Berkeley DB
version 5.3.28

Uses of Class

Packages that use DatabaseException
com.sleepycat.bind.serial Bindings that use Java serialization. 
com.sleepycat.collections Data access based on the standard Java collections API. 
com.sleepycat.db Berkeley DB Java API
[reference guide] [Java programming notes]
com.sleepycat.persist The Direct Persistence Layer (DPL) adds a persistent object model to the Berkeley DB transactional engine. 
com.sleepycat.persist.raw Raw data access for general purpose tools and manual conversions. 

Uses of DatabaseException in com.sleepycat.bind.serial

Methods in com.sleepycat.bind.serial that throw DatabaseException
 void ClassCatalog.close()
          Close a catalog database and release any cached resources.
 void StoredClassCatalog.close()
 ObjectStreamClass ClassCatalog.getClassFormat(byte[] classID)
          Return the ObjectStreamClass for the given class ID.
 ObjectStreamClass StoredClassCatalog.getClassFormat(byte[] classID)
 byte[] ClassCatalog.getClassID(ObjectStreamClass classDesc)
          Return the class ID for the current version of the given class description.
 byte[] StoredClassCatalog.getClassID(ObjectStreamClass classFormat)

Constructors in com.sleepycat.bind.serial that throw DatabaseException
StoredClassCatalog(Database database)
          Creates a catalog based on a given database.

Uses of DatabaseException in com.sleepycat.collections

Methods in com.sleepycat.collections that throw DatabaseException
 Transaction CurrentTransaction.abortTransaction()
          Aborts the transaction that is active for the current thread for this environment and makes the parent transaction (if any) the current transaction.
 void PrimaryKeyAssigner.assignKey(DatabaseEntry keyData)
          Assigns a new primary key value into the given data buffer.
 Transaction CurrentTransaction.beginTransaction(TransactionConfig config)
          Begins a new transaction for this environment and associates it with the current thread.
 Transaction CurrentTransaction.commitTransaction()
          Commits the transaction that is active for the current thread for this environment and makes the parent transaction (if any) the current transaction.
 void worker)
          Calls the TransactionWorker.doWork() method and, for transactional environments, may begin and end a transaction.

Uses of DatabaseException in com.sleepycat.db

Subclasses of DatabaseException in com.sleepycat.db
 class DeadlockException
          DeadlockException is thrown to a thread of control when multiple threads competing for a lock are deadlocked, when a lock request has timed out or when a lock request would need to block and the transaction has been configured to not wait for locks.
 class HeapFullException
          A HeapFullException is thrown when an attempt was made to add or update a record in a Heap database.
 class LockNotGrantedException
          A LockNotGrantedException is thrown when a lock requested using the Environment.getLock or Environment.lockVector methods, where the noWait flag or lock timers were configured, could not be granted before the wait-time expired.
 class MemoryException
          This exception is thrown when a DatabaseEntry passed to a Database or Cursor method is not large enough to hold a value being returned.
 class ReplicationDuplicateMasterException
          The replication group has more than one master.
 class ReplicationHandleDeadException
          Thrown when a database handle has been invalidated because a replication election unrolled a committed transaction.
 class ReplicationHoldElectionException
          An election is needed.
 class ReplicationJoinFailureException
          Thrown if a new master has been chosen but the client is unable to synchronize with the new master, possibly because the client has turned off automatic internal initialization (the ReplicationConfig.AUTOINIT setting).
 class ReplicationLeaseExpiredException
          Thrown if a master lease has expired.
 class ReplicationLockoutException
          Thrown when an operation was blocked by client/master synchronization.
 class ReplicationSiteUnavailableException
          Thrown if replication group was unable to elect a master, or was unable to complete the election in the specified timeout period.
 class RunRecoveryException
          Thrown when the database environment needs to be recovered.
 class VersionMismatchException
          Thrown if the version of the Berkeley DB library doesn't match the version that created the database environment.

Methods in com.sleepycat.db with parameters of type DatabaseException
 void PanicHandler.panic(Environment environment, DatabaseException e)
          A function to be called if the database environment panics.

