_data, Eet_Descriptor_List_Free_Callback func_list_free, Eet_Descriptor_Hash_Foreach_Callback func_hash_foreach, Eet_Descriptor_Hash_Add_Callback func_hash_add, Eet_Descriptor_Hash_Free_Callback func_hash_free)
 Creates a new empty data structure descriptor. More...
EINA_DEPRECATED EAPI Eet_Data_Descriptoreet_data_descriptor2_new (const Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class *eddc)
EINA_DEPRECATED EAPI Eet_Data_Descriptoreet_data_descriptor3_new (const Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class *eddc)
EAPI Eet_Data_Descriptoreet_data_descriptor_stream_new (const Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class *eddc)
 This function creates a new data descriptor and returns a handle to the new data descriptor. More...
EAPI Eet_Data_Descriptoreet_data_descriptor_file_new (const Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class *eddc)
 This function creates a new data descriptor and returns a handle to the new data descriptor. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool eet_eina_stream_data_descriptor_class_set (Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class *eddc, unsigned int eddc_size, const char *name, int size)
 This function is an helper that set all the parameters of an Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class correctly when you use Eina data type with a stream. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool eet_eina_file_data_descriptor_class_set (Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class *eddc, unsigned int eddc_size, const char *name, int size)
 This function is an helper that set all the parameter of an Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class correctly when you use Eina data type with a file. More...
EAPI void eet_data_descriptor_free (Eet_Data_Descriptor *edd)
 This function frees a data descriptor when it is not needed anymore. More...
EAPI const char * eet_data_descriptor_name_get (const Eet_Data_Descriptor *edd)
 This function returns the name of a data descriptor. More...
EAPI void eet_data_descriptor_element_add (Eet_Data_Descriptor *edd, const char *name, int type, int group_type, int offset, int count, const char *counter_name, Eet_Data_Descriptor *subtype)
 This function is an internal used by macros. More...
EAPI void * eet_data_read (Eet_File *ef, Eet_Data_Descriptor *edd, const char *name)
 Reads a data structure from an eet file and decodes it. More...
EAPI int eet_data_write (Eet_File *ef, Eet_Data_Descriptor *edd, const char *name, const void *data, int compress)
 Writes a data structure from memory and store in an eet file. More...
EAPI int eet_data_text_dump (const void *data_in, int size_in, Eet_Dump_Callback dumpfunc, void *dumpdata)
 Dumps an eet encoded data structure into ascii text. More...
EAPI void * eet_data_text_undump (const char *text, int textlen, int *size_ret)
 Takes an ascii encoding from eet_data_text_dump() and re-encode in binary. More...
EAPI int eet_data_dump (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, Eet_Dump_Callback dumpfunc, void *dumpdata)
 Dumps an eet encoded data structure from an eet file into ascii text. More...
EAPI int eet_data_undump (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, const char *text, int textlen, int compress)
 Takes an ascii encoding from eet_data_dump() and re-encode in binary. More...
EAPI void * eet_data_descriptor_decode (Eet_Data_Descriptor *edd, const void *data_in, int size_in)
 Decodes a data structure from an arbitrary location in memory. More...
EAPI void * eet_data_descriptor_encode (Eet_Data_Descriptor *edd, const void *data_in, int *size_ret)
 Encodes a dsata struct to memory and return that encoded data. More...
EAPI void * eet_data_read_cipher (Eet_File *ef, Eet_Data_Descriptor *edd, const char *name, const char *cipher_key)
 Reads a data structure from an eet file and decodes it using a cipher. More...
EAPI void * eet_data_read_cipher_buffer (Eet_File *ef, Eet_Data_Descriptor *edd, const char *name, const char *cipher_key, char *buffer, int buffer_size)
 Reads a data structure from an eet file and decodes it into a buffer using a cipher. More...
EAPI void * eet_data_xattr_cipher_get (const char *filename, const char *attribute, Eet_Data_Descriptor *edd, const char *cipher_key)
 Reads a data structure from an eet extended attribute and decodes it using a cipher. More...
EAPI int eet_data_write_cipher (Eet_File *ef, Eet_Data_Descriptor *edd, const char *name, const char *cipher_key, const void *data, int compress)
 Writes a data structure from memory and store in an eet file using a cipher. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool eet_data_xattr_cipher_set (const char *filename, const char *attribute, Eet_Data_Descriptor *edd, const char *cipher_key, const void *data, Eina_Xattr_Flags flags)
 Writes a data structure from memory and store in an eet extended attribute using a cipher. More...
EAPI int eet_data_text_dump_cipher (const void *data_in, const char *cipher_key, int size_in, Eet_Dump_Callback dumpfunc, void *dumpdata)
 Dumps an eet encoded data structure into ascii text using a cipher. More...
EAPI void * eet_data_text_undump_cipher (const char *text, const char *cipher_key, int textlen, int *size_ret)
 Takes an ascii encoding from eet_data_text_dump() and re-encode in binary using a cipher. More...
EAPI int eet_data_dump_cipher (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, const char *cipher_key, Eet_Dump_Callback dumpfunc, void *dumpdata)
 Dumps an eet encoded data structure from an eet file into ascii text using a cipher. More...
EAPI int eet_data_undump_cipher (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, const char *cipher_key, const char *text, int textlen, int compress)
