.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ======================== Docutils Release Notes ======================== :Contact: grubert@users.sourceforge.net :Maintainer: docutils-develop@lists.sourceforge.net :Date: $Date: 2022-07-05 22:04:21 +0200 (Di, 05. Jul 2022) $ :Revision: $Revision: 9103 $ :Web site: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/ :Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain. This document summarizes the major changes in recent and upcoming releases. For a more detailed list of changes, please see the Docutils `HISTORY`_. .. contents:: Future changes ============== * Setup: - Do not install the auxilliary script ``tools/rst2odt_prepstyles.py`` in the binary PATH. - Remove file ``install.py``. There are better ways, see README.txt__. __ README.html#installation * Input encoding: - Reduce chances of unrecognised character mix-ups (mojibake). Stop using the hard-coded fallback "latin-1" if the `input-encoding`_ is not specified and decoding with UTF-8 fails. Don't use the locale encoding as fallback in `UTF-8 mode`_. - Only remove BOM (U+FEFF ZWNBSP at start of data), no other ZWNBSPs. .. _input-encoding: docs/user/config.html#input-encoding .. _UTF-8 mode: https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.html#utf8-mode * `html5` writer: - Stop setting the "footnote-reference" class value for footnote references. Since 0.18, you can use the CSS selector ``[role="doc-noteref"]`` instead of ``.footnote-reference`` (see minimal.css for examples). - Use dpub-ARIA role "doc-footnote" (instead of ARIA role "note") for footnotes in Docutils 0.20. - Move attribution behind the blockquote to comply with the `"living standard"`__. (HTML5__ allows elements inside a blockquote.) __ https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#the-blockquote-element __ https://www.w3.org/TR/2014/REC-html5-20141028/grouping-content.html #the-blockquote-element - Remove option ``--embed-images`` (obsoleted by "image_loading_") in Docutils 2.0. .. _image_loading: docs/user/config.html#image-loading * `latex2e` writer: - Change default of use_latex_citations_ setting to True in Docutils 1.0. - Change default of legacy_column_widths_ setting to False in Docutils 1.0. - Remove ``use_verbatim_when_possible`` setting (use literal_block_env_: verbatim) in Docutils 2.0. - Do not insert ``\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}`` into UTF-8 encoded LaTeX sources. UTF-8 is the default encoding for LaTeX2e since 2018. * `xetex` writer: - Settings in the "latex2e writer" `configuration file section`__ will be ignored in Docutils 0.20. Move settings intended for both, `xetex` and `latex2e` writers to section "latex writers". __ docs/user/config.html#configuration-file-sections-entries * Remove the "rawsource" argument from nodes.Text.__init__() (deprecated and ignored since Docutils 0.18) in Docutils 2.0. * Remove the compatibility hacks `nodes.reprunicode` and `nodes.ensure_str()` in Docutils 0.21 or later. They are not required with Python 3.x. * Drop support for `old-format configuration files`_ in Docutils 2.0. * Move math format conversion from docutils/utils/math (called from docutils/writers/_html_base.py) to a transform__. __ docs/ref/transforms.html * The default HTML writer "html" with frontend ``rst2html.py`` will change from "html4css1" to "html5" in Docutils 2.0. Use ``get_writer_by_name('html')`` or the rst2html.py_ front end, if you want the output to be up-to-date automatically. Use the "html4" writer or ``rst2html4.py``, if you depend on stability of the generated HTML code, e.g. because you use a custom style sheet or post-processing that may break otherwise. * Remove the ``--html-writer`` option of the ``buildhtml.py`` application (obsoleted by the `"writer" option`_) in Docutils 2.0. .. _old-format configuration files: docs/user/config.html#old-format-configuration-files .. _rst2html.py: docs/user/tools.html#rst2html-py .. _reference name: docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#reference-names .. _literal_block_env: docs/user/config.html#literal-block-env .. _use_latex_citations: docs/user/config.html#use-latex-citations Release 0.19 (2022-07-05) ========================= (Release 0.19b1 (2022-06-21)) * Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, and 3.6. * Output changes: HTML5: Wrap groups of footnotes in an ``