Methods in com.sleepycat.db that throw DatabaseException
 void Transaction.abort()
          Cause an abnormal termination of the transaction.
protected  boolean MultipleEntry.append_internal(byte[] newdata, int offset, int len)
protected  boolean MultipleEntry.append_internal(byte[] newdata, int offset, int len, int recno)
 boolean MultipleDataEntry.append(byte[] data)
          Append an entry to the bulk buffer.
 boolean MultipleKeyDataEntry.append(byte[] key, byte[] data)
          Append an entry to the bulk buffer.
 boolean MultipleDataEntry.append(byte[] data, int offset, int len)
          Append an entry to the bulk buffer.
 boolean MultipleKeyDataEntry.append(byte[] key, int koff, int klen, byte[] data, int doff, int dlen)
          Append an entry to the bulk buffer.
 boolean MultipleDataEntry.append(DatabaseEntry data)
          Append an entry to the bulk buffer.
 boolean MultipleKeyDataEntry.append(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Append an entry to the bulk buffer.
 boolean MultipleRecnoDataEntry.append(int recno, byte[] data)
          Append an entry to the bulk buffer.
 boolean MultipleRecnoDataEntry.append(int recno, byte[] data, int offset, int len)
          Append a record number / data item pair to the bulk buffer.
 boolean MultipleRecnoDataEntry.append(int recno, DatabaseEntry data)
          Append an entry to the bulk buffer.
 OperationStatus Database.append(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
           Append the key/data pair to the end of the database.
 void RecordNumberAppender.appendRecordNumber(Database db, DatabaseEntry data, int recno)
          A callback function to modify the stored database based on the generated key.
 void Environment.backup(String target, BackupOptions opt)
          Perform a hot back up of the open environment.
 void Environment.backupDatabase(String dbfile, String target, boolean exclusiveCreate)
          Perform a hot back up of a single database file contained within the environment.
 Transaction Environment.beginCDSGroup()
          Allocate a locker ID in an environment configured for Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store applications.
 Transaction Environment.beginTransaction(Transaction parent, TransactionConfig config)
          Create a new transaction in the database environment.
 void Environment.checkpoint(CheckpointConfig config)
          Synchronously checkpoint the database environment.
 void Sequence.close()
          Close a sequence.
 void ReplicationChannel.close()
          Close the channel.
 void LogCursor.close()
          Discard the log cursor.
 void Environment.close()
          Close the database environment, freeing any allocated resources and closing any underlying subsystems.
 void ReplicationManagerSite.close()
          Close the site.
 void Database.close()
          Flush any cached database information to disk, close any open cursors, free allocated resources, close underlying files, and discard the database handle.
 void JoinCursor.close()
          Closes the cursors that have been opened by this join cursor.
 void Cursor.close()
          Discard the cursor.
 void Database.close(boolean noSync)
          Flush any cached database information to disk, close any open cursors, free allocated resources, close underlying files, and discard the database handle.
 void Environment.closeForceSync()
          Close the database environment, freeing any allocated resources and closing any underlying subsystems.
 void Transaction.commit()
          End the transaction.
 void Transaction.commitNoSync()
          End the transaction, not committing synchronously.
 void Transaction.commitSync()
          End the transaction, committing synchronously.
 void Transaction.commitWriteNoSync()
          End the transaction, writing but not flushing the log.
 CompactStats Database.compact(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry start, DatabaseEntry stop, DatabaseEntry end, CompactConfig config)
          Compact a Btree or Recno database or returns unused Btree, Hash or Recno database pages to the underlying filesystem.
 int OtherCursor)
          Return a comparison of the two cursors.
 OperationStatus Database.consume(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, boolean wait)
          Return the record number and data from the available record closest to the head of the queue, and delete the record.
 int Cursor.count()
          Return a count of the number of data items for the key to which the cursor refers.
 int Environment.createLockerID()
          Allocate a locker ID.
 boolean SecondaryKeyCreator.createSecondaryKey(SecondaryDatabase secondary, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, DatabaseEntry result)
          Creates a secondary key entry, given a primary key and data entry.
 void SecondaryMultiKeyCreator.createSecondaryKeys(SecondaryDatabase secondary, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, Set results)
          Creates a secondary key entry, given a primary key and data entry.
 OperationStatus Cursor.delete()
          Delete the key/data pair to which the cursor refers.
 OperationStatus Database.delete(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key)
          Remove key/data pairs from the database.
 OperationStatus Database.deleteMultiple(Transaction txn, MultipleEntry keys)
          Remove key/data pairs from the database.
 OperationStatus Database.deleteMultipleKey(Transaction txn, MultipleEntry keys)
          Remove key/data pairs from the database.
 int Environment.detectDeadlocks(LockDetectMode mode)
          Run one iteration of the deadlock detector.
 void Transaction.discard()
          Free up all the per-process resources associated with the specified Transaction handle, neither committing nor aborting the transaction.
 Cursor Cursor.dup(boolean samePosition)
          Creates a new cursor that uses the same transaction and locker ID as the original cursor.
 Cursor SecondaryCursor.dup(boolean samePosition)
          Returns a new SecondaryCursor for the same transaction as the original cursor.
 SecondaryCursor SecondaryCursor.dupSecondary(boolean samePosition)
          Returns a new copy of the cursor as a SecondaryCursor.
 void Environment.electReplicationMaster(int nsites, int nvotes)
          Hold an election for the master of a replication group.
 OperationStatus Database.exists(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key)
