Search.setIndex({"docnames": ["index", "library/changes", "library/config", "library/configs/dputcf", "library/configs/dputng", "library/configs/index", "library/core", "library/exceptions", "library/hooks", "library/hooks/checksum", "library/hooks/deb", "library/hooks/distribution", "library/hooks/gpg", "library/hooks/impatient", "library/hooks/index", "library/hooks/lintian", "library/index", "library/interface", "library/interfaces/clinterface", "library/interfaces/index", "library/overrides", "library/profile", "library/uploader", "library/uploaders/ftp", "library/uploaders/http", "library/uploaders/index", "library/uploaders/local", "library/uploaders/scp", "library/uploaders/sftp", "library/util", "reference/configs", "reference/contributing", "reference/hookinstall", "reference/hooks", "reference/index", "reference/migrating"], "filenames": ["index.rst", "library/changes.rst", "library/config.rst", "library/configs/dputcf.rst", "library/configs/dputng.rst", "library/configs/index.rst", "library/core.rst", "library/exceptions.rst", "library/hooks.rst", "library/hooks/checksum.rst", "library/hooks/deb.rst", "library/hooks/distribution.rst", "library/hooks/gpg.rst", "library/hooks/impatient.rst", "library/hooks/index.rst", "library/hooks/lintian.rst", "library/index.rst", "library/interface.rst", "library/interfaces/clinterface.rst", "library/interfaces/index.rst", "library/overrides.rst", "library/profile.rst", "library/uploader.rst", "library/uploaders/ftp.rst", "library/uploaders/http.rst", "library/uploaders/index.rst", "library/uploaders/local.rst", "library/uploaders/scp.rst", "library/uploaders/sftp.rst", "library/util.rst", "reference/configs.rst", "reference/contributing.rst", "reference/hookinstall.rst", "reference/hooks.rst", "reference/index.rst", "reference/migrating.rst"], "titles": ["Welcome to dput\u2019s documentation!", "Changes File Implementation", "Configuration Implementation", "Old-style dput config files", "New-style dput config files", "Configuration File Implementations", "Object Core", "Exceptions & Errors", "Hook Implementation", "Checksums", "Debian file routines", "Distribution bits", "GPG", "Impatient", "Hook Implementations", "Lintian Checker Implementation", "Internal Documentation", "User Interface Implementation", "CLInterface Implementation", "User Interfaces Implementations", "Override Implementation", "Upload Target / Profile Implementation", "Uploader Implementation", "FTP Implementation", "HTTP Implementation", "Upload Method Implementations", "Local Uploader Implementation", "SCP Implementation", "SFTP Implementation", "Misc. Utilities", "Configuration File Overview", "Contributing to dput", "Installing Hooks", "Writing Hooks", "Reference Documentation", "Migration guide from old-style dput"], "terms": {"ng": [0, 4, 6, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35], "i": [0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35], "brand": 0, "new": [0, 5, 16, 30, 31, 35], "retak": 0, "classic": 0, "debian": [0, 1, 14, 15, 16, 32], "tool": [0, 15, 32, 35], "we": [0, 4, 6, 10, 21, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33], "ve": [0, 30, 31, 32, 33], "made": [0, 35], "some": [0, 17, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35], "import": [0, 6, 29, 31, 33, 34], "chang": [0, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 22, 29, 32, 33, 34], "which": [0, 1, 6, 12, 18, 21, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35], "ar": [0, 1, 2, 6, 10, 15, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35], "here": [0, 16, 22, 30, 31, 32, 33], "pleas": [0, 1, 2, 6, 21, 22, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33], "get": [0, 1, 2, 4, 17, 21, 28, 29, 30, 32], "acquaint": 0, "order": [0, 34], "fulli": [0, 30, 31, 32], "understand": [0, 26, 33], "The": [0, 1, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 22, 29, 30, 32, 33], "migrat": [0, 34], "guid": [0, 32, 34], "from": [0, 1, 6, 7, 17, 21, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34], "old": [0, 5, 16, 30, 31, 34], "style": [0, 5, 16, 30, 32, 34], "might": [0, 7], "help": [0, 1, 6, 21, 26, 31, 33, 35], "user": [0, 6, 11, 16, 18, 21, 28, 30, 32, 33], "mani": 0, "have": [0, 6, 29, 30, 31, 33, 35], "ask": [0, 28, 31], "why": [0, 32], "rewrit": 0, "work": [0, 1, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33], "frankli": 0, "when": [0, 6, 7, 13, 17, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34], "come": [0, 12, 21, 33], "down": 0, "were": 0, "concern": 0, "bitrot": 0, "present": [0, 32], "decid": [0, 31, 33], "spend": 0, "our": [0, 32, 33], "time": [0, 17, 23, 24, 31, 33], "design": 0, "support": [0, 15, 23, 24, 30, 35], "all": [0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12, 21, 22, 