================== Docutils History ================== :Author: David Goodger; open to all Docutils developers :Contact: docutils-develop@lists.sourceforge.net :Date: $Date: 2022-07-05 22:04:21 +0200 (Di, 05. Jul 2022) $ :Revision: $Revision: 9103 $ :Web site: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/ :Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain. .. contents:: Release 0.19 (2022-07-05) ========================= * General - Dropped support for Python 2.7, 3.5, and 3.6. and removed compatibility hacks from code and tests. - Code cleanup, check PEP 8 conformity with `flake8` (exceptions in file tox.ini). * docutils/__main__.py - New module. Support for ``python -m docutils``. Also used for the ``docutils`` console script `entry point`. * docutils/core.py: - Let `Publisher.publish()` print info and prompt when waiting for input from a terminal (cf. https://clig.dev/#interactivity). - Respect "input_encoding_error_handler" setting when opening a source. * docutils/io.py - New function `error_string()` obsoletes `utils.error_reporting.ErrorString`. - Class `ErrorOutput` moved here from `utils/error_reporting`. - Use "utf-8-sig" instead of Python's default encoding if the "input_encoding" setting is None. - Fix error when reading of UTF-16 encoded source without trailing newline. * docutils/parsers/__init__.py - Aliases "markdown" and "commonmark" point to "commonmark_wrapper". - Alias for the "myst" parser (https://pypi.org/project/myst-docutils). - Use absolute module names in `_parser_aliases` instead of two import attempts. (Keeps details if the `recommonmark_wrapper.py` module raises an ImportError.) - Prepend parser name to ImportError if importing a parser class fails. * docutils/parsers/commonmark_wrapper.py - New module for parsing CommonMark input. Selects a locally installed 3rd-party parser (pycmark, myst, or recommonmark). * docutils/parsers/recommonmark_wrapper.py - Raise ImportError, if import of the upstream parser module fails. If called from an `"include" directive`_, the system-message now has source/line info. - Adapt to and test with "recommonmark" versions 0.6.0 and 0.7.1. .. _"include" directive: docs/ref/rst/directives.html#include * docutils/parsers/rst/__init__.py - Update PEP base URL (fixes bug #445), use "https:" scheme in RFC base URL. - Add `reporter` to `Directive` class attributes. * docutils/parsers/rst/directives/__init__.py - `parser_name()` keeps details if converting ImportError to ValueError. * docutils/parsers/rst/roles.py - Don't use mutable default values for function arguments. Fixes bug #430. * docutils/transforms/universal.py - Fix bug #435: invalid references in `problematic` nodes with report_level=4. * docutils/utils/__init__.py - `decode_path()` returns `str` instance instead of `nodes.reprunicode`. * docutils/utils/error_reporting.py - Add deprecation warning. * docutils/writers/_html_base.py - Add "html writers" to `config_section_dependencies`. Fixes bug #443. - Write table column widths with 3 digits precision. Fixes bug #444. * docutils/writers/html5_polyglot/__init__.py - Add space before "charset" meta tag closing sequence. - Remove class value "controls" from an `image` node with video content after converting it to a "control" attribute of the