          Checks if the specified key appears in the database.
 void Environment.flushReplication()
          Internal method: re-push the last log record to all clients, in case they've lost messages and don't know it.
 void Environment.freeLockerID(int id)
          Free a locker ID.
 OperationStatus SecondaryDatabase.get(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Retrieves the key/data pair with the given key.
 OperationStatus Database.get(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Retrieves the key/data pair with the given key from the database.
 long Sequence.get(Transaction txn, int delta)
          Return the next available element in the sequence and changes the sequence value by delta.
 ReplicationHostAddress ReplicationManagerSite.getAddress()
          Get the address of the site.
 File[] Environment.getArchiveDatabases()
          Return the database files that need to be archived in order to recover the database from catastrophic failure.
 File[] Environment.getArchiveLogFiles(boolean includeInUse)
          Return an array of log files.
 boolean ReplicationManagerSite.getBootstrapHelper()
          Return if the site is a helper for the local site.
 CacheFile Database.getCacheFile()
          Return the handle for the cache file underlying the database.
 CacheFileStats[] Environment.getCacheFileStats(StatsConfig config)
          Return statistics for individual files in the cache.
 CacheStats Environment.getCacheStats(StatsConfig config)
          Returns the memory pool (that is, the buffer cache) subsystem statistics.
 EnvironmentConfig Environment.getConfig()
          Return this object's configuration.
 ReplicationManagerSiteConfig ReplicationManagerSite.getConfig()
          Get the address and configuration of the site.
 DatabaseConfig Database.getConfig()
          Return this Database object's configuration.
 DatabaseConfig SecondaryDatabase.getConfig()
          Return this Database object's configuration.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getCurrent(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Returns the key/data pair to which the cursor refers.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getCurrent(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Returns the key/data pair to which the cursor refers.
 OperationStatus LogCursor.getCurrent(LogSequenceNumber lsn, DatabaseEntry data)
          Return the LogSequenceNumber and log record to which the log cursor currently refers.
 Database Sequence.getDatabase()
          Return the Database handle associated with this sequence.
 String Database.getDatabaseFile()
          Return the database's underlying file name.
 String Database.getDatabaseName()
          Return the database name.
 int ReplicationManagerSite.getEid()
          Get the environment id of the site.
 Environment Database.getEnvironment()
          Return the Environment handle for the database environment underlying the Database.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getFirst(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the first key/data pair of the database, and return that pair.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getFirst(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the first key/data pair of the database, and return that pair.
 OperationStatus LogCursor.getFirst(LogSequenceNumber lsn, DatabaseEntry data)
          Return the first LogSequenceNumber and log record.
 boolean ReplicationManagerSite.getGroupCreator()
          Return if the site is a group creator.
 File Environment.getHome()
          Return the database environment home directory.
 int Transaction.getId()
          Return the transaction's unique ID.
 DatabaseEntry Sequence.getKey()
          Return the DatabaseEntry used to open this sequence.
 KeyRange Database.getKeyRange(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key)
          Return an estimate of the proportion of keys in the database less than, equal to, and greater than the specified key.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getLast(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the last key/data pair of the database, and return that pair.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getLast(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the last key/data pair of the database, and return that pair.
 OperationStatus LogCursor.getLast(LogSequenceNumber lsn, DatabaseEntry data)
          Return the last LogSequenceNumber and log record.
 boolean ReplicationManagerSite.getLegacy()
          Return if the site is in a legacy group.
 boolean ReplicationManagerSite.getLocalSite()
          Return if the site is the local site.
 Lock Environment.getLock(int locker, boolean noWait, DatabaseEntry object, LockRequestMode mode)
          Acquire a lock from the lock table returning information about it in the Lock parameter.
 int Environment.getLockerPriority(int id)
          Return the deadlock priority for the given locker.
 LockStats Environment.getLockStats(StatsConfig config)
          Return the database environment's locking statistics.
 String Environment.getLogFileName(LogSequenceNumber lsn)
          Return the name of the log file that contains the log record specified by a LogSequenceNumber object.
 LogStats Environment.getLogStats(StatsConfig config)
          Return the database environment's logging statistics.
 long CacheFile.getMaximumSize()
          Return the maximum size for the file backing the database, or 0 if no maximum file size has been configured.
 MutexStats Environment.getMutexStats(StatsConfig config)
          Return the database environment's mutex statistics.
 String Transaction.getName()
          Get the user visible name for the transaction.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getNext(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the next key/data pair and return that pair.
 OperationStatus JoinCursor.getNext(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Returns the next primary key and data resulting from the join operation.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getNext(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the next key/data pair and return that pair.
 OperationStatus JoinCursor.getNext(DatabaseEntry key, LockMode lockMode)
          Returns the next primary key resulting from the join operation.
