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Rozdział 4. Instalacja

4.1. Metody instalacji
4.1.1. Instalacja z płyty CD-ROM/DVD-ROM
4.1.2. Rozruch z klucza USB
4.1.3. Instalowanie poprzez Rozruch Sieciowy
4.1.4. Inne metody instalacji
4.2. Instalacja, krok po kroku
4.2.1. Booting and Starting the Installer
4.2.2. Selecting the language
4.2.3. Selecting the country
4.2.4. Selecting the keyboard layout
4.2.5. Detecting Hardware
4.2.6. Loading Components
4.2.7. Detecting Network Hardware
4.2.8. Konfiguracja sieci komputerowej
4.2.9. Administrator Password
4.2.10. Creating the First User
4.2.11. Configuring the Clock
4.2.12. Detecting Disks and Other Devices
4.2.13. Starting the Partitioning Tool
4.2.14. Installing the Base System
4.2.15. Configuring the Package Manager (apt)
4.2.16. Debian Package Popularity Contest
4.2.17. Selecting Packages for Installation
4.2.18. Installing the GRUB Bootloader
4.2.19. Finishing the Installation and Rebooting
4.3. After the First Boot
4.3.1. Installing Additional Software
4.3.2. Upgrading the System
Aby używać Debiana, trzeba go zainstalować na komputerze; tym zadaniem zajmuje się program debian-installer. Właściwa instalacja pociąga za sobą wiele działań. Ten rozdział dokonuje ich przeglądu w porządku alfabetycznym.
The installer for Bullseye is based on debian-installer. Its modular design enables it to work in various scenarios and allows it to evolve and adapt to changes. Despite the limitations implied by the need to support a large number of architectures, this installer is very accessible to beginners, since it assists users at each stage of the process. Automatic hardware detection, guided partitioning, and graphical user interfaces have solved most of the problems that novices used to face in the early years of Debian.
Installation requires 256 MB of RAM (Random Access Memory) and at least 2 GB of hard drive space. All Falcot computers meet these criteria. Note, however, that these figures apply to the installation of a very limited system without a graphical desktop. A minimum of 2 GB of RAM and 10 GB of hard drive space are really recommended for a basic office desktop workstation.

4.1. Metody instalacji

A Debian system can be installed from several types of media, as long as the BIOS/UEFI (see NOTE UEFI, a modern replacement to the BIOS) of the machine allows it. You can for instance boot with a CD-ROM, a USB key, or even through a network.

4.1.1. Instalacja z płyty CD-ROM/DVD-ROM

Najczęściej stosowaną metodą instalacji jest instalacja z płyty CD-ROM (lub płyty DVD-ROM, która zachowuje się dokładnie w ten sam sposób); komputer uruchamia się z tego medium, a instalację (i częściową kontrolę nad komputerem) przejmuje instalator Debiana.
Various CD-ROM families have different purposes: netinst (network installation) contains the installer and the base Debian system; all other programs are then downloaded. Its “image”, that is the ISO-9660 filesystem that contains the exact contents of the disk, only takes up about 150 to 280 MB (depending on the architecture). On the other hand, the complete set offers all packages and allows for installation on a computer that has no Internet access; it requires around 19 DVD-ROMs (or 4 Blu-ray disks). There is no more official CD-ROMs set as they were really huge, rarely used and now most of the computers use DVD-ROMs as well as CD-ROMs. But the programs are divided among the disks according to their popularity and importance; the first disk will be sufficient for most installations, since it contains the most used software.
Jest też ostatni typ obrazu, znany jako mini.iso, który jest dostępny tylko jako produkt uboczny instalatora. Ten obraz zawiera minimum wymagane do konfiguracji sieci komputerowej, a wszystko inne jest pobierane z Internetu (łącznie z częściami samego instalatora), dlatego obrazy te mają tendencje do uszkodzeń, (gdy wydawana jest nowa wersja instalatora). Obrazy można znaleźć na normalnych serwerach lustrzanych Debiana w katalogu pod nazwą dists/release/main/installer-arch/current/images/netboot.
To acquire Debian CD-ROM images, you may, of course, download them and burn them to disk. You may also purchase them, and, thus, provide the project with a little financial support. Check the website to see the list of DVD-ROM image vendors and download sites.

4.1.2. Rozruch z klucza USB

Ponieważ większość komputerów ma możliwość rozruchu z urządzeń USB, można też zainstalować Debiana z klucza USB (to nic innego niż mały dysk pamięci flash).
Podręcznik instalacji wyjaśnia, jak zapisać debian-installer na kluczu USB. Procedura jest bardzo prosta, ponieważ obrazy ISO dla architektury sprzętowej i386 oraz amd64 to obrazy hybrydowe, które mogą dokonać rozruchu zarówno z płyty CD-ROM, jak i z klucza USB.
You must first identify the device name of the USB key (ex: /dev/sdb); the simplest means to do this is to check the messages issued by the kernel using the dmesg command. Then you must copy the previously downloaded ISO image (for example, debian-11.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso) with the command cat debian-11.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso >/dev/sdb; sync. This command requires administrator rights, since it accesses the USB key directly and blindly erases its content.
A more detailed explanation is available in the installation manual. Among other things, it describes an alternative method of preparing a USB key that is more complex, but that allows you to customize the installer's default options (those set in the kernel command line).

4.1.3. Instalowanie poprzez Rozruch Sieciowy

Wiele BIOS-ów pozwala na rozruch bezpośrednio z sieci komputerowej za pomocą pobrania jądra i minimalnego obrazu systemu plików. Ta metoda, która ma wiele nazw, takich jak rozruch PXE lub TFTP, może być jedyną możliwą metodą instalacyjną, gdy komputer nie ma wbudowanego napedu CD-ROM lub jeśli BIOS nie może dokonać rozruchu z płyty.
This installation method works in two steps. First, while booting the computer, the BIOS (or the network card) issues a BOOTP/DHCP request to automatically acquire an IP address. When a BOOTP or DHCP server returns a response, it includes a filename, as well as network settings. After having configured the network, the client computer then issues a TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) request for a file whose name was previously indicated. Once this file is acquired, it is executed as though it were a bootloader. This then launches the Debian installation program, which is executed as though it were running from the hard drive, a CD-ROM, or a USB key.
All the details of this method are available in the installation guide (“Preparing files for TFTP Net Booting” section).

4.1.4. Inne metody instalacji

When we have to deploy customized installations for a large number of computers, we generally choose an automated rather than a manual installation method. Depending on the situation and the complexity of the installations to be made, we can use FAI (Fully Automatic Installer, described in Sekcja 12.3.1, „Fully Automatic Installer (FAI)”), or even a customized installation DVD with preseeding (see Sekcja 12.3.2, „Preseeding Debian-Installer”).
It should also be noted that the installer can load and run an SSH server and thus provides the ability to install Debian remotely via an SSH session. The release notes also describe how to run the installer from an existing system using grub to replace it completely.