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章 9. Unix 服務

9.1. 系統啟動
9.1.1. systemd 啟動系統
9.1.2. System V 初始系統
9.2. 遠端登入
9.2.1. 安全遠程登入:SSH
9.2.2. 使用遠端圖形桌面
9.3. 管理權限
9.3.1. Owners and Permissions
9.3.2. ACLs - Access Control Lists
9.4. 管理介面
9.4.1. 管理網頁介面:webmin
9.4.2. 組態套件:debconf
9.5. syslog 系統事件
9.5.1. 原則與機制
9.5.2. 組態檔案
9.6. The inetd 超級伺服器
9.7. 以 cronatd 使用排定的工作
9.7.1. crontab 檔案的格式
9.7.2. 使用 at 命令
9.8. 排定非同步工作:anacron
9.9. 配額
9.10. 備份
9.10.1. 使用 rsync 備份
9.10.2. 供備份恢復系統
9.11. 熱插拔:hotplug
9.11.1. 介绍
9.11.2. 命名問題
9.11.3. udev 的運作
9.11.4. 具體的例子
9.12. 電源管理:進階組態與電源介面 (ACPI)
此章包括若干 Unix 系统共通的服務。管理員應熟悉他們。

9.1. 系統啟動

On systems with a BIOS, first, the BIOS takes control of the computer, initializes the controllers and hardware, detects the disks, and bridges everything together. Then it looks up the Master Boot Record (MBR) of the first disk in the boot order and loads the code stored there (first stage). This code then launches the second stage and finally executes the bootloader.
In contrast to the BIOS, UEFI is more sophisticated, it knows filesystems and can read the partition tables. The interface searches the system storage for a partition labeled with a specific globally unique identifier (GUID) that marks it as the EFI System Partition (ESP), where the bootloaders, boot managers, UEFI shell, etc., are located, and launches the desired bootloader. If Secure Boot is enabled, the boot process will verify authenticity of the EFI binaries there by signature (thus grub-efi-arch-signed is required in this case). The UEFI specification also defines support for booting in legacy BIOS mode. This is called the Compatibility Support Module (CSM). If CSM is enabled, it will attempt to boot from a drive's MBR. However, many new systems do no longer support the CSM mode.
In both cases then the actual bootloader takes over, finds either a chained bootloader or the kernel on the disk, loads, and executes it. The kernel is then initialized, and starts to search for and mount the partition containing the root filesystem, and finally executes the first program — init. Frequently, this “root partition” and this init are, in fact, located in a virtual filesystem that only exists in RAM (hence its name, “initramfs”, formerly called “initrd” for “initialization RAM disk”). This filesystem is loaded in memory by the bootloader, often from a file on a hard drive or from the network. It contains the bare minimum required by the kernel to load the “true” root filesystem: this may be driver modules for the hard drive, or other devices without which the system cannot boot, or, more frequently, initialization scripts and modules for assembling RAID arrays, opening encrypted partitions, activating LVM volumes, etc. Once the root partition is mounted, the initramfs hands over control to the real init, and the machine goes back to the standard boot process.

9.1.1. systemd 啟動系統

此 “真正啟動” 是由 systemd 提供的,在本節說明該啟動系統。
執行 systemd 的 Linux 機器的啟動程序

圖形 9.1. 執行 systemd 的 Linux 機器的啟動程序

Systemd executes several processes, in charge of setting up the system: keyboard, drivers, filesystems, network, services. It does this while keeping a global view of the system as a whole, and the requirements of the components. Each component is described by a “unit file” (sometimes more); the general syntax is derived from the widely-used “*.ini files“ syntax, with key = value pairs grouped between [section] headers. Unit files are stored under /lib/systemd/system/ and /etc/systemd/system/; they come in several flavors, but we will focus on “services” and “targets” here.
A systemd “.service file” describes a process managed by systemd. It contains roughly the same information as old-style init-scripts, but expressed in a declaratory (and much more concise) way. Systemd handles the bulk of the repetitive tasks (starting and stopping the process, checking its status, logging, dropping privileges, and so on), and the service file only needs to fill in the specifics of the process. For instance, here is the service file for SSH:
Description=OpenBSD Secure Shell server
Documentation=man:sshd(8) man:sshd_config(5) auditd.service

ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/sshd -t
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/sshd -D $SSHD_OPTS
ExecReload=/usr/sbin/sshd -t
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID

The [Unit] section contains generic information about the service, like its description and manual page resources, as well as relations (dependency and order) to other services. The [Service] part contains the declarations related to the service execution (starting, stopping, killing, restarting), directories and configuration file(s) used. The last section, [Install], again carries generic information into which targets to install the service and, in this case, the alias that can be used instead of the service name. As you can see, there is very little code in there, only declarations. Systemd takes care of displaying progress reports, keeping track of the processes, and even restarting them when needed. The syntax of these files is fully described in several manual pages (e.g. systemd.service(5), systemd.unit(5), systemd.exec(5), etc.).
A systemd “.target file” describes a state of the system where a set of services are known to be operational. It can be thought of as an equivalent of the old-style runlevel. One of the pre-defined targets is; when it is reached, the rest of the system can assume that all local filesystems are mounted and accessible. Other targets include and (for a full list of special targets see systemd.special(7)). The dependencies of a target can be listed either within the target file (in the Requires= line), or using a symbolic link to a service file in the /lib/systemd/system/ directory. For instance, /etc/systemd/system/ contains a link to /lib/systemd/system/cups.service; systemd will therefore ensure CUPS is running in order to reach
單元檔案是宣告性的而不是腳本或程式,不能直接執行,祗能被 systemd 解譯;因些有些工具允許管理者與 systemd 互動且控制系統的狀態與其元件。
第一種這類工具是 systemctl。未使用參數執行時,它列出 systemd 已知的所有單元檔 (除了已經停用的),及其現況。systemctl status 則以更佳的角度檢視服務,以及相關的程序。若提供服務的名稱 (如 systemctl status ntp.service),則送回更多詳細的資料,以及與該服務有關的最後幾個日誌檔 (還有更多的)。
執行 systemctl start servicename.service 就能以人工方式啟動服務。同樣的,執行 systemctl stop servicename.service 就能停止已完成的服務;其他的次命令包括 reloadrestart
systemctl enable servicename.service (或 disable) 控制啟動服務 (即開機後自動啟動)。is-enabled 可以檢查服務的狀態。
An interesting feature of systemd is that it includes a logging component named journald. It comes as a complement to more traditional logging systems such as syslogd, but it adds interesting features such as a formal link between a service and the messages it generates, and the ability to capture error messages generated by its initialization sequence. The messages can be displayed later on, with a little help from the journalctl command. Without any arguments, it simply spews all log messages that occurred since system boot; it will rarely be used in such a manner. Most of the time, it will be used with a service identifier:
# journalctl -u ssh.service
-- Logs begin at Tue 2015-03-31 10:08:49 CEST, end at Tue 2015-03-31 17:06:02 CEST. --
Mar 31 10:08:55 mirtuel sshd[430]: Server listening on port 22.
Mar 31 10:08:55 mirtuel sshd[430]: Server listening on :: port 22.
Mar 31 10:09:00 mirtuel sshd[430]: Received SIGHUP; restarting.
Mar 31 10:09:00 mirtuel sshd[430]: Server listening on port 22.
Mar 31 10:09:00 mirtuel sshd[430]: Server listening on :: port 22.
Mar 31 10:09:32 mirtuel sshd[1151]: Accepted password for roland from port 53394 ssh2
Mar 31 10:09:32 mirtuel sshd[1151]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user roland by (uid=0)
另個有用的命令列旗標是 -f,用於指示 journalctl 繼續顯示溢出的新增訊息 (大部份是在 tail -f file 之內)。
若服務狀況不如預共,第一個步驟是以 systemctl status 檢查該服務是否真的已啟動;若沒有,則第一個命令給的訊息就不足以診斷問題之所在,檢查 journald 產生的日誌檔。例如,假設 SSH 伺服器未啟動時:
# systemctl status ssh.service
● ssh.service - OpenBSD Secure Shell server
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ssh.service; enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: start-limit) since Tue 2015-03-31 17:30:36 CEST; 1s ago
  Process: 1023 ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 1188 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/sshd -D $SSHD_OPTS (code=exited, status=255)
 Main PID: 1188 (code=exited, status=255)