29, 30, 31, 33, 35], "idea": [0, 30, 35], "ground": 0, "up": [0, 2, 17, 30, 31, 32, 33], "rather": [0, 33], "further": 0, "mangl": 0, "codebas": [0, 31], "them": [0, 29, 31], "As": [0, 31, 33], 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28, 29, 33], "instanc": [1, 7, 21, 33], "data": [1, 6, 18, 30, 33], "option": [1, 12, 29], "argument": [1, 18, 22, 29, 32], "base": [1, 16, 17, 18, 22], "where": [1, 6, 21, 30, 33], "expect": [1, 18, 33], "locat": [1, 6, 30], "class": [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33], "string": [1, 2, 18, 21, 33], "store": 1, "inform": [1, 32], "regard": [1, 2], "_parse_sect": 1, "section": [1, 30], "out": [1, 10, 17, 22, 32, 33, 35], "compon": 1, "field": [1, 7], "python": [1, 11, 31, 33, 34, 35], "libdevel": 1, "prefix": [1, 30], "separ": 1, "forward": 1, "slash": 1, "show": [1, 31, 35], "It": [1, 21, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33], "form": [1, 6, 33], "exampl": [1, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 31, 34], "non": 1, "free": [1, 6, 33], "name": [1, 2, 3, 4, 18, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31], "kei": [1, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34], "valu": [1, 6, 10, 17, 18], "rfc822": 1, "specifi": 1, "specif": [1, 30], "found": [1, 29], "request": [1, 7], "doe": [1, 34], "exist": [1, 9, 30, 31], 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[2, 3, 4, 16, 21], "dputcf": 3, "dputcfconfig": [3, 5], "nativ": 4, "dputng": 4, "dputprofileconfig": [4, 5], "know": [4, 6, 21, 30], "about": [4, 21, 31, 32, 33], "place": [6, 30, 32, 33], "central": 6, "live": [6, 30], "differ": [6, 33, 35], "can": [6, 7, 12, 17, 21, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35], "access": [6, 16, 21, 35], "common": [6, 15, 32], "constant": 6, "u": [6, 7, 31], "fake": 6, "great": [6, 30], "test": [6, 11, 31], "saniti": 6, "print": [6, 17], "screen": 6, "wrong": 6, "m": 6, "kai": [6, 30], "under": [6, 30, 31], "ani": [6, 12, 17, 21, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35], "condit": 6, "bit": [6, 14, 16, 30, 33, 35], "fit": [6, 33], "instanti": [6, 17], "dputlogg": 6, "feel": [6, 31, 33], "log": [6, 22, 28], "don": [6, 21, 22, 29, 30, 31, 33], "t": [6, 7, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33], "info": [6, 32], "abov": [6, 30, 31], "unless": [6, 21], "need": [6, 22, 31, 32], "debug": [6, 32], "trace": 6, "usag": 6, "hello": 6, "world": 6, "warn": 6, "oh": 6, "my": [6, 32], "dear": 6, "god": 6, 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12, 16, 32, 33], "invok": [7, 17, 22, 34], "run_hook": [7, 33], "dputconfigurationerror": [7, 16], "retriev": 7, "rais": [7, 28, 29, 32, 33], "thereof": 7, "nosuchconfigerror": [7, 16, 29], "find": [7, 31, 34], "invalidconfigerror": [7, 16], "properli": [7, 22, 31], "miss": 7, "part": [7, 30, 33], "requir": [7, 17, 28], "messag": [7, 16, 17, 18], "gpg_stderr": 7, "verifi": [7, 11, 31, 32, 33], "often": 7, "via": [7, 22, 30], "nosuchhosterror": [7, 16], "network": [7, 22], "doesn": [7, 32], "connect": [7, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28], "hashvalidationerror": [9, 14, 33], "encount": [9, 10, 11, 12], "stock": [9, 10, 11, 12, 15], "intend": [9, 10, 11, 12, 15], "correct": [9, 22], "actual": [9, 32, 33], "simpl": [9, 32, 33], "hash": [9, 33], "mai": [9, 12, 17, 22, 30, 32, 33, 35], "binaryuploaderror": [10, 14], "check_debs_in_upload": [10, 14], "foo": [10, 18, 30, 31], "skip": 10, "enforc": 10, "control": 10, "drop": [10, 32], "anyth": [10, 32, 33], "nonsens": 10, "caus": 10, "abort": [10, 33], "baddistributionerror": [11, 14], "suitemismatcherror": [11, 14], "suit": [11, 32], "mismatch": [11, 32], "check_allowed_distribut": [11, 14], "allowed_distribut": 11, "unreleas": 11, "unstabl": 11, "disallowed_distribut": 11, "syntax": [11, 32], "check_distribution_match": [11, 14], "match": 11, "last": [11, 12, 30], "changelog": 11, "simpli": [11, 28, 33], "If": [11, 29, 30, 31, 32], "mixup": 11, "between": [11, 30], "experiment": 11, "ll": [11, 21, 30, 31, 33], "remind": 11, "pass": [11, 28, 33], "c": 11, "sbuild": 11, "check_protected_distribut": [11, 14], "protect": 11, "special": 11, "care": [11, 33], "propos": 11, "updat": 11, "stabl": 11, "secur": 11, "did": 11, "follow": [11, 31, 33], "polici": [11, 28], "gpgcheckererror": [12, 14], "check_gpg_signatur": [12, 14], "allowed_kei": 12, "8f049ad82c92066c7352d28a7b585b30807c2a87": 12, "b7982329": 12, "entri": 12, "handi": [12, 21], "length": 12, "n": [12, 18], "char": 12, "fingerprint": 12, "tell": [13, 30, 32], "dinstal": 13, "next": [13, 30], "check_next_instal": [13, 14], "lintian": [14, 16, 29, 33], "lintianhookexcept": [14, 15], "routin": [14, 16, 29], "distribut": [14, 16, 31, 32], "impati": [14, 16], "mistak": 