Using libdavix ============== File interface -------------- Most methods in the ``Davix::DavFile`` API come with an exception safe version which accepts a ``DavixError*`` as an argument, and a version which throws ``DavixException`` instead. * Instantiate a new DavFile. .. code-block:: cpp Context c; DavFile file(c, Uri("")); * Get all replicas associated to a file. .. code-block:: cpp Context c; DavixError* err = NULL; DavFile file(c, Uri("")); std::vector resultVec; resultVec = file.getReplicas(NULL, &err); * Execute a vector read operation. .. code-block:: cpp Context c; DavixError* err = NULL; DavFile file(c, Uri("")); int number_of_vector = 2; DavIOVecInput input_vector[number_of_vector]; DavIOVecOutput output_vector[number_of_vector]; // Setup vector operations parameters char buf1[255] = {0}; char buf2[255] = {0}; input_vector[0].diov_offset = 100; input_vector[0].diov_size = 200; input_vector[0].diov_buffer = buf1; input_vector[1].diov_offset = 600; input_vector[1].diov_size = 150; input_vector[1].diov_buffer = buf2; // execute query file.readPartialBufferVec(NULL, input_vector, output_vector, number_of_vector, &err); std::cout << "Op 1 read " << output_vector[0].diov_size << "bytes" << std::endl; std::cout << "Op 2 read " << output_vector[1].diov_size << "bytes" << std::endl; // do things with content in output_vector[0].diov_buffer etc * Write the contents of a remote file to a local file descriptor. .. code-block:: cpp Context c; DavixError* err = NULL; DavFile file(c, Uri("")); int fd = open("/tmp/local_file" O_WRONLY, O_CREAT); // get full file file.getToFd(NULL, fd, &err); // get first 200 bytes from file file.getToFd(NULL, fd, 200, &err); * Download parts of a file with a single-range GET .. code-block:: cpp Context c; char buffer[255]; DavFile file(c, Uri("")); // get 100 bytes from at offset 200 file.readPartial(NULL, buffer, 100, 200); * Download full file contents to a dynamically allocated buffer. .. code-block:: cpp Context c; DavixError* err = NULL; DavFile file(c, Uri("")); std::vector buffer; // warning, this operation has no size limit regarding the content file.getFull(NULL, buffer, &err); // do things with buffer // ... * Create or replace a remote file with the contents of a file descriptor. .. code-block:: cpp Context c; DavFile file(c, Uri("")); int fd = open("/tmp/file_to_upload", O_RDONLY); // get file size struct stat st; fstat(fd, &st); // execute put file.put(NULL, fd, static_cast(st.st_size)); * Create or replace a remote file with the contents of a buffer. .. code-block:: cpp Context c; DavFile file(c, Uri("")); char buffer[255]; // fills buffer with something useful // execute put file.put(NULL, &buffer, static_castsizeof(buffer)); * Create or replace a remote file with contents provided by a callback function. .. code-block:: cpp // data provider int myDataProvider(void* buffer, dav_size_t max_size){ static dav_size_t content_size = 200; if(max_size == 0) return 0; else{ char my_useful_content[255]={1}; int bytes_to_write = (max_sized_name << std::endl; } pos.closedir(fd, &err); * Open and read a collection with per-entry metadata .. code-block:: cpp Context c; DavixError* err = NULL; DavPosix pos(&c); DAVIX_DIR* fd; struct dirent* entry; struct stat info; fd = posix.opendirpp(NULL, "dav://", &err); while(entry = pos.readdirpp(fd, &info, &err)){ std::cout << entry->d_name << "is " << info.st_size << "bytes in size." << std::endl; } pos.closedirpp(fd, &err); * Create a collection or directory .. code-block:: cpp Context c; DavixError* err = NULL; DavPosix pos(&c); pos.mkdir(NULL, "dav://", S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH, &err); * Rename a file or collection .. code-block:: cpp Context c; DavixError* err = NULL; DavPosix pos(&c); pos.rename(NULL, "", "", &err); * Remove a file .. code-block:: cpp Context c; DavixError* err = NULL; DavPosix pos(&c); pos.unlink(NULL, "", &err); * Remove a collection or directory .. code-block:: cpp Context c; DavixError* err = NULL; DavPosix pos(&c); pos.rmdir(NULL, "dav://", &err); * Open a file for random I/O (read, partial read, and write) .. code-block:: cpp Context c; DavixError* err = NULL; DavPosix pos(&c); DAVIX_FD* fd; fd =, "", O_RDONLY, &err); // read 200 bytes from