 OperationStatus LogCursor.getNext(LogSequenceNumber lsn, DatabaseEntry data)
          Return the next LogSequenceNumber and log record.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getNextDup(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the next key/data pair of the database and return that pair.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getNextDup(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the next key/data pair of the database and return that pair.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getNextNoDup(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the next non-duplicate key/data pair and return that pair.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getNextNoDup(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the next non-duplicate key/data pair and return that pair.
 boolean CacheFile.getNoFile()
          Return true if the opening of backing temporary files for in-memory databases has been disallowed.
 boolean ReplicationManagerSite.getPeer()
          Return if the site is peer to local site.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getPrev(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the previous key/data pair and return that pair.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getPrev(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the previous key/data pair and return that pair.
 OperationStatus LogCursor.getPrev(LogSequenceNumber lsn, DatabaseEntry data)
          Return the previous LogSequenceNumber and log record.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getPrevDup(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          If the previous key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the previous key/data pair of the database and return that pair.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getPrevDup(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          If the previous key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the previous key/data pair of the database and return that pair.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getPrevNoDup(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the previous non-duplicate key/data pair and return that pair.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getPrevNoDup(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the previous non-duplicate key/data pair and return that pair.
 CacheFilePriority CacheFile.getPriority()
          Return the cache priority for pages from the specified file.
 int Transaction.getPriority()
          Get the transaction's deadlock priority.
 CacheFilePriority Cursor.getPriority()
          Get the cache priority for pages referenced by the cursor.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getRecordNumber(DatabaseEntry secondaryRecno, DatabaseEntry primaryRecno, LockMode lockMode)
          Return the record number associated with the cursor.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getRecordNumber(DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Return the record number associated with the cursor.
 boolean Environment.getReplicationConfig(ReplicationConfig config)
          Get the configuration of the replication subsystem.
 ReplicationManagerSite Environment.getReplicationManagerLocalSite()
          Return a handle for the local replication site.
 ReplicationManagerSite Environment.getReplicationManagerSite(int eid)
          Return a site known to the replication manager by its eid.
 ReplicationManagerSite Environment.getReplicationManagerSite(String host, long port)
          Return a site in the replication manager by its host and port.
 ReplicationManagerSiteInfo[] Environment.getReplicationManagerSiteList()
          Return an array of all the sites known to the replication manager.
 ReplicationManagerStats Environment.getReplicationManagerStats(StatsConfig config)
          Return the database environment's replication manager statistics.
 int Environment.getReplicationNumSites()
          Get the number of sites in a replication group.
 ReplicationStats Environment.getReplicationStats(StatsConfig config)
          Return the database environment's replication statistics.
 int Environment.getReplicationTimeout(ReplicationTimeoutType type)
          Gets the timeout applied to the specified timeout type.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getSearchBoth(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the specified secondary and primary key, where both the primary and secondary key items must match.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getSearchBoth(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the specified key/data pair, where both the key and data items must match.
 OperationStatus SecondaryDatabase.getSearchBoth(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Retrieves the key/data pair with the specified secondary and primary key, that is, both the primary and secondary key items must match.
 OperationStatus Database.getSearchBoth(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Retrieves the key/data pair with the given key and data value, that is, both the key and data items must match.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getSearchBothRange(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the specified secondary key and closest matching primary key of the database.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getSearchBothRange(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the specified key and matching data item of the database.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getSearchKey(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the given key of the database, and return the datum associated with the given key.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getSearchKey(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the given key of the database, and return the datum associated with the given key.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getSearchKeyRange(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the closest matching key of the database, and return the data item associated with the matching key.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getSearchKeyRange(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the closest matching key of the database, and return the data item associated with the matching key.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getSearchRecordNumber(DatabaseEntry secondaryRecno, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the specific numbered record of the database, and return the associated key/data pair.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getSearchRecordNumber(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the specific numbered record of the database, and return the associated key/data pair.