15, "static": 15, "http": [15, 16, 25], "org": [15, 32], "run_lintian": 15, "No": 15, "current": [15, 26, 33], "plan": 15, "custom": 15, "ignor": [15, 17], "bu": 16, "factor": 16, "reason": [16, 33], "hacker": 16, "person": [16, 31], "level": [16, 34], "logger": 16, "schema": 16, "loader": 16, "get_obj": [16, 29, 33], "load_obj": [16, 29], "invoc": 16, "run_command": [16, 29], "run_func_by_nam": [16, 29], "facad": 16, "commonli": [16, 32], "load_profil": [16, 21, 31], "multi": 16, "abstractinterfac": [16, 17, 18, 33], "boolean": [16, 17, 18, 32], "initi": [16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28], "password": [16, 17], "question": [16, 17, 18], "shutdown": [16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28], "button_cancel": [16, 17], "button_no": [16, 17], "button_y": [16, 17], "clinterfac": [16, 19], "upload_fil": [16, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28], "upload_write_error": [16, 22], "dputnamespac": [16, 22], "determine_logfil": [16, 22], "invoke_dput": [16, 22], "ftp": [16, 25, 30, 32], "local": [16, 25, 28, 30, 32], "scp": [16, 25, 26], "queri": 17, "number": 17, "titl": [17, 18], "question_typ": [17, 18], "ye": [17, 18], "displai": 17, "evalu": 17, "button": [17, 18], "either": [17, 28, 30, 32, 33], "button_ok": 17, "kwarg": [17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29], "state": 17, "select": [17, 18], "altern": 17, "choos": 17, "ok": [17, 18, 30, 33, 34], "confirm": 17, "notic": [17, 30, 33], "e": [17, 22, 30, 33], "g": [17, 30], "cli": [17, 18], "input": [17, 18, 33], "liter": 17, "back": [17, 21, 28, 31, 33], "shortcut": 17, "echo_input": [17, 18], "rid": 17, "everyth": 17, "close": [17, 33], "cancel": 17, "A": 17, "label": [17, 18], "command": [18, 29, 30, 32, 35], "line": [18, 30, 35], "button_to_str": 18, "translat": 18, "str_to_button": 18, "str_button": 18, "known": [18, 30], "straight": 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"httpuploadexcept": [24, 25], "localupload": [25, 26], "scpuploadexcept": [25, 27], "scpupload": [25, 27], "asktoaccept": [25, 28], "sftpupload": [25, 28], "sftpuploadexcept": [25, 28], "check_paramiko_vers": [25, 28], "find_usernam": [25, 28], "filesystem": [26, 29], "system": [26, 28, 30, 32], "wish": [26, 30, 35], "transport": 26, "total": [26, 35], "deprec": 27, "ssh_version": 27, "openssh": 27, "version": [27, 28], "tupl": 27, "integ": 27, "paramiko": 28, "hostnam": 28, "after": [28, 32, 33], "missing_host_kei": 28, "client": 28, "sshclient": 28, "receiv": 28, "isn": [28, 29, 33], "hostkei": 28, "To": [28, 30, 34], "reject": 28, "applic": 28, "req": 28, "whether": [28, 33], "satisfi": 28, "prefer": 28, "usernam": 28, "login": [28, 30], "fall": 28, "right": 29, "home": [29, 31, 32], "off": 29, "cl": 29, "config_class": 29, "config_nam": 29, "config_cleanup": 29, "tweet": 29, "defin": [29, 30, 35], "plugin": [29, 32, 33], "checker_method": 29, "def": [29, 32, 33], "obj_path": 29, 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"get_config_blocks"], [2, 1, 1, "", "get_defaults"], [2, 1, 1, "", "preload"], [2, 1, 1, "", "set_replacements"]], "dput.configs": [[3, 3, 0, "-", "dputcf"], [4, 3, 0, "-", "dputng"]], "dput.configs.dputcf": [[3, 0, 1, "", "DputCfConfig"]], "dput.configs.dputcf.DputCfConfig": [[3, 1, 1, "", "get_config"], [3, 1, 1, "", "get_config_blocks"], [3, 1, 1, "", "get_defaults"], [3, 1, 1, "", "preload"], [3, 1, 1, "", "set_replacements"]], "dput.configs.dputng": [[4, 0, 1, "", "DputProfileConfig"], [4, 2, 1, "", "get_sections"]], "dput.configs.dputng.DputProfileConfig": [[4, 1, 1, "", "get_config"], [4, 1, 1, "", "get_config_blocks"], [4, 1, 1, "", "get_defaults"], [4, 1, 1, "", "preload"], [4, 1, 1, "", "set_replacements"]], "dput.exceptions": [[7, 4, 1, "", "ChangesFileException"], [7, 4, 1, "", "DputConfigurationError"], [7, 4, 1, "", "DputError"], [7, 4, 1, "", "HookException"], [7, 4, 1, "", "InvalidConfigError"], [7, 4, 1, "", "NoSuchConfigError"], [7, 4, 1, "", "NoSuchHostError"], [7, 4, 1, "", "UploadException"]], "dput.hooks": [[9, 3, 0, "-", "checksum"], [10, 3, 0, "-", "deb"], [11, 3, 0, "-", "distribution"], [12, 3, 0, "-", "gpg"], [13, 3, 0, "-", "impatient"], [15, 3, 0, "-", "lintian"]], "dput.hooks.checksum": [[9, 4, 1, "", "HashValidationError"], [9, 2, 1, "", "validate_checksums"]], "dput.hooks.deb": [[10, 4, 1, "", "BinaryUploadError"], [10, 2, 1, "", "check_debs_in_upload"]], "dput.hooks.distribution": [[11, 4, 1, "", "BadDistributionError"], [11, 4, 1, "", "SuiteMismatchError"], [11, 2, 1, "", "check_allowed_distribution"], [11, 2, 1, "", "check_distribution_matches"], [11, 2, 1, "", "check_protected_distributions"]], "dput.hooks.gpg": [[12, 4, 1, "", "GPGCheckerError"], [12, 2, 1, "", "check_gpg_signature"]], "dput.hooks.impatient": [[13, 