myfile char buffer[255];, &buffer, 200, &err); // read 50 bytes from myfile at offset 100 char buffer2[255]; pos.pread(fd, &buffer2, 50, 100, &err); pos.close(fd); // create a new file and write 200 bytes from buffer to it fd =, "", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, &err); pos.write(fd, &buffer, 200); pos.close(fd); * Vectored read - carry out several read operations in one single request, if the server supports it .. code-block:: cpp Context c; DavixError* err = NULL; DavPosix pos(&c); int number_of_vector = 2; DavIOVecInput input_vector[number_of_vector]; DavIOVecOuput output_vector[number_of_vector]; DAVIX_FD* fd; fd =, "", O_RDONLY, &err); // Setup vector operations parameters char buf1[255] = {0}; char buf2[255] = {0}; input_vector[0].diov_offset = 100; input_vector[0].diov_size = 200; input_vector[0].diov_buffer = buf1; input_vector[1].diov_offset = 600; input_vector[1].diov_size = 150; input_vector[1].diov_buffer = buf2; // execute query pos.preadVec(fd, input_vector, output_vector, number_of_vector, &err); std::cout << "Op 1 read " << output_vector[0].diov_size << "bytes" << std::endl; std::cout << "Op 2 read " << output_vector[1].diov_size << "bytes" << std::endl; // do things with content in output_vector[0].diov_buffer etc pos.close(fd); * Re-position read/write file offset .. code-block:: cpp Context c; DavixError* err = NULL; DavPosix pos(&c); DAVIX_FD* fd; fd =, "", O_RDONLY, &err); // position cursor to 200 bytes offset lseek(fd, 200, SEEK_SET, &err); // position cursor to current location plus 100 offset lseek(fd, 100, SEEK_CUR, &err); // position cursor to end of the file plus offset 200 lseek(fd, 200, SEEK_END, &err); pos.close(fd); HTTP requests ------------- The ``Davix::HttpRequest`` interface allows you to construct, customise and execute HTTP requests. It also provides methods for retrieving server responses. Requests can be executed in two ways: * Using the ``executeRequest()`` method, which will execute the entire request immediately. * Using the ``beginRequest()`` function, which will initiate a multi-part request. This should be used for requests that expect a large answer. Note that requests initiated by ``beginRequest()`` should be closed by using the ``endRequest()``. * Instantiate a new HttpRequest .. code-block:: cpp Context c; DavixError* err = NULL; HttpRequest myrequest(c, "", &err); * Set the request method .. code-block:: cpp myrequest.setRequestMethod("GET"); * Configure request parameters .. code-block:: cpp RequestParams params; params.setUserAgent("MyAwesomeApp"); params.setClientLoginPassword("my_login_name", "my_uber_secure_password"); // ... myrequest.setParameters(params); * Add custom header field .. code-block:: cpp myrequest.addHeaderField("Accept", "application/metalink4+xml"); * Set the request body .. code-block:: cpp // from a string std::string content_string myrequest.setRequestBody(content_string); // from a buffer char buffer [255]; // fills buffer with something useful myrequest.setRequestBody(&buffer, sizeof(buffer)); // from a file descriptor, at offset 100 for 200 bytes int fd = open("/tmp/myfile", O_RDONLY); myrequest.setRequestBody(fd, 100, 200); close(fd); * Execute a full request .. code-block:: cpp myrequest.executeRequest(&err); * Start a multi-part HTTP request .. code-block:: cpp myrequest.beginRequest(&err); * End a multi-part HTTP request .. code-block:: cpp myrequest.endRequest(&err); * Read a block of size n bytes from the answer .. code-block:: cpp // read max n bytes to static buffer char buffer[255]; myrequest.readBlock(&buffer, n, &err); // read to dynamically sized buffer, with max size n std::vector buffer2; myrequest.readBlock(&buffer2, n, &err); * Read a segment of size n from the answer .. code-block:: cpp // readSegment calls readBlock repeatedly until n size is read, or end of answer char buffer[50*1024]; myrequest.readSegment(&buffer, n, &err); * Read a line of text from the answer, with a maximum size of n .. code-block:: cpp char buffer[255]; myrequest.readLine(&buffer, n, &err); * Write the answer contents to a file descriptor .. code-block:: cpp char buffer[255] int fd = open("tmp/myfile", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT); // with no size limit