 OperationStatus SecondaryDatabase.getSearchRecordNumber(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Retrieves the key/data pair associated with the specific numbered record of the database.
 OperationStatus Database.getSearchRecordNumber(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Retrieves the key/data pair associated with the specific numbered record of the database.
 SecondaryConfig SecondaryDatabase.getSecondaryConfig()
          Returns a copy of the secondary configuration of this database.
 SequenceStats Sequence.getStats(StatsConfig config)
          Return statistical information about the sequence.
 DatabaseStats Database.getStats(Transaction txn, StatsConfig config)
          Return database statistics.
 TransactionStats Environment.getTransactionStats(StatsConfig config)
          Return the database environment's transactional statistics.
 boolean CacheFile.getUnlink()
          Return true if the file will be removed when the last reference to it is closed.
 TransactionStatus Environment.isTransactionApplied(byte[] token, int maxwait)
          Return whether the transaction referred to by the commit token "token" has been applied at the local replication environment.
 JoinCursor Database.join(Cursor[] cursors, JoinConfig config)
          Creates a specialized join cursor for use in performing equality or natural joins on secondary indices.
 void Environment.lockVector(int locker, boolean noWait, LockRequest[] list)
          Atomically obtain and release one or more locks from the lock table.
 void Environment.logFlush(LogSequenceNumber lsn)
          Flush log records to stable storage.
 void Environment.logPrint(Transaction txn, String message)
          Append an informational message to the Berkeley DB database environment log files.
 LogSequenceNumber Environment.logPut(DatabaseEntry data, boolean flush)
          Append a record to the log.
 boolean ForeignKeyNullifier.nullifyForeignKey(SecondaryDatabase secondary, DatabaseEntry data)
          Sets the foreign key reference to null in the datum of the primary database.
 boolean ForeignMultiKeyNullifier.nullifyForeignKey(SecondaryDatabase secondary, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, DatabaseEntry secKey)
          Sets the foreign key reference to null in the datum of the primary database.
 ReplicationChannel Environment.openChannel(int eid)
          Create a channel.
 Cursor Database.openCursor(Transaction txn, CursorConfig config)
          Return a cursor into the database.
 Cursor SecondaryDatabase.openCursor(Transaction txn, CursorConfig config)
          Return a cursor into the database.
 Database Environment.openDatabase(Transaction txn, String fileName, String databaseName, DatabaseConfig config)
          Open a database.
 LogCursor Environment.openLogCursor()
          Return a log cursor.
 SecondaryCursor SecondaryDatabase.openSecondaryCursor(Transaction txn, CursorConfig config)
          Obtain a cursor on a database, returning a SecondaryCursor.
 SecondaryDatabase Environment.openSecondaryDatabase(Transaction txn, String fileName, String databaseName, Database primaryDatabase, SecondaryConfig config)
          Open a database.
 Sequence Database.openSequence(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, SequenceConfig config)
          Open a sequence represented by the key in the database.
 void Environment.panic(boolean onoff)
          Set the panic state for the database environment.
 void Transaction.prepare(byte[] gid)
          Initiate the beginning of a two-phase commit.
 ReplicationStatus Environment.processReplicationMessage(DatabaseEntry control, DatabaseEntry rec, int envid)
          Process an incoming replication message sent by a member of the replication group to the local database environment.
 OperationStatus Cursor.put(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store a key/data pair into the database.
 OperationStatus Database.put(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
           Store the key/data pair into the database.
 OperationStatus Cursor.putAfter(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store a key/data pair into the database.
 OperationStatus Cursor.putBefore(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store a key/data pair into the database.
 OperationStatus Cursor.putCurrent(DatabaseEntry data)
          Replaces the data in the key/data pair at the current cursor position.
 OperationStatus Cursor.putKeyFirst(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store a key/data pair into the database.
 OperationStatus Cursor.putKeyLast(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store a key/data pair into the database.
 void Environment.putLock(Lock lock)
          Release a lock.
 OperationStatus Database.putMultiple(Transaction txn, MultipleEntry key, MultipleEntry data, boolean overwrite)
           Store a set of key/data pairs into the database.
 OperationStatus Database.putMultipleKey(Transaction txn, MultipleEntry key, boolean overwrite)
           Store a set of key/data pairs into the database.
 OperationStatus Cursor.putNoDupData(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store a key/data pair into the database.
 OperationStatus Database.putNoDupData(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
           Store the key/data pair into the database if it does not already appear in the database.
 OperationStatus Cursor.putNoOverwrite(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store a key/data pair into the database.
 OperationStatus Database.putNoOverwrite(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
           Store the key/data pair into the database if the key does not already appear in the database.
 PreparedTransaction[] Environment.recover(int count, boolean continued)
          Environment recovery restores transactions that were prepared, but not yet resolved at the time of the system shut down or crash, to their state prior to the shut down or crash, including any locks previously held.