2, 1, "", "check_next_install"]], "dput.hooks.lintian": [[15, 4, 1, "", "LintianHookException"], [15, 2, 1, "", "lintian"]], "dput.interface": [[17, 0, 1, "", "AbstractInterface"], [17, 5, 1, "", "BUTTON_CANCEL"], [17, 5, 1, "", "BUTTON_NO"], [17, 5, 1, "", "BUTTON_YES"]], "dput.interface.AbstractInterface": [[17, 1, 1, "", "boolean"], [17, 1, 1, "", "initialize"], [17, 1, 1, "", "list"], [17, 1, 1, "", "message"], [17, 1, 1, "", "password"], [17, 1, 1, "", "question"], [17, 1, 1, "", "shutdown"]], "dput.interfaces": [[18, 3, 0, "-", "cli"]], "dput.interfaces.cli": [[18, 0, 1, "", "CLInterface"]], "dput.interfaces.cli.CLInterface": [[18, 1, 1, "", "boolean"], [18, 1, 1, "", "button_to_str"], [18, 1, 1, "", "initialize"], [18, 1, 1, "", "list"], [18, 1, 1, "", "message"], [18, 1, 1, "", "question"], [18, 1, 1, "", "shutdown"], [18, 1, 1, "", "str_to_button"]], "dput.profile": [[21, 0, 1, "", "MultiConfig"], [21, 2, 1, "", "load_profile"], [21, 2, 1, "", "profiles"]], "dput.profile.MultiConfig": [[21, 1, 1, "", "get_config"], [21, 1, 1, "", "get_config_blocks"], [21, 1, 1, "", "get_defaults"], [21, 1, 1, "", "preload"], [21, 1, 1, "", "set_replacements"]], "dput.uploader": [[22, 0, 1, "", "AbstractUploader"], [22, 0, 1, "", "DputNamespace"], [22, 2, 1, "", "determine_logfile"], [22, 2, 1, "", "invoke_dput"], [22, 2, 1, "", "uploader"]], "dput.uploader.AbstractUploader": [[22, 1, 1, "", "initialize"], [22, 1, 1, "", "shutdown"], [22, 1, 1, "", "upload_file"], [22, 1, 1, "", "upload_write_error"]], "dput.uploaders": [[23, 3, 0, "-", "ftp"], [24, 3, 0, "-", "http"], [26, 3, 0, "-", "local"], [27, 3, 0, "-", "scp"], [28, 3, 0, "-", "sftp"]], "dput.uploaders.ftp": [[23, 4, 1, "", "FtpUploadException"], [23, 0, 1, "", "FtpUploader"]], "dput.uploaders.ftp.FtpUploader": [[23, 1, 1, "", "initialize"], [23, 1, 1, "", "shutdown"], [23, 1, 1, "", "upload_file"]], "dput.uploaders.http": [[24, 0, 1, "", "HTTPUploader"], [24, 4, 1, "", "HttpUploadException"]], "dput.uploaders.http.HTTPUploader": [[24, 1, 1, "", "initialize"], [24, 1, 1, "", "shutdown"], [24, 1, 1, "", "upload_file"]], "dput.uploaders.local": [[26, 0, 1, "", "LocalUploader"]], "dput.uploaders.local.LocalUploader": [[26, 1, 1, "", "initialize"], [26, 1, 1, "", "shutdown"], [26, 1, 1, "", "upload_file"]], "dput.uploaders.scp": [[27, 4, 1, "", "ScpUploadException"], [27, 0, 1, "", "ScpUploader"]], "dput.uploaders.scp.ScpUploader": [[27, 1, 1, "", "initialize"], [27, 1, 1, "", "shutdown"], [27, 1, 1, "", "ssh_version"], [27, 1, 1, "", "upload_file"]], "dput.uploaders.sftp": [[28, 0, 1, "", "AskToAccept"], [28, 0, 1, "", "SFTPUploader"], [28, 4, 1, "", "SftpUploadException"], [28, 2, 1, "", "check_paramiko_version"], [28, 2, 1, "", "find_username"]], "dput.uploaders.sftp.AskToAccept": [[28, 1, 1, "", "missing_host_key"]], "dput.uploaders.sftp.SFTPUploader": [[28, 1, 1, "", "initialize"], [28, 1, 1, "", "shutdown"], [28, 1, 1, "", "upload_file"]], "dput.util": [[29, 2, 1, "", "get_configs"], [29, 2, 1, "", "get_obj"], [29, 2, 1, "", "load_config"], [29, 2, 1, "", "load_obj"], [29, 2, 1, "", "run_command"], [29, 2, 1, "", "run_func_by_name"]]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:class", "1": "py:method", "2": "py:function", "3": "py:module", "4": "py:exception", "5": "py:data"}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "class", "Python class"], "1": ["py", "method", "Python method"], "2": ["py", "function", "Python function"], "3": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "4": ["py", "exception", "Python exception"], "5": ["py", "data", "Python data"]}, "titleterms": {"welcom": 0, "dput": [0, 3, 4, 31, 35], "": [0, 32], "document": [0, 5, 14, 16, 19, 25, 31, 34], "motiv": 0, "index": [0, 5, 14, 16, 19, 25, 34], "author": 0, "chang": [1, 30, 35], "file": [1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 30], "implement": [1, 2, 5, 8, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28], "facad": 1, "abstract": 1, "configur": [2, 5, 6, 7, 21, 29, 30], "old": [3, 35], "style": [3, 4, 35], "config": [3, 4], "new": 4, "object": [6, 29], "core": 6, "The": 6, "logger": 6, "schema": 6, "directori": 6, "except": 7, "error": 7, "base": 7, "misc": [7, 29], "hook": [8, 14, 30, 31, 32, 33], "checksum": 9, "debian": 10, "routin": 10, "distribut": 11, "bit": 11, "gpg": 12, "impati": 13, "lintian": 15, "checker": 15, "intern": 16, "user": [17, 19], "interfac": [17, 19], "clinterfac": 18, "overrid": [20, 30], "upload": [21, 22, 25, 26], "target": 21, "profil": 21, "commonli": 21, "us": 21, "function": 21, "multi": 21, "ftp": 23, "http": 24, "method": 25, "local": 26, "scp": 27, "sftp": 28, "util": 29, "access": 29, "loader": 29, "invoc": 29, "overview": 30, "high": 30, "level": 