myrequest.readToFd(fd, &err); // with 100 bytes limit myrequest.readToFd(fd, 100, &err); * Get size of answer .. code-block:: cpp dav_ssize_t size; size = myrequest.getAnswerSize(); * Get response body .. code-block:: cpp // into dynamically sized buffer std::vector buffer1; buffer1 = myrequest.getAnswerContentVec(); // into static buffer const char* buffer2 = myrequest.getAnswerContent(); * Get the status code of the response .. code-block:: cpp int code; code = myrequest.getRequestCode(); * Get last modified time .. code-block:: cpp time_t last_modified; last_modified = myrequest.getLastModified(); * Get the value associated with a particular header key .. code-block:: cpp std::string value; myrequest.getAnswerHeader("Content-Type", &value); std::cout << "Content-Type is " << value << std::endl; * Get all header fields into a vector .. code-block:: cpp HeaderVec headers; myrequest.getAnswerHeaders(headers); for(HeaderVec::iterator it = headers.begin(), it < headers.end(); ++it){ std::cout << it->first << ": " << it->second << std::endl; } * Clear the HttpRequest answer buffer .. code-block:: cpp myrequest.clearAnswerContent(); * Process then discard the response body .. code-block:: cpp // calls readSegment on the answer repeatedly but do nothing with content myrequest.discardBody(&err); * Use pre-configured requests for specific HTTP operations .. code-block:: cpp Context c; DavixError* err = NULL; Uri myuri(""); // Get request GetRequest req(c, myuri, &err); // Put request PutRequest req(c, myuri, &err); // Head request HeadRequest req(c, myuri, &err); // Delete request DeleteRequest req(c, myuri, &err); // Propfind request ProfindRequest req(c, myuri, &err); Error reporting and exceptions ------------------------------ Davix uses an error reporting system similar to Glib, relying on ``Davix::DavixError`` objects to store the scope where an error occurred, the error code, and the error message. The ``DavixError`` objects can be checked on local level, or passed into other functions for error handling, or be propagated back up the stack frame. Davix also provides a ``Davix::DavixException`` class that encapsulates ``DavixError``, for situations where exceptions are more appropriate. Most functions in the ``Davix::DavFile`` API provide an exception safe version that takes a ``DavixError*`` as argument, as well as a version that throws ``DavixException`` and does not require ``DavixError``. Davix::DavixError ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``DavixError`` error reporting system can be used when exception throwing behavior is not desirable. A ``DavixError`` object should not be instantiated manually, the ``DavixError::setupError()`` function should be used where an error has occurred. Most functions provided by the APIs accept a pointer to the ``DavixError`` type, which if set to ``NULL``, will bypasses the error reporting system. In the event where an error occurs, a new ``DavixError`` object is created and its address assigned to the ``DavixError*`` passed into the function. .. code-block:: cpp Context c; DavixError* err = NULL; // delete a WebDAV collection DavFile myDavCollection(c, Uri("davs://")); myDavCollection.deletion(NULL, &err); // check if an error occurred // if err is not NULL anymore, that means a DavixError object had been created // if *err is not NULL, the object is valid if(err && *err){ std::cerr << err->getErrScope() << " Error code: " << err->getStatus() << " Error: " << err->getErrMsg() << std::endl; } Davix::DavixException ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``DavixException`` is the recommended error handling method when using the ``DavFile`` API, it encapsulates a ``DavixError`` object which holds information such as the scope where an error occurred, the error code, and the error message. * Throw a ``DavixException`` .. code-block:: cpp throw DavixException("Where", "What", "This is what has happened..."); * Catch a ``DavixException`` .. code-block:: cpp TRY_DAVIX{ DavFile myDavCollection(c, Uri("davs://")); myDavCollection.deletion(NULL); }CATCH_DAVIX(&err){ std::cerr << err->getErrScope() << " Error code: " << err->getStatus() << " Error: " << err->getErrMsg() << std::endl; // handle error or propagate // ... }