 Takes an ascii encoding from eet_data_dump() and re-encode in binary using a cipher. More...
EAPI void * eet_data_descriptor_decode_cipher (Eet_Data_Descriptor *edd, const void *data_in, const char *cipher_key, int size_in)
 Decodes a data structure from an arbitrary location in memory using a cipher. More...
EAPI void * eet_data_descriptor_encode_cipher (Eet_Data_Descriptor *edd, const void *data_in, const char *cipher_key, int *size_ret)
 Encodes a data struct to memory and return that encoded data using a cipher. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_char_new (const char *name, char c)
 Creates a new character node. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_short_new (const char *name, short s)
 Creates a new short node. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_int_new (const char *name, int i)
 Creates a new integer node. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_long_long_new (const char *name, long long l)
 Creates a new long long integer node. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_float_new (const char *name, float f)
 Creates a new float node. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_double_new (const char *name, double d)
 Creates a new double node. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_unsigned_char_new (const char *name, unsigned char uc)
 Creates a new unsigned character node. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_unsigned_short_new (const char *name, unsigned short us)
 Creates a new unsigned short node. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_unsigned_int_new (const char *name, unsigned int ui)
 Creates a new unsigned integer node. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_unsigned_long_long_new (const char *name, unsigned long long l)
 Creates a new unsigned long long integer node. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_string_new (const char *name, const char *str)
 Creates a new string node. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_inlined_string_new (const char *name, const char *str)
 Creates a new inlined string node. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_null_new (const char *name)
 Creates a new empty node. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_list_new (const char *name, Eina_List *nodes)
 Creates a new list node. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_array_new (const char *name, int count, Eina_List *nodes)
 Creates a new array node. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_var_array_new (const char *name, Eina_List *nodes)
 Creates a new variable array node. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_hash_new (const char *name, const char *key, Eet_Node *node)
 TODO FIX ME. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_struct_new (const char *name, Eina_List *nodes)
 Creates a new struct node. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_struct_child_new (const char *parent, Eet_Node *child)
 TODO FIX ME. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_children_get (Eet_Node *node)
 Gets a node's child nodes. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_next_get (Eet_Node *node)
 Gets the next node in a list of nodes. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_node_parent_get (Eet_Node *node)
 Gets the parent node of a node. More...
EAPI void eet_node_list_append (Eet_Node *parent, const char *name, Eet_Node *child)
 Appends a "list" node TODO FIX ME. More...
EAPI void eet_node_struct_append (Eet_Node *parent, const char *name, Eet_Node *child)
 TODO FIX ME. More...
EAPI void eet_node_hash_add (Eet_Node *parent, const char *name, const char *key, Eet_Node *child)
 TODO FIX ME. More...
EAPI void eet_node_dump (Eet_Node *n, int dumplevel, Eet_Dump_Callback dumpfunc, void *dumpdata)
 TODO FIX ME. More...
EAPI int eet_node_type_get (Eet_Node *node)
 Returns the type of a node. More...
EAPI Eet_Node_Dataeet_node_value_get (Eet_Node *node)
 Returns the node's data. More...
EAPI void eet_node_del (Eet_Node *n)
 TODO FIX ME. More...
EAPI void * eet_data_node_encode_cipher (Eet_Node *node, const char *cipher_key, int *size_ret)
 TODO FIX ME. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_data_node_decode_cipher (const void *data_in, const char *cipher_key, int size_in)
 TODO FIX ME. More...
EAPI Eet_Nodeeet_data_node_read_cipher (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, const char *cipher_key)
 TODO FIX ME. More...
EAPI int eet_data_node_write_cipher (Eet_File *ef, const char *name, const char *cipher_key, Eet_Node *node, int compress)
 TODO FIX ME. More...
EAPI void * eet_node_walk (void *parent, const char *name, Eet_Node *root, Eet_Node_Walk *cb, void *user_data)
 Walks trees of Eet_Node.
EAPI Eet_Connectioneet_connection_new (Eet_Read_Cb *eet_read_cb, Eet_Write_Cb *eet_write_cb, const void *user_data)
 Instanciates a new connection to track. More...
EAPI int eet_connection_received (Eet_Connection *conn, const void *data, size_t size)
 Processes a raw packet received over the link. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool eet_connection_empty (Eet_Connection *conn)
 Tells if the Eet_Connection as received some partial data. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool eet_connection_send (Eet_Connection *conn, Eet_Data_Descriptor *edd, const void *data_in, const char *cipher_key)
 Converts a complex structure and prepare it to be send. More...
EAPI Eina_Bool eet_connection_node_send (Eet_Connection *conn, Eet_Node *node, const char *cipher_key)
 Converts a Eet_Node tree and prepare it to be send. More...
EAPI void * eet_connection_close (Eet_Connection *conn, Eina_Bool *on_going)
 Closes a connection and lost its track. More...