30, "order": 30, "load": 30, "theori": [30, 33], "meta": 30, "practic": 30, "default": 30, "behavior": 30, "contribut": 31, "code": 31, "patch": 31, "instal": 32, "so": 32, "what": [32, 33], "exactli": 32, "ar": 32, "alright": 32, "you": [32, 33], "mention": 32, "python": 32, "import": 32, "doe": 32, "mean": 32, "ok": 32, "let": 32, "do": [32, 33], "an": [32, 33], "exampl": 32, "write": 33, "oper": 33, "how": 33, "i": 33, "invok": 33, "To": 33, "when": 33, "find": 33, "issu": 33, "refer": 34, "migrat": 35, "guid": 35, "from": 35, "kei": 35, "point": 35, "big": 35, "stabil": 35, "note": 35}, "envversion": {"": 2, "": 1, "": 1, "": 8, "": 1, "": 2, "": 2, "": 3, "": 2, "": 2, "sphinx.ext.intersphinx": 1, "sphinx.ext.todo": 2, "sphinx": 57}, "alltitles": {"Welcome to dput\u2019s documentation!": [[0, "welcome-to-dput-s-documentation"]], "Motivation": [[0, "motivation"]], "Documentation Index": [[0, "documentation-index"], [5, "documentation-index"], [14, "documentation-index"], [16, "documentation-index"], [19, "documentation-index"], [25, "documentation-index"], [34, "documentation-index"]], "Authors": [[0, "authors"]], "Changes File Implementation": [[1, "changes-file-implementation"]], "Facade": [[1, "facade"]], "Abstraction": [[1, "abstraction"]], "Configuration Implementation": [[2, "module-dput.config"]], "Old-style dput config files": [[3, "module-dput.configs.dputcf"]], "New-style dput config files": [[4, "module-dput.configs.dputng"]], "Configuration File Implementations": [[5, "configuration-file-implementations"]], "Object Core": [[6, "object-core"]], "The Logger": [[6, "the-logger"]], "Configuration Objects": [[6, "configuration-objects"]], "Schema Directory": [[6, "schema-directory"]], "Exceptions & Errors": [[7, "exceptions-errors"]], "Base Exceptions": [[7, "base-exceptions"]], "Configuration File Errors": [[7, "configuration-file-errors"]], "Misc Errors": [[7, "misc-errors"]], "Hook Implementation": [[8, "module-dput.hooks"]], "Checksums": [[9, "module-dput.hooks.checksum"]], "Debian file routines": [[10, "module-dput.hooks.deb"]], "Distribution bits": [[11, "module-dput.hooks.distribution"]], "GPG": [[12, "module-dput.hooks.gpg"]], "Impatient": [[13, "module-dput.hooks.impatient"]], "Hook Implementations": [[14, "hook-implementations"]], "Lintian Checker Implementation": [[15, "module-dput.hooks.lintian"]], "Internal Documentation": [[16, "internal-documentation"]], "User Interface Implementation": [[17, "module-dput.interface"]], "CLInterface Implementation": [[18, "module-dput.interfaces.cli"]], "User Interfaces Implementations": [[19, "user-interfaces-implementations"]], "Override Implementation": [[20, "override-implementation"]], "Upload Target / Profile Implementation": [[21, "upload-target-profile-implementation"]], "Commonly used functions": [[21, "commonly-used-functions"]], "Multi Configuration Implementation": [[21, "multi-configuration-implementation"]], "Uploader Implementation": [[22, "module-dput.uploader"]], "FTP Implementation": [[23, "module-dput.uploaders.ftp"]], "HTTP Implementation": [[24, "module-dput.uploaders.http"]], "Upload Method Implementations": [[25, "upload-method-implementations"]], "Local Uploader Implementation": [[26, "module-dput.uploaders.local"]], "SCP Implementation": [[27, "module-dput.uploaders.scp"]], "SFTP Implementation": [[28, "module-dput.uploaders.sftp"]], "Misc. Utilities": [[29, "misc-utilities"]], "Configuration Access": [[29, "configuration-access"]], "Object Loaders": [[29, "object-loaders"]], "Invocation": [[29, "invocation"]], "Configuration File Overview": [[30, "configuration-file-overview"]], "High Level Changes": [[30, "high-level-changes"]], "Order of Loading": [[30, "order-of-loading"]], "Theory": [[30, "theory"]], "Meta": [[30, "meta"]], "Practice": [[30, "practice"]], "Overriding default hook behavior": [[30, "overriding-default-hook-behavior"]], "Contributing to dput": [[31, "contributing-to-dput"]], "Code + patches": [[31, "code-patches"]], "Documentation": [[31, "documentation"]], "Hooks": [[31, "hooks"]], "Installing Hooks": [[32, "installing-hooks"]], "So, what exactly are hooks?": [[32, "so-what-exactly-are-hooks"]], "Alright, you mentioned Python-importable, what exactly does that mean?": [[32, "alright-you-mentioned-python-importable-what-exactly-does-that-mean"]], "OK, let\u2019s do an example.": [[32, "ok-let-s-do-an-example"]], "Writing Hooks": [[33, "writing-hooks"]], "Theory of Operation": [[33, "theory-of-operation"]], "How a Hook Is Invoked": [[33, "how-a-hook-is-invoked"]], "What To Do When You Find an Issue": [[33, "what-to-do-when-you-find-an-issue"]], "Reference Documentation": [[34, "reference-documentation"]], "Migration guide from old-style dput": [[35, "migration-guide-from-old-style-dput"]], "Key