Mar 31 17:30:36 mirtuel systemd[1]: ssh.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a
Mar 31 17:30:36 mirtuel systemd[1]: Unit ssh.service entered failed state.
Mar 31 17:30:36 mirtuel systemd[1]: ssh.service start request repeated too quickly, refusing to start.
Mar 31 17:30:36 mirtuel systemd[1]: Failed to start OpenBSD Secure Shell server.
Mar 31 17:30:36 mirtuel systemd[1]: Unit ssh.service entered failed state.
# journalctl -u ssh.service
-- Logs begin at Tue 2015-03-31 17:29:27 CEST, end at Tue 2015-03-31 17:30:36 CEST. --
Mar 31 17:29:27 mirtuel sshd[424]: Server listening on port 22.
Mar 31 17:29:27 mirtuel sshd[424]: Server listening on :: port 22.
Mar 31 17:29:29 mirtuel sshd[424]: Received SIGHUP; restarting.
Mar 31 17:29:29 mirtuel sshd[424]: Server listening on port 22.
Mar 31 17:29:29 mirtuel sshd[424]: Server listening on :: port 22.
Mar 31 17:30:10 mirtuel sshd[1147]: Accepted password for roland from port 38742 ssh2
Mar 31 17:30:10 mirtuel sshd[1147]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user roland by (uid=0)
Mar 31 17:30:35 mirtuel sshd[1180]: /etc/ssh/sshd_config line 28: unsupported option "yess".
Mar 31 17:30:35 mirtuel systemd[1]: ssh.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a
Mar 31 17:30:35 mirtuel systemd[1]: Unit ssh.service entered failed state.
Mar 31 17:30:35 mirtuel sshd[1182]: /etc/ssh/sshd_config line 28: unsupported option "yess".
Mar 31 17:30:35 mirtuel systemd[1]: ssh.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a
Mar 31 17:30:35 mirtuel systemd[1]: Unit ssh.service entered failed state.
Mar 31 17:30:35 mirtuel sshd[1184]: /etc/ssh/sshd_config line 28: unsupported option "yess".
Mar 31 17:30:35 mirtuel systemd[1]: ssh.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a
Mar 31 17:30:35 mirtuel systemd[1]: Unit ssh.service entered failed state.
Mar 31 17:30:36 mirtuel sshd[1186]: /etc/ssh/sshd_config line 28: unsupported option "yess".
Mar 31 17:30:36 mirtuel systemd[1]: ssh.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a
Mar 31 17:30:36 mirtuel systemd[1]: Unit ssh.service entered failed state.
Mar 31 17:30:36 mirtuel sshd[1188]: /etc/ssh/sshd_config line 28: unsupported option "yess".
Mar 31 17:30:36 mirtuel systemd[1]: ssh.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a
Mar 31 17:30:36 mirtuel systemd[1]: Unit ssh.service entered failed state.
Mar 31 17:30:36 mirtuel systemd[1]: ssh.service start request repeated too quickly, refusing to start.
Mar 31 17:30:36 mirtuel systemd[1]: Failed to start OpenBSD Secure Shell server.
Mar 31 17:30:36 mirtuel systemd[1]: Unit ssh.service entered failed state.
# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# systemctl start ssh.service
# systemctl status ssh.service
● ssh.service - OpenBSD Secure Shell server
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ssh.service; enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2015-03-31 17:31:09 CEST; 2s ago
  Process: 1023 ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 1222 (sshd)
   CGroup: /system.slice/ssh.service
           └─1222 /usr/sbin/sshd -D
檢查服務的狀態 (失敗) 後,再檢查日誌檔;它們會指出組態的錯誤。編輯組態檔並修正錯誤後,重啟服務,確認執行中。

