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tspdcv.f90 File Reference

This subroutine computes the explicit contribution of headlosses terms. More...


subroutine tspdcv (ncepdp, icepdc, vela, ckupdc, trav)

Detailed Description

This subroutine computes the explicit contribution of headlosses terms.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ tspdcv()

subroutine tspdcv ( integer  ncepdp,
integer, dimension(ncepdp)  icepdc,
double precision, dimension (3 ,ncelet)  vela,
double precision, dimension(6,ncepdp)  ckupdc,
double precision, dimension(3,ncelet)  trav 
[in]ncepdpnumber of cells with head loss
[in]icepdcindex of cells with head loss
[in]velavelocity at the previous time step
[in]ckupdcwork array for the head loss
[out]travright hand side