points": [[35, "key-points"]], "Big changes from dput": [[35, "big-changes-from-dput"]], "Stability Notes": [[35, "stability-notes"]]}, "indexentries": {"changes (class in dput.changes)": [[1, "dput.changes.Changes"]], "_parse_section() (dput.changes.changes method)": [[1, "dput.changes.Changes._parse_section"]], "get() (dput.changes.changes method)": [[1, "dput.changes.Changes.get"]], "get_changes_file() (dput.changes.changes method)": [[1, "dput.changes.Changes.get_changes_file"]], "get_component() (dput.changes.changes method)": [[1, "dput.changes.Changes.get_component"]], "get_diff() (dput.changes.changes method)": [[1, "dput.changes.Changes.get_diff"]], "get_dsc() (dput.changes.changes method)": [[1, "dput.changes.Changes.get_dsc"]], "get_filename() (dput.changes.changes method)": [[1, "dput.changes.Changes.get_filename"]], "get_files() (dput.changes.changes method)": [[1, "dput.changes.Changes.get_files"]], "get_package_name() (dput.changes.changes method)": [[1, "dput.changes.Changes.get_package_name"]], "get_pool_path() (dput.changes.changes method)": [[1, "dput.changes.Changes.get_pool_path"]], "get_priority() (dput.changes.changes method)": [[1, "dput.changes.Changes.get_priority"]], "get_section() (dput.changes.changes method)": [[1, "dput.changes.Changes.get_section"]], "parse_changes_file() (in module dput.changes)": [[1, "dput.changes.parse_changes_file"]], "validate() (dput.changes.changes method)": [[1, "dput.changes.Changes.validate"]], "validate_checksums() (dput.changes.changes method)": [[1, "dput.changes.Changes.validate_checksums"]], "validate_signature() (dput.changes.changes method)": [[1, "dput.changes.Changes.validate_signature"]], "abstractconfig (class in dput.config)": [[2, "dput.config.AbstractConfig"]], "dput.config": [[2, "module-dput.config"]], "get_config() (dput.config.abstractconfig method)": [[2, "dput.config.AbstractConfig.get_config"]], "get_config_blocks() (dput.config.abstractconfig method)": [[2, "dput.config.AbstractConfig.get_config_blocks"]], "get_defaults() (dput.config.abstractconfig method)": [[2, "dput.config.AbstractConfig.get_defaults"]], "module": [[2, "module-dput.config"], [3, "module-dput.configs.dputcf"], [4, "module-dput.configs.dputng"], [8, "module-dput.hooks"], [9, "module-dput.hooks.checksum"], [10, "module-dput.hooks.deb"], [11, "module-dput.hooks.distribution"], [12, "module-dput.hooks.gpg"], [13, "module-dput.hooks.impatient"], [15, "module-dput.hooks.lintian"], [17, "module-dput.interface"], [18, "module-dput.interfaces.cli"], [22, "module-dput.uploader"], [23, "module-dput.uploaders.ftp"], [24, "module-dput.uploaders.http"], [26, "module-dput.uploaders.local"], [27, "module-dput.uploaders.scp"], [28, "module-dput.uploaders.sftp"]], "preload() (dput.config.abstractconfig method)": [[2, "dput.config.AbstractConfig.preload"]], "set_replacements() (dput.config.abstractconfig method)": [[2, "dput.config.AbstractConfig.set_replacements"]], "dputcfconfig (class in dput.configs.dputcf)": [[3, "dput.configs.dputcf.DputCfConfig"]], "dput.configs.dputcf": [[3, "module-dput.configs.dputcf"]], "get_config() (dput.configs.dputcf.dputcfconfig method)": [[3, "dput.configs.dputcf.DputCfConfig.get_config"]], "get_config_blocks() (dput.configs.dputcf.dputcfconfig method)": [[3, "dput.configs.dputcf.DputCfConfig.get_config_blocks"]], "get_defaults() (dput.configs.dputcf.dputcfconfig method)": [[3, "dput.configs.dputcf.DputCfConfig.get_defaults"]], "preload() (dput.configs.dputcf.dputcfconfig method)": [[3, "dput.configs.dputcf.DputCfConfig.preload"]], "set_replacements() (dput.configs.dputcf.dputcfconfig method)": [[3, "dput.configs.dputcf.DputCfConfig.set_replacements"]], "dputprofileconfig (class in dput.configs.dputng)": [[4, "dput.configs.dputng.DputProfileConfig"]], "dput.configs.dputng": [[4, "module-dput.configs.dputng"]], "get_config() (dput.configs.dputng.dputprofileconfig method)": [[4, "dput.configs.dputng.DputProfileConfig.get_config"]], "get_config_blocks() (dput.configs.dputng.dputprofileconfig method)": [[4, "dput.configs.dputng.DputProfileConfig.get_config_blocks"]], "get_defaults() (dput.configs.dputng.dputprofileconfig method)": [[4, "dput.configs.dputng.DputProfileConfig.get_defaults"]], "get_sections() (in module dput.configs.dputng)": [[4, "dput.configs.dputng.get_sections"]], "preload() (dput.configs.dputng.dputprofileconfig method)": [[4, "dput.configs.dputng.DputProfileConfig.preload"]], "set_replacements() (dput.configs.dputng.dputprofileconfig