 void ReplicationManagerSite.remove()
          Remove the site.
static void Environment.remove(File home, boolean force, EnvironmentConfig config)
          Destroy a database environment.
static void Database.remove(String fileName, String databaseName, DatabaseConfig config)
           Remove the database specified by the file and database parameters.
 void Environment.removeDatabase(Transaction txn, String fileName, String databaseName)
           Remove the database specified by the fileName and databaseName parameters.
 void Environment.removeOldLogFiles()
          Remove log files that are no longer needed.
 void Database.removeSequence(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, SequenceConfig config)
          Remove the sequence from the database.
static void Database.rename(String fileName, String oldDatabaseName, String newDatabaseName, DatabaseConfig config)
           Rename a database specified by the file and database parameters.
 void Environment.renameDatabase(Transaction txn, String fileName, String databaseName, String newName)
           Rename a database.
 void Environment.replicationManagerStart(int nthreads, ReplicationManagerStartPolicy policy)
          Starts the replication manager.
 void Environment.resetFileID(String filename, boolean encrypted)
          Allows database files to be copied, and then the copy used in the same database environment as the original.
 void Environment.resetLogSequenceNumber(String filename, boolean encrypted)
          Allows database files to be moved from one transactional database environment to another.
 int ReplicationTransport.send(Environment environment, DatabaseEntry control, DatabaseEntry rec, LogSequenceNumber lsn, int envid, boolean noBuffer, boolean permanent, boolean anywhere, boolean isRetry)
          The callback used when Berkeley DB needs to transmit a replication message.
 void ReplicationChannel.sendMessage(Set messages)
          Send a message on the message channel asynchronously.
 void ReplicationChannel.sendRequest(Set messages, DatabaseEntry response, long timeout)
          Send request on the message channel.
 OperationStatus LogCursor.set(LogSequenceNumber lsn, DatabaseEntry data)
          Return a specific log record.
 void ReplicationManagerSite.setBootstrapHelper(boolean helper)
          Set the site to be a helper site.
 void Database.setConfig(DatabaseConfig config)
          Change the settings in an existing database handle.
 void Environment.setConfig(EnvironmentConfig config)
          Change the settings in an existing environment handle.
 void ReplicationManagerSite.setGroupCreator(boolean groupCreator)
          Set the site to be a group creator.
 void ReplicationManagerSite.setLegacy(boolean legacy)
          Specify the site in a legacy group.
 void ReplicationManagerSite.setLocalSite(boolean localSite)
          Set the site to be the local site.
 void Environment.setLockerPriority(int id, int priority)
          Assign a deadlock priority to a locker.
 void Transaction.setLockTimeout(long timeOut)
          Configure the lock request timeout value for the transaction.
 void CacheFile.setMaximumSize(long bytes)
          Set the maximum size for the file backing the database.
 void Transaction.setName(String name)
          Set the user visible name for the transaction.
 void CacheFile.setNoFile(boolean onoff)
          Disallow opening backing temporary files for in-memory databases, even if they expand to fill the entire cache.
 void ReplicationManagerSite.setPeer(boolean peer)
          Set the site to be peer to local site.
 void CacheFile.setPriority(CacheFilePriority priority)
          Set the cache priority for pages from the specified file.
 void Cursor.setPriority(CacheFilePriority priority)
          Set the cache priority for pages referenced by the DBC handle.
 void Transaction.setPriority(int priority)
          Set the deadlock priority for this transaction.
 void Environment.setReplicationConfig(ReplicationConfig config, boolean onoff)
          Configure the replication subsystem.
 void Environment.setReplicationManagerMessageDispatch(ReplicationManagerMessageDispatch dispatch, int flags)
          Set the message dispatch function.
 void Environment.setReplicationTimeout(ReplicationTimeoutType type, int replicationTimeout)
          Sets the timeout applied to the specified timeout type.
 void ReplicationChannel.setTimeout(long timeout)
          Sets the default timeout value for the channel.
 void Transaction.setTxnTimeout(long timeOut)
          Configure the timeout value for the transaction lifetime.
 void CacheFile.setUnlink(boolean onoff)
          Remove the file when the last reference to it is closed.
static void Database.sortMultipleKeyAndData(MultipleDataEntry keys, MultipleDataEntry datas)
          Sorts two DatabaseEntry objects with multiple key and data pairs.
static void Database.sortMultipleKeyData(MultipleKeyDataEntry entries)
          Sorts a DatabaseEntry with multiple matching key/data pairs.
static void Database.sortMultipleKeyOrData(MultipleDataEntry entries)
          Sorts a DatabaseEntry with multiple key or data pairs.
 void Environment.startReplication(DatabaseEntry cdata, boolean master)
          Configure the database environment as a client or master in a group of replicated database environments.
 void Database.sync()
          Flush any cached information to disk.
 void Environment.syncCache(LogSequenceNumber logSequenceNumber)
          Ensure that all modified pages in the cache are flushed to their backing files.
 void Environment.syncReplication()
          Forces master synchronization to begin for this client.
 int Environment.trickleCacheWrite(int percent)
          Ensure that a specified percent of the pages in the shared memory pool are clean, by writing dirty pages to their backing files.
 int Database.truncate(Transaction txn, boolean countRecords)
          Empty the database, discarding all records it contains.
static void Database.upgrade(String fileName, DatabaseConfig config)
          Upgrade all of the databases included in the specified file.
static boolean Database.verify(String fileName, String databaseName, PrintStream dumpStream, VerifyConfig verifyConfig, DatabaseConfig dbConfig)
          Return if all of the databases in a file are uncorrupted.
 int LogCursor.version()
          Get the log file version.