EAPI Eet_Versioneet_version
 Eet Version Information.

Detailed Description

The file that provides the eet functions.

This header provides the Eet management functions.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Eet_Version

This is the Eet version information structure that can be used at runtime to detect which version of eet is being used and adapt appropriately as follows for example:

printf("Eet version: %i.%i.%i\n",
printf(" Built from SVN revision # %i\n", eet_version->revision);
EAPI Eet_Version * eet_version
Eet Version Information.
Definition: eet_lib.c:25
int revision
< micro (bugfix, internal improvements, no new features version)
Definition: Eet.h:179
int micro
< minor (new features, bugfixes, major improvements version)
Definition: Eet.h:178
int minor
< major (binary or source incompatible changes)
Definition: Eet.h:177

Note the #if check can be dropped if your program refuses to compile or work with an Eet version less than 1.3.0.

◆ Eet_Node_Walk_Struct_Alloc_Callback


Callback prototype for Eet_Node_Walk_Struct_Alloc.

typeThe allocation type
user_dataThe data passed by the user to the callback

◆ Eet_Node_Walk_Struct_Add_Callback


Callback prototype for Eet_Node_Walk_Struct_Add.

parentThe parent node
nameThe name for the new node
childThe child node
user_dataThe data passed by the user to the callback

◆ Eet_Node_Walk_Array_Callback


Callback prototype for Eet_Node_Walk_Array.

nameA name
countA counter
user_dataThe data passed by the user to the callback