method)": [[4, "dput.configs.dputng.DputProfileConfig.set_replacements"]], "changesfileexception": [[7, "dput.exceptions.ChangesFileException"]], "dputconfigurationerror": [[7, "dput.exceptions.DputConfigurationError"]], "dputerror": [[7, "dput.exceptions.DputError"]], "hookexception": [[7, "dput.exceptions.HookException"]], "invalidconfigerror": [[7, "dput.exceptions.InvalidConfigError"]], "nosuchconfigerror": [[7, "dput.exceptions.NoSuchConfigError"]], "nosuchhosterror": [[7, "dput.exceptions.NoSuchHostError"]], "uploadexception": [[7, "dput.exceptions.UploadException"]], "dput.hooks": [[8, "module-dput.hooks"]], "hashvalidationerror": [[9, "dput.hooks.checksum.HashValidationError"]], "dput.hooks.checksum": [[9, "module-dput.hooks.checksum"]], "validate_checksums() (in module dput.hooks.checksum)": [[9, "dput.hooks.checksum.validate_checksums"]], "binaryuploaderror": [[10, "dput.hooks.deb.BinaryUploadError"]], "check_debs_in_upload() (in module dput.hooks.deb)": [[10, "dput.hooks.deb.check_debs_in_upload"]], "dput.hooks.deb": [[10, "module-dput.hooks.deb"]], "baddistributionerror": [[11, "dput.hooks.distribution.BadDistributionError"]], "suitemismatcherror": [[11, "dput.hooks.distribution.SuiteMismatchError"]], "check_allowed_distribution() (in module dput.hooks.distribution)": [[11, "dput.hooks.distribution.check_allowed_distribution"]], "check_distribution_matches() (in module dput.hooks.distribution)": [[11, "dput.hooks.distribution.check_distribution_matches"]], "check_protected_distributions() (in module dput.hooks.distribution)": [[11, "dput.hooks.distribution.check_protected_distributions"]], "dput.hooks.distribution": [[11, "module-dput.hooks.distribution"]], "gpgcheckererror": [[12, "dput.hooks.gpg.GPGCheckerError"]], "check_gpg_signature() (in module dput.hooks.gpg)": [[12, "dput.hooks.gpg.check_gpg_signature"]], "dput.hooks.gpg": [[12, "module-dput.hooks.gpg"]], "check_next_install() (in module dput.hooks.impatient)": [[13, "dput.hooks.impatient.check_next_install"]], "dput.hooks.impatient": [[13, "module-dput.hooks.impatient"]], "lintianhookexception": [[15, "dput.hooks.lintian.LintianHookException"]], "dput.hooks.lintian": [[15, "module-dput.hooks.lintian"]], "lintian() (in module dput.hooks.lintian)": [[15, "dput.hooks.lintian.lintian"]], "abstractinterface (class in dput.interface)": [[17, "dput.interface.AbstractInterface"]], "button_cancel (in module dput.interface)": [[17, "dput.interface.BUTTON_CANCEL"]], "button_no (in module dput.interface)": [[17, "dput.interface.BUTTON_NO"]], "button_yes (in module dput.interface)": [[17, "dput.interface.BUTTON_YES"]], "boolean() (dput.interface.abstractinterface method)": [[17, "dput.interface.AbstractInterface.boolean"]], "dput.interface": [[17, "module-dput.interface"]], "initialize() (dput.interface.abstractinterface method)": [[17, "dput.interface.AbstractInterface.initialize"]], "list() (dput.interface.abstractinterface method)": [[17, "dput.interface.AbstractInterface.list"]], "message() (dput.interface.abstractinterface method)": [[17, "dput.interface.AbstractInterface.message"]], "password() (dput.interface.abstractinterface method)": [[17, "dput.interface.AbstractInterface.password"]], "question() (dput.interface.abstractinterface method)": [[17, "dput.interface.AbstractInterface.question"]], "shutdown() (dput.interface.abstractinterface method)": [[17, "dput.interface.AbstractInterface.shutdown"]], "clinterface (class in dput.interfaces.cli)": [[18, "dput.interfaces.cli.CLInterface"]], "boolean() (dput.interfaces.cli.clinterface method)": [[18, "dput.interfaces.cli.CLInterface.boolean"]], "button_to_str() (dput.interfaces.cli.clinterface method)": [[18, "dput.interfaces.cli.CLInterface.button_to_str"]], "dput.interfaces.cli": [[18, "module-dput.interfaces.cli"]], "initialize() (dput.interfaces.cli.clinterface method)": [[18, "dput.interfaces.cli.CLInterface.initialize"]], "list() (dput.interfaces.cli.clinterface method)": [[18, "dput.interfaces.cli.CLInterface.list"]], "message() (dput.interfaces.cli.clinterface method)": [[18, "dput.interfaces.cli.CLInterface.message"]], "question() (dput.interfaces.cli.clinterface method)": [[18, "dput.interfaces.cli.CLInterface.question"]], "shutdown() (dput.interfaces.cli.clinterface method)": [[18, "dput.interfaces.cli.CLInterface.shutdown"]], "str_to_button() (dput.interfaces.cli.clinterface method)": [[18, "dput.interfaces.cli.CLInterface.str_to_button"]], "multiconfig (class in dput.profile)": [[21, "dput.profile.MultiConfig"]], "get_config() (dput.profile.multiconfig method)": [[21, "dput.profile.MultiConfig.get_config"]], "get_config_blocks() (dput.profile.multiconfig method)": [[21, "dput.profile.MultiConfig.get_config_blocks"]], "get_defaults() (dput.profile.multiconfig method)": [[21, "dput.profile.MultiConfig.get_defaults"]], "load_profile() (in module dput.profile)": [[21, "dput.profile.load_profile"]], "preload() (dput.profile.multiconfig method)": [[21, "dput.profile.MultiConfig.preload"]], "profiles() (in