Constructors in com.sleepycat.db that throw DatabaseException
Database(String filename, String databaseName, DatabaseConfig config)
          Open a database.
Environment(File home, EnvironmentConfig config)
          Create a database environment handle.
SecondaryDatabase(String fileName, String databaseName, Database primaryDatabase, SecondaryConfig config)
          Open a database.

Uses of DatabaseException in com.sleepycat.persist

Subclasses of DatabaseException in com.sleepycat.persist
 class IndexNotAvailableException
          Thrown by the getPrimaryIndex, getSecondaryIndex and getSubclassIndex when an index has not yet been created.
 class StoreExistsException
          Thrown by the EntityStore constructor when the ExclusiveCreate configuration parameter is true and the store's internal catalog database already exists.
 class StoreNotFoundException
          Thrown by the EntityStore constructor when the AllowCreate configuration parameter is false and the store's internal catalog database does not exist.

Methods in com.sleepycat.persist that throw DatabaseException
 void EntityCursor.close()
          Closes the cursor.
 void EntityStore.close()
          Closes all databases and sequences that were opened via this store.
 void ForwardCursor.close()
          Closes the cursor.
 void EntityStore.closeClass(Class entityClass)
          Closes the primary and secondary databases for the given entity class that were opened via this store.
 boolean EntityIndex.contains(K key)
          Checks for existence of a key in this index.
 boolean EntityIndex.contains(Transaction txn, K key, LockMode lockMode)
          Checks for existence of a key in this index.
 long EntityIndex.count()
          Returns a non-transactional count of the entities in this index.
 int EntityCursor.count()
          Returns the number of values (duplicates) for the key at the cursor position, or returns zero if all values for the key have been deleted.
 V EntityCursor.current()
          Returns the value at the cursor position, or null if the value at the cursor position has been deleted.
 V EntityCursor.current(LockMode lockMode)
          Returns the value at the cursor position, or null if the value at the cursor position has been deleted.
 boolean EntityCursor.delete()
          Deletes the entity at the cursor position.
 boolean EntityIndex.delete(K key)
          Deletes all entities with a given index key.
 boolean EntityIndex.delete(Transaction txn, K key)
          Deletes all entities with a given index key.
 EntityCursor<V> EntityCursor.dup()
          Duplicates the cursor at the cursor position.
 EntityCursor<V> EntityIndex.entities()
          Opens a cursor for traversing all entities in this index.
 ForwardCursor<E> EntityJoin.entities()
          Opens a cursor that returns the entities qualifying for the join.
 EntityCursor<V> EntityIndex.entities(K fromKey, boolean fromInclusive, K toKey, boolean toInclusive)
          Opens a cursor for traversing entities in a key range.
 EntityCursor<V> EntityIndex.entities(Transaction txn, CursorConfig config)
          Opens a cursor for traversing all entities in this index.
 ForwardCursor<E> EntityJoin.entities(Transaction txn, CursorConfig config)
          Opens a cursor that returns the entities qualifying for the join.
 EntityCursor<V> EntityIndex.entities(Transaction txn, K fromKey, boolean fromInclusive, K toKey, boolean toInclusive, CursorConfig config)
          Opens a cursor for traversing entities in a key range.
 EvolveStats EntityStore.evolve(EvolveConfig config)
          Performs conversion of unevolved objects in order to reduce lazy conversion overhead.
 V EntityCursor.first()
          Moves the cursor to the first value and returns it, or returns null if the cursor range is empty.
 V EntityCursor.first(LockMode lockMode)
          Moves the cursor to the first value and returns it, or returns null if the cursor range is empty.
 V EntityIndex.get(K key)
          Gets an entity via a key of this index.
 E PrimaryIndex.get(PK key)
 E SecondaryIndex.get(SK key)
 V EntityIndex.get(Transaction txn, K key, LockMode lockMode)
          Gets an entity via a key of this index.
 E PrimaryIndex.get(Transaction txn, PK key, LockMode lockMode)
 E SecondaryIndex.get(Transaction txn, SK key, LockMode lockMode)
<PK,E> PrimaryIndex<PK,E>
EntityStore.getPrimaryIndex(Class<PK> primaryKeyClass, Class<E> entityClass)
          Returns the primary index for a given entity class, opening it if necessary.
<SK,PK,E> SecondaryIndex<SK,PK,E>
EntityStore.getSecondaryIndex(PrimaryIndex<PK,E> primaryIndex, Class<SK> keyClass, String keyName)
          Returns a secondary index for a given primary index and secondary key, opening it if necessary.
 Sequence EntityStore.getSequence(String name)
          Returns a named sequence for using Berkeley DB engine API directly, opening it if necessary.
<SK,PK,E1,E2 extends E1>
EntityStore.getSubclassIndex(PrimaryIndex<PK,E1> primaryIndex, Class<E2> entitySubclass, Class<SK> keyClass, String keyName)
          Returns a secondary index for a secondary key in an entity subclass, opening it if necessary.
 EntityCursor<K> EntityIndex.keys()
          Opens a cursor for traversing all keys in this index.
 ForwardCursor<PK> EntityJoin.keys()
          Opens a cursor that returns the primary keys of entities qualifying for the join.
 EntityCursor<K> EntityIndex.keys(K fromKey, boolean fromInclusive, K toKey, boolean toInclusive)
          Opens a cursor for traversing keys in a key range.
 EntityCursor<K> EntityIndex.keys(Transaction txn, CursorConfig config)
          Opens a cursor for traversing all keys in this index.
 ForwardCursor<PK> EntityJoin.keys(Transaction txn, CursorConfig config)
          Opens a cursor that returns the primary keys of entities qualifying for the join.
 EntityCursor<K> EntityIndex.keys(Transaction txn, K fromKey, boolean fromInclusive, K toKey, boolean toInclusive, CursorConfig config)
          Opens a cursor for traversing keys in a key range.
 EntityIndex<SK,PK> SecondaryIndex.keysIndex()
          Returns a read-only keys index that maps secondary key to primary key.
 V EntityCursor.last()
          Moves the cursor to the last value and returns it, or returns null if the cursor range is empty.
 V EntityCursor.last(LockMode lockMode)
          Moves the cursor to the last value and returns it, or returns null if the cursor range is empty.
          Moves the cursor to the next value and returns it, or returns null if there are no more values in the cursor range.
          Moves the cursor to the next value and returns it, or returns null if there are no more values in the cursor range.
 V lockMode)
          Moves the cursor to the next value and returns it, or returns null if there are no more values in the cursor range.
 V lockMode)
          Moves the cursor to the next value and returns it, or returns null if there are no more values in the cursor range.
 V EntityCursor.nextDup()
          Moves the cursor to the next value with the same key (duplicate) and returns it, or returns null if no more values are present for the key at the current position.
 V EntityCursor.nextDup(LockMode lockMode)
          Moves the cursor to the next value with the same key (duplicate) and returns it, or returns null if no more values are present for the key at the current position.
 V EntityCursor.nextNoDup()
          Moves the cursor to the next value with a different key and returns it, or returns null if there are no more unique keys in the cursor range.
 V EntityCursor.nextNoDup(LockMode lockMode)
          Moves the cursor to the next value with a different key and returns it, or returns null if there are no more unique keys in the cursor range.
 V EntityCursor.prev()
          Moves the cursor to the previous value and returns it, or returns null if there are no preceding values in the cursor range.
 V EntityCursor.prev(LockMode lockMode)
          Moves the cursor to the previous value and returns it, or returns null if there are no preceding values in the cursor range.
 V EntityCursor.prevDup()
          Moves the cursor to the previous value with the same key (duplicate) and returns it, or returns null if no preceding values are present for the key at the current position.
 V EntityCursor.prevDup(LockMode lockMode)
          Moves the cursor to the previous value with the same key (duplicate) and returns it, or returns null if no preceding values are present for the key at the current position.
 V EntityCursor.prevNoDup()
          Moves the cursor to the preceding value with a different key and returns it, or returns null if there are no preceding unique keys in the cursor range.
 V EntityCursor.prevNoDup(LockMode lockMode)
          Moves the cursor to the preceding value with a different key and returns it, or returns null if there are no preceding unique keys in the cursor range.
 E PrimaryIndex.put(E entity)
          Inserts an entity and returns null, or updates it if the primary key already exists and returns the existing entity.
 E PrimaryIndex.put(Transaction txn, E entity)
          Inserts an entity and returns null, or updates it if the primary key already exists and returns the existing entity.
 boolean PrimaryIndex.putNoOverwrite(E entity)
          Inserts an entity and returns true, or returns false if the primary key already exists.
 boolean PrimaryIndex.putNoOverwrite(Transaction txn, E entity)
          Inserts an entity and returns true, or returns false if the primary key already exists.
 void PrimaryIndex.putNoReturn(E entity)
          Inserts an entity, or updates it if the primary key already exists (does not return the existing entity).
 void PrimaryIndex.putNoReturn(Transaction txn, E entity)
          Inserts an entity, or updates it if the primary key already exists (does not return the existing entity).
 EntityIndex<PK,E> SecondaryIndex.subIndex(SK key)
          Returns an index that maps primary key to entity for the subset of entities having a given secondary key (duplicates).
 void EntityStore.truncateClass(Class entityClass)
          Deletes all instances of this entity class and its (non-entity) subclasses.
 void EntityStore.truncateClass(Transaction txn, Class entityClass)
          Deletes all instances of this entity class and its (non-entity) subclasses.
 boolean EntityCursor.update(V entity)
          Replaces the entity at the cursor position with the given entity.

