The muse_scipost_subtract_sky recipe



Subtract night sky model.


Subtract the sky as defined by the sky lines and continuum from a pixel table. This is a separated task of muse_scipost.



Create an object for the recipe muse_scipost_subtract_sky.

import cpl
muse_scipost_subtract_sky = cpl.Recipe("muse_scipost_subtract_sky")



Cut off the data below this wavelength after loading the pixel table(s). (float; default: 4000.0) [default=4000.0].


Cut off the data above this wavelength after loading the pixel table(s). (float; default: 10000.0) [default=10000.0].


If specified, write an additional column containing the original data to the pixel table. (str; default: ‘’) [default=””].


Reference flat field flux, obtained by sky exposure. This parameter is needed to scale the data of each pixel table if more than one pixel table was used to determine the sky. By default, it is taken from the parameter ESO DRS MUSE FLAT FLUX SKY of the first pixel table. (float; default: 0.0) [default=0.0].


Reference flat field flux, obtained by lamp exposure. This parameter is needed to scale the data of each pixel table if more than one pixel table was used to determine the sky. By default, it is taken from the parameter ESO DRS MUSE FLAT FLUX LAMP of the first pixel table. (float; default: 0.0) [default=0.0].

The following code snippet shows the default settings for the available parameters.

import cpl
muse_scipost_subtract_sky = cpl.Recipe("muse_scipost_subtract_sky")

muse_scipost_subtract_sky.param.lambdamin = 4000.0
muse_scipost_subtract_sky.param.lambdamax = 10000.0
muse_scipost_subtract_sky.param.orig = ""
muse_scipost_subtract_sky.param.flux_sky = 0.0
muse_scipost_subtract_sky.param.flux_lamp = 0.0

You may also set or overwrite some or all parameters by the recipe parameter param, as shown in the following example:

import cpl
muse_scipost_subtract_sky = cpl.Recipe("muse_scipost_subtract_sky")
res = muse_scipost_subtract_sky( ..., param = {"lambdamin":4000.0, "lambdamax":10000.0})

See also

cpl.Recipe for more information about the recipe object.

Bug reports

Please report any problems to Ole Streicher. Alternatively, you may send a report to the ESO User Support Department.