9.1.2. System V 初始系統

The System V init system (which we'll call init for brevity) executes several processes, following instructions from the /etc/inittab file. The first program that is executed (which corresponds to the sysinit step) is /etc/init.d/rcS, a script that executes all of the programs in the /etc/rcS.d/ directory.
  • 組態終端機的鍵盤;
  • 載入驅動程式:大部份的核心模組在偵測到硬體後由核心本身載入;其他的驅動程式在對應模組列在 /etc/modules 時,才自動載入;
  • 檢查檔案系織的完整性;
  • 掛載在地分區;
  • 組態網路;
  • 掛載網路檔案系統 (NFS)。
到了這個地步,init 接手並啟動執行階段預設的程式 (通常是執行階段 2)。它執行 /etc/init.d/rc 2,一個啟動列在 /etc/rc2.d/ 之內的所有服務並命名為 “S” 字母開頭。接著的兩位數,曾經做為服務啟動的順序,不過現在的預設啟動系統使用 insserv,根據腳本的相依性自動決定其先後順序。每個啟動腳本宣告的情況必須符合啟動或停止服務 (例如,必須在另個服務之前或之後啟動);init 再依此情況啟動它們。不再考慮靜態的腳本編號 (但仍需按相依性使用 “S” 及兩個數字與實際的腳本名稱)。通常,基本的服務 (諸如以 rsyslog 登入,或以 portmap 指定埠口) 先列出來,然後才是標準服務與圖形介面 (gdm3)。
init 區隔多個執行階層,所以可以用 telinit new-level 命令切換。立即,init 在新的執行階層再次執行 /etc/init.d/rc。這個腳本可執行缺失的服務並停止不再用到的服務。為了做到這個程度,它參照 /etc/rcX.d 的內容 (X 代表新的執行階層)。以 “S” (表示開始 “Start”) 開始的腳本是將啟動的服務;以 “K” (表示砍掉 “Kill”) 開始的腳本是將停止的服務。腳本不會啟動已經在前個執行階層執行的服務。
預設,Debian 的 System V init 使用四個不同的執行階層:
  • 0 層,祗是暫時的,電腦進入關機程序。所以,祗包括若干 “K” 腳本。
  • 1 層,也稱為單一使用者模式,對應於系統的降級模式;祗包括基本服務,並試圖維護與一般使用者非必要的運作。
  • 2 層是標準運作,包括網路服務、圖形介面、使用者登入等。
  • 6 層類似 0 層,除了在重開機之前先執行關機。
其他的階層,尤其是 3 至 5 階。它們預設的組態等同於階層 2,但是管理者可以修改它們 (在對應的 /etc/rcX.d 資料夾新增或刪除腳本) 以適應特定的需求。
以 System V init 執行 Linux 的啟動程序

圖形 9.2. 以 System V init 執行 Linux 的啟動程序

All the scripts contained in the various /etc/rcX.d directories are really only symbolic links — created upon package installation by the update-rc.d program — pointing to the actual scripts which are stored in /etc/init.d/. The administrator can fine tune the services available in each runlevel by re-running update-rc.d with adjusted parameters. The update-rc.d(1) manual page describes the syntax in detail. Please note that removing all symbolic links (with the remove parameter) is not a good method to disable a service. Instead you should simply configure it to not start in the desired runlevel (while preserving the corresponding calls to stop it in the event that the service runs in the previous runlevel). Since update-rc.d has a somewhat convoluted interface, you may prefer using rcconf (from the rcconf package) which provides a more user-friendly interface.
最後,init 啟動虛擬終端機 (getty) 的控制程式。顯示提示符號,等待使用者名稱,然後執行 login user 啟始一個程序。