module dput.profile)": [[21, "dput.profile.profiles"]], "set_replacements() (dput.profile.multiconfig method)": [[21, "dput.profile.MultiConfig.set_replacements"]], "abstractuploader (class in dput.uploader)": [[22, "dput.uploader.AbstractUploader"]], "dputnamespace (class in dput.uploader)": [[22, "dput.uploader.DputNamespace"]], "determine_logfile() (in module dput.uploader)": [[22, "dput.uploader.determine_logfile"]], "dput.uploader": [[22, "module-dput.uploader"]], "initialize() (dput.uploader.abstractuploader method)": [[22, "dput.uploader.AbstractUploader.initialize"]], "invoke_dput() (in module dput.uploader)": [[22, "dput.uploader.invoke_dput"]], "shutdown() (dput.uploader.abstractuploader method)": [[22, "dput.uploader.AbstractUploader.shutdown"]], "upload_file() (dput.uploader.abstractuploader method)": [[22, "dput.uploader.AbstractUploader.upload_file"]], "upload_write_error() (dput.uploader.abstractuploader method)": [[22, "dput.uploader.AbstractUploader.upload_write_error"]], "uploader() (in module dput.uploader)": [[22, "dput.uploader.uploader"]], "ftpuploadexception": [[23, "dput.uploaders.ftp.FtpUploadException"]], "ftpuploader (class in dput.uploaders.ftp)": [[23, "dput.uploaders.ftp.FtpUploader"]], "dput.uploaders.ftp": [[23, "module-dput.uploaders.ftp"]], "initialize() (dput.uploaders.ftp.ftpuploader method)": [[23, "dput.uploaders.ftp.FtpUploader.initialize"]], "shutdown() (dput.uploaders.ftp.ftpuploader method)": [[23, "dput.uploaders.ftp.FtpUploader.shutdown"]], "upload_file() (dput.uploaders.ftp.ftpuploader method)": [[23, "dput.uploaders.ftp.FtpUploader.upload_file"]], "httpuploader (class in dput.uploaders.http)": [[24, "dput.uploaders.http.HTTPUploader"]], "httpuploadexception": [[24, "dput.uploaders.http.HttpUploadException"]], "dput.uploaders.http": [[24, "module-dput.uploaders.http"]], "initialize() (dput.uploaders.http.httpuploader method)": [[24, "dput.uploaders.http.HTTPUploader.initialize"]], "shutdown() (dput.uploaders.http.httpuploader method)": [[24, "dput.uploaders.http.HTTPUploader.shutdown"]], "upload_file() (dput.uploaders.http.httpuploader method)": [[24, "dput.uploaders.http.HTTPUploader.upload_file"]], "localuploader (class in dput.uploaders.local)": [[26, "dput.uploaders.local.LocalUploader"]], "dput.uploaders.local": [[26, "module-dput.uploaders.local"]], "initialize() (dput.uploaders.local.localuploader method)": [[26, "dput.uploaders.local.LocalUploader.initialize"]], "shutdown() (dput.uploaders.local.localuploader method)": [[26, "dput.uploaders.local.LocalUploader.shutdown"]], "upload_file() (dput.uploaders.local.localuploader method)": [[26, "dput.uploaders.local.LocalUploader.upload_file"]], "scpuploadexception": [[27, "dput.uploaders.scp.ScpUploadException"]], "scpuploader (class in dput.uploaders.scp)": [[27, "dput.uploaders.scp.ScpUploader"]], "dput.uploaders.scp": [[27, "module-dput.uploaders.scp"]], "initialize() (dput.uploaders.scp.scpuploader method)": [[27, "dput.uploaders.scp.ScpUploader.initialize"]], "shutdown() (dput.uploaders.scp.scpuploader method)": [[27, "dput.uploaders.scp.ScpUploader.shutdown"]], "ssh_version() (dput.uploaders.scp.scpuploader method)": [[27, "dput.uploaders.scp.ScpUploader.ssh_version"]], "upload_file() (dput.uploaders.scp.scpuploader method)": [[27, "dput.uploaders.scp.ScpUploader.upload_file"]], "asktoaccept (class in dput.uploaders.sftp)": [[28, "dput.uploaders.sftp.AskToAccept"]], "sftpuploader (class in dput.uploaders.sftp)": [[28, "dput.uploaders.sftp.SFTPUploader"]], "sftpuploadexception": [[28, "dput.uploaders.sftp.SftpUploadException"]], "check_paramiko_version() (in module dput.uploaders.sftp)": [[28, "dput.uploaders.sftp.check_paramiko_version"]], "dput.uploaders.sftp": [[28, "module-dput.uploaders.sftp"]], "find_username() (in module dput.uploaders.sftp)": [[28, "dput.uploaders.sftp.find_username"]], "initialize() (dput.uploaders.sftp.sftpuploader method)": [[28, "dput.uploaders.sftp.SFTPUploader.initialize"]], "missing_host_key() (dput.uploaders.sftp.asktoaccept method)": [[28, "dput.uploaders.sftp.AskToAccept.missing_host_key"]], "shutdown() (dput.uploaders.sftp.sftpuploader method)": [[28, "dput.uploaders.sftp.SFTPUploader.shutdown"]], "upload_file() (dput.uploaders.sftp.sftpuploader method)": [[28, "dput.uploaders.sftp.SFTPUploader.upload_file"]], "get_configs() (in module dput.util)": [[29, "dput.util.get_configs"]], "get_obj() (in module dput.util)": [[29, "dput.util.get_obj"]], "load_config() (in module dput.util)": [[29, "dput.util.load_config"]], "load_obj() (in module dput.util)": [[29, "dput.util.load_obj"]], "run_command() (in module dput.util)": [[29, "dput.util.run_command"]], "run_func_by_name() (in module dput.util)": [[29, "dput.util.run_func_by_name"]]}})