Constructors in com.sleepycat.persist that throw DatabaseException
EntityStore(Environment env, String storeName, StoreConfig config)
          Opens an entity store in a given environment.
PrimaryIndex(Database database, Class<PK> keyClass, EntryBinding<PK> keyBinding, Class<E> entityClass, EntityBinding<E> entityBinding)
          Creates a primary index without using an EntityStore.
SecondaryIndex(SecondaryDatabase database, Database keysDatabase, PrimaryIndex<PK,E> primaryIndex, Class<SK> secondaryKeyClass, EntryBinding<SK> secondaryKeyBinding)
          Creates a secondary index without using an EntityStore.

Uses of DatabaseException in com.sleepycat.persist.raw

Methods in com.sleepycat.persist.raw that throw DatabaseException
 void RawStore.close()
          Closes all databases and sequences that were opened by this model.
 PrimaryIndex<Object,RawObject> RawStore.getPrimaryIndex(String entityClass)
          Opens the primary index for a given entity class.
 SecondaryIndex<Object,Object,RawObject> RawStore.getSecondaryIndex(String entityClass, String keyName)
          Opens the secondary index for a given entity class and secondary key name.

Constructors in com.sleepycat.persist.raw that throw DatabaseException
RawStore(Environment env, String storeName, StoreConfig config)
          Opens an entity store for raw data access.

Berkeley DB
version 5.3.28

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